I Can Win the Position of the Elder Son

The Richard Urban Show

Three major events all happened on January 13th, 2020. Find out why this was D-Day and what we can expect to happen in the next two years.

Watch: #94-D-Day Was January 13th, 2020

Podcast: D-Day Was January 13th, 2020

Genesis 31

10 Once, when the flocks were mating, I dreamed that all the rams were either spotted or speckled. 11 Then God’s angel called me by name. I answered, 12 and he said, “Notice that all the rams are either spotted or speckled. I know everything Laban is doing to you, 13 and I am the God you worshiped at Bethel, when you poured olive oil on a rock and made a promise to me. Leave here right away and return to the land where you were born.”

Nahum 1

10 They are like drunkards
    overcome by wine,
or like dry thornbushes
    burning in a fire.
11 Assyria, one of your rulers
has made evil plans
    against the Lord.

12 But the Lord says, “Assyria,
no matter how strong you are,
    you are doomed!
My people Judah,
I have troubled you before,
    but I won’t do it again.
13 I’ll snap your chains
and set you free
    from the Assyrians.”


1. Jacob’s Rivalry with Esau

Teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

What happened as a result of the fall is that Satan’s son [Cain] was born as the elder son. Therefore, God had to replace the elder son with the younger one. Otherwise, there would be no way for God’s Will to be bequeathed to future generations. Hence, God had to set up a dispensation of conflict between brothers, which happened in the lives of Jacob and Esau. (102:177, December 24, 1978)
In God’s world it is the elder son, not the younger, who is to receive the blessing and inheritance. Thus, unless Jacob as the second son first gains the birthright and takes the position of the elder son, he is not qualified according to the standard of the Principle to receive God’s blessing. What was Jacob’s wisdom? Knowing that his elder brother Esau was hungry, he bought the birthright from him in exchange for some pottage of lentils. By this purchase, he was entitled to receive the inheritance of the elder son from his father, even if his father opposed or he had to deceive him to acquire it.
    It was inevitable that God set up this situation, to restore through indemnity what was lost at the fall. (131:180-81, May 1, 1984)
Jacob thought, “If I am several times more persistent than my elder brother, and if I am better than my siblings in serving God, my father and my mother, then I can win the position of the elder son.” It was logical for Jacob to believe that if he were better than Esau in attending God, his parents, siblings and kinsfolk, they would want to place him in the position of elder son and support him.
    Jacob was wise. He envisioned this goal from the beginning and fought with this objective in mind, all the way to the end. Esau, on the other hand, was only looking at his immediate situation. (108:96, June 29, 1980)
Jacob deceived his father by wearing a goatskin to imitate his brother Esau, who was a very hairy man. Jacob approached his father, who was practically blind, and let him touch the hide on his arms to convince him that he was Esau. Then his father blessed Jacob with the blessing intended for his brother.
    Why did God’s dispensation require this? According to the Principle of Creation, only the eldest son can receive the inheritance. Therefore, in order to receive God’s inheritance, Jacob had to take the birthright from his elder brother. However, he could not just take it without a condition. Since Esau had already sold the birthright to Jacob, Jacob was simply taking possession of what was already his. That is why Jacob was not wrong; rather, Esau was wrong for having sold his birthright.
    Jacob truly cherished the birthright; he was anxious to inherit it and bring together all the generations of his family. That is why the Bible speaks of “the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.” Jacob knew the will of God and God’s dispensation, and he wanted to become the heir who could receive the inheritance…
    What does this mean for us? The fallen world is in the position of the elder son. But through this course, Jacob restored the birthright of the elder son on the side of Heaven. Similarly among nations, from a worldly standpoint the leading powers have the right of the elder son, but from the standpoint of God’s Will Israel is the elder son. These two elder sons would confront each other on the national level as Israel confronted the Roman Empire.21 Even to this day, the mission of the chosen people is to restore the birthright from Esau, beginning on the individual and family level all the way to the world level. (102:177, December 24, 1978)
When their father gave his blessing to Jacob the birthright was restored. However, because of this Esau was extremely angry and wanted to kill Jacob—just as Cain had killed Abel. (55:112, April 1, 1972)

God Sought to Change the Course of Human History

2 Chronicles 20

20 Early the next morning, as everyone got ready to leave for the desert near Tekoa, Jehoshaphat stood up and said, “Listen my friends, if we trust the Lord God and believe what these prophets have told us, the Lord will help us, and we will be successful.” 21 Then he explained his plan and appointed men to march in front of the army and praise the Lord for his holy power by singing:[e]

“Praise the Lord!
    His love never ends.”

22 As soon as they began singing, the Lord confused the enemy camp, 23 so that the Ammonite and Moabite troops attacked and completely destroyed those from Edom. Then they turned against each other and fought until the entire camp was wiped out!

Nahum 1

Who can stand the heat
    of his furious anger?
It flashes out like fire
    and shatters stones.


2. Abraham’s Mistake in Offering the Animals

And he said to him, “I am the lord who brought you from Ur of the Chaldeans, to give you this land to possess.” But he said, “O Lord god, how am I to know that I shall possess it?” He said to him, “Bring me a heifer three years old, a she-goat three years old, a ram three years old, a turtledove, and a young pigeon.” And he brought him all these, cut them in two, and laid each half over against the other; but he did not cut the birds in two. And when birds of prey came down upon the carcasses, Abram drove them away. As the sun was going down, a deep sleep fell on Abram; and lo, a dread and great darkness fell upon him. Then the lord said to Abram, “Know of a surety that your descendants will be sojourners in a land that is not theirs, and will be slaves there, and they will be oppressed for four hundred years…”
    Genesis 15.7-13

Teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

Abraham offered three sacrifices—two birds, a ram and a she-goat, and a heifer—but he was careless and failed to cut the birds in two. If he had been more serious and mindful that this offering was for the sake of humanity and for the sake of God, not for himself, then he would not have committed that historical blunder. (93:313, June 12, 1977)

Because Abraham did not cut the dove and pigeon in two as he should have, birds of prey came down and defiled the sacrifices. As a result of his mistake, the Israelites were destined to enter Egypt and suffer hardships for four hundred years. Why was it a sin not to cut the birds in half?…
    God’s work of salvation aims to restore the sovereignty of goodness by first dividing good from evil and then destroying evil and uplifting the good. This is the reason Adam had to be divided into Cain and Abel before the sacrifice could be made. This is the reason why in Noah’s day, God struck down evil through the flood judgment and winnowed out Noah’s family as the good. God had Abraham cut the sacrifices in two before offering them, with the intention of doing the symbolic work of dividing good from evil, which was left unaccomplished by Adam and Noah… In other words, when Abraham offered the birds without first dividing them, it meant that he offered what had not been wrested from Satan’s possession. (Exposition of the Divine Principle, Foundation 3.1.2)

God sought to change the course of human history through Abraham, by his condition of making the symbolic offering. Yet because the condition was not made, the course of Abraham’s family had to pass through three stages, from Abraham to Isaac and Jacob, and the turning of history required an arduous process of symbolic, image-like and substantial conditions. (81:96, December 1, 1975)

People Who Only Seek Self-Centered Love Cannot Achieve It

Nahum 2

These are the same lions
that ferociously attacked
    their victims,
then dragged away the flesh
    to feed their young.

13 The Lord All-Powerful
    is against you, Nineveh.
God will burn your chariots
and send an army
to kill
    those young lions of yours.
You will never again
    make victims of others
or send messengers to threaten
    everyone on this earth.

2 Chronicles 23

They all came to Jerusalem and gathered at the temple, where they agreed to help Joash.

Jehoiada said to them:

Joash will be our next king, because long ago the Lord promised that one of David’s descendants would always be king. Here is what we will do. Three groups of priests and Levites will be on guard duty on the Sabbath—one group will guard the gates of the temple, one will guard the palace, and the other will guard Foundation Gate. The rest of you will stand guard in the temple courtyards. Only the priests and Levites who are on duty will be able to enter the temple, because they will be the only ones who have gone through the ceremony to make themselves clean and acceptable. The others must stay outside in the courtyards, just as the Lord has commanded. You Levites must protect King Joash. Don’t let him out of your sight! And keep your swords ready to kill anyone who comes into the temple.

The Levites and the people of Judah followed Jehoiada’s orders. The guards going off duty were not allowed to go home, and so each commander had all his guards available—those going off duty as well as those coming on duty. Jehoiada went into the temple and brought out the swords and shields that had belonged to King David, and he gave them to the commanders. 10 They gave the weapons to the guards, and Jehoiada then made sure that the guards took their positions around the temple and the altar to protect the king on every side.

Richard: This is an interesting story as Queen Athaliah had been an unrighteous and scheming ruler for six years who ordered that the legitimate heirs be murdred. But Joash was hidden in the temple for six years. After that time the army decided to help him become the rightful King.


3. Opening the Third Eye

I am blind and do not see the things of this world; but when the light comes from above, it enlightens my heart and I can see, for the Eye of my heart sees everything; and through this vision I can help my people. The heart is a sanctuary at the center of which there is a little space, wherein the Great Spirit dwells, and this is the Eye. This is the Eye of the Great Spirit by which He sees all things, and through which we see Him. If the heart is not pure, the Great Spirit cannot be seen.
    Black Elk (Native American Religions)
The enlightenment consists of a mysterious light which the shaman suddenly feels in his body, inside his head, within the brain, an inexplicable searchlight, a luminous fire…for he can now, even with closed eyes, see through darkness and perceive things and coming events which are hidden from others: thus they look into the future and into the secrets of others.
    The candidate obtains this mystical light after long hours of waiting, sitting on a bench in his hut and invoking the spirits. When he experiences it for the first time, it is as if the house in which he is suddenly rises, he sees far ahead of him, through mountains, exactly as if the earth were one great plain, and his eyes could reach to the end of the earth. Nothing is hidden from him any longer; not only can he see things far, far away, but he can also discover souls, stolen souls, which are either kept concealed in far, strange lands or have been taken up or down to the Land of the Dead.
    Iglulik Eskimo Shaman Initiation (Native American Religions)
Teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Most people do not know the spirit world. They know only the world they perceive through their five senses. However, when we directly relate to God in true love, we can cultivate our ten senses—the five physical senses and beyond them, the five spiritual senses. This will enable us to resonate with the spirit world.
    People who only seek self-centered love cannot achieve it. Fallen love is dark; it is destruction itself. The more you immerse yourself in fallen love, the more darkness will envelop you. It is as if an insulator covered your electrical terminal; no electricity can flow. (399:220, December 24, 2002)
Cognition of spiritual reality begins when it is perceived through the five senses of the spirit self. These perceptions resonate through the five physical senses and are felt physiologically. Cognition of truth, on the other hand, arises from the knowledge gleaned from the physical world as it is perceived directly through our physiological sense organs. Cognition thus takes place through both spiritual and physical processes.
    Human beings become complete only when their spirit self and physical self are unified. Hence, the experience of divine inspiration gained through spiritual cognition and the knowledge of truth obtained through physical cognition should become fully harmonized and awaken the spirituality and intellect together. It is only when the spiritual and physical dimensions of cognition resonate together that we can thoroughly comprehend God and the universe. (Exposition of the Divine Principle,Eschatology 5.1)

We Can Live With Jesus Only When We Live With God

Luke 14

26 You cannot be my disciple, unless you love me more than you love your father and mother, your wife and children, and your brothers and sisters. You cannot come with me unless you love me more than you love your own life.

Nahum 3

Doom to the crime capital!
Nineveh, city of murder
    and treachery,
here is your fate—
cracking whips,
    churning wheels;
galloping horses,
    roaring chariots;
cavalry attacking,
    swords and spears flashing;
soldiers stumbling
    over piles of dead bodies.
You were nothing more
    than a prostitute
using your magical charms
and witchcraft
    to attract and trap nations.

Let Us Follow the Way of Jesus

Sun Myung Moon
April 26, 1959

Matthew 7:1-20

Jesus came to the earth with God’s mission. He went through an earthly life and went to the spiritual world. Now he is fighting along with the Holy Spirit to achieve the historical purpose of God. We should long for this Jesus. We should repossess this Jesus. We must live with this Jesus. To do this, we should live with God. We can live with Jesus only when we live with God. What then should we do? We should be the ones who fulfill the hope of God, Jesus, and human history. We should know that, without doing so, we cannot stand before Jesus when he comes in glory.

What path should we follow to receive this Jesus? This is the problem. Even if Jesus comes down from heaven to the earth, we are unable to receive him as we are today.

We can receive and serve him only after we have the Shim Jung to connect to his situation and complete the task he was to carry out on the earth. We should know that the day when we meet this Jesus is the day of Second Coming, the day to which today’s Christians look forward. Continue reading “We Can Live With Jesus Only When We Live With God”

Align with the Shim Jung, Situation and Hope of God

Happy Birthday, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.!

1 Samuel 12

Then Samuel told them:

The Lord brought your ancestors out of Egypt and chose Moses and Aaron to be your leaders. Now the Lord will be your judge. So stand here and listen, while I remind you how often the Lord has saved you and your ancestors from your enemies.

Nahum 1 

The Lord is good.
He protects those who trust him
    in times of trouble.
But like a roaring flood,
the Lord chases his enemies
    into dark places
    and destroys them.

When We Should Stay Awake with Heaven

Sun Myung Moon
April 19, 1959

Matthew 25:1-13

What is the desire of humankind? It is to conquer the world, transcending the family, nation, and state. Although a person might achieve this goal, if he does not align himself with and possess the Shim Jung, situation and hope of God, he cannot stand before God.

Looking at history, the individual, family, country and world have been struggling to find hope. Now, as in the past, they are struggling in search of new hope. We cannot find new hope, however, the way we have been living so far. In other words, we cannot find new hope with the concepts and ideologies connected with history. There is a limit there. We should expect this.

Human beings are looking with hope for the situation through which the way of Heaven and humans can be connected. East and West are looking for the way in which all the people can build the world of a new ideology based on one Shim Jung. However, that situation has not appeared yet in human history. They should feel the Shim Jung to transcend the tribes and cultures of East and West and mix together in daily life by having fair and equal situations. Yet, in their ignorance, they do not. Continue reading “Align with the Shim Jung, Situation and Hope of God”