We Can Fix the Problems of Family Breakdown and Corrupted Juvenile Ethics

Join us
 for the Peaceful Families; Peaceful World workshop, August 26th to August 28th in Harpers Ferry WV and online.
August 26- Abstinence-Centered Curriculum Training
August 27- Exposition of the Divine Principle Study
August 28- Strengthening Families and Communities Forum (Free)

Happy Declaration of the Realm of the Cosmic Sabbath for Parents of Heaven and Earth, established 1997. We will feature a special reading regarding the significance of this holiday over the next six days.

   Beloved Father! Today, 1997, July 7th, at 7 o’clock, 7 minutes and 7 seconds, centering on the 3.6 Million Couples Blessing,
   We have accomplished this year’s motto, “Let Us be Proud of True Parents and Love True Parents by Accomplishing the 3.6 Million Couples Blessing.”
   How hard You have struggled and borne the heart of grief! As Your children, True Parents, we are hen: with Your other children not knowing Your heart in this historical age. In the meantime, you sent True Parents to the earth so we could build the foundation where mankind could speak out Your heart and be educated about Your internal situation. Through that foundation, we came to know the sad history that since Adam and Eve fell as teenagers and their family was broken down by Satan’s scheme, humankind has been linked to fallen Adam’s family and Satan’s lineage instead of to God’s lineage.
   Therefore, until now, history has kept the lineage of the realm of the archangel and the lineage of Satan. When we think about founding the realm of religion in order to establish the history of the new archangel’s position in the Kingdom of Heaven, we know that the providence of individual restoration is the history of regaining the elder sonship from the realm of the archangel. 

We thank you for this great time when we are facing the age of the Second Advent, the center of the worldwide salvation through the Old Testament~ New Testament, and Completed Testament. Now we can fix the problems of family breakdown and corrupted juvenile ethics originally caused by Adam’s fall.
   In 1945, at the end of World War II, Christianity and the allied nations, which had the mission of a bride to welcome the Lord of the Second Advent, failed their responsibility as the bride. This loss of the world-level nations, the Abel nation and the Eve nation of Adam’s family, which carried the victorious hegemony in the world – level providence, created greater pain and suffering than the loss of a family in the Garden of Eden.

Continue reading “We Can Fix the Problems of Family Breakdown and Corrupted Juvenile Ethics”

If Your Hand Causes You to Sin, Cut It Off

Join us for the Peaceful Families; Peaceful World workshop, August 26th to August 28th in Harpers Ferry WV and online.
August 26- Abstinence-Centered Curriculum Training
August 27- Exposition of the Divine Principle Study
August 28- Strengthening Families and Communities Forum

Cheon Seong Gyeong 476

When receiving the Blessing, Unification Church couples pledge to live as eternal families. I am the one who governs eternal families and the eternal nation. I am setting the standard of families in the eternal nation. Those of you who keep your promise can inherit that family, as well as that eternal nation. (205-359, 1990.10.2)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1342

The 72 Couples correspond to Jesus’ seventy-two disciples. As they succeed in laying a foundation of indemnity on earth, God’s providence can expand. Through the unity of the 72 Couples representing Cain and Abel with the 36 Couples representing Adam and Eve, all providential requirements for the family have been met, and the restoration of the family has been completed. Such is the significance of the Blessing up to the 72 Couples. With the accomplishment of the 72 Couples Blessing, a God-centered foundation was achieved on earth for the first time, both horizontally and vertically, and thereby, a central standard was set up. Thus, the vertical foothold – a central point that should be determined through God’s providence – can be established only when the 36 and 72 Couples are united as the perfected victors of history. Once that central point is determined, the victorious realm of the central ancestors desired by God will finally have been fulfilled. This perfect foundation must be developed horizontally on earth. (55-167, 1972.5.7)

Subduing the Desires of the Flesh

2. Feeling Revulsion for the Body and the Corrupt Senses

If your hand causes you to sin, cut it off; it is better for you to enter life maimed than with two hands to go to hell, to the unquenchable fire. And if your foot causes you to sin, cut it off; it is better for you to enter life lame than with two feet to be thrown into hell. And if your eye causes you to sin, pluck it out; it is better for you to enter the kingdom of God with one eye than with two eyes to be thrown into hell.
    Mark 9.43-47 Continue reading “If Your Hand Causes You to Sin, Cut It Off”

You Should Subdue Your Body

Cheon Seong Gyeong 325

What should a person leave behind him to be remembered for eternity? The first thing is a legacy of love, and the second is a legacy of true life. You must leave behind your love and your life. Love did not exist before God did; love is there because God exists. That is why, for God, life is first and love is second, but for human beings, love is first and life is second. (105-75, 1979.9.23)

Cheon Seong Gyeon 1598

All true created beings in the world possess ideal love, the love of original nature, centered on God, and so we must become families based on absolute couples, children, siblings and parents. This is the second Jardim declaration. As well as absolute faith, love and obedience, God’s nature includes the qualities of being absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal. Since these are God’s attributes, it naturally follows that He desires His object partners also to possess these four attributes. Moreover, since He wishes for His object partners to be superior to Him, He would look for more absoluteness, more uniqueness, more eternality and more immutability in His object partner.

Subduing the Desires of the Flesh

  1. Extinguishing the Desires of the Body

Teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

The true religious life starts from denying all relationships with the body. If you read the scriptures, can you find any guidance about eating good food and leading an easy life? It is impossible to find such guidance. Religion teaches you to serve, sacrifice, be gentle and humble. Therefore religious people pray for the sake of others even at the risk of their lives. The body by itself cannot do this. In this way you can knock down your body.
    The mind and body fight when they have the same amount of strength. So you should make effort to weaken your body. When your mind can subdue your weakened body for several months, then even after the body regains its strength it will follow the mind out of habit. When you reach such a level, you will find that your plans turn out well, having support from Heaven. Then it will be difficult to lead the life you led in the past. You will gravitate towards living an upright life according to your conscience. This is the purpose of the religious life. (38:272, January 8, 1971) Continue reading “You Should Subdue Your Body”

Abstain from Passions of the Flesh that Wage War Against the Soul

Cheong Seong Gyeong 845

Parents first think about their sons and daughters when going through hardships. Then, what is the deepest concern of people’s hearts? You have to know how to find people of misfortune and strive to raise them up to your standard. When you do this, the entire world may oppose you and treat you with contempt, but God and heaven will admire and protect you. The spirits centering on God in the spirit world will go around protecting you like a cloud. Such a person will not perish. When this happens, the clouds will sweep away the entire circumstance and sort it out. Thus, you can create results in equal measure to how hard you work and how much you have invested. Although you are persecuted and suffer hardship, heavenly fortune comes behind you and lays this foundation. Saints were persecuted in their times, but in the following generations they left behind their names. Such phenomena occur because the spirit world, heaven, and heavenly fortune make it this way. (207-99, 1990.11.1)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1722

All of us are seeking after God’s world of love, the source of His love. All beings are on their way to possess the male and female organs. People are on their way to become God’s partners in love. Isn’t this the flawless view of the Principle? This is not some theory I thought up arbitrarily. It refers to the principles of the great way of heaven and earth. (288-334, 1998.1.1)

Subduing the Desires of the Flesh

ALL RELIGIONS AGREE THAT THE SEEKER of Ultimate Reality must restrain his or her desires and subdue the passions of the flesh. Striking and weakening the body through rigorous self-control, fasting, sitting hours at meditation, etc. are all commendable ways to struggle against the flesh’s desires and ultimately to dominate them.
For most people, the most challenging of them all is sexual desire. Jesus taught that we should be ruthless, “If your eye causes you to sin, pluck it out…” to which we add a Buddhist story of a nun who did just that—to quench her counterpart’s sin, not her own. Buddhism promotes the technique of meditating on “the loathsomeness of the body” as a bag of fluids, lymph, bile and feces to help men curb their desire for the opposite sex. Father Moon also recommends summoning up an attitude of disgust for the body, calling it “Satan’s dance-hall.”
Related passages on self-conquest are found in Chapter 12: Self-Control; yet perfect self-control is nearly impossible to attain. Father Moon explains this predicament as a consequence of humanity’s impaired condition after the Fall. Extreme and forceful practice is required to do what does not come naturally. Therefore, religions developed to teach the path of intense and unrelenting efforts at striking at the body and subduing its desires. In some religions these practices became organized into monasticism; nevertheless people in every walk of life should be making efforts in this direction.

1. Extinguishing the Desires of the Body

Beloved, I beseech you…to abstain from the passions of the flesh that wage war against your soul.
    1 Peter 2.11 Continue reading “Abstain from Passions of the Flesh that Wage War Against the Soul”

Absolute Faith Is the Place of Self-Negation

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2288

    Mothers and fathers should love each other and their children and educate them by manifesting themselves as representatives of the nation, the cosmos, their relatives, their mothers, fathers, brothers and sisters. This must take place on earth. They must set an example of how to love the cosmos, world and nation. They must be the textbooks that reveal the future.
    That is not all. To become owners you need to learn the heart of parents, teachers, and God, and inherit the right of ownership. After joining the church, we are reborn, educated, and finally perfected. When we are fully matured, we will be able to understand everything. You will then say, “I want to stand in the position of the owner.” You will inherit everything, for that is what being the owner means. Wherever it is, it comes to the same thing. Such is the mainstream ideology. If you go this way, you will meet the true teacher, and if you go that way, you will meet the True Parents. All is the same. Hence, the Kingdom of Heaven is the same everywhere. (205-21, 1990.7.15)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1262

    The reason human beings need a messiah is so they can be saved. Then, what is the original starting point from which salvation can occur? It is returning to the point of contact with God’s love.
    However, the whole of humanity has become totally disconnected from God, and instead has become the embodiment of Satan. This is the exact opposite of God’s love, and therefore needs to be indemnified. Indemnity refers to the complete removal of the original sin. But the fundamental problem lies in the lineage. Any problems related to the bloodline cannot be resolved by fallen human beings. That is why humankind needs the Messiah. (35-159, 1970.10.13)


Teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

Absolute faith is not the place of self-affirmation, but of self-negation. (Way of God’s Will 3.2)

What is the most serious obstacle to entering the Kingdom of Heaven? An enemy called “I” is lurking about. “I” am the enemy. The reason why we pray and put effort into our life of faith is ultimately to be victorious over “me.” Our goal is to achieve the victory whereby we no longer face Satan’s accusation, but as long as “I” exists, it is impossible to completely break away from that condition.
     We should be able to deny this “I” in the name of God. We must totally deny ourselves. Only by total self-denial can we cut all the strings by which Satan has been pulling us. We should understand that something like the silk threads of a spider web connect us to Satan, who uses them to pull us. We have to cut them all with a razor. (122:13, April 26, 1982) Continue reading “Absolute Faith Is the Place of Self-Negation”