Defend the Father’s Will to the Death

What is God’s Plan for Sex Leadership Training Seminar, July 15th:

Leviticus 14

29-31 And he will pour the rest of the oil from his palm on your head.

Then, depending on what you can afford, he will offer either the doves or the pigeons together with the grain sacrifice. One of the birds is the sacrifice for sin, and the other is the sacrifice to please me. After this you will be completely clean.

Proverbs 3

By his wisdom and knowledge
    the Lord created
    heaven and earth.
20 By his understanding
he let the ocean break loose
    and clouds release the rain.
21 My child, use common sense
and sound judgment!
    Always keep them in mind.
22 They will help you to live
    a long and beautiful life.
23 You will walk safely
    and never stumble;
24     you will rest without a worry
    and sleep soundly.
25 So don’t be afraid
    of sudden disasters
    or storms that strike
    those who are evil.
26 You can be sure
    that the Lord
    will protect you from harm.

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The Word of Completion Can Solve Factional Fighting

Matthew 1

Jesus Christ came from the family of King David and also from the family of Abraham. And this is a list of his ancestors. 2-6a  From Abraham to King David, his ancestors were:

Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Judah and his brothers (Judah’s sons were Perez and Zerah, and their mother was Tamar), Hezron;

Ram, Amminadab, Nahshon, Salmon, Boaz (his mother was Rahab), Obed (his mother was Ruth), Jesse, and King David.

Jeremiah 11

21 Then the Lord said:

Jeremiah, some men from Anathoth[c] say they will kill you, if you keep on speaking for me. 22 But I will punish them. Their young men will die in battle, and their children will starve to death. 23 And when I am finished, no one from their families will be left alive.

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The Substantial Entity is the Lord of the Second Coming

Numbers 27

Our father left no sons to carry on his family name. But why should his name die out for that reason? Give us some land like the rest of his relatives in our clan, so our father’s name can live on.

Richard:  Passing on your inheritance to your children is very important.  You want to pass on physical things of value like land or gold or silver.  And you want to pass on your legacy.

Psalms 55

But what about those people
    who are cruel and brutal?
You will throw them down
    into the deepest pit 
long before their time.
    I trust you, Lord!

Let Us Be the People Who Attend God

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
February 2, 1958

John 14: 1-17

Jesus said, “I am the way and the truth and the life.” This was meant to show us God’s word personally and to show us God’s substantial entity. It was to show us God in person. Jesus Christ’s was not a life that simply passed through thirty years or so. He was the embodiment of life who appeared resembling the Shim Jung of the love of God, who had loved humankind throughout His toil of 4,000 years.

What was Jesus, the central being of the word, to do after having come to this earth? God had toiled for 4,000 years to establish Jesus instead of the lost word in the Garden of Eden. He was the second Adam, the incarnation of the word. After attaining the word and the substantial entity centering on God’s eternal love, God tried to form a love relationship with human beings. Even though God and Jesus were able to be united centering on eternal, true love relations, human beings could not form an eternal love relationship with God.

God’s love appears centering surely on the word. Jesus, who was God’s word and embodiment, appeared. Yet while the word has remained, the substantial being, Jesus, has left for good. That is why we ended up living in a sorrowful world where we must live centering on the word.

In the end, what do human beings wish for through the word? It is to find Jesus again. Having the word in our possession will not be enough. We must attend the substantial being. However, because there is no substantial being to attend people yearn for that. The earth is to be moved by finding and setting up the one person who is one with God’s word. History has flowed forth to look for this substantial being of God’s word.

What is the purpose of Jesus’ announcing the word? It is to see the emergence of people who can represent God’s and Jesus’ word. The word that God and Jesus spoke will bear the fruit in the final days. History up to now is the history of the process of re-creation. Therefore, the focus of the word Jesus spoke at the end was, “I am the bridegroom and you are the brides.” Yet the person who possesses the word of immutability, who can represent the word of Jesus, the bridegroom, has yet to appear. You should understand this.

God’s hope was not for Jesus simply to leave after having come to this earth; neither was it for Jesus simply to propagate the word. God hoped for one substantial being who could represent God’s and Jesus’ word by qualifying, through the word, to be the bride.

Jesus came to this earth as God’s body. Centering on God’s life, he was to accomplish the garden of God’s love. This was the purpose of Jesus’ coming. Jesus’ body was the substantial being in whom God could rest. For that reason, just as God loves Jesus and Jesus loves human beings, someone was required who could love.

Because Jesus came with this understanding in his heart, he opened the way for the faithful believers in later generations to be able to become his bride. Jesus is the bridegroom of humankind. Humankind must come to be the bride of Christ. For that reason, as Jesus was so sincere toward God, human beings have to be very sincere toward Jesus. Jesus was to have found a person like this.

Owing to the fall of humankind, the word was lost in the Garden of Eden and so was the substantial being. Human beings should have found the word and the substantial being in Jesus when he came. Yet because humankind killed Jesus, we experienced only the grace of being able to receive the word.

It is a blessing for you today to be in a sphere where you can recreate Adam’s hyung-sang before the fall by relying on the word.

The one who will come as the substantial entity is the Lord of the Second Coming. Because this is the principle of creation, the Lord of the Second Coming cannot come on a cloud. The principle of the rule of Heaven cannot be reversed. Human beings have longed until today for a substantial being of the word since Jesus left. This is the ideal of a Second Advent; it is the hope of the 2,000 years of Christian history.

Jesus stopped Mary Magdalene when she tried to grab hold of his resurrected being. Human beings cannot grasp Jesus in a substantial way. You should understand that Jesus did that because he could leave behind nothing but the word.

Therefore, now you should become the second Christ incarnate who can represent this word and be a representative of Jesus’ mind, Jesus’ sense of responsibility, and God’s Shim Jung. Humankind, including Christianity, living on this earth today can find the word in place of such a Shim Jung. Relying upon that word, they can find a substantial being of that word. Yet they don’t know or appreciate this.


We Seek for the One Person Representing God

1 Kings 5

10 Hiram gave Solomon all the cedar and pine logs he needed. 11 In return, Solomon gave Hiram about one hundred twenty-five thousand bushels of wheat and about one thousand one hundred gallons of pure olive oil each year.

Richard:  We can’t build the Kingdom by ourselves; cooperative relationships are necessary.

2 Kings 11

10 Jehoiada brought out the swords and shields that had belonged to King David and gave them to the commanders. 11 Then they gave the weapons to their guards, who took their positions around the temple and the altar to protect Joash on every side.

Richard:  We need to rally around the words and traditions of Jesus and His Second Coming, Rev. Sun Myung Moon.  Rev. Moon’s representative body is Pastor Hyung Jin Moon and his wife Yeonah Moon.

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Jesus is the Way to the Father


From Paul, a servant of Christ Jesus.

God chose me to be an apostle, and he appointed me to preach the good news that he promised long ago by what his prophets said in the holy Scriptures. 3-4 This good news is about his Son, our Lord Jesus Christ! As a human, he was from the family of David. But the Holy Spirit[a] proved that Jesus is the powerful Son of God,[b] because he was raised from death.

Luke 20

45 While everyone was listening to Jesus, he said to his disciples:

46 Guard against the teachers of the Law of Moses! They love to walk around in long robes, and they like to be greeted in the market. They want the front seats in the meeting places and the best seats at banquets. 47 But they cheat widows out of their homes and then pray long prayers just to show off. These teachers will be punished most of all.

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