Korea is the Nation Where Christ Returns

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1619

    Didn’t hell come into existence after the Fall? In contrast, heaven is the world of love which everyone in both the spiritual and physical worlds can enter after passing through the True Parents’ gates of love. Had Adam and Eve not fallen, but instead entered heaven through establishing true parental love, they would have become the model for all subsequent families in the world. Heaven will be opened when the first exemplary family can enter.
    All the families that have linked themselves to the love of this royal family of heaven and inheriting their tradition will be like branches pointing north, south, east and west as they grow from that central trunk. Thus, they can enter heaven by the same principle that is the basis of a unified world. You need to understand this clearly. (231-76, 1992.5.31)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1977

You should all love Korea. God’s purpose in raising Korea should be fulfilled and Korea should become our homeland. In the future, the entire Korean peninsula should become a holy ground.  Shouldn’t we recover the Liaotung peninsula in Manchuria that used to be Korean territory? The people of Israel sold Jesus and then recovered their nation. Then do you believe that I, who live with the title of returning Lord, would not be able to recover our native land? Even if the Soviet Union were to obstruct my way, I would push right through it. I think we should enter negotiations to recover parts of our native land which belonged to us during the former Sung dynasty and which was taken away by the Soviet Union. (168-49, 1987.8.30)

Original Substance of the Divine Principle

The Principle of Restoration

The Second Advent

The nation where Christ returns must fulfill a 40-based condition of indemnity as a nation.  It also must be a nation that is an object of God’s heart.
Korea fulfilled this condition through the 40 years of persecution during the Imperial Japanese occupation from 1905 to 1945.
Korea is also the front line between God and Satan, being divided at the 38th parallel.
Korea is a nation that has been, in many ways, the object of God’s heart in its heartistic culture and language.
See slides 14 to 17 below:

The Second Coming Has Already Occurred

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1521

Considering that it is God’s desire for you to become exemplary families in this world of the enemy in accordance with His will, you should realize that you can only enter heaven as a family. (29-9, 1970.2.15)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 610

    Why must you have sons and daughters? There surely has to be love. God has to exist, man and woman have to exist, and husband and wife have to exist. Next, the blood has to be mixed. The descendants are born with God’s blood and love blood, vertical blood and horizontal blood, mixed together. Therefore, unless you have descendants, you cannot have a place to play and rest in the other world.
    If husband and wife – just the two of them – live face to face till they turn eighty or ninety, will they be happy? They cannot live an interesting life. There has to be a daughter-in-law and grandchildren. For grandfathers and grandmothers, there is no greater happiness than holding their grandchildren.
    Those who could not have grandchildren cannot achieve harmony with heaven and earth and keep in step with north, south, east and west in the spirit world. (197-32, 1990.1.7)

Original Substance of the Divine Principle

The Principle of Restoration

The Second Advent

    History has repeated itself through parallel historic periods, as we studied previously.  From the time of Abraham to Jesus was 1930 years, plus the 30 years until Jesus started his public ministry.   From the time of Jesus until the preparation time for the second advent is 1930 years, plus 30 years until the Holy Marriage Blessing of True Parents in 1960.  See slide 10 below.
    In these last days, the three great blessings have been restored on the world level.  In other words, we can see that this is the time when Christ returns on this earth.  In fact, that has already occurred.
    In the parable of the vineyard, Matt. 21:33-43, Jesus indicates that Christ will not return to the nation of Israel, as that blessing will be given to another nation.  Rev. 7:2 indicates that Christ will return in the East.  The only godly nation in the east, among Korea, China and Japan, is Korea.
   See slides 10 to 13 below.

Jesus Returns as a Man in the Flesh

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2398

You all have a hometown, don’t you? However, where could God’s original homeland be? If God had his original homeland, the clans of that original homeland would form there, and from the clans would come peoples, and from these peoples there would emerge nations and a world. Through this process, the heavenly kingdom on earth would be established. If God had a homeland on earth, would we want to go there or not? We would. People even want to go to their own hometowns where their humble parents and siblings are living. Then, wouldn’t you want to go to God’s original homeland? God’s original homeland is everyone’s homeland. Therefore, someone who says he does not want to go is not being truthful. (23-152, 1969.5.18)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 445

    The family encompasses history, the present and the future. So what is the ultimate point that God has sought for six thousand years? It is the family – the family where love is interconnected and where all are united in love. Everything that exists comes under its dominion.
    We cannot cut our relationship with this absolute source of love. The establishment of such a family was the original mission that God gave Adam and Eve at the time of creation. God did not want them to merely end up as a man, Adam, and a woman, Eve, but instead dreamed of a new family where they would be united. This is the first starting point towards establishing men and women. Thus to be able to enter the Kingdom of Heaven safely, you have to find a family and within the realm of that family in this world, enter and live in a place where you can feel satisfied in God’s love. Only then can you go beyond this world as well. (30-85, 1970.3.17)

Original Substance of the Divine Principle

The Principle of Restoration

The Second Advent

From the viewpoint of the Principle, Adam and Eve were created with both a physical and spiritual body, but they fell without realizing God’s ideal of creation.  Jesus came to restore fallen human beings, but his body was taken by Satan, while his spirit was resurrected.  Thus, at the Second Advent, Christ must come in the flesh to restore both body and spirit.  See slide 6 below.
    Rev. 1:7 talks about coming “with” the clouds.  Clouds here refers to the ‘cloud of witnesses’, or devout Christians whose hearts dwell in heaven
    Acts 1:11 states that Jesus “will come in the same way as you saw him go into heaven”.  In other words, he will come in the flesh, just as Jesus did.
    Some Bible versus say that we cannot know the time when Jesus will return.  Yet, other versus indicate that we can know, if we are awake and wise.
    See slides 6 to 9 below:

Christ Does Not Come Again in the Sky

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1118

If Adam and Eve had fulfilled their portion of responsibility their descendants would not have been burdened with the responsibility for restoration. They would have entered into an era of family ethics that would have been like sovereign law. True Parents would have been on earth on the same horizontal plane at that time and they would have been able to teach everyone instantly. However, until today, although God could move through 360 degrees on that same level plane, He could not teach us directly and we have been waiting for the emergence of a central figure. That is why difficulties arose. You must understand things like this clearly. (136-316, 1985.12.29)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1716

    The final, ideal destination of the assimilation of all creation is the male and female organs. That is a fact. Why is that so? It is where the love of God, humankind and the universe combine. It is where love and life become one.
    It is also where descendants are connected vertically through lineage, and through this vertical connection, countless peoples are connected horizontally. This is how God’s Kingdom on earth is established. That’s how valuable the sexual organs are. How important they are! (269-129, 1995.4.9)

Original Substance of the Divine Principle

The Principle of Restoration

The Second Advent

    How will Christ return?  Jesus will return again in the flesh.  He will not come on the literal clouds in the sky.  Rather, just like the prophet Elijah, who returned int he person of John the Baptist (Mt. 11:14), Jesus will return as a man born on earth. 
    Multiple Bible verses support this viewpoint, such as Mt. 7: 21-23, where Jesus rebukes those who said ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name?’.  How could this be if Jesus were to return literally on the clouds in the sky?  No one would doubt who he is.
    See slides 1 to 5 below:



World War III Is Raging

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2484

Who unifies the spirit world and physical world? People. So we strive to advance the unification. We must progress daily and cannot retreat. Strive to advance. When you live in this world, instead of living only in one region, you should create many relationships and move in such a way that you can influence the whole. As the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter change and as north, south, east and west rotate, you also should not stay just in one country. Once national borders are gone and the world is unified in this way, you should live going around the world as you please. When you go to a place you should not inflict loss on the people there. You should strive to advance. You should not live playing around. (266-150, 1994.12.22)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 699

    Yet in the spirit world this is reversed. In terms of our birth on earth, I am in the position of the elder brother and Heungjin in that of the younger brother. I am in Cain’s position and Heung-jin in Abel’s position.
    In the spirit world, Heung-jin becomes the eldest son. He is in the position of the elder brother and all the other spirits are in the position of younger siblings. Based on the realm of heart, that is how it is. From God’s standpoint, He is the Father, I am the elder son and Heung-jin is the younger son. In the spirit world, Heung-jin is the eldest son based on the realm of love and all others in the spirit world stand in the position of younger siblings. There is a reversal. Thus, we reach the conclusion that the standard of heart for the right of the eldest son finds its correct position and settles there. You must teach this well when giving a Principle lecture. Now, in accordance with the realm of heart, before all the people in the spirit world, including even Jesus and all the good saints, Heung-jin is first to be born as the eldest son. From the viewpoint of the realm of heart, Heung-jin is the first son and the others are the second sons who are next to be born.
    Consequently, Heung-jin can let the realm of the second son inherit the blessings of the right of the first son. Satan tried to prevent this from happening by plundering the inheritance. But Heung-jin, who now stands in the realm of the first son, delivered all the blessings he received while on earth. So there is a connection being made. Heung-jin unceasingly endeavors to pass these blessings on, whereas the satanic world resists doing do. (131-52, 1984.4.1)
Richard:  Heung-jin is Rev. and Mrs. Moon’s second son.  He died in a car accident in 1984.

Original Substance of the Divine Principle

The Principle of Restoration

The Period of Preparation for the Second Coming of Christ

    World Wars I, II, and III involved and involve conflicts between three heavenly nations on God’s side and three evil nations on Satan’s side.  The victory of World War I resulted in the forming of the League of Nations.  The Victory of World War II resulted in the forming of the United Nations.  The Victory of World War III will result in a World Government.  See slide 15 below.
[(Richard)  Note that this will not be the current Satanic, godless world government.  Rather, it will be a world of coexistence, co-prosperity and common righteousness.]
The central figures on the Satanic side in the World Wars are the Kaiser in World War I, Hitler in World War II, and Stalin in World War III.  Stalin promoted a policy of world Communization.
The First and Second World Wars paved the way for the Second Coming of Christ.  The Third World War is about the restoration of God’s sovereignty and the construction of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.
Whether the Third World War will play out as a purely ideological conflict or through armed conflict (which will be imperfect) depends on how the human portion of responsibility is carried out.
Richard:  The core of this conflict of World War II is the battle to put in place absolute sexual ethics, that is, the teaching of faithful marriage and abstinent preparation for faithful marriage.  As we can see, Satan’s strategy is to corrupt youth and put in place perverse sexual ethics of all kinds, like transgenderism, sexual confusion of all kinds, sexual immorality and homosexuality.  Thus, we see the rapid and almost mind-boggling expansion of perverse sexuality.  Why?  Because Satan is desperate to keep sovereignty and destroy God’s ideal for the family.  We must actively work to promote faithful marriage and abstinent preparation for faithful marriage.
See slides 18 to 21 below.