Spread God’s Word Passionately

The latest Richard Urban Show:
#185-President Trump Rights January 6th Protest Injustices

Cheon Seong Gyeong 574   

    Among the many people living in this world today, there are not that many who understand the meaning of the Blessing taught by the Unification Church. The Unification Church coined the term Blessing and has performed blessing ceremonies using this term. In the future, humanity cannot go to heaven without going through the gate of the Blessing.
    Many people believe in the established churches. But even the established churches themselves cannot go to heaven unless they go through the gate of the Blessing. If I tell them this, the established churches complain that Rev. Moon of the Unification Church is selfrighteous. Nevertheless, fallen human beings must surely go through the Blessing taught by the Unification Church. Even though they oppose it, the Blessing is a matter of great importance that should be dealt with by connecting the spirit world with the physical world.
    Today the people who believe in ordinary religions think that salvation means individual salvation. It means that they think they will enter heaven if they just have faith individually. Yet based on God’s original ideal, people are not to go to heaven alone, but rather as a loving couple together with their loving family. (143-234, 1986.3.19)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 909

    Although we have entered a global age, you still have an individual position, which is connected with the highest saints in the spirit world. Thus, if you are a person who has a similar frame of mind, who keeps such a standard of heart, then you would inherit the spiritual foundation that enables you to receive immeasurable assistance, wherever you are and whenever you need it. That is why, based on the present-day activities of the Unification Church on earth, the spirits of the patriots of each nation have built a protected foundation in spirit world and have now come down and settled on the earth.
    When you consider past military campaigns, haven’t tens and hundreds of times more people died, than the population of a nation, in trying to defend their country? They have now come to earth to set up camp and are waiting for operations to expand. Therefore, all missionaries should initiate a national movement, a total mobilization, and be ready to make sacrifices representing both physical and spirit worlds. The spirits will all come to their aid once the order for advance is given. (162-108, 1987.3.30)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1126

    If the Unification Church had not appeared God could never have been understood. Since the beginning of human history there has been no way to solve the problems in the relationship between the spiritual and physical worlds. There has been no explanation as to why human beings have had to walk the path of great suffering and why, if God exists, an evil world came into being and drove humanity into such misery. Yet today, the followers of the Unification Church know clearly that this is because of the human portion of responsibility. This is an amazing fact. (138-120, 1986.1.19)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 5


Chapter 2

Death and the Spirit World

Section 2. Understanding Death

2.8. What to leave behind before going to the spirit world

2.8.2. Proprietary rights in the spirit world are determined through witnessing

    More important than eating is harvesting the citizens of heaven, but you are not doing that well. It is our main occupation. It is our principal activity while we live on earth. Among the works you should do in your lifetime, there is nothing more important than that. Continue reading “Spread God’s Word Passionately”

Jesus Cursed the Fig Tree

The latest Richard Urban Show:
#185-President Trump Rights January 6th Protest Injustices

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2296

    However much we yearn for the ideal family, parents, couple and children, they do not exist, for their overall perfection can only take place through the True Parents. From a traditional position, as the heirs standing in the place of God and True Parents, you need to reach the value of the seed which is equal in value to the highest level of oneness ever seen among brothers and sisters, and similar in value to the oneness between God and Adam and Eve. Coming from such a world, if you were to harvest a family that can be expanded to produce new descendants for all human beings, then this family – having the same value as that of a unified God and True Parents – will then become successors able to inherit the record of champions.
    It has been said that those with power will rule the world. We should not compete with others on the basis of power. Those with power have created environments, in which they can become more powerful, and they have swept away those that are weak; they act as champions and record- breakers. This is not the result of victory won through a competition of goodwill, as desired by God. Hence, all this must be cleared away from the face of the earth. (301-19, 1999.4.16)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 973

    When Adam finally enters the Kingdom of Heaven, do you think he would be at ease if he heard the weeping of couples in the middle realm of spirit world and the weeping of people in hell? They should not be there, should they? It does not follow the Principle. That is why I am liberating them. I proclaimed 4.4. Jeol in Kodiak, Alaska and I declared the cosmic 4.4. Jeol on January 8 at Punta del Este. (300-96, 1999.3.1)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 5


Chapter 2

Death and the Spirit World

Section 2. Understanding Death

2.8. What to leave behind before going to the spirit world

2.8.2. Proprietary rights in the spirit world are determined through witnessing

    On his way to Jerusalem, Jesus went up to a fig tree to see if it had any fruit. When he found it to be without fruit, he cursed it, and it withered and died. That’s exactly how it will be. What use is it to keep up appearances? Thus, the number of Blessed Families you create will become your harvest. Continue reading “Jesus Cursed the Fig Tree”

Make Sons and Daughters for God to Love

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2196

Therefore, in order to progress in the way of becoming filial children, you must endure persecution, and many trying moments. You have to become confident people who can overcome all difficulties. Rather than reverting to the path of sorrowful bitterness with thoughts of retreat, you must become people who determinedly overcome the hardships and difficulties of the ages. You must distinguish between the paths that lead to life or death, and press on to make a new start overflowing with the hope of tomorrow. You have to know that this is what God and history require of you. (1988.2.23)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 943

What must someone do in order to become the Lord at the Second Advent? You need to go to the spirit world, reveal the principles concerning the relationships of all religions centering on Jesus, clarify everything about heaven and earth and their laws, and receive the approval of the spirit world. You have to proclaim these things on earth. This is something that has not been known even in the spirit world. Only God and Satan knew of this. After I had proclaimed all these things in the spirit world, strong opposition arose there. In that world, a time of chaos came about for forty days. Satan resisted by setting the condition of denying God. As a result, the spirit world was divided in half, with one half against me. In the end, this chaotic situation had to be resolved based on what God decided to be true. That is why the True Parent brings the spirit world into complete submission, receives God’s seal of approval and comes down to the earth. (236-323, 1992.11.9)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 5


Chapter 2

Death and the Spirit World

Section 2. Understanding Death

2.8. What to leave behind before going to the spirit world

2.8.2. Proprietary rights in the spirit world are determined through witnessing

    You enter the spirit world without money. Take care of Satan’s children. Each of you is to look after more than 120 people. The Kingdom of Heaven lost all its citizens. By engrafting them, we establish a condition for them not to be lost. Continue reading “Make Sons and Daughters for God to Love”

Recover the Property of Heaven Stolen by Thieves

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1938

When we observe how history developed, we see that Egyptian civilization, which was the first human civilization, was a river civilization based on the Nile River. In other words, the Nile River was the cradle of Egyptian civilization. How did Egyptian civilization develop? The Egyptians were curious about what was on the other side of the river. They always wanted to cross the river and explore the other side. This desire was the spiritual background for the development of Egyptian civilization. Mediterranean civilization developed after the age of this river civilization had passed. Human society has been developing based on the motivation that arose from a fervent heart and longing for the other shore. You should know that this longing for the other shore has created revolutions in civilization. (5-43, 1958.12.14)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 595

    When you go to that other world someday, what will you say to God who has been guiding the work of redemption and who took great pains to this day to find one Adam? From the Genesis up to the present day, God has been seeking His perfect son Adam. You all know the Principle. This is the weapon that can save countless people. Until now, God could not teach humankind and consequently had to guide the work of redemption amid ignorance. On earth, we work on God’s behalf and are doing greater things than He. The Principle provides us with a path to enlighten and assemble a following of hundreds and thousands of Adams.
    That is why we have to connect them to eternal life. The question of eternal life is a serious matter. When spring comes the young women go and look for herbs to pick. Likewise, just as you would go and seek out what you desire, you have to live your whole life in such a way. When your contacts show up while you are doing that, have the heart of wanting to convey the Principle to them all night. Go all out to inspire them at your first meeting.
    You should not be doing anything other than finding sons and daughters whom you can take with you to heaven. Even if you had hundreds of millions of dollars and lived richly, all that would pass away. Do it even to the point of investing all your materials, knowledge, and your very lives. Invest them all at one time, not separately, to create heavenly citizens. The value of your investment will be proportional to the amount of your input your input.

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 5


Chapter 2

Death and the Spirit World

Section 2. Understanding Death

2.8. What to leave behind before going to the spirit world

2.8.1. Leave a tomb of love behind

     In general when human beings think about eternal life, they think of it not only in terms of decades or centuries, but in millennia, tens of millennia or eons. When people die, they are no different from animals. What use is it to leave anything behind? Nowadays, even atheists and agnostics say to themselves: “Ah, I have to make a name for myself.” Yet, of what use is it to do that? Even if one became an American patriot and were honored with a monument, it would disappear when America perishes. What use is it to leave your name behind? Even if you did so, historically speaking, something that was considered good during a period of prosperity can later be viewed as bad during a period of decline. (103-15, 1979.1.28) Continue reading “Recover the Property of Heaven Stolen by Thieves”

Sexual Purity Will Be the Educational Philosophy of the True Human Race

Happy Foundation Day! (Established 2013)

Enjoy the special reading below for Foundation Day.

Cosmic Assembly for the Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind and for the Proclamation of the Word by God’s Substantial Self

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
January 8 — 15, 2012
Public Rallies in Korea

Ladies and gentlemen, what is the path that humankind should take today? Even now tens of millions of innocent lives are being lost each year to war, disease, starvation and natural disasters that arise in all parts of the world. In every field you observe, from the individual to the collective level — whether religion, politics, education, culture or ideology — people are deeply mired in the swamp of self-centered egoism, raising walls around themselves. We now live in a world brought to ruin, where genuine communication has broken down.

Continue reading “Sexual Purity Will Be the Educational Philosophy of the True Human Race”