Cheon Seong Gyeong 1970
What kind of people are the Koreans?
They are a people who should inherit the
global history of the cultural spheres
that can restore and indemnify the civi-
lization based on the Italian peninsula.
Korea is such a region. The reunification
of North and South Korea signifies the
unification of the democratic world and
communist world. Furthermore, the
independence of Korea is a restoration
of the failure of the people of Israel. That
is why Israel and Korea both regained
their nations together in 1948. (139-109,
Cheon Seong Gyeong 1256
In chapter eight of the book of
Romans, it is recorded, “But we our-
selves, who have the first fruits of the
Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly
for adoption as sons, the redemption of
our bodies!” It also states, “For you did
not receive the spirit of bondage again
to fear, but you received the Spirit of
adoption by whom we cry out, ‘Abba,
Father.’” Therefore, the best we can hope
for is adoption.
The Christians of today are adopt-
ed sons and daughters. Adopted chil-
dren come from a different bloodline.
In John 8:44, Jesus said, “You belong to
your father, the devil, and you want to
carry out your father’s desire!” Since he
referred to the devil as the father, doesn’t
that make it clear that the bloodline
belongs to him, and that he, the devil, is
humankind’s ancestor? What is circum-
cision for? It symbolizes the separation
of good and evil. That is how it works.
What is the fruit of the knowledge of
good and evil? (154-337, 1964.10.5)
Richard: We change our lineage through the Blessing of Marriage:
The Grieving Father, Son and Daughter as They Try to Establish the Kingdom of Heaven
Sun Myung Moon
May 17, 1959
For humankind to enter the Kingdom of Heaven after passing through all the courses of faith and judgment and emerge as children of the Father, there should be no need for the saying “Have faith” to people who are in the original Adam and Eve’s position. All their actions, emotions and gestures should automatically correspond in unison with the notion of love and faith that transcends sorrow, without having to remind them in words.
Only when our heart transcends any article of law or commandment that causes us to act, and only when our conscience precedes any logic or regulation can the world of heavenly relationship be completed. We have to become noble individuals who cannot help acting, cannot help loving, and cannot help living for others in accordance with the heart of Heaven. This would be the greatest standard of faith for Christians. This has to be realized today.
You will experience the heart of Jesus as he had to block Mary Magdalene from holding onto his resurrected self. You have to go forth now through the way of practice, bearing the heart of love, and overcome trials with the attitude of welcoming even death. The heavenly life begins the moment you return glory to Heaven and are grateful for the blessing of resurrection, in spite of tribulations and difficulties. You then enter the realm of glory through a life of attendance with a loving heart. Continue reading “Only When our Conscience Precedes any Logic or Regulation can the World of Heavenly Relationship be Completed”