Jesus’ Path Has to Be Completed Now

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July 22nd, 2023 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
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Ft. Father Bayo B. Adrien, Rev. Rebecca Basford, Commissioner Jennifer Krouse & Richard Urban
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Cheon Seong Gyeong 2461

Up to this very day, the Unification Church has been walking the path of history, the history of the age of indemnity. And the purpose for us having walked this path of the history of indemnity has been to restore the right of the eldest son, the new right of the parent, the new right of kingship, and the new realm of the royal family. Centering on what? Not centering on today’s human-centric world, but rather centering on God. These realms are not to be restored centering on any existing kingship, or on any existing family. No, we are talking about the right of the eldest son centering on God, the realm of the True Parents centering on God, the right of kingship, centering on God, and the realm of the royal family, centering on God. This has been the hope that humankind has longed for, all the time up until the present day. (230- 171, 1992.5.3)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 925

Humankind as a whole must wake up. The teaching of the founder of the Unification Church is the truth that will save the world. It is the word of true love and life that the whole of humanity needs for eternity. When the returning Lord comes to save the world, he should not judge humankind with his rod of iron. By hitting people, he would not be able to bring even one person to complete submission.

Original Substance of the Divine Principle

The Principle of Restoration

The Worldwide Course for the Restoration of Canaan Centering on Jesus

    The secular authorities of the Roman Empire did not want to crucify Jesus. Rather, the Jewish people insisted that Jesus’ blood would be on their own hands (Mt. 27:20-26).
Jesus carried the cross, forgave the people while on the cross and died on the cross.The resurrected Jesus appeared spiritually to his disciples. The holy spirit descended at the Pentecost.
    Jesus original mission was to receive the Holy Wedding Blessing and to become the True Parent, then bless all humankind (remove their original sin).  Then he would Restore and establish God’s homeland and People.
    Jesus experienced the deep unrequited agony filled with blood, tears
and sweat of having to die on the cross without completing his original
    The path Jesus was not able to complete with his bride still has to be completed at the Second Coming centered on True Parents.  We are to receive the Blessing, learn about absolute sexual ethics and share this knowledge and blessing with our family and neighbors.
    See slides 18 to 21 below:


Where Are You on the Path Trodden by Jesus?

Watch the latest Richard Urban show:  Do You Know Where Your Donations Are Going at Sanctuary Church or Family Federation?

Mark 15

22 The soldiers took Jesus to Golgotha, which means “Place of a Skull.”[d]23 There they gave him some wine mixed with a drug to ease the pain, but he refused to drink it.

Ezekiel 17

17 The Lord said:

Ezekiel, son of man, tell the people of Israel the following story, so they will understand what I am saying to them:

A large eagle with strong wings and beautiful feathers once flew to Lebanon. It broke the top branch off a cedar tree, then carried it to a nation of merchants and left it in one of their cities. The eagle also took seed from Israel and planted it in a fertile field with plenty of water, like a willow tree beside a stream.[a] The seed sprouted and grew into a grapevine that spread over the ground. It had lots of leaves and strong, deep roots, and its branches grew upward toward the eagle.

There was another eagle with strong wings and thick feathers. The roots and branches of the grapevine soon turned toward this eagle, hoping it would bring water for the soil. But the vine was already growing in fertile soil, where there was plenty of water to produce healthy leaves and large grapes.

Now tell me, Ezekiel, do you think this grapevine will live? Or will the first eagle pull it up by its roots and pluck off the grapes and let its new leaves die? The eagle could easily kill it without the help of a large and powerful army. 10 The grapevine is strong and healthy, but as soon as the scorching desert wind blows, it will quickly wither.

Richard:  Hyung Jin Moon received the Cheon Bok Ark (the Eight Sacred Textbooks: from True Father, Sun Myung Moon.  In this sense, he made a sacred agreement with his father, Rev. Moon, to honor and uphold the words contained in these books.   However, he has now replaced the Cheon Bok Ark with a new gun-centered theology.  Just as in this analogy from Ezekiel, that new (false) theology cannot be allowed by God to stand.

Let Us Follow the Way of Jesus

Sun Myung Moon
April 26, 1959
Matthew 7:1-20

Today, there are many Christian groups, including the National Council of Churches and the World Council of Churches. Inside, however, they are empty. For solving the internal problems, we need young men and women of Heaven who are like the believers who burned with the Shim Jung of Jesus and moved ahead under the oppressive rule of the ignorant Emperor Nero. We need such brave people of Heaven. If such phenomena actually occur in the last days, what should Christians do? They should think about this again.

Just as the Renaissance revived Hellenistic culture and pioneered humanism, today we should revive the Christianity of two thousand years ago and build the God-centered heavenly kingdom of Jesus. We need no intermediate bridge. Now is the last days. That is why strange phenomena are occurring, Elder Na, Elder Park, the Unification Church, etc. You should be able to analyze this spiritually. This is your mission.

Ladies and gentlemen! Now the historical age of the seventy disciples is coming on a worldwide level. Since history is the providence of restoration, it goes back up according to the law. It goes back up to find what was lost. After the age of seventy disciples comes the age of the twelve disciples. In Korea, there have been many fortune tellers who had this position. Next, the age of the three disciples comes. Three forms of representative movements will occur.

As it is the Christian course of faith to follow the footsteps of Jesus, where are you? Are you in the wilderness period of Jesus? Or are you at the stage when Jesus was growing up in Galilee? Where are you? Ladies and gentlemen! The life of Jesus was the prototypical life of person, the path a human being should follow. In other words, it was the model for human beings. But where are you? Are you at the forty-day fast of Jesus, in the three-year public course, in the middle of the prayer at Gethsemane, or on the path where life and death was finally decided on the cross? Continue reading “Where Are You on the Path Trodden by Jesus?”

The Disciples Did Not Abide by the Teachings of Jesus

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2136

That being the case, where would
you most like to live? I think you would
like to live in your original hometown
where you were born. Broadly speak-
ing, ‘original hometown’ can refer to the
planet Earth within the cosmos, and our
homeland is wherever God dwells as its
founding Father. Our hometown is the
earth as God originally intended it to
be – a place where parents, siblings, and
children who have not fallen would live
together. This was to be a place where
black, yellow, and white people could
live together in harmony.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1631

Unless a religious person comes for-
ward with a logic that offers a clear sci-
entific explanation of cause, process,
and result, the religious world cannot
be saved. The Divine Principle of the
Unification Church has such logic as
described above. The conclusion sug-
gested by that fits everything: that God
exists with dual characteristics, that He
is the Subject partner and the universe
is His object partner, and that therefore
He is the Subject partner of love and
humankind was created as the object
partner of His love. This fundamen-
tal relationship continued through the
power of love which bound it to the eter-
nal world, transcending history. This
action of love continued through thou-
sands of years, and whereas other forms
of power became weaker as time passed,
this power of love remained strong.

The Incarnation of Jesus, A Pioneer

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
February 1, 1959

Matthew 8: 18-22

The disciples did not understand the heart of Jesus. They were trying to use him to elevate themselves. Jesus understood this and had no way to alleviate his aching heart, no matter how much he cried and lamented toward heaven and earth.

Because he had a mission that forced him to go on, he suppressed his sorrow and said to his disciples, “Those who try to elevate themselves will decline, and those who try to lower themselves will rise.” (Matthew 23:12) You have to understand that he repeatedly testified to his determination, inscribed deeply in his heart, flesh and blood.

Listening to him, the disciples thought that the words Jesus spoke had nothing to do with them. Ladies and gentlemen! Please imagine how frustrated Jesus must have felt when John’s mother asked Jesus to elevate her sons to a position of glory in the last days. Although Jesus had taught his disciples and instructed them so many times, they did not understand him. Continue reading “The Disciples Did Not Abide by the Teachings of Jesus”

Jesus’ True Wish

Cheon Seong Gyeong 515

What was God’s will? It was for
Adam and Eve to establish the standard
of the perfection of man and woman and
establish God’s family based on His love.
Yet, was this done? God’s family was not
established. Jesus understood and also
believed in this aspect of God’s will, but
due to the disbelief of the Jewish people,
Israel’s historical four-thousand-year
foundation for Jesus and Judaism col-
lapsed, and Jesus died miserably on the
cross. Until now, who has understood
this heart-wrenching situation? No one!
You came to understand it through me
today. That being the case, how glad
Jesus must be! As the bridegroom, Jesus
could not perfect God’s family without
establishing his bride as the true mother.
Without Jesus’ family being established,
the will of God would remain unful-
filled. (Blessed Family – 488)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1729

Who on earth are God, Adam and
Eve? Who are Adam and Eve? If Adam
had not fallen and become perfected,
God would have entered into him, and
if Eve had become perfected, He would
have entered into her. God would have
entered the separate embodiments in
substantial form of His dual charac-
teristics and brought together in union
what was divided. How is God to bring
this union about? It is not through force.
It is through love. From love, stimula-
tion is generated, and reproduction is
brought about, the reproduction of the
ideal world. (148-290, 1986.10.25

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
January 3, 1959

Matthew 1:18-2:12

Jesus did not eat for his good; he did not live for his sake. He did not feel sorrow on his behalf or fret for himself. Even during times of sadness, Jesus looked at the Father who grieved and felt rebuked. We must emulate the virtues of Jesus, the son of God, who would then feel his responsibility more strongly, bowing his head, thinking that Heaven’s pain was greater than his, no matter how great was his own.

Jesus appeared with the responsibility to save unbelieving humankind. Therefore, even though there were many paths of tribulation, toil, lamentation and pain during his life, Jesus did not care. We must know the heart of Jesus today, who felt keen regret, even in his dreams, thinking how the Israelites were unable to stand before the Father.

As we become more and more sincere in relation to the Will, we must hold onto Heaven with our minds and the earth with our bodies. Even as he walked the path of Golgotha, even as he shed blood and felt bone- and flesh-melting agony, Jesus held onto God and comforted Him. He held onto all humankind and worried about them. We must know this kind of heart today. Continue reading “Jesus’ True Wish”