Cheon Seong Gyeong 1845
Think about what would happen if all the edible products were produced in Alaska. Alaska is many times the size of Korea. It is several times bigger than California. California is one of the largest states in America; so Alaska is that vast! An unlimited supply of raw materials can be found there. The owner of that place is neither the Soviet Union nor America.
Both countries show little interest in Alaska. They have created a mess with their own economic problems, political problems, and administrative problems, so they do not even think about the consumption of raw materials. In the future, the issue will be about who has a commanding position in relation to the raw materials. I am preparing for that day. (236-22, 1992.11.2)
Cheon Seong Gyeong
Where did heaven and hell begin? Where did they begin? In midair? Where? At the sexual organs. This must be serious. They have turned heaven and earth upside down. Can anyone deny that? There is no way to deny the logic of The Fall in Rev. Moon’s Divine Principle. Ask God. Examine everything. Not having received any answers from that, you would not be able to oppose what I have arranged in systematic order including theories and contents that you could never imagine even in your dreams. (279- 118, 1996.8.1)
Cheon Seong Gyeong
Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
True God
Chapter 2
God and the Work of Creation
Section 1. God’s Motivation for Creating Is Love
1.2. Realizing the ideal of creation through love
Do you think someone who has tied himself to and tasted God’s original love will want to be separated from it? When a bee is sucking nectar from a flower and you pull on its abdomen, it will not stop sucking the nectar even if its abdomen is pulled off. What if you experienced the taste of such love? You might leave, but you would turn around and come back, trying to cling to it. (137-57, 1985.12.18)
The Principle of the Unification Church concludes that God’s love requires fulfilling the four-position foundation. Then, what does fulfilling the four-position foundation mean? Parental love should be expressed to and felt by the children. Centered on parental love, which lies at the center of the four-position foundation, the parents become one with the children, the man and woman become one in love, and finally they become one with God’s love. This is the four-position foundation. (Blessed Family – 302) Continue reading “God and People Become One through Love”