Join us for the STAR Interfaith Leadership Training Conference November 24 to 26 in Harpers Ferry, WV.
This conference details the physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual benefits of a lifestyle of sexual abstinence before marriage. Your children under age 19 can attend with you for free! What a great opportunity to discuss crucial issues with your children!
Informed choice between a lifestyle of sexual abstinence before marriage and one of non-abstinence is a crucial issue for societal stability and personal happiness.
This conference provides a practical and Biblical framework for understanding the benefits of practicing sexual abstinence before marriage and faithfulness within marriage.
Register or find out more:
CSG 1644
The entire creation is interconnected
through the structure of the pair sys-
tem. This is true even for the mineral
world. Everything operates either posi-
tively or negatively. Despite the earth
having its own gravitational pull, we
can clearly see the workings of a pow-
erful magnet because its pull is locally
stronger than that of the earth. All ele-
ments also work positively and nega-
tively, though not strongly enough to be
seen. Certain clearly determined move-
ments occur when an electric current
flows between the positive and nega-
tive poles of a circuit. What is the cen-
ter of the pair system? It is the central
axis which connects the two elements in
a principled way, namely the axis of love.
Thus, the chemical elements of the min-
eral world fuse together according to the
laws of attraction. Elements that repel
each other cannot become one, even at
God’s command, and even if the master
of the laboratory made strenuous efforts
to bring them together for thousands of
years. (197-164, 1990.1.13)
CSG 1346
esus did not just have twelve apos-
tles and 70 disciples. On the day of Pen-
tecost after his ascension, 120 follow-
ers gathered to begin their worldwide
missionary work. They are represented
by 120 nations. At the time of the 120
Couples Blessing, the United Nations
had 124 member states. The number of
couples actually blessed was 124, out
of which four had been criminals from
the four directions of north, south, east,
and west. Included among 124 couples
are criminals who were convicted once,
twice, thrice, and even four times. Why?
It is because we have to save even those
who are in hell. We need to save those
who are imprisoned. (215-129, 1991.2.6)
Let Us Become Someone Who Can Hold Jesus’ Body and Mourn
Rev. Sun Myung Moon
April 13, 1958
You have to understand that the more Jesus felt that all things of creation in heaven and earth are bound by the bitter grief of the fall, the more he realized God’s sadness, in looking upon this situation, pierced into all things. He then became more serious. Growing up as the son of a poor carpenter, unable as yet to emerge as the Messiah, he led a life of silence, making preparations to proclaim the will of Heaven. Even as he did that, he possessed an unchanging, singular heart toward Heaven, a heart that reached out to all people. The more intense became his heart of love toward Heaven and humanity, the more concern he felt, which he could not express to anyone. No one then realized that he bore such great concern alone. The members of Joseph’s family could not feel this determined heart of Jesus as the distress of Heaven, the heart which yearned to save humanity.
However, even in this environment, Jesus had the mission to reveal the words of the Gospel to the Israelites and have them lift high the signal light of a new revolution. Therefore, he needed someone who could become one in heart with him. Jesus had to point out the direction of the heavenly principles and reestablish the way of the human principles centering on Judaism. More than any other factor, the fact that Jesus did not have anyone who could represent the heart of Heaven and the historical heart of humanity is the crucial reason he could not fulfill the providence of the restoration of God. Continue reading “Jesus Did Not Have A True Friend”