Jesus and All Individuals, Peoples, Families and Nations that Followed Jesus Have Been Sacrificed

The latest Richard Urban Show:
#148: Parental Involvement In Your Child’s Marriage Is Crucial

My latest blog post on solar in Jefferson Count WV:
Numerous Department of the Environment Violations at Blake Solar Project Site

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1603

    Today is September 8, 1998, and when you add all these numbers together you arrive at the number 44. The number 9, which can pass over Adam’s four-position foundation, his children’s fourposition foundation, and his object partner’s four-position foundation, is Satan’s number, and the number 8 is the starting number. The number 19 comes right before 20. All the numbers connected with nine are Satan’s numbers. However, through these numbers will come the era of all-immanence, all-transcendence, supreme authority and omnipotence in which God will be free to do whatever He pleases. In other words, everything in the satanic world will be absorbed into one unified world. Then when would the number 44 appear? It would do so at the time of a historic declaration. The sum of the numbers representing September 8, 1998 is 44, and so that is why on this day I am making the declaration of 4.4. Jeol.
    All humankind must return to God in any case. Therefore, I have come to Kodiak in the North, to declare 4.4. Jeol. Centering on the second generation, you are divided into two with the national messiahs in the south, and the Cain messiahs of the mother nation in the north. These two groups should be connected in heart, and the second generation should stand in front of them. You are the plus and the minus, and wherever there is a positive charge, it should be paired with a negative charge.
    By my coming to the North, and with the firstborn, the second generation, connected to the plus and minus, I have finally been able to declare 4.4. Jeol, through which the four-position foundations of Adam’s family and that of his children can settle and ultimately open the gates to the heavenly world. In preparation for this, I blessed both saints and murderers simultaneously on June 13. They are all brothers and sisters. Satan took what belonged to God, but now God can freely do whatever He wants. Thus, the cosmos has become God’s liberated kingdom on earth and in heaven. (295-268, 1998.9.8)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1002

    When you look in the mirror, you should ask yourself how much your eyes have shed tears in longing to see the Parents; how much your mouth cried out for the assuaging of the Parents’ grief; how much your hands toiled while shedding blood for the land of the Parents; and how much your body has labored, until it shattered, for the foundation that the Parents are seeking. If you seek that path while feeling in your heart, “My grief is in not having been able to do those things!” it will become a path of happiness. A happy person is one who establishes a relationship with Heaven on that path. No one can dominate such a person. The only one that can move him is the Parent; the only one who can touch his heart is the Parent; the only one who can make him happy is the Parent. And the son is the only person who can make the Parent happy. The Parent’s wishes lie in their son rather than in the parents themselves. (78-35, 1975.5.1)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

True God
Chapter 3

The History of the Providence of Restoration and Changes in Humankind’s View of God

Section 3. Jesus’ View of God Based on the Parent-Child Relationship

3.1. The New Testament Age is the age of the adopted son

    When Jacob triumphed and earned the name Israel, he did not triumph as God’s son but as God’s servant. This way, people were restored from the position of the servant of servants to the servant’s position, and then in the New Testament Age from the servant’s position to the position of the adopted child. Romans 8:23 says: “but we ourselves, who have the first fruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait for adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies.” They said that they were eagerly waiting to be adopted sons who could call God “Abba, Father.” Even the most ardent people of faith in the New Testament Age, whether they were ministers, elders, or people holding doctorates, and so forth, are all adopted children before God. I am speaking to you frankly. They want to be adopted children. Adopted children have a different lineage. (154-257, 1964.10.3) Continue reading “Jesus and All Individuals, Peoples, Families and Nations that Followed Jesus Have Been Sacrificed”