Proclaim Liberty throughout the Land to All Its Inhabitants

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2184

In front of God what must you long to become? First, you must become devoted children. Second, you must become loyal subjects and patriots. Is there anyone above loyal subjects and patriots? Saints are higher. Devoted children in the family are absolutely loyal to their parents. Patriots are absolutely loyal to their nation. Then, what kind of people are saints? They are people like Jesus, Buddha and Confucius – people who assert God’s existence, not people who assert themselves. They lead God-centered lives and do not cause any harm, but instead try to benefit humankind. Moreover, they are not nationalists, but rather globalists. (54-214, 1972.3.24)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1188

How difficult this it is to restore the rights of the firstborn son! Because of this, everybody suffered incredible hardships. Countless religious people were sacrificed, Christianity underwent dreadful persecution under the Roman Empire for four hundred years, and much blood was shed in order to get out of the domain of the satanic world. Have you ever been to Rome and been inside the catacombs? The early Christians created altars, buried the bodies of their ancestors under the altars, and continued to live there, inhaling those odors. They did so because God had told them to do so, otherwise who would have done such a thing? By normal standards, this would not be done by human beings. Imagine how much God suffered! You have no idea of the efforts that have been made in history. You need to be aware of these things. (140-203, 1986.2.9)



THE ASPIRATION FOR FREEDOM HAS BEEN A POWERFUL FORCE in human history. God signaled His love of freedom to a band of Israelite slaves in Egypt, and by liberating them set the example for freedom-loving people everywhere. People everywhere aspire for freedom because God created us to be free. God respects human freedom to the degree that He does not interfere with our wrong choices, even when they lead to sin and misery. Nevertheless, God grants human beings freedom for a purpose—that we might attain our full perfection as His ideal partners. Hence, freedom is not an end in itself, but a means to greater ends: true love, true community, the Kingdom of God. Furthermore, freedom is only meaningful and efficacious when it is conducive to God’s plan for human life. Freedom when used wrongly as an occasion to sin can lead to bondage. Therefore, God created us with a conscience as the inner compass to guide our free will in a good direction, and wants to provide every child with loving parents to educate them in the proper use of freedom.
The issues surrounding freedom are basic to democracy; hence we include several passages by its seminal political theorists. Critiques of secular democratic notions of freedom, particularly from the Catholic Church, are echoed in some of Father Moon’s negative judgments on the excessive value given to freedom and its widespread abuse in Western democracies.
Finally, we include several passages describing Father Moon’s unique teaching that God is not free, and that He is in need of liberation more than anyone.

1. The Basis for Freedom in God and God’s Creation

Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.
    2 Corinthians 3.17 Continue reading “Proclaim Liberty throughout the Land to All Its Inhabitants”