Without Marriage, Love Would Not Have Started in the Human World

Candidate Interviews on The Richard Urban Show:

#181-Interview with Bill Ridenour-Republican Candidate for WV House of Delegates-District 100
#182-Interview with Erika Kolenich-Libertarian Candidate for WV Governor
#183-Interview with Jack Hefestay-Republican Candidate for County Commissioner-Charles Town District-Jefferson County WV

View all Candidate Interviews

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1850

    Given the unlimited supply of marine resources in the seas surrounding the United States, the U.S. Maritime Administration is encouraging the development of the marine resources of America. But few people enjoy life at sea. For that reason the U.S. government developed a subsidy plan that would permit an individual to take ownership of a two million dollar, 120-ton fishing vessel by meeting two conditions: that person would pay ten percent of the boat’s price and work the boat for two and a half years. As you know, 120 tons is enormous.
    For the same reason I am developing ocean resource businesses in three hundred ports. I specifically designed and made ships. I designed and made small fishing boats and even created a truly handsome ship that is good for training. To train people in catching fish, I am making a fleet of ten boats linked together with one large ship. That means one person goes out with eleven ships at his command. I let it be known that if five such commanders would make such a fleet, I would give a thirty-thousand-dollar boat to them. Then we can sell even these smaller boats for thirty thousand dollars each. Currently, I am also planning for the development of the fishery cities. (110-202, 1980.11.17)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1232

A true filial son is the one who obeys. A true loyal subject even when being chased and put to death by traitors never calls his king incapable. A true loyal subject is a person of integrity and loyalty, who sheds tears with a sorrowful heart, and wishes his king a long life even when persecuted by treacherous courtiers to the point of death. This is absolute obedience. The only way to bring about success through absolute obedience is the way of true love. (164-48, 1987.5.3)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 4


Chapter 6

Transformation during Young Adulthood, and true Marriage

Section 1. The Significance of Marriage

    We might say that marriage is a ceremony that allows us to open the door of the palace of happiness and enter in. Therefore, marriage is a great event for humankind. Love transcends time and space and is the greatest thing for humankind. Marriage is the ceremony that reveals and confirms this greatest love. (Blessed Family – 356) Continue reading “Without Marriage, Love Would Not Have Started in the Human World”

Love Cannot Be Realized by Oneself

Candidate Interviews on The Richard Urban Show

#180-Interview with Cara Keys-Republican Candidate for County Commissioner-Shepherdstown District
#179-Interview with Thornton Cooper-Democratic Candidate for WV Secretary of State
#178-Interview with Mary Ann Roebuck Claytor-Democratic Candidate for WV Auditor

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2008

God’s country is where His direct descendants receive Heaven’s command and, in His place, govern under God’s kingship. There would be neither communism nor democracy. Once established, that nation will remain forever. When we think of such a nation, we should feel mortified that we are unable to be a citizen of such a country. We should lament that we are unable to be such a person, living in such a nation. We must grieve over the fact that we do not have such an unchanging sovereignty. (72-292, 1974.9.1)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1239

    The Blessing signifies the True Parents and true children coming together to fulfill the purpose of creation. (19-73, 1967. 12.27)

    God exists with dual characteristics. These dual characteristics are positive and negative, the former represented by the man, Adam, and the latter by the woman, Eve. The children are thus a combination of the two of them. In this way, according to God’s ideal, the first, second and third generations are formed. Out of the three generations, it was the generation of Adam and Eve, the second generation, where the problem occurred.
    Adam and Eve did not become one in God’s love. If they had, they would have formed a love relationship in which God could dwell. They also would have established the standard of love through which God could have naturally formed a relationship with Adam and Eve’s children. This would have been the Blessing. (32-239, 1970.7.19)

Richard: UnionStation.love prepares you to find your eternal match and to become a Blessed Couple. Both singles and already married couples can become Blessed couples.  The next Blessing Preparation Course begins November 3rd.

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 4


Chapter 5

The Love of Man and Woman in the Original Creation

Section 4. Love Comes from One’s Partner

    Love cannot be realized by oneself. Where does love come from? Love does not come from me but from my spouse. Since love comes from my spouse, I must bow my head and serve her. This is where the heavenly principle of living for the sake of others originates. When something highly noble comes to me, I must honor and serve it in order to receive it. We must live the philosophy of living for the sake of others. (143-277, 1986.3.30) Continue reading “Love Cannot Be Realized by Oneself”

The Question Is whether the Love of a Man and a Woman Is in Accord with God’s Will

New Candidate Interview on The Richard Urban Show
#178-Interview with Mary Ann Roebuck Claytor-Democratic Candidate for WV Auditor

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1557

Socialism and communism aspire to establish the one absolute nation. The era of the restoration of ownership based on God’s ideal will soon arrive, and Satan, in coming to know of this in advance, planned to completely remove God’s ownership over the world through communism. Satan did all he could. I was the one who undid his every action, and brought everything back to God’s side. Those on that side have therefore all yielded to my logic and ideology. Now, there is nothing and no one who can stand in opposition before the True Parents and God. (229-156, 1992.4.11)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1389

A perfect subject makes a perfect object. It is God’s responsibility to perfectly substantiate the faith of the perfect object. What do you think about that? Isn’t that brilliant? Everything came to be done according to that faith. So what about the Blessing of 3.6 Million Couples that is coming up? Going from 30,000 couples to 360,000 couples was easier than you thought. This will be very easy. There are bound to be many people in the world who cry out for Rev. Moon day and night. Through this Blessing, I opened the way for Mother’s parents and mine to be reunited as husband and wife, and all the sins committed by the thousands of generations of ancestors in history were forgiven. (272-117, 1995.8.30)

Richard: Join the next Blessing Preparation Course here. The next Course begins November 3rd.

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 4


Chapter 5

The Love of Man and Woman in the Original Creation

Section 1. The Original Love of a Man and a Woman

When man and woman are in love, whether their love is in accord with God’s will and the standard He requires of them is the question. Is their love in accord with the model of love in God’s mind? Continue reading “The Question Is whether the Love of a Man and a Woman Is in Accord with God’s Will”

A Glorious New Morning Will Dawn when God Assumes a Physical Body

Candidate Interviews now posted:
#175-Interview with John Doyle-Democratic Candidate for WV State Senator-16th Senatorial District
#176-Interview with Steven Wendelin-Democratic Candidate for US House of Representatives-WV 2nd Congressional District

The next Blessing Preparation Course begins November 3rd.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1723

To become God’s child, one needs to be born through the point of unity of these organs. If not from that point, from where would God’s sons and daughters be born? Thus, when man and woman are making love, of course all cells in the body desire to be a part of the sexual organs, but once they have entered the place of love the whole body feels the same way. In other words, the entire body becomes one. (248-55, 1993.6.20)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1010

We must establish a new tradition that transcends races and nations. We must establish the foundation for that tradition in accordance with God’s desire rather than our own. It means you should not hold yourself to your habits, previous customs, or current trends. You should know that this is totally different. When you observe the world of nature, you will see that everything exists in harmony. Everything is natural, in harmony and has no sign of awkwardness. Everything is made to become attractive and to be a stimulating force. If something is disliked, it will not draw any attention. (66-299, 1973.5.16)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 4


Chapter 4

Our Course of Life Centered on Love

Section 5. God’s Blessing Allows You to Inherit Love and Joy

A glorious new morning will dawn when God assumes a physical body. The time He can love His grandchildren is a time more glorious than the time He can love His sons and daughters. How do you think God expressed His joy to Adam after having created him? Continue reading “A Glorious New Morning Will Dawn when God Assumes a Physical Body”

The Greatest Gift in Human History Is the Blessing

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1923

The Pacific civilization is now coming. In a situation where battlefields are inevitably emerging in America, Japan, Korea, China and Russia, countries that are unprepared for this civilization and cultural background will fall behind. I am the very man who has made preparations, standing on the front line. That is why I have brought together Japan, America, China and the Soviet Union. It gives us hope to think that the great things done by Rev. Moon and the Americans, who have joined hands in unity, will become a condition for America, and the world in the future, to secure and enter a common destiny within the Pacific civilization. Don’t feel so bad about this. Once this is connect- ed, it will be very good for the Western world and America. (202-264, 1990.5.24)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1888

    The first time you fish, you might not appreciate its appeal. However, you will gradually feel its charms as you fish once, twice, and more and more. It is the same with hunting. At first, you start by catching a small bird, and then when that becomes interesting, you attempt to catch a little bigger one, then an even bigger one. Soon you buy a bigger gun, then an even bigger one. There is no limit to it. You cannot help yourself. You will keep going up and up. This is all relative to human life. So, there is a possibility for this enterprise to develop worldwide.
    I hope the ambassadors will come and visit a few times each year. In this way, through those ambassadors, you will be able to give lectures and teach all the people of that nation. You can hold banquets by gathering people together to go fishing and hunting. You can also organize clubs, establish businesses, and conduct other activities with the people of your own country who are currently in that nation. (253-116, 1994.1.14)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 3


Chapter 3

Love and Marriage

Section 3. The Blessing Is the Ceremony to Convey God’s Love

The term “true parents” means a man and woman who are, spiritually, completely mature. It refers to a man and a woman who have established a vertical relationship with God and a horizontal relationship with each other, at ninety degrees. So in order to engraft young men and women, I gather them together, and engraft to them a bud from Mother and a bud from Father. This is the Blessing. (131-174, 1984.5.1) Continue reading “The Greatest Gift in Human History Is the Blessing”