God is the Lord of Sorrow and Pain

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Cheong Seong Gyeong 679

The people to enter heaven first must
be the True Parents. If I were to say that
heaven is empty, people would think I am
demented, yet even Jesus could not enter
heaven. One cannot go there alone. Our
original ancestors should have grown
through adolescence, established the
ideal of love centered on God, become
parents and bequeathed the seeds of true
love. Then, the first place they entered
would have been heaven. As yet, there
have been no parents centered on God’s
love who were able to bequeath the seeds
of true love and thus no foundation of
leaving behind such descendants. Heav-
en, thus, is empty.

Cheon Seong Gyong 1854

We are raising many species of par-
rots on our Jardim farm. Parrots can
live together with people naturally. The
ostriches frequently come to us because
we give them food. They have become so
close to the people now that they do not
run away even when someone approach-
es them with food. I am thinking of cre-
ating a world where Adam can mingle
together with creation, just like the time
when God was happy to gaze upon His
creation. That is what I am doing now.
(278-103, 1996.5.1)

The True Sons and Daughters of Heavenly Father Who Will Remain in the Last Days

Rev Sun Myung Moon
July 26, 1959

Romans 8: 12-27

God is the lord of sorrow and pain. Although God desires to be happy and glorified, He has never had a source of joy and glory. What does He have instead? You have to understand that God is a God of sorrow and agony, burdened with the grief of the Fall and stories of pain and sadness. Isn’t this true?

We think that the Kingdom of Heaven is a garden of joy, but that is not true. You go and see for yourselves. No matter how hard you look for a cause of joy, you will not find any. God, who should command all the authority to rule the world and possess only glory and joy, has lost all joy and glory, all the fruits of goodness, and the elements of the ideal. Only sorrow and anguish remain. This is truly mournful. There is nothing more grievous and sad than this in the entire universe. Those who are genuinely overcome with grief over this and call out “Father” in desperation and humility are sons and daughters close to the heart of Heaven.

Jesus came to this earth as the King of Kings. He came with the recognition from Heaven as the one with the authority of the leader. However, from the moment of his birth, he did not have even one moment of happiness. Although he appeared as the Savior for the sake of humanity on the earth and to save all people, he could not receive glory. Before he could receive glory, he had to pass through a world of agony and a path of sorrow.

Why was it so? It was because Jesus was responsible to pay indemnity for the four thousand years. To become the King of Kings, first he had to pass the qualification as the prince of sorrow and pain. Otherwise, there was no way to comfort the many spirits who had endured sorrow for Heaven while they were on earth.

For this reason, Jesus, who lived some thirty odd years with three years of public ministry, walked a sorrowful path. When he shed tears, he wandered through the valley of tears which his ancestors had shed in the past. Jesus labored arduously as he inherited the path of the people who had cried out in tears as they crossed over the hill of death, stained with the blood of the four-thousand-year history. Eventually, Jesus walked the path of the cross. Today many of us think that Jesus was a prince of love, joy and glory; he was actually a prince of agony and sorrow.

Open Your Heart and Be Newly Born

Cheon Seong Gyeong 576

When receiving the Blessing, Uni-
fication Church couples pledge to live
as eternal families. I am the one who
governs eternal families and the eter-
nal nation. I am setting the standard of
families in the eternal nation. Those of
you who keep your promise can inherit
that family, as well as that eternal nation.
(205-359, 1990.10.2)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1190

There are seven horizontal stages you
have to pass through from the individ-
ual to the family, tribe, people, nation,
world, and heaven and earth, before
reaching the final position of God. There
are also eight vertical levels beginning
with the servant of servant’s position. On
the foundation of restoring the rights of
the firstborn son in the course of seven
of these eight levels, you must attain the
position of the original, unfallen first-
born son. Adam and Eve were the first
son and the first daughter. The first son
and daughter have to pass through the
realm of dominion based on accom-
plishments through the Principle. Then,
they must be connected to the realm of
direct dominion based on love and pos-
sess the right of the firstborn son. Such
connection is impossible with the love
of the younger child. They are not con-
nected with the love of the second child.
Therefore, you must return to this posi-
tion and restore the right of the firstborn
son going up stage by stage. This is the
battle to be fought. (138-134, 1986.1.19)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1261

How did the devil bring about the
Fall? Through the fruit of the tree of
knowledge of good and evil? Where did
they cover themselves after eating the
fruit? Did they cover up their mouths
or their hands? Didn’t they cover up
the sexual parts of their bodies? This
became the seed that sowed evil. They
fell before they had fully matured, while
they were still adolescents. As the lin-
eage of humankind in world history
stemmed form this act, in the Last Days
the phenomenon of such relationships
will thrive. The time will come, that,
across the world, young people destroy
the ethics of love. They will hide in the
shadows, just like Adam and Eve, and
have no fear of heaven. That will be the
time when the era of Satan’s worldwide
dominion will come to the earth. That
is when we will be faced with the iron
hammer of God. (200-227, 1990.2.25)

The Person Who Will Serve the Grieving Father

Sun Myung Moon
May 24, 1959

Matthew 23: 1-39

If you want to become heavenly sons and daughters, then you have to rise as the pioneers of the liberation movement to liberate God and humanity from their sorrows, representing all humankind over whom God has wept. You have to arm yourself with a mental and ideological weapon to charge against the enemies as soldiers in the heavenly battle. You have to go forth and arm yourself not with a selfish ideology, but with an ideology that can embrace the cosmos. You have to realize that is the only way for you to become heavenly sons and daughters.

Now Heavenly Father has opened the door of providential restoration, and He is looking for the individual representative, the family representative, the representative of the race, and the national representative among the believers of the last days. Where are such individuals? Such an individual, such a family, such a nation, and such a world as God seeks are nowhere to be found. One should not be self- centered. That is why, even when you do hold onto your life-consciousness, do not forget to possess the life-consciousness of the world and heavenly law. Such awareness is needed. It is foolish to live according to the awareness derived from one’s limited experience as if it were all the value in life. History will laugh at such a person. This age and heavenly law will also laugh. World-consciousness exists, transcending our awareness. Heavenly-consciousness exists, transcending world-awareness. Therefore, you should open your heart and be newly born so that you can transcend world-awareness, go over the hills of pain and suffering felt through heavenly-awareness and finally say, “Heavenly Father, please receive us.” Continue reading “Open Your Heart and Be Newly Born”

The Victorious Course of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2179

People of filial piety will think of
their parents first when something good
happens in their lives. In the fallen world
people think of their spouse first when
they see something good. However,
unless you buy something precious for
your parents first, you cannot buy some-
thing for your spouse.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1566

These eight months of January
through August have all been part of
a new era in 1989. It is now the end
of August isn’t it? The course of glob-
al indemnity has been completed in
these eight months. In connection with
this we were able to hold many events
last year, including the cross-cultural
“exchange” Holy Blessing and the dec-
laration of the Foundation Day for the
Nation of the Unified World. Thus, all
conditions of indemnity were fulfilled.
In this way, everything was brought to
completion in August. This includes
the marine and water related activities.
I have accomplished so much up to this
point. (193-100, 1989.8.31)

The Ceremony of the Settlement of
the Eight Stages signifies the restoration
of the right of the eldest son. It was held
after both the vertical historical course
and the horizontal course of indemni-
ty on the levels of the individual, fam-
ily, people, nation and world – in short,
the vertical and horizontal courses of
indemnity in the eight stages – had
been completed. It signifies the comple-
tion of the course of indemnity for all
people of the world. All this comes to
fruition through the Ceremony of the
Settlement of the Eight Stages.
We have entered an era when we
can come together in harmony through
love with no need for indemnification
because, after the restoration of the
right of the eldest son, it is embraced
in the bosom of the parents. War and
struggle to restore the right of the
eldest son are no longer necessary in
the realm of parental love. In order to
initiate this, the Ceremony of the Settle-
ment of the Eight Stages must be per-
formed. Through this ceremony, the
children in the positions of the first and
second sons can be forgiven by those in
the position of the parents, and we can
enter the next era of forgiveness of par-
ents. (193-173, 1989.10.3)

Richard:  Rev. Sun Myung Moon has already set the foundation for us so we can progress towards God’s Ideal without the need for war and struggle.

 The Person Who Will Serve the Grieving Father

Sun Myung Moon
May 24, 1959

Matthew 23: 1-39

We say we love God. God has loved humanity for six thousand years. The greatest sadness is that which is felt by a loving heart; the greatest pain is that which is felt by a loving heart. The greatest happiness is that which is felt by a loving heart.

We say that Heavenly Father is love, but has He ever felt happiness? No. We have to understand that in dealing with fallen humanity and in loving humankind, Heavenly Father has never seen a day of happiness. We thought that God was the God of love and that He was always enraptured in joy, happiness and peace, but that is not so. Humanity today has to realize this. No one on earth understands that the greater God’s desire to save humankind, the greater the pain in His heart, since He possesses a heart of love. No one understands the pain of Heaven deep within that heart of love.

Humankind knows that God is love and that He is the subject of love. Humankind does not know the heart behind the bloody history which God has suffered for humankind. Continue reading “The Victorious Course of Rev. Sun Myung Moon”

Humankind Must Walk the Way of Sorrow Due to the Sin of the First Human Ancestors

1 Samuel 14

27 Jonathan did not know about Saul’s warning to the soldiers. So he dipped the end of his walking stick in the honey and ate some with his fingers. He felt stronger and more alert. 28 Then a soldier told him, “Your father swore that anyone who ate food today would be put under a curse, and we agreed not to eat. That’s why we’re so weak.”

Joshua 16

16 1-4 Ephraim and Manasseh are the two tribes descended from Joseph, and the following is a description of the land they received. The southern border of their land started at the Jordan River east of the spring at Jericho. From there it went west through the desert up to the hill country around Bethel. From Bethel it went to Luz and then[a] to the border of the Archites in Ataroth.[b] It continued west down to the land that belonged to the Japhlet clan, then went on to Lower Beth-Horon, Gezer, and the Mediterranean Sea.

The Grieving Father, Son and Daughter as They Try to Establish the Kingdom of Heaven

Sun Myung Moon
May 17, 1959

John 14:1-24


Father, after having expressed such serious words, I cannot help feeling humbled in Your presence. How can we, who are narrow-minded, rough and lacking, develop a relationship with the world of high dimension that is far away?

We know, Father, that to have that relationship, so many ancestors of faith had to be sacrificed. To pioneer the path of life, so many pastors will have to shed tears and blood.

We have realized today that only those who can admire the blessing of glory of the Father through finding the sorrowful side in themselves. Those who are determined to be eternally victorious and to not fall down in their fight can have a day when they can call Heavenly Father “their Father” and He can call them “His sons and daughters.”

Heavenly Father! We realize how difficult it is to walk the path of faith. We understand that all humankind must walk the way of sorrow due to the sin of the first human ancestors. We realize that humankind, living with satanic thoughts, is like ghosts. The site of restoration, which we must liberate even if we have to sacrifice our lives by overcoming the hills of death, is now imminent. Continue reading “Humankind Must Walk the Way of Sorrow Due to the Sin of the First Human Ancestors”

The Kingdom of Heaven is a World of Sexual Purity

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2220

Everyone must realize that free sex
is Satan’s domain of love filled with
ensnaring evil spirits to bring about the
downfall of humankind and expand
hell on earth. From the viewpoint of
the God of absolute love, the grand-
mother and grandfather are one; they
cannot be separated. They must abso-
lutely become one centering on God,
and centering on love. What is love? It
is fitting convex and concave together
absolutely; mother and father, husband
and wife, son and daughter – all must
unite in this way absolutely. This is what
God wants. (280-135, 1996.11.24)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 682

The mission of the Messiah is to
restore tribes centered on his family. By
fulfilling our mission as tribal messiahs
we are formulating our views of heaven
and hell. You have to clearly distinguish
“There is heaven, here is hell.” Do not go
toward hell and make others not go that
way. If your tribe knows the way, many
tribes around you, even villages will
come to follow you. (217-84, 1991.4.16)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1303

Abraham established Israel through
the offering of sacrifices, but the Unifi-
cation Church is creating Israel through
the Blessing. Therefore, entering the
third Israel is possible only through the
Blessing. (158-258, 1967.12.29)

Richard:  These scriptures lay out the core of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.  The core is the family realtionship of husband and wife through at least three generations centered on sexual purity before marriage and faithfullness in marriage.  We need to connect to the lineage of Christ when he returns .  He has already returned and established his lineage.  Those couples Blessed in marriage by Rev. Sun Myung Moon are to propagate that lineage by becoming “Tribal Messiahs”; i.e. connecting their family and neighbors to God’s lineage through the marriage Blessing and teaching a culture of sexual purity before marriage.


The Grieving Father, Son and Daughter as They Try to Establish the Kingdom of Heaven

Sun Myung Moon
May 17, 1959

John 14:1-24

Although there may be numerous Christian believers, where is the one who can go beyond such limitations of heart and be proud of his or her course of action? Where is such a child of Heaven? This is where the problem lies. Today you should desire and establish a bright history of faith. You should be able to take any reality and, transcending the age and history, take it in, dominate it, and apply it as yours throughout eternity in complete freedom. God should be able to say that the path for the grounds of faith for humankind was laid by you.

When you can be immersed in the will of God, valuing it over and even forgetting the worldly notions of faith, action and practice, then God can finally call you, “My son” or “My daughter.” Therefore, it is the sorrow of Heaven and the sorrow of humankind that no true sons or daughters could be found. That He could not relate to humankind as His sons and daughters is the sorrow of Heaven.

Even though the word “God” can be used in an absolute sense, there is no sense of emotion in introducing God like this. Where is the God we can connect to with both words and emotion? In walking the path of faith, you should tackle these problems with a desperate heart, then you should pass beyond the notion of faith and practice. Immersed in Heavenly Father as the cells of your body and your heart automatically unite, you should be able to call upon Him. Heaven is definitely searching for such an individual, whose call to Him arises from an inherent natural physiology. Continue reading “The Kingdom of Heaven is a World of Sexual Purity”