The Kingdom of Heaven Starts from the Family

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2083

What are we to do, living in a divided nation, with North and South bordering each other along the thirty-eighth parallel? The question is how will we go about resolving this issue? That is, we must suffer more than both the North and South Korean people. Through hardships, our patriotism will be solidified to encompass the nation and become the shortcut to save Korea. This is the solution. It is the same for the unification of the world of evil and the world of good. Loyal patriots who are more faithful than the loyal patriots of the world of evil must emerge. This broken history can be restored with the appearance of a person who can demonstrate a stronger allegiance to the world than that held by our loyal ancestors. That’s how I see it. (61-125, 1972.8.13)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1342

Each person is the fruit of the past, the center of the present, and the beginning of the future, and is therefore the meeting point of three eras. When you multiply the three separate eras by the number twelve, you get the number 36. Thus, you arrive at the 36 Couples and since the children in the position of Cain and Abel must be restored centering on these 36 Couples, it follows that the 72 Couples must come next. (34-262, 1970.9.13)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 4


Chapter 11

The Family Is the Eternal Foundation of Happiness

Section 8. The Unification Church Seeks to Realize the Family Kingdom of Heaven

    There is a reason why I have not been building churches until now. It is because we do not need many people in the church. God’s Kingdom is realized not from the church but from the family; that is to say, it starts from bride and groom. Woman was born in order to see man, and vice versa.
    The first cry a baby makes when it wakes up from sleep and opens its eyes is “Mommy!” Husbands should call their wives more than babies call their mothers. Continue reading “The Kingdom of Heaven Starts from the Family”

Grandmothers and Grandfathers are Pitiful in the West

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1682

Have we perceived that, in reproduction, there has been a process of development in the relational world of plus and minus, and that the concept of male and female was there before evolution was theoretically possible? Since, in terms of love, the distinction between species is strict, a third party cannot intervene. According to evolutionary theory, one must cross over the several thousand stages from the amoeba to the monkey; however, there is no way this can be done. Given that only after passing through thousands of gates of love can that seed of development be connected, is it possible for an amoeba to give rise to a monkey? That is absolutely impossible. (245-62, 1993.2.28)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1240

In the present era, we are heading towards the completion stage, having passed through the formation and growth stages. This is the era in which history has to move horizontally after developing vertically. In other words, it is the era in which the boundary of the six-thousand-year long history of indemnification is crossed. That is why you need to escape from the dominion of Satan. Then what is the Blessing? It is the gate you have to pass through to leave the realm Satan has dominated throughout history. (18-209, 1967.6.8)

Richard: View Restoring the Family Is Salvation, a brief explanation of the significance of the Blessing.

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 4


Chapter 11

The Family Is the Eternal Foundation of Happiness

Section 7. The Heavenly Way People Should Go in the Family

    People should love their neighbors’ parents, grandparents and children just as they love their own. Only then will the relationships of above and below, left and right, and front and back arise. Only when they arise will the vertical standard of heart be established and the heavenly way emerge. Continue reading “Grandmothers and Grandfathers are Pitiful in the West”

Not Having Children Causes Unhappiness

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2092

Until now, the Unification Church has been fighting to find the family, since the individual cannot come to rest without the family. Moreover, without the realm of the tribe, the family cannot come to rest. You may not be able to live comfortably in your family unless the tribe creates a stage upon which it acts as a fence that blocks winds and all other substances. In order for this to be so, you must become the head of the family among your relatives.
Once you become the head of the family, all your relatives will go out to fight if there’s a battle. Then you can take a rest while commanding them! That is why I have told you to take up the mission as tribal messiahs. What am I telling you to do? I am telling you to do your mission as tribal messiahs. Until now, in reality, you have lived away from home. Now you must go look for your hometown. You must break into tears and put your whole heart into your hometown.
Just as the Israelites lived in Egypt for four hundred years, we have done the same for the past forty-three years. Now we must return to our hometown and let love take root. You must love God, your parents, and your brothers and sisters. You must disconnect the source by which the worldwide Satan can falsely accuse you. The establishment of the ideal heavenly kingdom in the blessed land of Canaan was not fulfilled because the Israelites could not remove that source. Therefore, do not expect anything from the satanic world. Even if we must continue carrying a burden, we are the best. Even if we get cursed or the dog in the village barks at us at night, we are the best. You must go forward, progressing by digesting the villages and marching proudly with an outcry of love. With this in mind, I want you to fight onward. (178-139, 1988.6.1)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1540

    Even Jesus is waiting in paradise. You need to understand that, because a nation with the right to connect earth directly to heaven was not established, Jesus was blocked from standing before God’s throne. Until the sovereignty of God’s Kingdom is established Jesus could not reign over it as ruler and stand before God. Paradise is like a waiting room before entering heaven. Furthermore, heaven is a place you cannot enter having lived alone. It is the place where Adam and Eve would have remained together as a family had they not fallen. It is the place that you will share with your children and family; otherwise it is not possible to enter. (56-201, 1972.5.14)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 4


Chapter 11

The Family Is the Eternal Foundation of Happiness

Section 6. Universal Principle of the Four-Position Foundation

    Why are people sad when their loved ones pass away? When that happens, they feel it immediately due to the operation of the superhuman force that fills this universe. The more this force enters them, the more they feel the universal force centering on the vertical relationship with God. Yet when their loved ones pass away, that force leaves them, and they immediately feel the result of its departure.

Continue reading “Not Having Children Causes Unhappiness”

Heaven Is a Place You Must Enter with Your Parents and Siblings

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2069

    We must return to the hometown of our origin! This is based on the Principle. How can you deny this? It’s the logical conclusion. Those who don’t think so raise your hands. Can you deny this? There is no way, other than the way of obedience and submission. That’s why we are doing that in Korea, at this time. By returning to your hometowns, you must complete the foundation for the nation upon the foundation of having completed the tong ban breakthrough activities in you area. This is done by starting in each family and raising them through the formation, growth, and completion stages.
    The family is the formation stage, the tong and ban (local community and neighborhood) are the tribal growth stage, and then the nation is the completion stage. These three points must be connected in the family. If you don’t connect these points in the family, then they can’t be connected at the tribal level. They can’t be connected to the nation, and they can’t be connected to the world. (218-184, 1991.7.28)

Richard: Read more about Tong Ban/Home Church activity.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1061

Just as I instructed at the time of the 1968 Blessing of 430 couples, you also should become tribal messiahs. You must fulfill this mission. For instance, the 36 couples from the Kim tribe should be organized centered on members of the Kim family who have already received the Blessing, just as the 36 Couples are organized in the church around me. If it is too difficult to establish 36 couples, you should at least become the ancestors of 12 couples. Then you should become the ancestors of your tribe and organize your tribe into twelve branch tribes. When you accomplish this, your entire tribe will be included in those twelve branch tribes, thus becoming a tribe of your direct lineage. (31-276, 1970.6.4)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 4


Chapter 11

The Family Is the Eternal Foundation of Happiness

Section 5. Heaven is a Place One Enters as a Family Unit

What is heaven? You talk about going to paradise or heaven but it is not a place you enter alone. Heaven is a place that you must enter with your parents and siblings. (15-278, 1965.10.30) Continue reading “Heaven Is a Place You Must Enter with Your Parents and Siblings”

The Family Is the Nest of Happiness

Cheon Seong Gyeong 601

    The biggest question then is whether we can offer our lives. When I started out on this path, I asked myself if I was resolved to lay down my life.
    I was resolved to die. I also thought about how I would die as well as the last words I would utter. I did not think about how I could live.
    Since God’s providence revolved around Korea, I sought the position of death. Where was that? It was the place to confront the enemy, that is to say, the place where the enemy was to be found. I went out in search of the enemy headquarters. Because the foundation of the Will based upon Korean Christianity fell into satanic hands, I went to North Korea, which was Satan’s den, to recover it.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1187

    The Ceremony of the Settlement of the Eight Stages signifies that the historical course of vertical indemnity and the course of horizontal indemnity that went through the stages of individual, family, people, nation, and the world. That is the vertical and horizontal courses consisting of eight stages are completed. Due to this, the right of eldest son has been restored, and the course of indemnity for all humanity is abolished. That is what I have done by holding this ceremony. The right of the eldest son is restored; the Parents are embracing all humankind. Thus, an end is brought to the history of war and struggle that was necessary in order for the right of the eldest son to be restored in the realm of parental love. The time has come when indemnity is not needed and we can reach harmony in love. In order to achieve this, I had to hold the Ceremony of the Settlement of the Eight Stages. By holding this ceremony, the Parents forgave both the elder and the younger son, so that next we can enter the age of the realm of forgiveness for the fallen parents. (193-173, 1989.10.3)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 4


Chapter 11

The Family Is the Eternal Foundation of Happiness

Section 4. The Realization of the Ideal of Love Starts in the Family

    From where should the ideal of love start being realized? From the Unification Church? The nation? The world? Even if someone unified the world, if he failed to unify his own family, he would be an unhappy person. The ideal of love should first be realized in the family. The family is the nest of happiness. Therefore, God’s Kingdom begins from there. When Jesus, who came to the earth to realize God’s Kingdom, said, “I am the Bridegroom and you are the brides,” he was referring to the family level. Continue reading “The Family Is the Nest of Happiness”