Believe in Yourself as a Substantial Embodiment

Join me on Saturday, October 5th at 10 a.m. for Part 1 of the Unification Principle online seminar. Register here:

Deuteromomy 29

29 So Moses finished telling the Israelites what they had to do in order to keep the agreement the Lord was making with them in Moab, which was in addition to the one the Lord had made with them at Mount Sinai.

Richard:  Keeping your word is very important.

Habakkuk 1

12 Holy Lord God, mighty rock,[d]
you are eternal,
    and we[e] are safe from death.
You are using those Babylonians
    to judge and punish others.[f]
13 But you can’t stand sin or wrong.
So don’t sit by in silence
    while they gobble down people
who are better than they are.

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
August 30, 1959

John 14:11

1 Corinthians 13: 1-13

Since there is no longer an altar of substance and evidence, where is the heavenly prince of faith who can build a substantial altar? Such a person is needed. There is no need for large multitudes. What we need is not a general who can command many soldiers majestically, but a general who cannot sleep at night because he is concerned about his soldiers. In history God worried about people who were cold, too hot, or hungry.

Although the Pharisees stood on the front-line and boasted about themselves, Jesus turned around and shed tears. This was the true side of Jesus. The one who shouts loudly in the front is not the one who will save humanity. History has been able to at least reach this point because of the people who, even when they were falling down, clung to Heaven and said in tears, “Please sympathize with them. What can we do about them?” There will come a time when those who are ignorant of this will be struck.

No matter how great the teachings of the Unification Church may be, there will come a time when attention will focus on not the contents of its teaching but on its actual state of being. What do you possess? We have to understand that we need to become the embodiments of faith, hope and love. If we can achieve that, even if the Lord comes a thousand years later, he will not abandon us. There is no worry as long as you can become someone who can say, “I am where faith, hope and love are.”

The time is nearing when we must explain history in substantial terms. Our one day of hope is the day we can meet the embodiment. This is the truth. It is not fancy or fabrication.

Is there anyone among you who is qualified to become the bride of the Lord? Who makes that claim? Have you ever seen someone make this claim? Although there are many people who say that they will achieve it, no one has actually achieved it. Then what kind of contents should we develop? We should develop the contents of historical faith, historical hope and the heart of the historical God. We have to become qualified to alleviate the grief of God, who has led the six-thousand-year history concentrating on a substantial person who possesses all these contents. Only then can we attend the Lord.

This world is unbearable even to think about. The six-thousand-year history to find the embodiment is a distressing history fraught with countless human betrayals. It is a history God does not want to repeat ever again, even in His dreams. However, it is the job of the incarnated one to hold onto it, to reflect upon it, to mourn over it, and to repeat it. That is the sole issue.

Then what must you do? You should have the confidence that faith, hope and love belong to you. You should be qualified to believe in yourself for many thousands of years. Do you understand what I am saying? You should believe in yourself more than you believe in God, who carried on the providence for six thousand years. You should be able to say, “I am the incarnation of faith, hope and love.”

Do you believe in your bodies? Do you believe in your minds? Do you believe in your hearts? You should believe in them. God gave you everything that He believes in as a gift in order to find you. Therefore, we should fight against evil on behalf of God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit and all people. We should believe in ourselves, that we are qualified to act as the judge and destroy all that is wrong. That is the level we must attain.



The Substantial Work of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

Watch the latest Richard Urban show with Andrew Derricutt: We Have to Make a Fundamental Choice

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1950

The democratic systems of the twen-
tieth century originated in England. As
you all know, Queen Elizabeth I of Eng-
land strengthened her maritime policy,
leading eventually to the occupation of
numerous places in the world, especially
in Asia and Africa. God influenced her
to take such actions. Since England was
an island nation, the English had been
trained many times through the invasion
of the Vikings. The English were always
in a position to be attacked. Therefore,
they trained themselves extensively to
strengthen their oceanic culture more
than any other race. At that time, Spain
and Portugal were much stronger oce-
anic powers. But Queen Elizabeth I built
her navy up to a higher level, strength-
ening it in the years from 1593 to 1603.
(80-139, 1975.10.21)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 962

By creating a united and harmo-
nized sphere of Blessed families in the
spiritual and physical worlds, the foun-
dation for the ideal of heaven based on
the unfallen Adam can be established.
This causes all families in history to
have the same value. Through the man-
ifestation of the Kingdom of Heaven on
earth and in spirit world, God can come
down and dwell on this foundation. God
is the vertical Parent. True Parents are
the horizontal Parents that can equal-
ize the earth. Therefore, on Chil Pal Jeol,
the Realm of the Cosmic Sabbath of the
Parents of Heaven and Earth was pro-
claimed, and a new age began. Further-
more, from the day of 9.9. J

Richard:  We also just passed the date of 9/19/19, which some people feel is a significant date:

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
August 30, 1959

John 14:11

1 Corinthians 13: 1-13

Now is a time when people want evidence. This is a scientific era, they say. Science is logical. What is logical must connect cause and result systematically. When we can prove and practice logical truth in our daily life, we call that scientific. This is the original human nature. There cannot be happiness apart from our life and concrete reality. There cannot be satisfaction or other such things apart from these. For this reason, God also wants to work through a substantial embodiment.

What kind of time is the Last Days? It is the time that the two-thousand-year history since Jesus, the purpose of which was to fulfill the history and hope of the previous four thousand years of establishing the faith, comes to an end. It is the time of the appearance of the prince of faith, hope and love. People believe that when he appears he will come on the clouds, in the sky, but that is a misunderstanding. It is literally impossible.

I used to have that type of faith. I felt so frustrated and distressed that I banged on the ground and protested against Heaven many times. When I penetrated deep into it, I found that it was not true. When I spoke words of truth, I was most heavily persecuted. I now wear the badge of a heretic. In the past St. Paul was condemned as a heretic. The Messiah who came with the truth was cursed and laughed at as one possessed by Beelzebub. This is the source of historical sorrow. Since history began in sorrow, it has to end in sorrow.

If there are faithful believers, let them esteem the members who lie prostrated upon and pray upon the wooden floors of churches. When your church leaders chase you out, follow the sheep as you shed tears and look behind you. You will find that you have come near a new garden of flowers. Have you ever thought when chilly winds blow that the spring season will come after the passage of time? The Lord, in my opinion, will come looking for those who can bravely greet the coming of the spring season with their minds, even though their bodies may be suffering winter.

Although there are many princes of words who can speak articulately and powerfully before a large crowd, there is no hero of substance. There is no embodiment of faith, hope and love among the church leaders. Where will this church and its members head toward? Where will the believers of the Last Days go? This Mr. Moon in Korea will walk the path, if doing so will bring blessing to the people. I will do this even if I am condemned as a monstrous heretic and a traitor to the people.

Find the Incarnation of Hope and Faith

Watch the latest Richard Urban show with Andrew Derricutt: We Have to Make a Fundamental Choice:


Cheon Seong Gyeong 1366

Currently the United Nations has
183 member states. Didn’t I bless 1800
couples? Similarly, in this period of
transition, 180 nations must be turned
around. The numbers 180 and 1800 sig-
nify the completion of the satanic num-
ber. These numbers come from six mul-
tiplied by three and four multiplied
by four. They are the numbers Satan
usurped from God, which is why we as
tribal messiahs were to originally restore
180 families; however, that number can
be reduced to 160 – they are providen-
tially equivalent. In fact, four times four
is the ideal number.
In the Seoul Olympics, 160 nations
participated. The number sixteen is also
involved in North and South Korea join-
ing the United Nations: North Korea, a
suzerain state of Satan, joined the Unit-
ed Nations as the 160th member state,
and South Korea joined as the 161st, sig-
nifying a new beginning. In terms of
indemnification, South Korea is stand-
ing in the lead. (272-284, 1995.10.8)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1458

Adam and Eve lost the standard
through which they could practice abso-
lute faith, absolute love, and absolute
obedience. They entered unprincipled
marriage, thereby defiling the lineage,
completely overturning the right of
ownership, and bringing into ruin their
whole tribe. Therefore, the absolute res-
toration of the lineage must take place.
In other words, you need to protect
the pure lineage of True Parents so that
it can be passed down to your descen-
dants eternally. Adam and Eve failed
to do so and entered a fallen relation-
ship. Therefore, you need to maintain
purity and be blessed in marriage. You
can then restore the absolute lineage,
the absolute right of ownership, and the
absolute realm of heart. This should be
our motto, in fact three mottos. (269-94

Richard: It seems that God and True Father want to emphasize this.

You can then restore the absolute lineage,
the absolute right of ownership, and the
absolute realm of heart.

This is exactly the same Rheama that Stacey got just two days ago. That has never happened; the same Rheama the next day we used the Cheon Seong Gyeong.

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
August 30, 1959

John 14:11

1 Corinthians 13: 1-13

Today Christianity literally has become a worldwide religion. The democratic world is rooted in Christian teachings. Now even that is coming to an end. What do we need here? Our purpose is not to merely rejoice in the word. We must be able to enjoy a life of eternal significance on the earth.

History is turning like a tornado. We who are gathered under today’s trends of thought are caught in a maelstrom. We venerate our ancestor of faith, Abraham, and all the prophets after him. We look up to Jesus, the prince of hope, who came two thousand years later. We reflect back upon the history of fierce conflicts.

However, what these ancestors of faith accomplished was the hope of a promise. They could not bring the hope which can be manifested in daily life. For this reason, the day their hope becomes materialized as a reality is the Last Days. The work to accomplish this is the ideal of the Second Advent. The one who comes to accomplish this is the Lord of the Second Advent.

What remains now? The age based upon faith came to an end with Jesus. Because Jesus is the embodiment of faith, when you believe in him, you can develop stronger faith than anyone who lived in the four thousand years before Jesus. Jesus had to rectify faith before the people who disbelieved. He had to establish hope before the people who did not have hope. Wasn’t that true?

Please read the Bible. Look at the prophecies after Abraham. The one hope in faith is to cling to the Messiah. However, this has remained as the hope of the bride and bridegroom in the realm of symbolic promises because Jesus died on the cross. In your life of devotion, you are not aware of this. Even if you do not understand what I am saying now, there will be a time when you can understand it. Isn’t that how it should be if it is the work of a real God? Only then would it be logical.

What does the incarnation of hope and faith want to accomplish? In other words, what is the purpose of hope and faith? It is that the people will find him and sing songs of love. There is nothing else. Why do we want to meet the Lord? We want the Lord to recognize our value, and we want to live in the bosom of the Lord’s love. This is the highest purpose of humanity.

The reason that God established faith, hope and love was not just for the sake of Jesus, Abraham or anyone among our ancestors. It was for each one of us. Who looked for me faithfully for six thousand years? It was God. Who is God? He is our father. This is where the great drama of Heaven and earth unfolds.

Jesus was the Incarnation of the Word

Luke 22

14 When the time came for Jesus and the apostles to eat, 15 he said to them, “I have very much wanted to eat this Passover meal with you before I suffer. 16 I tell you that I will not eat another Passover meal until it is finally eaten in God’s kingdom.”

17 Jesus took a cup of wine in his hands and gave thanks to God. Then he told the apostles, “Take this wine and share it with each other. 18 I tell you that I will not drink any more wine until God’s kingdom comes.”

19 Jesus took some bread in his hands and gave thanks for it. He broke the bread and handed it to his apostles. Then he said, “This is my body, which is given for you. Eat this as a way of remembering me!”

20 After the meal he took another cup of wine in his hands. Then he said, “This is my blood. It is poured out for you, and with it God makes his new agreement. 21 The one who will betray me is here at the table with me! 22 The Son of Man will die in the way that has been decided for him, but it will be terrible for the one who betrays him!”

23 Then the apostles started arguing about who would ever do such a thing.

John 11

11 1-2 A man by the name of Lazarus was sick in the village of Bethany. He had two sisters, Mary and Martha. This was the same Mary who later poured perfume on the Lord’s head and wiped his feet with her hair. The sisters sent a message to the Lord and told him that his good friend Lazarus was sick.

When Jesus heard this, he said, “His sickness won’t end in death. It will bring glory to God and his Son.”

What Belongs to the Father Belongs to Me

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
August 30, 1959

John 14:11

1 Corinthians 13: 1-13

Hence, Jesus had nowhere to go. Although he came to create the history of faith, because no one recognized him, he had to put the world behind him and go in search of someone who understood him. This was the path of the cross. In this way Jesus inherited the faith and hope of God, who is the hope of humanity. He became the subject partner of faith and hope, representing God in substance. Because Jesus came not as God’s relative subject partner of faith but as the absolute subject partner of God, representing the invisible God, even if you do not believe in God, you should believe in Jesus.

The Bible says that you should believe in Jesus, long for him and love him. This is because the incarnation is closer to corporeal human beings than is the invisible God. For this reason, we should tearfully bow before the laborious accomplishments of God who sent and raised up Jesus as an earthly man. Jesus tried to establish the foundation of faith; he tried to pioneer an environment of hope; he tried to build a fence of love. However, his ideals were not realized on the earth.

The purpose of the four-thousand-year history was to establish an incarnation of faith. The purpose of the two-thousand-year history since Jesus and the Holy Spirit has been to establish an incarnation of hope. This is the true standard of thought and ideas. Today the worldview which longs for Jesus and an opposing worldview have manifested themselves as democracy and communism. Because hope has come near the end, we call this time the Last Days. We do not call it the Last Days without good reason.

What kind of ancestor was Jesus? He was an ancestor more of hope than of faith. He was the ancestor who could uphold hope as an earthly man. What would you hope for? We believe that the mind inside our body is precious. We believe that the heart inside the mind is precious. There is no greater hope than to hope for the one who is the substantial subject partner of the mind and heart. Jesus said, “You are my bride and I am your bridegroom.” You should understand this clearly. Hence, the world cannot surpass the limit of this hope, no matter how hard it may try.

What kind of hope is it? Christians today yearn for the world of hope based on the word. However, the time for the word is behind us; now we should yearn for the incarnation. More than many thousands of words of discussion on faith and more than the history of faith, we need one substantial person. If such an incarnation does not appear, then the worldview of hope based on the words of truth will come to a dead- end. Unless we are connected to the incarnation, this world will fade away with the flow of history. You wait and see.

Restore the Absolute Lineage

Cheon Seong Gyeong 340

The bodies of Adam and Eve who have
not fallen are houses wherein God can
dwell. Had Adam and Eve become the
body of love, body of life, and body of lin-
eage eternally unified through true love,
making God the center of their heart,
the mind and body would not be fighting
today. The Fall means that humankind
inherited Satan’s life and blood through
Satan’s love. This is why this lineage must
be transformed. The providence of sal-
vation will be completed only when the
wild olive tree is transformed into the
true olive tree. (226-48, 1992.2.1)

Richard: The process of complete salvation involves transferring one’s lineage to God’s side. The process of the Blessing of Marriage is an essential part of this process. Watch a slide presentation on The Holy Communion of Marriage: .

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1458

Adam and Eve lost the standard
through which they could practice abso-
lute faith, absolute love, and absolute
obedience. They entered unprincipled
marriage, thereby defiling the lineage,
completely overturning the right of
ownership, and bringing into ruin their
whole tribe. Therefore, the absolute res-
toration of the lineage must take place.
In other words, you need to protect
the pure lineage of True Parents so that
it can be passed down to your descen-
dants eternally. Adam and Eve failed
to do so and entered a fallen relation-
ship. Therefore, you need to maintain
purity and be blessed in marriage. You
can then restore the absolute lineage,
the absolute right of ownership, and the
absolute realm of heart. This should be
our motto, in fact three mottos. (269-94,

What Belongs to the Father Belongs to Me

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
August 30, 1959

John 14:11

1 Corinthians 13: 1-13

Heaven has been toiling until today and persevering through all sufferings behind the scenes in order to give human beings absolute value. God has no choice but to continue this work, even beyond today. When we come to understand this, our heads bow in humility and awe every time we think about Heavenly Father.

For this reason, God has proclaimed words of truth which humanity does not even understand. God told us just to believe in Him, even though His will was to establish religions and build profound relationships with us. The contents of His proclamations were not clearly defined. God commanded us to look to Him. He also told us to love Him. Although we do not know the nature of the relationship and its specific content, through our experience we come to reaffirm that we are inseparably connected to something in the world of the heart. Human beings have depended on and believed in these vague words of truth; they have longed for them and loved them. People of faith were felled as they held true to their beliefs, adhering to their hope and love. Countless people were felled in their life of devotion. Those who died as they adhered to their belief in God surpass the patriots and heroes of a country many thousands of times over. Many have died keeping their hope or love. Among them, however, no one has been hailed as a prince of faith, a prince of hope, a prince of love.

When we reflect upon the six-thousand-year history, we find that there were many who fell while they were aspiring to become victorious in their faith, yet there was no one who was revered by humanity as a great prince of faith. Similarly, we find that although there were many who searched for the foundation of hope, no one was ever praised by Heaven on a foundation of hope or was revered by humanity. Although there have been many people who professed to love, the same thing was true for them. Should we then hold grudges against God for this? Do the notions of faith, hope and love not exist?

Jesus was the incarnation of faith whom God had sought for four thousand years. He was someone who deeply experienced the Father’s heart as a concrete reality. The people did not know that Jesus was such a person. No one in all of humanity knew that. If there was a person who did know, it was God.