Today Is the Day of the Proclamation of the True Parents

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Cheon Seong Gyeong 859

Once you go to the spirit world, everything will be connected from hell to the midway spirit world, to paradise and to the Kingdom of Heaven, depending on how much you adapt and align yourself to the Principle. Shouldn’t there be such a principle? Even if one is an American president, a Nobel Laureate or a worldfamous scholar, can such a person go to the Kingdom of Heaven when they enter the spirit world? Can they be admitted? No, they cannot. That is why the world of religion teaches people to give everything up and follow. You have to give everything up and follow. Then what is the most precious thing? What counts is how much a person received pain for the sake of heaven, how much he received pain for this world, and how many tears he shed. That is the ticket to pass into the next world. Make no mistake about this. It is absolute. This fits the theory. (97-172, 1978.3.15)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1246

    What is the ultimate purpose of the Blessing? It is to restore the true family. This is the greatest purpose sought by fallen human beings.
    In order to form a true family, there must first be a true person. That true person should be none other than a true man. Then that true man will seek out a true woman, and be married to that woman centering on God; that is how a true family can emerge. Because of the Fall, this did not come to pass, and so we must deny all families that have been created up until now. We must go beyond this point and form new families according to God’s providential will.
    If you cannot do this, then from a Divine Principle point of view, fallen human beings will not be able to return to the original world. It must be clearly understood that fallen people, no matter who they are, cannot stand before God if they do not fulfill this formula course. (35-215, 1970.10.19)


Teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

Hope brings with it revival, development, victory and prosperity (64:311, November 12, 1972)

The highest hope of a human being is to reconnect with God.6 (68:131, July 29, 1973)

Because God continues to have eternal hope, today we too continue to cherish an eternal hope. (1:99, June 6, 1956)

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Since We Are Surrounded by so Great a Cloud of Witnesses, let Us Also Lay Aside Every Weight

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2206

Then even after your death your loyalty and filial piety will remain as that which belongs to heaven and to earth. Humankind will pass this tradition down as that which belongs to earth. That is how it is. (155-235, 1965.10.31)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 775

    Water symbolizes the age of the womb. Your nose symbolizes the age of air. After coming out of your mother’s womb you live in the age of air. Afterwards, it becomes the age of the eyes, the age of the sun and the age of light. Love is also called light. It is said that love lights everything up, isn’t it? It is the world of light.
    Life goes through three periods. Even a dragonfly spends time in the water, on land and then, after discarding its shell, it flies about feeding on other bugs. It goes through three stages. It is the same with human beings, the lords of creation. After the age of the womb, when you emerge from your mother’s womb, do you come out with your arms full of household goods or do you come out destroying and cutting everything away? It would cause serious trouble if you came out with even one item.
    You used to eat and breathe through your umbilical cord. Wouldn’t you expect to die if you cut it? Yet you need to cut it in order to come out of the mother’s womb. You have to cut it ruthlessly. You have to destroy everything as you come out. (299-37, 1999.2.1)


Hope is integral to faith in God. A hopeful view of the world’s future follows from faith in the God of history who is moving forward to fulfill His promises. God has promised an end to violence and oppression, poverty and sorrows. Even though people do not always see the realization of their hopes in this world, they can still hope for a future beyond death, a new life in the eternal world. Therefore, God created human beings to hope, and by keeping hope alive we can draw closer to God.
Father Moon teaches that in the religious life we should keep a positive and hopeful attitude, ever maintaining our vision and our hopes regardless of the circumstances. We should keep our minds fixed on eternity, with a hope that transcends even death. We should carry the torch of hope, following in the footsteps of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses and others who, in the words of the Letter to the Hebrews, possessed “the conviction of things unseen, assurance of things hoped for.” Above all, we should hope for the fulfillment of God’s Kingdom, especially in these days of the advent of the True Parents.

Where there is no vision, the people perish.
    Youths may faint and be weary,
and young men may fall, exhausted;
but they who hope in the Lord shall renew
their strength.
    Isaiah 40.30

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God Rejoices When We Testify to Him with an Earnest Heart

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2104

The path of God, who has been paving the way of the tradition of love, is one full of suffering. We have to walk this path because we are to inherit the tradition God has been establishing. I don’t enjoy watching you suffer. You should keep in mind that God has been preparing with painful efforts and devotion to bless you unconditionally. Glory comes only when you receive the inheritance in that place. Isn’t this so? Glory comes only when you inherit from your enemy. God dwells there. Since it has been spread through the cross, it must be reaped by going the way of the cross again. You should know this. Since it was spread through suffering, it must be reaped through suffering. (150-209, 1961.2.15)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1224

As far as I know, there is no way you can unite mind and body when rising to a high position. If you rise to the top with a lofty mindset, there is no way to be united. You must be trampled on. Even in my case, God has been trampling on me with His feet for forty years now, so that I would not rise high. Since He’s been doing that, all my aspirations to rise were stirred up and I could unite with Him. You must be cursed at, trampled upon, and mistreated wherever you go, like Kim Sat-gat who roamed all over the Korean peninsula. But even in such circumstances you must discover yourself and be able to digest everything with joy. (144-255, 1986.4.25)


Teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

By witnessing through the Divine Principle, we are carrying out a movement to revive love. [We are building] the world of heart, which transcends time and space. Our words and our prayers are ultimately for the sake of love. Let us realize the ideal of love—that is perfection. (33:69, August 8, 1970)

God rejoices when we testify to Him with an earnest heart. God desires to work through good people to save every human soul from the world of death. God would not withhold anything from people who understand this deep wish of Heaven—and who take it upon themselves to resolve the grief in God’s heart by shouldering the burden in God’s place, fighting to save people, and declaring God’s heart to the world. (8:259, January 17, 1960)

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I Send You Out as Sheep in the Midst of Wolves

Cheon Seong Gyeong 239

If I had known from the beginning that I would be the True Parent, it is reasonable to say that everyone would have known it. Rather, I was digging into the fundamental problem of human life without knowing it, and came all the way here as a result. As I was disentangling these complications, the liberation of True Parents took place and I came to know that God needs liberation. Since God was liberated through me, He cannot help but absolutely love me. What have you done after meeting True Parents? I am asking you, what have you accomplished? Until now, I have gone through the family, tribe, and race, organizing individuals, families, and tribes while being beaten up in the devil’s world. Our Blessed Families have organized a tribe. This is global. Now the satanic world cannot take them away and do as it pleases with them. Why? When they observe closely, our way of life is very good. Today Eastern and Western people fight, and even if they do get together, they divorce after a short time. In contrast, our Blessed Families are living together well after ten years, twenty years, or however long. (211-323, 1991.1.1)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1259

Adam and Eve became one with Satan in their minds and inherited the lineage of Satan. God is a loving God, so why can’t He find it in His heart to forgive Satan? The Bible says He could forgive anything, even murder and robbery, and those who believe in Jesus will be forgiven their sins. So why can’t He forgive Satan? The reason God cannot forgive Satan is because he defiled the blood line of humankind. What does that mean? From God’s point of view, Satan is the adulterer, the adulterer of love. Do you understand what that means? (156-226, 1966.5.25)


MOST RELIGIONS ENCOURAGE EVANGELISM, sharing the truth with others with the aim of leading them to salvation. The religious mandate to bear witness to the truth grows out of love—concern for that person’s eternal life, based upon the conviction that the truth of religion is liberating and will bring out that person’s higher potential. Witness begins by example, to “let your light so shine before men.” Through good deeds and a compassionate heart the believer demonstrates living faith that is attractive to others. Next comes preaching and teaching the doctrine. Although evangelism sometimes meets with opposition, nevertheless it should be carried out with a pure mind and upright conduct while always trusting in God’s guidance.

All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the close of the age.
    Matthew 28.18-20: The Great Commission

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We Have to Overcome Disbelief

Cheon Seong Gyeong 310

Each nation has its border, its cultural background, and its customs. The only weapon that can transcend these is true love. (205-250, 1990.9.9)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1425

Don’t you have to register births? If you are Japanese, you need to register as a citizen of Japan who was born in a certain place. Similarly, we need to be registered into the kingdom. Until now, the Kingdom of God has not existed. Since there has been no family centered on True Parents, it follows that there was no tribe or nation either. We need to indemnify all this, so that we can reclaim the family, tribe, a people, nation, and world from the satanic realm, the kingdom of Satan. Centering on the religious realm, the whole world including the non-religious realm must be united together, and everything that belongs to Satan must be restored to God’s side. If this is not achieved, you cannot live peacefully in the spirit world after you have passed away. It is tens, hundreds and thousands of times more difficult to form a relationship with the physical world from the spirit world. (250-112, 1993.10.12)


5. Faith in the Face of Adversityd

Teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

Suppose you have been married for some time and are deeply in love, but suddenly your spouse dies. You feel as if all of heaven and earth were crumbling. At that moment you could curse God for taking your loved one away, but instead you should think: What could be the reason this has happened? You should recall that God often takes away something precious in order to give something more precious. Such is the heart of a parent.
    You should think about your situation in light of the principle of restoration through indemnity, remembering that on the path of restoration, indemnity is something to be grateful for. Then you can appreciate it, saying, “God chose me to suffer this loss because He knows I am the only one strong enough to go this indemnity course.” And then, if you come before God with a settled spirit and pray, “What’s next?” God will be amazed. When you look at the long view, your suffering today will accrue as blessings to your descendants 100 years, 1,000 years in the future. (104:106, April 15, 1979)

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