Cheong Seong Gyeong 199
There are many religions on earth,
but among them, only Christianity has
the concept of following God’s four basic
requirements: to become God’s child, to
become one body with God, to meet as
bride and bridegroom in accordance
with God’s will, and to form a new fam-
ily. Since Jesus came with this thinking,
Christianity, centering on Jesus, inevi-
tably became a global religion. (54-108,
Richard: The place of unity of God and Man is through the sexual organs;
between Blessed husband and wife.
Cheong Seong Gyeong 1735
What on earth does it mean to call
God our Father? You need to know the
origin of the ideal of creation. Who is
God? He is our Father, and you are His
children. Given that you are His chil-
dren, who do you take after? You resem-
ble Him. Would He have eyes? Would
He have a nose, a mouth and ears? He
would. Next, would He have a body?
Would God have sexual organs? All such
subjects pose questions, which must be
answered logically. (196-41, 1989.12.24)
Rev. Sun Myung Moon
February 1, 1959
Father! We are awe-stricken to receive the mission that You have vested in us, and we are grateful for the grace You have given us by moving us to the depth of our hearts with Your call.
Now we have learned that our faith does not come from our hearts; it comes from the heart of Father, to which we cannot relate without shedding tears. We have also come to know the heart of Heaven, who has clung to these miserable ones and has struggled so fiercely for us. We have learned that we are sinful people who have bowed down before Your fearful grace, before which we shed endless tears. Continue reading “Where Do God and Man Meet?”