People of Faith Should Hope for the Eternal World that can even Conquer Death

Cheon Seong Gyeong 738

    The position of the True Parents spoken of in the Unification Church is not just for Koreans but was originally for all humankind and the ancestors who went before us. All ancestors should have gone to the spirit world as the True Parents’ relatives, but this collapsed due to the Fall. Since the earth is in Abel’s position, by following Abels as they went the way of restoring the birthright of the firstborn, the spirit world could be liberated.
    Since the physical world has restored the birthright of the firstborn, the time has come for the spirit world to support our endeavors. So be strong and courageous. At this hour, I am determining and proclaiming this ceremony as the Ceremony of One Heart.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1310

    After the blessing of the international holy grounds, I performed the Blessing of the 430 Couples. This number corresponds to the 430 years of captivity of the Israelites in Egypt, and also the 4,300 years of Korean history. This Blessing signifies the beginning of a new history. Moreover, the 430 Couples also represent all families in the world. Afterwards, while I was carrying out my second world tour, I blessed 43 couples in the United States, Europe and Japan. I could then connect those 43 couples to the 430 Couples on the world level. By doing this, I was able to connect the victorious foundation I had established in Korea to the world, including the Western world.
    By accomplishing all this, all the families in the world, not just the members of the Unification Church, could now stand in a position to receive heavenly fortune right then and there. That is why the gates of heaven are now open to all families on earth. (52-131, 1971.12.26)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 5


Chapter 2

Death and the Spirit World

Section 2. Understanding Death

2.4. The spiritual connection of life and death

    However hard you may try to avoid death, you will die when your time comes. People enter the spirit world in different states. Some go there after living to a ripe old age while others die untimely deaths. Among the latter are those who die due to punishment and those who die to indemnify the sins of their people and the world.
    If three prominent young people in a village die, good fortune will come to that village. If three promising youths of a clan die, good fortune will come to that clan. In other words, indemnity must be paid. It applies everywhere. The principle of causality operates everywhere. Continue reading “People of Faith Should Hope for the Eternal World that can even Conquer Death”

We Have to Set the Foundation for the Messiah

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Cheon Seong Gyeong 2044

This is an important final hurdle. I have prayed throughout my life that we would win over the tong and ban centering on districts and township. Only by doing so, can we take complete hold of the satanic world. We are not trying to take over something large, such as the central government building in Seoul or any other city. We are trying to influence the tong and ban, centering on the districts and then assimilate the tong and ban centered on the townships. Then everything else will be included. From the VIPs down to the most simple people, transcending class, everyone is included through the local level activities. Therefore, the district and regional church leaders should not focus on the provinces but in the leaders of the tong and ban. Centering on the district, the stage for your activities is the tong and ban. (167-10, 1987.6.14)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1188

It is only after we go beyond the realm of the Fall and restore the rights of both the first and second born sons on God’s side, that we can stand in the original world for the first time. This is the original ideal of creation. As God is absolute, His ideal has also remained absolute. To regain the original ideal, we must undergo a historical course of restoration through indemnity in order to go beyond the fallen realm. (134-304, 1985.8.16)

Original Substance of the Divine Principle

The Principle of Restoration


Paying indemnity means to reverse what was done wrong. Israel did not believe in Jesus. Now we must believe in Jesus and take up the cross. Adam betrayed God and caused God grief; now we must comfort God.
Establishing the Foundation of Faith means to believe in and practice God’s word. Establishing the Foundation of Substance means for people, in the position of Cain or Abel, to reverse the four fallen natures.
We accomplish both these tasks to set our own Foundation for the Messiah See slides 12 to 15 below:

The Universal Family Stems from God’s Ideal of Creation

Video – Join Patti Hidalgo Menders & Richard Urban speaking at the Family & Community Strengthening Forum


Patti Hidalgo Menders, Loudon County mom of six sons and advocate fighting to protect children from CRT and other progressive ideologies.  Community Liaison Officer in Northern Virginia for the Office of the Virginia Attorney General, Jason Miyares.
Richard Urban: Co-founder VisionRoot and Urban Life Training, abstinence-centered curriculum teacher. 
Find out moreRegister by March 13th.

Location: Peace Kingdom Center, Harpers Ferry, West Virginia and online.
Find out moreRegister by March 13th.

Latest Richard Urban Show:
#122 – Impeach Biden Now Over Blowing Up the Nord Stream Pipelines
Listen to the Podcast

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2044

The local breakthrough movement that we are unfolding is not for a political purpose, but is our effort to make sure that there is a system of thought and a structure that can correspond to the time of the unification of North and South Korea. The Communist party moves with a structure, so let’s prepare our position to be well matched with theirs. (Unification of North and South Korea – 664)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1206

The way of restoration is the way by which people return to their original state, and therefore one cannot go this way without setting indemnity conditions. Indemnity conditions must be set by a man, not by God. If a person is sick, he must take medication in order to recover, even if the medicine tastes bitter and he does not like it. Good medicine tastes bitter. Something bitter becomes a truly good medicine. Setting indemnity conditions is difficult, like taking bitter medicine. However, unless indemnity conditions are set, restoration can never be accomplished. The way of salvation is the way of indemnification and restoration. Indemnity means going the route opposite to that of the Fall. It means going the reverse way. (92-254, 1977.4.18) Emphasis added.

Original Substance of the Divine Principle

Family Pledge

Family Pledge Verse 3

i. 천일국 주인 우리 가정은 참사랑을 중심하고
ii. 사대심정권과
iii. 삼대왕권과
iv. 황족권을 완성할 것을 맹세하나이다.

Family Pledge Verse 3

i. Our family, the owner of Cheon Il Guk,
ii. pledges to perfect the Four Great Realms of Heart,
iii. the Three Great* Kingships,
iv. and the Realm of the Royal Family, by centering on
true love.

* For the word translated as “Great,” True Father used the Chinese
character “dae” which means Generation.

Family Pledge Verse 4

i. 천일국 주인 우리 가정은 참사랑을 중심하고
ii. 하나님의 창조이상인
iii. 천주 대가족을 형성하여
iv. 자유와 평화와 통일과 행복의 세계를
완성할 것을 맹세하나이다.

Family Pledge Verse 4

i. Our family, the owner of Cheon Il Guk,
ii. pledges to build the universal family encompassing
heaven and earth,
iii. which is God’s ideal of creation,
iv. and perfect the world of freedom, peace, unity and
happiness, by centering on true love.

Christian Churches Should Take Down their Signboards and Crosses

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1908

In today’s satanic world, the sexual organs have ruined everything. Free sex, homosexuality and drugs are reigning supreme. Drugs make you lose your senses. They make you like animals, not human beings. They make you think nothing but animalistic thoughts. The Kingdom of Heaven, on the other hand, is diametrically opposite to this. It follows the concept, not of free sex, but of absolute, eternal, unchanging and unique love. They connect to the Kingdom of Heaven instantaneously. When such a foundation is laid on earth, it will become God’s Kingdom on earth. This is the undeniable logical conclusion. You should exercise great care toward the foundation of love. (278-271, 1996.5.26)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1189

Cain represents Satan’s side. It is the position of the elder brother. Abel represents God’s side. This is the battle. Originally, God would have loved the firstborn son, and then the younger son. Due to the Fall, the first son, Cain, stands on Satan’s side. He belongs to Satan’s side. In order to save him, God designated Abel. God designates Abel to restore the right of the firstborn son. This cannot be achieved by force; you have to inspire people by love. You have to achieve restoration by melting them with love. If you cannot stand in the position of having loved them, if you cannot win their heart through offering your love, then you will not be in a position to truly love your own son or daughter. As viewed from God’s ideal of creation, the firstborn son was originally to be loved first rather than the second child. (140-38, 1986.2.1)

Beyond Ritual

2. With the Changing of the Age, Old Rituals Are Replaced by Purer Forms of Devotion

Teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

If people commit sin, they must cleanse themselves of sin with a degree of intensity equal to the sin. To wash off the stains of sin, people must put in their personal effort and offer of their possessions. In particular, people need to make an offering in order to pay indemnity. People of every age have made such offerings, even though they did not clearly understand their function as objects by which to make indemnity conditions. Based on their level of understanding, primitive people sacrificed animals and even human beings as offerings. That was why they did these horrible things. All the earth’s creatures should be embraced in God’s love and live harmoniously together with God, yet because of the Fall they had to shed blood. They had to shed blood! Because false love, false life and false lineage came into this world, the things of creation had to shed blood. (374:21, April 4, 2002)

Continue reading “Christian Churches Should Take Down their Signboards and Crosses”

The Path of Indemnity Is to Deny Oneself and Go Opposite the Way of the World

The Richard Urban Show:

#91-Seth Rich Murder and Cover-Up-New Evidence

Joshua 19

24-26 Asher was the fifth tribe chosen to receive land, and the region for its clans included the following towns:

Helkath, Hali, Beten, Achshaph, Allammelech, Amad, and Mishal.

Jeremiah 50

38 Your rivers and canals
    will dry up.

All of this will happen,
because your land
    is full of idols,
and they have made fools
    of you.
39 Never again will people live
    in your land—
only desert animals, jackals,
    and unclean birds.

Richard: Modern day idols are power, money and sex, when misused in a self-centered way.

Reversal and Restoration

Teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

The path of indemnity is to deny oneself and go opposite the way of the world. In the beginning in the Garden of Eden, Adam fell because he rejected God and followed Satan. Now in reverse we must reject Satan and return to God. (73:93, August 4, 1974)

When someone has lost his original position or state, he must make some condition to be restored to it. The making of such conditions of restitution is called indemnity. For example, to recover lost reputation, position or health, one must make the necessary effort or pay the due price. Suppose two people who once loved each other come to be on bad terms; they must make some condition of reconciliation before the love they previously enjoyed can be revived. In like manner, it is necessary for human beings who have fallen from God’s grace into corruption to fulfill some condition before they can be restored to their true standing. (Exposition of the Divine Principle, Restoration 1.1)

A snake cannot grow without shedding its skin. To shed it, the snake crawls between narrow rocks. It needs an opposing force to push off the old skin. Likewise, the force of darkness has soaked through our body and blood. We cannot just go along with it; how do we get rid of it? We need the wisdom to go the opposite way entirely. (46:83, July 25, 1971)

Humanity went astray from the very beginning when Adam and Eve went in the wrong direction. Now we have to turn it completely around. Our conventional attitudes, our ways of thinking, and our desires in all areas of life must be changed into their opposites. What, then, should be our way of thinking? Thus far we have been thinking about our family for how it can benefit ourselves, and we have been dealing with our nation in ways that advance our self-interest. However, from now on we should think, “I exist for the greater whole—for my family, not for me; for my nation, not for me; for the world, not for me.” Do you understand what I am saying? We must change fundamentally. White people should live for black people and yellow people, and yellow people should live for white people and black people. Likewise, Christianity should live for Islam, and Islam for Christianity. (May 1, 1978)

The Human Fall took place because the first human ancestors were caught up with consciousness of self. Conversely, restoration requires that our awareness be reoriented away from the self and toward the cosmos and its ideal purpose. Therefore, the path to liberation requires that we willingly bear other people’s burdens and take responsibility for the common good. (396:178, November 7, 200