You Should Live with Fun and Joy in True Love

The latest Richard Urban Show:
Recording of the Discussion following the showing of the documentary
Gender Transformation; the Untold Realities at the Family and Community Strengthening Forum
#145-Gender Transformation; the Untold Realities-Discussion

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1827

Since the sea has a vast amount of resources, we should prepare for the future by building ships around the world, in France and Germany, and in dozens of other nations when the order is given. Then we should build excursion ships for diving underwater, which will be needed to develop a leading position and secure economic strength in a global age. Only by making preparations in several dozens of nations can we ensure a leading position in this field throughout the world. Can you imagine that! Do you think that is possible?
Richard: Globalism itself is not bad. Like in many other fields, the issue is when ungodly people promote their brand of globalism. God’s ideal is based on living for the sake of others and mutual prosperity based on this principle.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1082

Since I came to Western society, what I feared most was facing women. I sense much danger just looking at their nails. My fingernails are always short. That is necessary. If they get any longer, I cut my fingernails and toenails. It is my custom to cut my fingernails and toenails. Women who keep their fingernails long are those who do not work. How do they type with those nails? So, when I see women with long nails I regard them as idle women. (131-283, 1984.5.3)

Family Pledge

Rev. Sun Myung Moon

Family Pledge 7; Pledging to Perfect the World Based on the Culture of Heart which is rooted in the original lineage (continued)

Core Concept 56:  When we practice pure, true love unrelated to the Fall of Man, the culture of heart will emerge.  This will be a culture of love where you enjoy yourself and pursue hobbies, unrelated to the Fall.


The world based on the culture of heart is the world of the original culture of God, and the world of the culture of perfect Adam, who is not related to the Fall. There are not two cultures; only one. It is the world of unification where there is only one language, one set of customs, habits, and one tradition. You should know that only in such a place can God live together with individuals and in their families. (261-93, 1994.5.22) p. 2508

Continue reading “You Should Live with Fun and Joy in True Love”

What Was the Heart of Mary and Joseph?

Watch the latest Richard Urban Show:  Who Are the Representatives and Heirs of Rev. Sun Myung Moon?

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1892

Catching tuna is not fishing. It is
more like hunting at sea. You are hear-
ing the term “hunting at sea” for the first
time, right? Catching one tuna is hard-
er than killing a large cow. One tuna
weighs more than one thousand pounds.
Some tunas can weigh five hundred, six
hundred, or even seven hundred kilo-
grams – that is bigger than a bull. It is
exciting to catch such fish! We take all
the blood out since the fish will spoil if
left for a long time after being caught,
and in an instant the water becomes a
sea of blood. At that moment, I cannot
help but think, “Oh, I am so merciless!”
Whenever I feel that way, I think “God
allows people to suffer because they are
the sacrificial offerings for the libera-
tion of humankind.” Also, I feel better
when I tell myself, “Well, these fish were
caught from nature and I never invested
myself in raising them, but from now on
I will raise fish and offer them as a sacri-
fice.” This is why I carry out the fish farm
and marine product industries. (219-196,

Richard:  Rev. Moon loved fishing.  It’s good to have a hobby you really love!

Cheong Seong Gyeong 1009

Yet, there are some silly people who
say that they will just do as I do – follow-
ing me when I go down to the country
or using crude language because I do….
I have lived a life of attendance to God,
and even served and bowed respectfully
to young children until the time came
that I could speak without using honor-
ific language. After knowing God’s will,
people feel awkward to such an extent
that when I speak to them in respectful
language they cannot respond with their
faces raised. Imagine how awkward it
would be if I had to treat you so politely.
(57-277, 1972.6.4)

Richard:  We may get a revelation as we near the top of the growth stage that ‘you are the lord’.  However, this does not mean you are the returning Lord and Savior.  Rather, you are to be a lord of creation according to the original ideal of creation.  We have to discern between good and bad spiritual influence and use God’s word (the eight sacred textbooks to discern between what is right and wrong.

Let Us Follow the Way of Jesus

Sun Myung Moon
April 26, 1959

Matthew 7:1-20

Mary said after being told about the birth of Jesus, “Lord! Do as You will.” This remark should be made at least once by every fallen person. Not only Mary, but anyone seeking the path of life must have the heart to say, “Lord, do as You will.” Without such an answer, no one can make a connection of life with Jesus.

Jesus came on such a foundation. After conceiving, Mary thought about the will more than anyone else did as the baby grew inside her womb. Believing that when the baby was born, the Messiah would appear and clear away the resentment and sorrow of the nation, Mary must have thought more than anyone else about the time when God’s will for the earth would be realized. Jesus was born in this way.

Without Joseph’s family, how would Jesus have been born? If it had been known to the world that Mary had conceived a child as a virgin, she would have been stoned to death according to the law of Moses. This was the worst violation of the law; it was considered unpardonable in the social circumstances and situation of the age, the worst shame upon the nation. Since Mary and Joseph had a Shim Jung ardent enough to defy all the circumstances and come forward for the will, Mary could give birth to Jesus. Continue reading “What Was the Heart of Mary and Joseph?”