God Loves Human Beings Infinitely

Happy Thanksgiving!

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Cheon Seong Gyeong 2009

It is sad to be a citizen of a country
with no sovereignty. Jesus was very con-
cerned about this point. He told people
not to worry about where their food,
drink or clothes would come from; that
these are the matters that the ungodly
are always concerned about. He said,
“Your Father in heaven knows that you
need all these things. Instead, above
everything else, be concerned with his
Kingdom and with what He requires,
and He will provide you with all these
other things.” Did Jesus say save your
son first, or save the nation first? He said
to save the nation that God is seeking.
(34-337, 1970.9.20)

Cheong Seong Gyeong 628

In meeting people, do not think of
taking advantage of them or trying to
use them for your benefit. Never do that.
If their original character is crushed, it
will take half a year to three years to
repair it. That is why your actions are
crucial. If you take advantage of others,
you will be placed in a more hellish place
than the usual hell. Those who under-
stand such consequences do not even
think about doing selfish deeds. (204-304,

The Toil of God as He Tries to Raise up His Beloved Children

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
October 11, 1959

John 3: 11-21

1 Corinthians 7:28-29

The title of the speech that I want to reflect upon together with you is “The Toil of God as He Tries to Raise Up His Beloved Sons and Daughters.” I will speak upon this topic.

Love is what every existing thing in Heaven and earth needs the most. It is true that the one love is most important in Heaven and true love centering on men is most important in the human world.

In Christianity they talk about God’s love. They believe that Jesus is someone who showed God’s love to human beings. We know very well that if there is any love worth longing for in the human world, it is the love of Jesus. If there is some love worth longing for in Heaven, it is God’s love. Likewise, our hope is to connect with God’s and Jesus’ love. The problem is, what is that love like? The original purpose of creation was for the first human ancestors to live centered on God and to live by God’s eternal love. However, we learned through the Principle that due to the Fall, they could not build a relationship of love with God. Instead they built a relationship of love with the enemy Satan.

If we recognize that the center of life, ideals and value for all created things is the love of God, people who cannot experience the love, ideals and life of God do not have any relationship with Heaven. This is true even if they talk about love, life and ideals. Why is humanity living in such a miserable state? It is because they lost the life, love and ideals of God. We have to experience this deep in our minds.

If someone longs for God’s life, love and ideals, no matter how sorrowful he is, he has the hope of revival. Given that God works to save people who are disconnected to His love, life and ideals, what providence would He conduct? We have to understand that in His work God moves the heart which longs for the true life, the heart which is thirsty for love, and the heart which is deprived of ideals.

How much have you longed for the love, the life and the ideals of God in your mind? If you do not have such a heart, there is no way to find God’s love. If such a shock does not explode from your mind, you cannot connect to the life, love and ideals of God, no matter how abundant they are.

The Last Days are nearing. People say universally that the end of the world is coming. There is no one in this world you can cling to and say that he or she can satisfy the hunger of your mind and give you life. There is no one who can be the only one you longed for in your heart, the only one who can fill you. The same thing holds true even in the sphere of ideals. We have to build a relationship with God’s life, love and ideals. Otherwise, we can only conclude that in the Last Days of history we cannot become a person of true love, life and ideals.

What is the purpose for which we are seeking a religious path and life? It is to possess the life, love and ideals of God. God and Jesus seek this kind of a person. Only when someone appears with this quality, a person God and Jesus can bless and recognize, will true love, life and true ideals be established in this world.

God loves human beings infinitely. He has been seeking them since the day they fell. To what extent does God love them? You cannot fathom this based on your own concepts alone. Even in the fallen world, parents love their children. If their beloved children are threatened by death, parents will overcome any pain or fear to save them. They do not hesitate to do anything, even to die. Even fallen people have such deep love for their children. Moreover, there are people who do not spare their own lives for the sake of their beloved.

Then would God’s love be only as great as a parent’s love for his children? If love is something which emboldens one to overcome any difficulty including death and brave any kind of sacrifice, then what about God’s love? You cannot compare it with fallen people’s love toward their children. We have to understand that the love God had for the original human beings was incomparably greater than the love found in the fallen world.

Human beings today feel pain and mourn when their beloved children or people precious to them die. Some even lose their sanity. In some extreme cases, people may die. If people mourn even on the earth, if they can lose their sanity and even die over the loss of their beloved, what about God? Think about it.

People Who do Evil Things are Judged Guilty

Luke 6

22 God will bless you when others hate you and won’t have anything to do with you. God will bless you when people insult you and say cruel things about you, all because you are a follower of the Son of Man. 23 Long ago your own people did these same things to the prophets. So when this happens to you, be happy and jump for joy! You will have a great reward in heaven.


The Lord said:

44 People will use this saying about you, Jerusalem: “If the mother is bad, so is her daughter.” 45 You are just like your mother, who hated her husband and her own children. You are also like your sisters, who hated their husbands and children. Your father was an Amorite, and your mother was a Hittite. 46 Your older sister was Samaria, that city to your north with her nearby villages. Your younger sister was Sodom, that city to your south with her nearby villages. 47 You followed their way of life and their wicked customs, and soon you were more disgusting than they were.

48 As surely as I am the living Lord God, the people of Sodom and its nearby villages were never as sinful as you. 49 They were arrogant and spoiled; they had everything they needed and still refused to help the poor and needy. 50 They thought they were better than everyone else, and they did things I hate. And so I destroyed them.

51 You people of Jerusalem have sinned twice as much as the people of Samaria. In fact, your evil ways have made both Sodom and Samaria look innocent. 52 So their punishment will seem light compared to yours. You will be disgraced and put to shame because of your disgusting sins.

The Toil of God as He Tries to Raise up His Beloved Children

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
October 11, 1959

John 3: 11-21

11 I tell you for certain that we know what we are talking about because we have seen it ourselves. But none of you will accept what we say. 12 If you don’t believe when I talk to you about things on earth, how can you possibly believe if I talk to you about things in heaven?

13 No one has gone up to heaven except the Son of Man, who came down from there. 14 And the Son of Man must be lifted up, just as that metal snake was lifted up by Moses in the desert.[a] 15 Then everyone who has faith in the Son of Man will have eternal life.

16 God loved the people of this world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who has faith in him will have eternal life and never really die. 17 God did not send his Son into the world to condemn its people. He sent him to save them! 18 No one who has faith in God’s Son will be condemned. But everyone who doesn’t have faith in him has already been condemned for not having faith in God’s only Son.

19 The light has come into the world, and people who do evil things are judged guilty because they love the dark more than the light. 20 People who do evil hate the light and won’t come to the light, because it clearly shows what they have done. 21 But everyone who lives by the truth will come to the light, because they want others to know that God is really the one doing what they do.

1 Corinthians 7:28-29

28 It isn’t wrong to marry, even if you have never been married before. But those who marry will have a lot of trouble, and I want to protect you from that.

29 My friends, what I mean is that the Lord will soon come,[a] and it won’t matter if you are married or not.


Father, we know that we all have different situations and that the intensity of our faith is also very different. Father, even if our situations are different and the foundations of our minds differ, please let us understand that they are all centering on the world.

Please let us understand that God longs for us all to have the same situation and same foundation of mind during this hour. Please let us understand that God wants our situations to be based on Heaven, not on human beings. He wants the foundation of our minds to be connected not to human emotions but to the emotions of Heaven.

Each of us stands at the edge of two worlds. When we look to the left, we find that worldly relationships tie us down. When we look to the right, the infinite movement of goodness is pulling us. We know all too well that we are struggling between these two worlds.

Please help us understand deeply that God cannot raise people up in that situation and bless them. Nor can He call them or entrust them with a heavenly mission.

I pray that our situation and the foundation of our minds will tilt to one side so that they are not of the world but of eternal Heaven. Beloved Father, this is our sincere wish.

Now we lie prostrated before the Father. Please allow us to reveal the innermost parts of our hearts and to search for ourselves based on the Father’s teachings. With a new vision, please allow us to recognize our situation once more. Please allow us to realize our powers once more.

We sincerely wish that You will allow us to remember how we have been struggling, under what ideology we have been struggling, and for what value and standard we have been struggling. Then please allow this to be an hour when we can think again about how we were like this and that in the past, present and future. Beloved Father, this is our sincere wish.

Relationships and situations centering on people split into many relationships and conditions. Relationships and situations centering on Heaven have a more unified shape, and they form something new, unique and clear. We lie prostrated, longing to be unified in a unique way. Please extend the hands of love. Please sway us with Your powers. Please do not allow anything here that does not belong to Heaven, and move us with the original heart and mind so that we can become a group the Father can recognize as His own. Father, this is our sincere wish.

Father! Please build a bridge between minds and hearts now so that this may be an hour when we can connect to the Father’s situation and experience the Father’s heart. Father, this is what we sincerely wish.

Although many saints and sages have come and gone in history, they did not know the situation of Heaven and were ignorant of Heaven’s heart. As the Last Days grow closer, we should be discussing and solving the problems of the situation and heart of Heaven.

Please help us understand once more that to solve this problem we have to be happy even after sacrificing everything. We have to be determined to become sacrifices and bow before Heaven. Please let this be an hour when we desire the Father’s powers.

Please preside over everything in this hour. Please do not let us be entrenched in God’s grace. We know that there are many sons and daughters who have built secret altars and are shedding lonely tears out of concern for the will. Even if they may be in difficult situations, please bless them with the same grace. We have entrusted You with this hour. Please command this hour from the beginning to the end and let it be an hour You can recognize.

Even though God may have made all preparations, we know that we have to prepare the foundations of mind and body in response. Please do not let anything of the past remain in our minds. Allow us to return to the heart of a child and build a relationship with God again through the calm heart of the Father.

Please let this be an hour when we can be drenched in the grace of the Father’s commands and be united with the Father. Let this be an hour when the Father can personally talk things over with us and make a new promise to us.

I am about to speak the words. Therefore, Father, please be with us. I know that there is no need for a lot of words. I know that what we need more than words is to experience You through our hearts. Father, please open the gates to our minds and take care of our situations. We know that Jesus is the original heart who connected with You, and we have gathered our hearts to come together. Please let this be an hour when we can build a deep relationship with the Father’s original nature.

Please let this be an hour when we can make a new determination and pledge before the Father through new words of promise. Please let this be an hour when we repent for all our sins of the past and establish one purified standard before the Father.

Please do not let the heart of the speaker and the hearts of the listeners be divided. Let this be an hour when we can connect to the one heart and unite with the one grace. Otherwise, legions of demons will target this gap and drag us to the shadow of death. Please help us be aware of this and abandon all of our situations, concepts and thoughts. Let us return to the heart of a child to unveil our hearts and listen to the Father’s commanding words. Praying that You will bless us to build a relationship with the Father’s heart, we prayed in the name of the Lord. Amen.

Now the Time of Ordinary Membership Will Come

Read the latest Urban Life Training Newsletter: https://www.urbanlifetraining.org/index.php/newsletters

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1544

If you focus on spirituality in religion,
you will reject materialism. In attaching
importance to its spiritual civilization,
the Orient rejected materialism. That
materialism was embraced by the West.
Many nations in the West, including the
United States, have managed to achieve
a high standard of living because they
secured all the natural resources of the
East as their own and used them to
develop and advance Western Civiliza-
tion. However, they have reached their
limit. The spiritual civilization of the
Orient has also reached its limit. The
Orient has gradually come to pursue
Western material civilization, while the
West has come to pursue Oriental spiri-
tual civilization. Consequently, we have
reached the time when these two civili-
zations are engaged in a mutual cultural
exchange. (Blessed Family II – 381)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1261

How did the devil bring about the
Fall? Through the fruit of the tree of
knowledge of good and evil? Where did
they cover themselves after eating the
fruit? Did they cover up their mouths
or their hands? Didn’t they cover up
the sexual parts of their bodies? This
became the seed that sowed evil. They
fell before they had fully matured, while
they were still adolescents. As the lin-
eage of humankind in world history
stemmed form this act, in the Last Days
the phenomenon of such relationships
will thrive. The time will come, that,
across the world, young people destroy
the ethics of love. They will hide in the
shadows, just like Adam and Eve, and
have no fear of heaven. That will be the
time when the era of Satan’s worldwide
dominion will come to the earth. That
is when we will be faced with the iron
hammer of God. (200-227, 1990.2.25)

Members Who Will Live In God’s Family

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
September 27, 1959

Matthew 12: 46-50

Ladies and gentlemen, your love and longing for your friends will all fade away. Families and friends will all fade away. The right path is the one on which longing for heavenly friends and heavenly family members moves your emotions. Forgetting about even your hunger, you should look for heavenly family members, overcome all your grief, and be concerned even about the descendants of the future, appealing to God on their behalf. Those who have this mind-set will never decrease. Ladies and gentlemen, you are probably well aware of the international situation. Many people see that the years 1959 and 1960 are an historical transition. We feel that the time of the historical transition has come. We know that we have arrived at the forked road of life and death and the point of despair and mourning. They have invaded the sphere of our life. Here we can feel the division ideologically. The same is true for our world of faith, family and society.

Moreover, when we look at the situation of Korea, we can see that there is no country more miserable than this. Where do you set the standard of peace? The world will fade away. The society, country and people will all fade away. Our people do not possess anything, and we cannot even look for it. Now I think that the only way to save this people is to mourn over their historical sins and the mistakes of the present era and raise two hands and call on the Father.

Who among the people gathered here will be mobilized? Not the older people. The churches must take the risk of the new changing the old. Since we know this, Christians should not entrust their churches to the present leadership. Such a time will come. The Kingdom of Heaven is not a place for ministers and elders. The Kingdom of Heaven is a place for truly faithful sons and daughters. The churches have become as they are because we entrusted them to the hands of ministers and elders. Christians of the world should unite and claim back the possession of their churches and honor them as their own. Such a movement will take place. God will make this happen.

Young men of great ideals, such a time will certainly come. Look! Before the liberation of Korea, people praised this and that minister. The time of ministers passed, and there came a time of elders when people praised this or that elder. Then blew the wind of the deacons. Now the time of ordinary membership will come. Such phenomena will certainly take place. We should not entrust this church to them. The Unification Church has arisen from that fervent movement. Although people may be cursing us, you wait and see. History will certainly change its course. We need brave young men and women. Otherwise, in the Last Days we will become miserable people who will betray once more the approaching new world of heavenly ideals and cause great grief to Heaven. You should be concerned about this.

We should become sons and daughters of burning zeal and shoulder the historical grief of God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit and our ancestors. We should take responsibility for this age. We should become sons and daughters who can call God our Father and preserve the dignity and name of being members of the heavenly family, sons and daughters of God. We should understand clearly that God and humanity are searching for people who can confidently command the entire universe.


Father, I have spoken the words. Most sorrowful and grieved Father, please forgive our ancestors who were ignorant of You.

We know that we should understand and cry for the Father’s sorrow over not having found the sons and daughters You long for. Forgive us. We are in the miserable situation of seeking our satisfaction alone.

Jesus looked at his own mother and younger brothers and sisters and said, “Only those who live by the will of my Father are my brothers and mother.” We do not have original parents; we do not have original brothers and sisters; we do not have original children or spouses. We long for original parents, brothers and sisters, children and spouses. Please let us become sons and daughters who forget about our own dignity and search for them out of intense yearning.

Please let the movement to honor the Father and enjoy life in the heavenly family unfold in Heaven and earth. Please let revolutions of heart and love take place which can unite people with this ideal and force them to move forward and respond. If Your sons and daughters who participate here feel something in their hearts, please let that become the guiding light of their lives and the source of transformation. Father, this is our sincere prayer.

Thank You for having governed over everything. We pray in the name of the Lord. Amen. 

When the Jews Kept to the Old Testament that Caused them to Kill Jesus

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1755

When you actually stop to think
about it, you thought that treasures were
stored up there in heaven. But it turns
out that you had treasures all along in
your bodies. You came to understand
that the original palace is a part of your
body. Aren’t the love organs the original
palace that can attend God? Where is the
pathway that makes the love connection?
Is it in the fingertips? Where is it? What
is it in a man? What is it in a woman?
It is the male and female organs, where
the most distasteful substance can also
be found. Where does urine come out?
From the sexual organ. This is the case
for both women and men. If that unclean
urine thus excreted were to mingle with
love, would it still be unclean or would
it become clean? Then how wonderful
would it be to drink urine steeped in
true love like iced tea! (178-125, 1988.6.1)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1512

Why should you give birth to chil-
dren? It is so that you may experience
the inner heart of God the joy and
delight He felt at the time of the creation
of Adam and Eve. That is why those who
have not experienced childbirth may fail
to appreciate their parents, their hus-
band or wife. That is how they will end
up. They may have loved in the past and
in the present, but they cannot expand
in the future. The grandparents repre-
sent the past, the parents the present,
and the children the future. The fami-
ly is where these three can unite as one.
(216-192, 1991.3.31)

Members Who Will Live In God’s Family

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
September 27, 1959

Matthew 12: 46-50

Members of our Unification Church should mercilessly do away with the past and become people who can boast of having been born as new princes. They should sing the new songs of the new world. That is how it should be. Think about it. Do you think God would want you to bring all the dirty rags from Satan’s world into God’s family? God does not want to hear it, see it or even think about it. Wouldn’t it be so? This is why we call it the great judgment. We do not want to see them or see those ideas, that sovereignty, that history. It is the great judgment. We have to understand clearly that God is seeking true sons and daughters who can worship and serve the glorious Father with a heart burning with new hope.

Although it is good to hold to the past, if you were to do that you would destroy all ideals. When the Jews living by the Old Testament kept to the Old Testament of the past, that caused them to kill Jesus. Ladies and gentlemen, you should understand this clearly. Although it is good to hold onto democracy as opposed to communism according to the trends of thought today, if you were to hold onto that alone, you would destroy new things. Although the faith that you have and the churches that you attend are good, you have to understand that if you adhere only to them, you may destroy something new.

For this reason, you have to discern the situation well. You have to clear up the past and the present and be prepared for the future. Otherwise, you will never be able to enter the hopeful family of God. God sees you as sons and daughters of Satan’s world. After God sent His only son Jesus, he did not like Jesus’ younger brother (Israel) calling him their brother. Why should Joseph’s sons call Jesus their brother? Only after they pass through a course of faith, believe in Jesus and receive the heart, mind, body, deeds and words of Jesus can they call him their brother. God did not even like Mary calling Jesus her son. Only after passing through a similar course could she call him her son. God does not even think about anything tied to the fallen lineage. Wouldn’t that be true?

This is why we have to be re-blessed by the only son of God. When a first-rate bride whom God loves dearly is called before Heaven, God does not want to hear that she is the daughter of someone, the niece of someone, the older sister of someone, and so on. All that is necessary is to be recognized as God’s daughter. God will say, “She is My daughter, not yours.” This is why those who go deep into the past will never overcome this process. That is how it is.

When we reflect on the six thousand years full of anguish, the miserable history during which bloody conflicts raged, when we think about how people betrayed God’s will and caused the prolongation of God’s providence, God probably does not even want to see them. Ladies and gentlemen. You should not hold onto the hands of your beloved sons and daughters and go before God and say, “I am the father or mother of So and So.” You should not say that you lead such and such a life in the world. You should not talk about anything that is tied to the sinful history. God only wants to hear about your relationship with Him.

We Have to Live in a New World with New Hopes

Numbers 11

21 Moses replied, “At least six hundred thousand grown men are here with me. How can you say there will be enough meat to feed them and their families for a whole month? 22 Even if we butchered all of our sheep and cattle, or caught every fish in the sea, we wouldn’t have enough to feed them.”

23 The Lord answered, “I can do anything! Watch and you’ll see my words come true.”

Isaiah 16

13 The Lord has already said all of this about Moab. 14 Now he says, “The contract of a hired worker is good for three years, but Moab’s glory and greatness won’t last any longer than that. Only a few of its people will survive, and they will be left helpless.”

Members Who Will Live In God’s Family

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
September 27, 1959

Matthew 12: 46-50

With what will God judge on the judgment day? God judges with the conditions of restoration through indemnity based on the foundation of His heart of the past, present and future. When Mary Magdalene met the resurrected Jesus, she did not know that Jesus could not let her hold him. That is how it is. Do you think that one can go to Heaven just by believing? The thought may be good. But if you believe that, no matter how hard you try, you will never have anything to do with Jesus. It won’t do, even if you receive the words and put them into practice. No matter how faithfully you live by it, you will not be able to connect yourself to the embodiment. Why? It is because you are ignorant.

For this reason we should repent. We should repent and cleanse ourselves of all wrong elements. Why repent? For six thousand years, since the time of Adam’s family until today, our ancestors had to uphold the will of Heaven and fulfill God’s wishes. Yet they could not complete these responsibilities. We should shoulder the responsibility for this sin and repent. God is not just the God of the future. He is the God of the past. We have to understand God as the God who is working to cleanse all historical sins, and we should build a relationship with Him and purge our sins.

Moreover, since God is the God of the past, we have to purge the sins of this age. After having cleansed all the sins of the past and the future, we have to establish one new standard of the future and sing of the glory of the Father; that place is the Kingdom of Heaven, where we can live eternally.

Only after that can we form a heavenly family which does not even think about the sins of the past. This is the realization of God’s hope. Then we are to be recognized as sons and daughters of the heavenly family and live eternally. Such people do not need to believe in Jesus. They do not need Jesus. They do not need Christianity. They do not need faith. The place they go after they live a normal life on earth is the Kingdom of Heaven.

After the age of hope comes, God will not look back at the six-thousand-year history. There is no need to flip through the pages of sorrowful history. After the arrival of an age where we can say that this is certainly the standard based upon which solutions can be obtained through our minds, bodies and hearts, we do not need to flip back through the refuse of the past.

Ladies and gentlemen. People nowadays are interested in antiques. Do you know why that is? It is because we are searching for the original things which were lost. We have to find the antiques that Adam and Eve lost long ago, six thousand years ago, which could have connected us to God. After that we have to cut our relationship with the age of antiques and enter another era when we struggle to find new things. This world today is an accursed world which destroys and devours all new things that emerge. That is not true for the era of hope. The world that we hope for is a world where new things are valued. Since God’s nature values new things, we have to move toward that age.

For this reason people block the path we are walking. They tell us to turn around and go back to the past. They tell us to go deep into our minds. This is why Buddhism teaches us to enter a state of meditation. The reality of life on earth and its sorrow is that we have to seek our original selves and original minds. Yet after we go back to the past and resolve it all, we would never want to think about the past. God’s goal is to destroy it all and leave no part of it behind.

We have to live in a new world with new hopes. That is what the past of a people is like. Roman culture was revival of the Hellenistic culture. They studied the older culture and brought it out again and integrated it with the new reality. That is not what we should do in the future. Of course, it is good to study history. However, that is not the standard of our hope. Until now our fate has been to return to the past and return to Heaven. From now on it should be new.