God’s Blessing Is Absolutely Public In Nature

If you missed the Family and Community Strengthening Forum this past Saturday, I highly recommend that you see Gender Transformation; the Untold Realities.
We will post the discussion forum which followed the movie soon.

Latest Post about solar development in Jefferson County WV by Richard Urban:
Everyone’s Property Rights Must Be Respected

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1593

    The mere fact that the Declaration of Congratulations for True Parents’ Cosmic Victory could be made shows that the foundation of gratitude before God, the True Parents and heaven and earth now extends goes beyond the scope of God’s hope when He created the universe.
    It also shows that the victorious hearts of God and the True Parents yearn for the era of the fourth Adam to inherit the entire world and secure something greater than that of perfected Adam. During their lives the True Parents’ must liberate God by following the path to perfection that is even hundreds of times more severe than Adam’s original course. They must do so with a fully devoted heart that surpasses even God’s love.
    After completing that path they must stand in the position of filial sons and daughters in the family, patriots in the nation, saints in the world, and God’s divine sons and daughters, and thus inherit everything from Him. In order for us to accomplish this, we must offer everything.
    My conclusion is that, once we have offered all those things, God can bequeath everything to us with this eternal victory for all generations. Even the eternal God could not ask for more. He will then be able to exercise global, victorious authority, overcoming His anguish over the Fall. Satan’s defiled lineage should be eliminated completely, leaving no trace. (302-246, 1996.6.14)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1241

God’s Blessing is absolutely public in nature. It is not just for an individual, family, nation, or even the world. God’s Blessing is for the whole universe. (15-67, 1965. 2.13)

Family Pledge

Rev. Sun Myung Moon

Family Pledge 3; Perfecting the Four Great Realms of Heart, the Three Great Kingships and the Realm of the Royal family (continued)

Core Concept 47:  We create the realm of the royal family by loving Cain, thereby helping all families in this world become our younger brothers, and to be connected to God’s lineage through the Blessing of True Parents. Continue reading “God’s Blessing Is Absolutely Public In Nature”

We Cannot Repay the Grace of the Father

Cheon Seong Gyeong 219

Then what will you do after having
been liberated? Because you will serve
and attend God instead of the devil, you
will have to create a new cultural realm.
You have to create True Parents’ realm
of daily life. When you stand in the posi-
tion of the perfected Adam, you realize
the purpose of your birth. When this
happens, the love of God and True Par-
ents will continually reside within you.
This love is the basis of the harmony that
completes you. In other words, you will
have love, life and lineage. This forms a
trinity. (202-283, 1990.5.25)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1518

Since they are destined to inherit
God’s Kingdom in heaven and on earth
– the vertical and horizontal kingdoms
– and the lineages of the vertical and
horizontal parents, the sons and daugh-
ters are eligible to inherit every inter-
nal aspect of the vertical Parents and
every external aspect of the horizontal
parents. Being a part of the royal fam-
ily signifies leading the life of having
inherited the two kingdoms. The fact
that you have become the royal fam-
ily would mean that you stand on the
perfected foundation, and you can be
accepted by both kingdoms at all times.
(240-17, 1992.12.11)

Let Us Love Heaven and Become Patriots

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
March 1, 1959

Matthew 5: 33-48

33 You know that our ancestors were told, “Don’t use the Lord’s name to make a promise unless you are going to keep it.” 34 But I tell you not to swear by anything when you make a promise! Heaven is God’s throne, so don’t swear by heaven. 35 The earth is God’s footstool, so don’t swear by the earth. Jerusalem is the city of the great king, so don’t swear by it. 36 Don’t swear by your own head. You cannot make one hair white or black. 37 When you make a promise, say only “Yes” or “No.” Anything else comes from the devil.

38 You know that you have been taught, “An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.” 39 But I tell you not to try to get even with a person who has done something to you. When someone slaps your right cheek,[a]turn and let that person slap your other cheek. 40 If someone sues you for your shirt, give up your coat as well. 41 If a soldier forces you to carry his pack one mile, carry it two miles.[b] 42 When people ask you for something, give it to them. When they want to borrow money, lend it to them.

43 You have heard people say, “Love your neighbors and hate your enemies.” 44 But I tell you to love your enemies and pray for anyone who mistreats you. 45 Then you will be acting like your Father in heaven. He makes the sun rise on both good and bad people. And he sends rain for the ones who do right and for the ones who do wrong. 46 If you love only those people who love you, will God reward you for that? Even tax collectors[c] love their friends. 47 If you greet only your friends, what’s so great about that? Don’t even unbelievers do that? 48 But you must always act like your Father in heaven.


Beloved Father! Brief human life, which seeks after You, may appear to be simple; yet, it is complicated. We must walk this life course. Father, we sincerely pray that You guide us to become blessed sons and daughters who can persevere through each day and spend the rest of our lives in the Father’s bosom.

We are not alone in the world in which we live. We know that a myriad satans surround us. They have been engaged in insidious fights and have been putting forth conditions of accusations before the Father for 6,000 years. We know that You are keenly aware of this and have been working laboriously to protect us. Please allow us to realize that the Father’s concern exceeds our concern, and that the Father’s labors in fighting Satan and the victories You have won are much greater than anything we could accomplish, even if we battled hard for the rest of our lives.

The Father has been deeply involved in the lives of our countless forefathers and has been working to fulfill the will of restoration. We know that Your efforts have been the path of the cross, a debt we can never repay by any means. Please allow us to face You in humility and repentance, realizing with all our hearts and souls our inadequacy to return Your grace. Continue reading “We Cannot Repay the Grace of the Father”