Remain Filial to the Father

CSG 440

Section 1. The Family is the
Central Model for All Beings

When you stand in the world of
space, you need top and bottom, left and
right, and front and back. Only then is
the status of your position stable. Your
shape will vary depending on the posi-
tion in which you stand: top and bottom,
left and right, front and back. When
dealing with matters that concern the
relationships of top and bottom, left and
right, front and back, and also problems
in the family, nation and world, there is
only one solution. Just as there has to
be top and bottom, left and right, and
front and back with the individual at the
center, there also have to be parents and
children, husband and wife, and broth-
ers and sisters.

CSG 1898

I have had so many difficult chal-
lenges in my life. A person cannot buy
these kinds of experiences, even with
a tremendous amount of money. Since
the weather was so bad, there weren’t
any boats out. When I threw out the
fishing line into the water, a number of
fish bit the hook as soon as the line was
dropped. Wouldn’t you expect this to
happen? Usually, a number of them bite
onto the bait from many different boats,
but since our boat was the only one at sea
that morning, all these starved fish, who
are capable of searching for food up to
distances of about four kilometers, were
all rushing to bite onto my bait. So when
I threw the fish hooks into the water, they
all bit onto them right away. I did not
pay attention whether the typhoon was
blowing or not. I continued to pour out
my sweat. It took four hours to get there,
and four hours to fish. From there, we
dragged the fish, with the engine run-
ning, for twenty miles. (233-306, 1992.8.2)

Let Us Be Persons of Forbearance

Sun Myung Moon
May 18, 1958

Matthew 24: 1-14

Why did God have to put Jesus in such an environment where he had to endure with patience as he tried to establish a new providential ideology? That was because human history began with the fall. Jesus had no choice but to conclude fallen history. There is a remarkable difference between Jesus in the Bible, the written history, and Jesus at that time. If the religious people then had believed in Jesus as much as the Christians today believe in him, Jesus would not have died on the cross.

The people who felt remorse after having killed Jesus and sought him were fallen people. Those who rejected Jesus have gone to hell. Although their followers have stepped forth, boasting that they were the chosen ones who represented the truth, history has revealed that Jesus, who did not look like a truthful man, represented the truth and that those who rejected him were in a non-truthful position. The actions of Heaven have flowed down in the course of history in a seemingly contradictory fashion. Although the chosen people knew the ideological truth centered on Jesus, they were distanced from the substantial truth. Continue reading “Remain Filial to the Father”

Jesus was the Most Filial Son

Watch my lastes blog, number 2 in a series of 7 about the difference between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton:

Hillary Clinton hired private detectives to harass the women that her husband Bill Clinton raped. How can she be a proponent of women’s rights?:

Luke 22

But the hand of him who is going to betray me is with mine on the table.22The Son of Man will go as it has been decreed. But woe to that man who betrays him!”

1st Samuel 28

20Immediately Saul fell full length on the ground, filled with fear because of Samuel’s words. His strength was gone, for he had eaten nothing all that day and all that night.

Let Us Become the Citizens Who Take Possession of the Kingdom of Heaven

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
June 2, 1957

You who have gathered here, you who have stepped forward without fear for life and death, ready for the road of troubles, the road of the cross, you who have come in search for the situation of God that could not be told to human beings for 6,000 long years! Have you really come to become filial sons and daughters of God? Have you come to become loyal subjects and women of fidelity? If you have come forward in this path of the will to become that kind of person, then the problem is what you have sought until now, what you have felt, and what you have manifested to God. Everything is brought to conclusion here. When we look from this position, clearly you have to all become the heirs of Jesus Christ. Even if there is a center on this earth, there is nothing that is more central than Jesus and even in enduring through a difficult environment, there is no one who persevered through an environment more difficult than that of Jesus.

Because of human beings, even as he was crossing the difficult hill of death, Jesus prayed, “Father, please do not let their sins fall upon them!” This road is the solitary path of Jesus which no one else could travel.

When we make the association with the road that Jesus walked on, we must realize it was clearly not for the sake of his own self. Furthermore, Jesus did not try to relate with God’s will based on the biblical perspective of that time, and he did not try to deal with the will of God centering on the Israelite people. Always based on a new point of view, Jesus had made the preparations to relate with the new will of God.

In this way, he taught a true individual path to human beings, and made it possible for them to realize a new perspective on life. The path that Jesus traveled was a mournful road personally, but he experienced a love from God that people on the earth could not experience. Moreover, he mourned over the fact that God who created all things could not indulge in His rightful glory as the master of all things due to the people who were living with a habitual attitude of faith….

If you who live in the last days know that Jesus offered some thirty- odd years of his life to walk the road of conflict to realize the Kingdom of Heaven for which God longs, in other words, to fulfill the will of God, then you must also become the true Christians who are profoundly concerned about the dignity and prestige of God, so that inheriting the victory of Jesus you can go before God.

Though there are many people on this earth today, there is none who is genuinely concerned about the dignity and prestige of God. If at such time there are some people who fathom the internal heart of God and sorrowfully make the appeal to restore the dignity and prestige of God, then God will turn toward that people the attention that He has withdrawn from the world. In the same way God could look at Judaism, the Jewish people and the world through Jesus Christ, even today he will try to liquidate the forces of Satan by raising you who have cultivated the internal heart of Jesus. Understanding that as the elite soldier of God he would not perish even if the people and the world betrayed him, Jesus fought Satan on earth to eliminate Satan with unchanging conviction and to fulfill his responsibility to rectify the dignity of God.

Therefore, Jesus and the Holy Spirit took up the task of probing into the sins of Satan, who damaged the dignity of God, and then attacking him. This is not all. They tried to construct the Kingdom of Heaven through which human beings can rectify the dignity and prestige of God.