It Is an Amazing Thing that You Were Alive at the Same Time as True Parents

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1554

    What will be the final difficult challenge that we will be faced with in this world? It will be the separation of the Oriental and Western cultures. The issue at hand, therefore, is how we can unite East and West. Human efforts alone would not be enough to achieve this. In uniting the left and right wings, the endeavors of one side, whether left or right, would not suffice. Instead, the head wing must emerge at this point, which is why we are talking about the emergence of head-wing thought. Humanism and materialism, which assert human beings to be the greatest of all beings, would be of no use here. They would not be adequate at all. We need to revert to the path based on God’s will and centered upon His original heart. The question is how we can present these issues to the world and connect the cultural backgrounds of the East and West, which are presently alienated from each other. Though the American people opposed me, we have reached the stage where they have no choice but to follow me. The same can also be said of the Western world. (168- 112, 1987.9.13)

    True peace for humanity cannot be attained by the right wing or left wing alone. The reason for this is that the fundamental motives of both right and left are not free from egoism. If people are self-centered and nationalistic, there will be everlasting conflicts of interest, and unity and peace could not possibly be found there. (164-194, 1987.5.15)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 759

We live in this world, yet we know that this is not all there is and that the spirit world exists. The physical and spirit worlds are not separate but are connected as one. Then, where is the place to which we are destined to go and ultimately settle down? We are now living in the flesh on this earth, but are moving towards the eternal world. We pass through our teenage years, our twenties, thirties, and after we have outgrown our youth, we enter the prime of our life, then gradually pass the peak, and eventually reach old age. Like the setting sun, our life comes to an end in this way. (140-121, 1986.2.9)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 2
True Parents
Chapter 6

True Parents and Us

Section 2. The Value of Working with True Parents while They are on Earth

    What is the current situation? You are living in the same age as True Parents. You only get this chance once in a lifetime. Among the many currents of history, it is a period that can be compared with the tastiest part of a fish. (46-167, 1971.8.13) Continue reading “It Is an Amazing Thing that You Were Alive at the Same Time as True Parents”

There Cannot be Two Sets of True Parents

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1895

When you look at all the fish in the sea, they all eat up the smaller ones, so how is this God’s love? For these fish, the ideal is to serve human beings and be absorbed into the human cells, where they can receive God’s love. Because of that, the minerals are absorbed before the plants. They are absorbed in human cells, in which they can receive God’s love. The plants are absorbed by the animals, and the higher animals are absorbed by human beings. All those creatures that are fine and delicious hope to be absorbed by people. The best cells are absorbed by their owner, in hopes to connect or return towards the original palace of love, as the realization of God’s sons and daughters by being the real body of love. (199-333, 1990.2.21)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1161

What is the significance of Blessed Families? Satan cannot dominate Blessed Families. If you believe in me completely and stand firm in the conviction that you belong to the True Parents, then, no matter which country you are in, Satan will not be able to invade you. Why is this so? It is because you are connected to the realm of True Parents’ heart in which your lineage has been changed. That is why Satan cannot meddle with you from this point on. (149-53, 1986.11.2)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 2
True Parents
Chapter 6

True Parents and Us

Section 2. The Value of Working with True Parents while They are on Earth

    In this world, there cannot be two sets of True Parents. In North Korea, they call Kim Il-sung “Father,” and in the Unification Church you also call me Father. But the father of the Unification Church and the father of North Korea are qualitatively different. They are confronting each other: both are saying they are the parent. Also, God and Satan are fighting, each claiming a parent as their own. Who should render public judgment over this matter? Human beings should. Human beings should choose their parents, saying, “Our parents should be such and such people.” They should make the decision, saying, “The fallen parents are evil parents for this reason, and good parents are good parents for this reason. Since it is God, not Satan, who has been seeking good parents, God is the father of the good parents.” So where does everything come down to? It all comes down to the point where we meet True Parents.
    There cannot be two sets of parents. When parents die, do they come back after a thousand years? Since the one appearance of the Parents of humankind is the desire of history, the desire of nations, the desire of ideologies, and the desire of the providence, the time of their appearance is an unprecedented and unrepeatable time. It is the pinnacle that comes only once in history. If it is narrow, how narrow is it? From the viewpoint of the eternal world, a person’s lifespan is like the time required to take one breath. I do not know if you are lucky or blessed, but you have managed to live in this era, encounter this one time, and join the Unification Church. How did you come to be here? Countless ancestors of yours devoted their efforts again and again until they could bring you to this place. Myriads of people perished and died when goodness was trampled upon, but the connections between these countless people turned around and around and reached heaven, rising like a high mountain where the sun rises. You are the ones who have followed the sunlight and gathered there.    
    When the conditions for love emerge in human history, it will be for the first time. It will establish the point from which the value of life can be bestowed. There is no other time when the sovereignty of the nation and world can be acknowledged to have a higher value. This time is the origin of history, the focus of hope, the starting point of all blessings, and the source of eternal life. It is that kind of era. The fallen world has been seeking hope for the future; this time establishes the eternal standard of hope in the future. Because you live in such a time, you should deeply learn the heart of this era and thereby save the world. It is that kind of time. For this reason, the True Parents, who come as the substance of that summit, have to live according to the norms through which they can belong to the place of True Parents’ heart. I do not think you understand this. What should those parents do? They should be different from evil parents because they are good parents.
    How should they relate to evil children? They will have to treat them based on a deeper heart than any parents in history have ever had. Even when they face a child with a miserable fate, instead of stumbling over him they should run to him in tears, beg him and comfort him to resolve the sorrow of tens of thousands of ages. They should cry their hearts out while acknowledging their mutual error in order to avoid separation. I am saying people should be like this if they are to be true parents. They are different. As parents, this is how their attitude of heart should be. What attitude of heart and standard of behavior should the children have who can receive such parents have? They need to have those. They should be representatives of the children of filial piety from all nations. Just as each nation’s champion runs in a world marathon event, they should be champions chosen by their tribe. What are they champions of? They are champions of practicing filial piety and loyalty. You should be such a group of champions. In the sense that children should be this way and parents should be that way, the one known as Rev. Moon in the Unification Church has a different root.
    If you miss this time, you will have deep regrets for hundreds of millions of years. Can you buy this opportunity with money? Can you buy it with knowledge? Can you match it with something you have? You absolutely cannot. Even if you bear the burden of the world, people, tribe and family who are connected to you all at once, can you inherit this? Again, no, you cannot. This time is so precious that even if the communist world and democratic world were allowed to perish, this opportunity would not be allowed to come to nought. God would think that even if all humankind were sacrificed, this opportunity should not be destroyed. This is what we should think. There is no way you can say all you want to say and stand in such a focal position. There is no way you can say all you want to say and still be a child of filial piety. There is no way you can say all you want to say and do all you want to do and still become a patriot. (51-354, 1971.12.5)

God Never Sends People to Hell

Cheon Seong Gyeong 622

    Our Unification Church members must receive spiritual guidance from me directly during their prayer or in their dreams. Already many members can receive my spiritual guidance directly, no matter where they go.
    Many wonderful things will occur that are more real than those at the time of Jesus. That is why Unification members are in a position to attend me directly. In the church you will from time to time experience something greater than that which the people had in Jesus’ time. That is why the world will be able to become one with the Unification Movement.
    In order to pass through the realm of death today, we need to offer our prayers with the resolve to die. It is not enough for you to pray for only an instant. Pray for twenty-four hours. People who are unable to have such experiences or live without being able to attend me personally in such an era of freedom are pitiful.
    By having such standards and experiences Blessed Couples originally should be connected to such content. You are supposed to be entitled to be Blessing candidates only after being spiritually engrafted to and united with me. (31-330, 1970.6.7)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 892

God never sends people to hell. When people go to the spirit world, they go to hell on their own account. When people who live an evil life go to places of goodness they cannot breathe. They cannot breathe. So, inevitably they go in search of a place that suits them. They go to hell, to a darker place, and say, “Ah ha, this is the place!” That is hell. People like me cannot stay in hell, even if we were told to live there. I wouldn’t be able to breathe. It would smell and taste repulsive to me. Who sends people to hell? It is not God. You go to hell on your own. (200-192, 1990.2.25)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 2
True Parents
Chapter 6

True Parents and Us

Section 1. The Essence of the Teachings of the Family Federation

1.4. Parents and family members

    In our Unification Church, we call our church members family members. Until today, no one has helped us understand this term “family member.” Family members do not exist separately from a family. Having family members means there must be a family the existence of a family means there must be brothers and sisters, and the existence of brothers and sisters means there must be parents. In Christianity, religious people use words such as “church members” and “believers,” but they have not been able to use the term “family member.” Today, people are proclaiming the idea of one great global family, but building a great family requires the presence of parents who can be the father and mother of that great family. The one who comes as such a parent is none other than the Messiah. Continue reading “God Never Sends People to Hell”

It Is a Sin Not to Bear Children

Cheon Seong Gyeong 823

You know about the four great realms of heart and the three great kingships. As couples, you must accomplish these things. If you can do this, you can freely come down to the earth from the spirit world at any time. (253-71, 1994.1.7)

The perfection of the four great realms of heart is made possible by a couple becoming one in love through marriage. If this unity is broken, then the realms of the children’s heart, siblings’ heart, couples’ heart, and parents’ heart will remain incomplete. You need to perfect these realms of heart in order to pass smoothly to the spirit world. Yet, because of the Fall, no one has ever achieved perfection in these realms of heart. This is why you need to carry out restoration through indemnity. (249-289, 1993.10.11)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1331

When you look at my family, you can see that I have children in the vertical position. On the horizontal foundation, who among the True Children represents the position of the horizontal Abel? It is Heung-jin. He is the second son. In order to establish the 36 Couples, people representing Jesus’ three main disciples had to be secured, restoring the number three. The first three, the archangeltype couples, fulfilled this role. After the number three had been regained, 36 couples representing Adam’s family, Noah’s family, and Jacob’s family could come forth. The first of the three Couples, who themselves represent the 36 Couples, was that of Kim Won-pil. Providential history cannot allow just anyone to stand in that position. He must have a suitable ancestral background aligned with the dispensation in the spirit world; otherwise, he cannot stand in the position of the eldest son. The one who fulfilled these requirements was Kim Wonpil. The one who occupied the position of the second son was Eu Hyo-won and the third was Kim Young-hwi. (169-109, 1987.10.29)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 2
True Parents
Chapter 6

True Parents and Us

Section 1. The Essence of the Teachings of the Family Federation

1.3. God’s love and True Parents’ love

    God’s love is the love of a vertical parent, and True Parents’ love is the love of horizontal parents. Since you are the people that have inherited these, your minds are the fruit of the tradition that has received the love of the vertical God and parents. Likewise your bodies are the fruit of the tradition that have received the love of horizontal True Parents. In order for these fruits to form the horizontal basis of a family and form a sphere with a vertical center you need to be a husband or a wife and have children. So it is a sin not to bear children. You should not be a childless person. Is there flesh without bone? No, because it would have nowhere to attach itself. (184-309, 1989.1.1)

    God’s masculine and feminine characteristics are separated into the forms of Adam and Eve. What unites them and makes them one again? Love. As they separate and reunite, God can experience how strong the love is that is contained within Himself. Otherwise, He would not know. Although God has love within Himself, He does not experience that love. He knows about it only through meeting a partner. Through people, He feels the love that is inside Himself. God is the vertical Father, and Adam and Eve are parents centered on horizontal true love. (185-187, 1989.1.8)

    God is the bone of love. God’s love is like the bone and human love is like the flesh. The bone and flesh become one in order to take shape. This is the principle. Just as you have bones, God’s love is the love that is like the bone. True Parents’ love is the love that is like the flesh. (181-206, 1988.10.3)

The Establishment of True Parents is the Fruit of God’s Historical Work

Cheon Seong Gyeong 714

    The mind stands in God’s stead. Your mind represents your predecessors, your ancestors. The mind represents the teacher as well as the ruler. Yet, how long has the mind been held in disdain and contempt? The mind represents the one being who, as the center of the universe, stands in the position of the true parent, the true teacher, and the true lord. It exists as the subject of true love. How much has the mind been sacrificed to keep us in order on the earth?
    Though it is treated contemptuously and dragged around, when you have evil    thoughts and commit theft at dawn, your mind protests against you time and again saying, “Hey, you wretch!” How long have we trifled with such a mind? It stands in the place of parent, teacher, and lord. In the world of the mind, no trials are needed. You know yourself better than anyone else. No third party or witness is necessary.
    We cannot stand proudly before our parents; we are ashamed before our teachers, before the rulers of our nation, and we are ashamed before God. Hence we must repent. In order to return to our original homeland, we must repent. In the original homeland, we must attend God as our King. He is the King of the universe, nation, tribe, and family.
    God is the Teacher of the universe, nation, tribe, and family. He is also their Lord. This is the three-great-subjects thought. Having the essence of the love that lives for others and then forgets about doing so, this three-great-subjects thought represents the heavenly nation.
    If we could entirely possess the three great-subjects thought, that would be most ideal. But even if we do not, when we stand in the position of true parents, teachers will stand on the right, and lords on the left. Therefore, it would be best if you can stand in one of these three positions. Whether you become true parents, true teachers, or true lords, if you stand in at least one of those positions, your registration in the Kingdom of Heaven will not be a problem. (209-154, 1990.11.28)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1506

The cosmos-centered ideology is for the sake of achieving mind-body unity. It is to establish the family as the embodiment of God’s love, and to implement these ideas in the spiritual and physical worlds. The Chinese character for ju (宙) in cheon-ju (cosmos) means “house.” That’s why the term “cosmos-centered ideology” is being used. The cosmos is the combination of the incorporeal and corporeal worlds. How does this relate to us? We need a family. If you cannot achieve oneness on the family level, the cosmos-centered ideology will have nothing to do with you. The God-centered family is the ultimate standard to complete the ideal about which such a cosmos-centered ideology teaches. If you cannot sing the song of peace and praise happiness in the family on earth, you will be unhappy in the spirit world. (26-190, 1969.10.25)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 2
True Parents
Chapter 6

True Parents and Us

Section 1. The Essence of the Teachings of the Family Federation

1.2. True families determine the center of the universe

    When True Parents appear, a true family will be established, and a true person’s purpose can be realized. True Parents is the name that can be praised eternally from the past, to the present and on into the future. The fact that the True Parents have appeared on this earth, that True Parents are here, is the most joyful gospel of all gospels. Humankind these days is wicked. Due to the power of evil, a realm of death is emerging, and the world cannot find any direction. The establishment of True Parents is the fruit of God’s historical work of over six thousand years., In this age, when countless people are wandering around aimlessly, True Parents are the ones who have appeared as a central model to find their destination for them and show them the direction to take. With the advent of the name True Parents, the eternal heavenly kingdom of the future begins, a world that reflects God’s ideal at the time of creation in the Garden of Eden. This was true in the past; it is true in this age, and it will be so in the future. Therefore, you should know that, judging from all of history, encompassing the past, present and future, the True Parents, who have appeared on earth are the central point that determines the center of the universe. History starts anew from here, becomes ordered from here and bears fruit from here. It is because history bears fruit here that the past resurrects here. The world becomes ordered as one world and a new Kingdom of Heaven is realized. Continue reading “The Establishment of True Parents is the Fruit of God’s Historical Work”