Do Singers and Sports Champions usually Fulfill a Good Purpose or an Evil Purpose?

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1357

What are the 777 Couples? Their wedding was the last one I conducted while my work was based in Korea. Through this Unification Church Blessing in 1970, the many races of the world were connected to heaven.
    What was the result of the 777 Couples Blessing? By bringing together many families and tribes of the world today and connecting them to heaven, I opened the global gate through which any family, tribe, and people can form a relationship with God. By entering through the gate of the 777 Couples and following the path leading from there, all people can go to heaven. That gate is now open. This Unification Church Blessing in 1970 was thus the last of its kind held before the providence reached its present global dimension. (100-279, 1978.10.22)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 860

What do all the people call God? Everyone calls God “Father” just as Christians do. In the same family, the grandfather calls God “Father,” and the father also calls Him “Father.” Grandchildren also call God “Father.” Everyone in the family calls Him “Father.” This is why God is the Father of all humankind. Thus, He is the Father of humanity and therefore all people are brothers and sisters. I sometimes wonder how interesting the spirit world will be when everyone thinks that way. (21-249, 1968.11.24)


2. Modesty in Manners and Deportment

Turn not your cheek in scorn toward folk, nor walk with pertness in the land. Lo! God loves not each braggart boaster. Be modest in your bearing and subdue your voice. Lo! the harshest of all voices is the voice of the ass.
    Qur’an 31.18-19

Because the daughters of Zion are haughty
and walk with outstretched necks,
glancing wantonly with their eyes,
mincing along as they go,
tinkling with their feet;
the l ord will smite with a scab
the heads of the daughters of Zion,
and the l ord will lay bare their secret parts.
Isaiah 3.16-17

If you are handsome, do not go astray after lewdness, but honor your Creator, and fear Him, and praise Him with the beauty which He has given you.
    Pesikta Rabbati 127a (Judaism)

He who beholds a beautiful woman should say, “Blessed be He who hath created such in His universe.” But is even mere looking permitted? The following can surely be raised as an objection: “Thou shalt keep from every evil thing” [Deut. 23.10] implies that one should not look intently at a beautiful woman, even if she be unmarried, nor at a married woman, even if she be ugly, nor at a woman’s gaudy garments, nor at male and female asses or at a pig and a sow or at fowls when they are mating.
    Talmud, Avoda Zara 20ab (Judaism)

Easy is the life of a shameless one who is as impudent as a crow, back-biting, presumptuous, arrogant and corrupt.
Hard is the life of a modest one who seeks purity, is detached, humble, clean living and reflective.
    Dhammapada 244-45 (Buddhism)

Teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

We must uphold etiquette proper to the law of love. When your parents-in-law come to see you, can you tell them, “Father, mother, please wait until we finish kissing”? We must have modesty and observe proper etiquette. A man must keep the etiquette proper to a husband, and a wife the courtesy proper to a wife. (112:65, March 29, 1981)
Children in reputable families are raised to be prudent in all things. Every step taken, every word uttered, every action contemplated must be prudent. Manners are complex, and it’s not easy to master them. What child likes to mind his manners?
    In this age of permissiveness no one cares much about manners, yet they are critical. If we don’t teach young people manners, it’s our own ruination: our family has no future. Families with noble traditions contain many useful educational resources for teaching their children how to relate well with adults, with siblings, and with parents. (42:17, February 19, 1971)
Women chased Elvis Presley wherever he performed. They tried to touch him and grab him and even jump on him. If he had announced, “Any woman who likes me can come to see me tonight,” undoubtedly there would be a long line of women at his door, many leaving their husbands behind. 
    Do singers like Elvis Presley and sports champions fulfill a good purpose or an evil purpose? Generally these superstars influence the world in a satanic way. Men and women who carefully groom their appearance and dress in the most elegant fashions generally have a satanic effect on the world. (122:263, November 21, 1982)

Does a Loving Husband Want to Touch Those Claws?

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1438

Only by receiving the Blessing will it be possible to register into the Kingdom of Heaven. Through this, humankind can finally inherit the Kingdom of God. They can form heavenly families, tribes, a people, nations, world, and cosmos. Therefore, the Kingdom of Heaven is formed, and they become citizens of that kingdom by being registered in it. Originally, the relatives of the first parents should have been registered in the kingdom. However, because those parents fell, we had to pass through numerous periods in history, and gather those to be registered from the entire world. That is why you need to restore through indemnity the unfulfilled mission of Jesus, by accomplishing your duties as tribal messiahs. In order to do so, you need to take responsibility for each nation in the world and dedicate that nation to the Kingdom of Heaven. (269-303, 1995.5.1)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1019

The reason you do not notice that time is passing is because you are intoxicated in God’s love. It was common in the early days of the Church for me to stay up all night talking or listening to the members. (97-307, 1978.3.26)


  1. Modesty in Dress

Teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

One woman uses makeup to enhance her beauty; another is beautiful without makeup. Between the two, whose face is more in harmony when she smiles? Little children are beautiful. How would it be if you put makeup on their faces, lipstick and eye shadow? Think how ugly and unnatural they would look. From God’s point of view, from the vantage point of His great age, you are younger than a new baby. When God sees us humans wearing makeup and enjoying it, I think He might feel far more displeased than we would on seeing a made-up baby lying in a crib. (97:49-50, February 26, 1978)

In the sight of God, fallen human beings are so ugly and dirty and distorted that He does not want to look at them. He does not want to smell them or get anywhere near them. Nevertheless, women believe that God would prefer to see them in church wearing makeup, jewelry and their best clothing. It is ridiculous and pathetic! (94:42, June 26, 1977)

Do you women put on makeup for your husbands, or to look attractive to other men? Generally, a husband does not like his wife’s makeup. He might say that her manicured fingernails look like fox claws. Actually, they can be dangerous. Does a loving husband want to touch those claws? If he liked his wife’s nail polish, he would ask her to put it on everyday. Have you ever heard of a husband who gives his wife manicures? I don’t know of any. Women who put on makeup are not responding to their husbands; they responding to Satan’s electrical waves. (201:104-05, March 11, 1990)

Women should always look beautiful, even if it requires using makeup and perfume. A wife should not be indebted to her husband in emotional life. She should always concern herself with her husband’s body and clothes. If he comes home tired, she should prepare water for him to wash his face… A woman’s smile is the flower of the family. To establish a harmonious family, a wife needs to be a first-class actress in both comedy and tragedy. Whether her husband is joyful or sad, she should have the ability to completely melt him all the time. (27:88, November 26, 1969)

Do you women put on makeup in front of the mirror, thinking, “I am going to attract the attention of a lot of men by looking beautiful”? Or do you think, “I want to look pretty in order to spread joy to others”? Which is it? You are thinking to look beautiful so others may think well of you and be attracted to you. That way of thinking is Satan’s way.
Why are butterflies colorful and flowers beautiful? Their beauty spreads joy to the whole creation. It would be okay to wear makeup if you were thinking, “I am putting on makeup to make the world more beautiful, like a flower or a butterfly.” It is not the makeup a woman wears but her motivation for wearing it that determines whether she is on the side of heaven or hell. (129:316-17, December 1, 1983)