Keeping Company with Bad Friends Can Ruin Your Entire Life

Study the Exposition of the Divine Principle, the New Truth that all mankind must study.
Make a log in at the Daily Inspiration website to study all of the videos and slides presented at the August 27, 2022 workshop.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 323

When the wind of love blows, the whole world seems beautiful. Everyone becomes a poet or a romantic when he or she falls deeply in love. (145-317, 1986.10.26)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 721

    When we die, we will find a railroad track in the spirit world. The railroads in the spirit world are like those on earth passing across national borders. They must be neither too narrow nor too high. They must be the right fit. No religious teaching other than that of the Unification Church knows such things. However proud Christians may be, they are unaware of these facts. Did Jesus ever talk about the spirit world?
    In this twentieth century era, we boast about our cutting-edge science. We pursue the formal logic of development, but there is no place other than the Unification Church where we verify the existence of God with a religious theory developed through formal processes. (210-225, 1990.12.23)




2. Wisdom in Choosing Friends

Teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

Keeping company with bad friends can ruin your entire life. Therefore, from ancient times people have been taught to be careful in selecting friends. This wisdom applies across the ages and countries of the world.
    No one finds it easy to be considerate of others when he finds himself in a difficult circumstance. This is common to everyone. When people are in bad straits, and to avoid more suffering, they may take advantage of their friends. Catching their friends unawares, they may deceive them and use them, to their hurt.
    Considered in this light, who on earth can you trust? It is difficult to find a friend with genuine integrity, on whom you can rely. Although you believe a person to be your good friend, he might step on you and take advantage of you if his circumstances press on him. For this reason, selecting your close friends, and choosing who to build a good relationship with, is a most difficult question. (91:29-30, January 2, 1977) Continue reading “Keeping Company with Bad Friends Can Ruin Your Entire Life”

You Should Become a Public-Minded Husband and Wife

Study the Exposition of the Divine Principle, the New Truth that all mankind must study.
Make a log in at the Daily Inspiration website to study all of the videos and slides presented at the August 27, 2022 workshop.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2188

    If the son advises and teaches his parents to love their country so that they become patriots, and makes them a mother and father whom heaven remembers, is he a filial or unfilial son?
    So, rather than a son who says to his parents, “Mom, Dad, don’t go out! Just rest at home.” he should say, “Mom, Dad, what are you doing? Please, let’s try together to find even one more person who can be a patriot, who can work for the unification of North and South Korea, who can work to save North Korea.” Then he makes them shed tears, blood and sweat. Then what would you think if the people in the neighborhood were to praise this achievement?
    Would the parents say, “You scoundrel, you really made your mother and father’s life difficult, so at first we thought you were a bad boy. Yet we became successful and are praised by everyone. My! You really are a filial son.” Do you think the parents would say this, or would they say, “You are an unfilial son”? What do you think? (209-266, 1990.11.30)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1057

Your family should be a family of love, and you should become a public-minded husband and wife, or parents, centered upon God’s love. Do not be a husband and wife or parents who seek personal benefit and live only for your own sake. (111-257, 1981.2.22)




2. Wisdom in Choosing Friends

Associate not with evil friends, associate not with dishonorable people;
Associate with good friends, associate with noble people.
    Dhammapada 78 (Buddhism)

Bad company ruins good morals.
    1 Corinthians 15.33 Continue reading “You Should Become a Public-Minded Husband and Wife”

Do You Have a Best Friend?

Study the Exposition of the Divine Principle, the New Truth that all mankind must study.
Make a log in at the Daily Inspiration website to study all of the videos and slides presented at the August 27, 2022 workshop.

Cheon Seong Gyeon 2147

The new millennium is the time to complete the 6,000-year history of the providence for human salvation and build the original heavenly kingdom centered on the ideal of creation. It is the Completed Testament Age, when the promises of the Old and New Testaments are to be fulfilled. This means a new heaven and new earth, where “He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, and neither shall there be mourning nor crying nor pain any more.” (Revelation 21:4) It means a time of unconditional true love, when all people will be able to drink the water of life that is as clear as crystal without payment, and when the spiritual and physical worlds will be open to each other, and God’s Kingdom is established in both. The living God’s direct dominion is to begin through the restored rights of the firstborn, parents, and king, opening a new era of God’s allimmanence, all-transcendence, supreme authority, and omnipotence.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 860

God is the Creator who made heaven and earth. He is the origin, the very parent of all beings in this world. He is the origin of the value of all existence. Because of Him, this phenomenal world of today came to exist. Such an absolute being does not change according to the changing of the ages. An absolute being does not change. He is not limited by time and space. He transcends all limitations and is the one who governs every limitation. Who is that being? We do not only call Him God. He is our “Father,” so we call Him “Heavenly Father.” What do you call God? He is your Father who gave birth to you. The word “rebirth” exists because of the Fall, but it was God, your Father, who originally gave birth to you. Your physical father forms a bridge between you and God. But after your physical father goes to the spirit world, you will call him your brother, not your father. In the same way, you will call your physical mother your sister. (21-249, 1968.11.24)



  1. True Friends and False Friends

Teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

Do you have a best friend, someone with whom you have an unbreakable bond? Someone you treasure more than anyone else in the world, including your wife? A relationship with a best friend cannot be broken by an angry word or a day’s quarrel. You cannot abandon him even at the risk of your life.
    You do not feel this way about your friend out of sympathy, but because you are connected from the bottom of your heart, which is the source of goodness. A relationship that is connected to the goodness in your original mind can never be broken. (42:218, March 14, 1971) Continue reading “Do You Have a Best Friend?”

By His Culture, He Collects Friends About Him and Promotes Goodness

Study the Exposition of the Divine Principle, the New Truth that all mankind must study.
Make a log in at the Daily Inspiration website to study all of the videos and slides presented at the August 27, 2022 workshop.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2142

    Ladies and Gentlemen: what is the most important thing that we need? It is not money, power, or knowledge. More precious than life itself and more important to us than air, it is true love. Why is true love so precious and important? Just as human beings desire to meet God, God also wants to meet true human beings because of love; yet if He wanted to meet one first, whether man or woman, then the other party would complain.
    Therefore, God must show His love. The love by which He can see, touch, and share with men and women at the same time is the love with which they love each other. If anything other than love were to be recognized as the most valuable thing in the universe, men and women would fight each other to try to claim it for themselves. Once we realize that love is the highest value, however, we can strive to live for and become one with each other, sharing the happiness of possessing love together. Not only does everybody want love, but also it is the only thing that can equally satisfy all human desires; this is also what makes God’s providence of salvation possible.
    Originally, love belongs to God. Yet even He cannot possess love all by Himself. Love requires a partner. A man by himself or a woman by herself cannot fulfill love. Thus, women and men exist for the sake of each other’s love. Even ugly men and women desire a love partner, wanting to be the partners of the highest love.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1532

Pledge number six begins with “Our family pledges … centering on true love.” You know what true love is, don’t you? You must bear it in mind all the time. The phrase “embodying God and True Parents” signifies that Blessed Families are the delegates of God and the True Parents. Your family represents God and True Parents, and as such, moves heavenly fortune and conveys God’s blessing to your community. “Our family… pledges to become a family that conveys Heaven’s blessing to our community….” Blessed families should not just try to receive blessings for themselves and live affluently. They have to become part of the royal family and help to restore all people in the world to become citizens of God’s Kingdom.




THE LESSONS LEARNED IN RELATING TO SIBLINGS find immediate application in making and keeping friends. Friendship is the natural extension of sibling love. Strong friendships are built on an emotional connection of empathy and shared experiences, but friendship also has an ethical component: The good friend is honest, faithful and true, and always seeks to benefit his friends, while the bad friend uses his friends for his own benefit. The scriptures admonish people to choose their friends carefully, lest they be misled or find themselves abandoned in times of adversity.

  1. True Friends and False Friends

Greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.
    John 15.13

And the believers, men and women, are protecting friends one of another; they enjoin the right and forbid the wrong, and they establish worship and pay the poor-due, and they obey God and His messenger.
    Qur’an 9.71 Continue reading “By His Culture, He Collects Friends About Him and Promotes Goodness”