Human Beings Enable God to Be the Master of Love

Happy 42nd Anniversary to the 2075 Couples Blessed in marriage at Madison Square Garden in 1982!

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1574

    The Fall was brought about by free sex and so it can only be overcome through absolute sex – having one eternal spouse of the opposite sex – centered on the absolute love of the True Parents. The conversion of lineage can only take place with absolute sex; it cannot be achieved by free sex or casual sex. The restoration of lineage must be carried out. Through the declarations I made with the Family Federation for World Peace, I have established the authority on which this can be brought to fruition worldwide. Based on all the victories achieved by the True Parents within the global domain, the Blessed Families in the stead of the True Mother, then Cain and Abel, must unite with her. In short, they need to become as one with her.
    The impact on families of juvenile immorality, free sex and homosexuality can only be reversed on the basis of the True Parents’ ideology, through which the restored family, nation, and world can advance to establish God’s kingdom on earth and in heaven. This means that everything must be completely turned around. On the Blessed Family foundation, individuals and families representing Cain and Abel must unite centering absolutely on the True Parents, first becoming as one with True Mother. Centering on her, the democratic and communist worlds, Catholics and Protestants, and the spiritual and physical worlds can be united. On this global foundation, everything could then be indemnified centered on Mother. Thus, it became possible to proclaim the settlement of the Family Federation for World Peace and the elimination of historical indemnity.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1096

    Good ancestors, territory, and a nation will emerge from you. Therefore, you who have received the Blessing must always think about heaven and earth from the minute you open your eyes. The Blessing is for the sake of your sharing blessings with others. You need to convert the lineage that was defiled by the Fall. Without accomplishing this, you cannot remove Original Sin. Without removing Original Sin, you cannot rise to the level of receiving the Blessing as true children. That is how the Principle works. The Holy Wine Ceremony is a ceremony to convert the lineage that removes Original Sin inherited from the Fall. In other words, it is a ceremony to exchange one’s flesh and blood. (35-210, 1970.10.30)

Richard:  Receive the Blessing at  Singles join here.  Married couples join here.

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 3

true love

Chapter 2

The Reality of Love

Section 1. God’s Love

1.1. Love originates from God

In giving us love, how much would God want to give? God’s love is not given according to a limit that says a certain amount is enough. It is a love that wants to give infinitely. Even after giving everything, God will still say, “I want to live in you because of you.” What is the essence that brings this about? It is love. If love is present, God would be happy to live even as a servant. The father can feel joy even when his beloved little son climbs onto his dining table and poops there. Love transcends the law. (36-77, 1970.11.15) Continue reading “Human Beings Enable God to Be the Master of Love”

God Wants Absolute Love

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1602

    You should understand that you cannot be self-centered, individualistic or insist on your own way. Before asserting yourselves, you need to realize that your father and mother existed before you, and from their lives emerged their lineage. On top of that, love was created. The relationship through which you can learn to respect lineage, history and your ancestors, and which will help you serve them, is the one between you and your parents. You need to respect your parents and then God. What would then be even higher than Him? It would be love.
    Encompassed in the mother and father are the absolute love, life and lineage attained through the Absolute Parent and Father of absolute love. You should be aware of the fact that you are born from all this. Thus, you are the representative of lineage, maternal and paternal life and love. Having received them all as the representative, you were born to expand them and spread them wide; since such is the purpose of your life, if you don’t fulfill this and instead act as you please and put your greed before everything else, you would be ruined and perish. 
    It is our destined and inevitable task to unite through the parent-child relationship, but what should that unity be centered upon? From the bone marrow, the seed, it should be centered on true love. Only when a baby is born thus can it possess a heart and body big enough to embrace the whole world as well as its father and to become one with its moth- er. You should follow your parents with absolute faith, love and obedience, as the grandson and father should follow the grandfather with absolute faith, love and obedience.
    It will be handed down as an eternal tradition. Our destined mission is to accomplish liberation! Only then can we fulfill Family Pledge number eight, which is to achieve the ideal of God and human beings united in love through absolute faith, love and obedience now that we have entered the Completed Tes- tament Age. Only when this unity has been achieved can we strive to perfect the realm of liberation of God’s kingdom on earth and in heaven. (295 -167, 1998.8.28)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1093

    What will you do in your home- town? First of all, you must devotedly take care of the graves of your ancestors. Because the Korean custom is to honor them, if you have not been able to fulfill your responsibility as the eldest son of the head family in your hometown, you should erect a headstone, plant trees in this desolate land that your grandfather loved, create an ideal environment on the hillside that your grandmother enjoyed, and clean up the village so that all the mountains and streams in your hometown can praise you. If you can do this, how would you feel? After doing this, would you become the head of your hometown or not? In the past, being the head of a group meant some- thing bad, but now it means that you have to become a king and chief in doing good works. (219-148, 1991.8.29)

    You are all historical reincarnations, wearing the faces of your ancestors.
How long is this history? It is known to be hundreds of thousands of years old.
The long course of history was intended to eventually create one person, yourself.
In order to create one such person, for example, from the Kim family, countless ancestors came and went. Therefore, we are the fruits of human history. (46-154, 1971.8.13)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 3

true love

Chapter 2

The Reality of Love

Section 1. God’s Love

1.1. Love originates from God

God is the God of love. St. Paul asked who can cut off the line of God’s love within Christ. Even Christ would be nothing without God’s love. This is why we like God’s love more than any- thing else. God’s love is the source of life, the source of happiness, and the source of peace. You can understand this if you have spiritual experiences. (24-324, 1969.9.14) Continue reading “God Wants Absolute Love”

God Created Because He Needed His Ideal Partner in Love

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1903

When going out on a boat to fish, people prefer a day when both the weather and their emotional state are good. That is their general mindset. However, in order to be a special person, one must go fishing in an environment where it rains and thunders. Without having experienced fishing in the pouring rain, you will never learn about environmental changes, the difference in the surrounding waters, and how the fish are influenced by the water movements due to heavy rain. (276-69, 1996.2.4)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1239

    You should know that the concept of the Blessing did not begin with the Unification Church. Rather, it has been the hope of God in His innermost heart, something He has pursued and striven to fulfill throughout history since the time of creation and the Fall. To see this dream come true, God has been walking a path of suffering until this day, but the day of its fulfillment has not yet come.
    That is why the day that God’s hope is fulfilled will be the day of the liberation of the world, and the day His historical wish is fulfilled. Knowing this, you should understand why the Blessing is so significant. (30-164, 1970.3.22)

Richard:  Receive the Blessing at  Singles join here.  Married couples join here.

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 3

true love

Chapter 1

What Is True Love?

Section 5. Perfection Is Attained through Love

We must find true love. Then where can you find it? True love lasts forever, and remains unchanged, day or night. Something that exists for oneself alone cannot be true love. True love cannot belong to just one individual. True love belongs to all, and is jointly owned by the whole universe. True love connects the family, the society, the nation, the world, and the universe. (Blessed Family – 380) Continue reading “God Created Because He Needed His Ideal Partner in Love”

The Love of God Is Love for the Sake of Others

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1538

What is the purpose of marriage? It is in order to unite a man and woman centering upon the love of God in His presence. Such a union is the origin of peace and of the universe itself. The essence of true love lies in the father living for the sake of the mother and vice versa, the elder brother living for the sake of the younger brother and vice versa, and so on and so forth. A family whose members are interlocked closely with a love that esteems others is where God’s love can dwell eternally, and where an eternal family and an everlasting nation can begin. (221-212, 1991.10.24)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1040

Witnessing should be done like a business. What I mean is that you should do it effectively. In the past, no matter where you went for witnessing, you did not make much preparation, but now you should go fully prepared. You should offer devotion when you go witnessing. You must be different from the past. (102-45, 1978.11.19)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 3

true love

Chapter 1

What Is True Love?

Section 5. Perfection Is Attained through Love

And so when you love you can attain immortality. It is God’s love that stimulates the reciprocal action that continues forever. (38-273, 1971.1.8) Continue reading “The Love of God Is Love for the Sake of Others”

The Purpose of Life Is to Occupy the Love of God

Cheon Seong Gyeong 579

    Religious people hope for the end of this fallen world which originated from private desires. Over the millennia, religions have eagerly awaited a public world – a single, unified world of peace.
    How should religious people live? They should shorten this historical path and link it to the world and to the cosmos. The life after this accomplishment is far more interesting than the pleasures of conjugal life. Such a family is a liberated family. It cannot help but become an absolute family.
    Walking the streets of Myungdong in Seoul, one sees young couples being affectionate. For whom are they doing that? They say they do that to enjoy their youth, which they have but once. That’s fine, but who is the owner of enjoyment? This is a serious question. How long can you enjoy life? You do so from your twenties, but it will not last after you pass your sixties, seventies, and eighties.
    Yet the way of the Unification Church is different. For what purpose do we eat? For the sake of the world and to abolish this evil world. We see in order to clean up this evil world – not to become a part of the evil side but to defeat it. How we hear, think, walk and act is different from the secular world. (36-71, 1970.11.15)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1055

    How are we going to maintain the pure lineage inherited from God? How can we preserve the pure lineage rather than the fallen lineage?
    We must sincerely care for the second generation. It is very difficult to become pure in this fallen world. The first human beings fell even though they were in the unstained Garden of Eden. In spite of their suffering, the blessed parents born in the fallen world should make an unstained environment for their blessed children. It is my desire to prepare such an environment as quickly as possible for the second generation, no matter what sacrifices that may entail. We have to hurry. (God’s Will – 550)

Richard:  Urban Life Training promotes sexual abstinence before marriage, and has many great education materials.  Become a member here to access all of our character and abstinence-centered education materials.

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 3

true love

Chapter 1

What Is True Love?

Section 5. Perfection Is Attained through Love

God created the world with the purpose to realize his ideal of absolute love through the oneness of Himself and human beings. He created human beings as His highest and very best object partners of love. Accordingly, of all the forms of creation, only human beings are His object partners uniquely embodying His image. Human beings were born as visible beings in front of the invisible God. When human beings are perfected they become God’s temples, meaning that they are the corporeal beings into whom God can freely and comfortably dwell at any time. God’s ideal of true love is realized and fulfilled through human beings in the form of the vertical parent-child relationship. (277-198, 1996.4.18) Continue reading “The Purpose of Life Is to Occupy the Love of God”