A Woman Dreams of Having a Husband Who Will Not Hurt Her

New The Richard Urban Show:
#174-Tricia Jackson on the Root Cause of Societal Decline

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1905

Up to this day, I have overcome everything from this most wretched world. So there isn’t anything that I do not know about. And there isn’t anything that I cannot do. I can do anything. If I go to a farming village, I can be the king of farmers. I know well what to cultivate on certain types of land. Also, when I go to the sea, I am the king of fishing; I am already famous with “Rev. Moon’s system” of catching tuna. Moreover, I can be the cameraman taking pictures1906 when all the people are cheering victoriously, and I can be the cook if I enter the kitchen where they cook meals. That is how the owner is, isn’t it? The owner is responsible for looking after all things. You must not forget the fact True Parents have worked behind the scenes in many activities. (229-67, 1992.4.9)

Cheon Seoong Gyeong 1029

By offering a tithe from your material possessions to God, you can establish a condition equal to having offered all that you have. Even if you do not offer everything to God, offering a portion of it with all of your heart and mind will enable the rest to be considered holy. The person who tithes will never perish. As days go by, his storage room will be filled with more material blessings. (31-239, 1970.6.4)

We continue our special reading for the Holy Day, The Declaration of the Cosmic Sabbath for the Parents of Heaven and Earth

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
August 9, 1997

The world wars were to pay indemnity to restore the world. Now the world is beginning to bow before conscience. At this time, God is making a foundation even for Christians to come back into the providence. We offer three cheers of Mansei on this day, but the time must come when the whole world offers three cheers of Mansei. We have to love all the creation, the air, the animals, the plants, centered on God.

For this reason, True Parents go to nature, to inform the creation how happy it will be to return to God. Nature, for its part, is delighted to meet the representatives of God on earth, the True Parents. We need to develop the leisure industry that can enable people to enjoy the creation. We will create natural areas where people will be moved by the beauty of nature. They will learn about God through nature. Nature has suffered at the hands of people, who in their ignorance have exploited it. Because of the fall, nature could not receive love through people. The purpose of creation is to be one with God.

Man and woman must be one with each other and one with nature. Everything was separated from God and from everything else through the misuse of the sexual organs of Adam and Eve. Now all things must be restored through absolute sex. God protects the Unification Church because the purpose is absolute love. Your mind and body must become one, centered on true love. You need to reach the point where you can be naked and still centered on God.

Continue reading “A Woman Dreams of Having a Husband Who Will Not Hurt Her”

We Should Take Delight in All Things Created by God

The latest Richard Urban Show:
#173-Kevin “KC” Christian on the Root Cause of Societal Decline

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2027

Our Unification Church should do Home Church. Through our Home Church work we should unify the tribe of Cain. If the Cain tribe becomes one, but we do not create a domain for Abel’s tribe, there will be no foundation upon which to attend the True Parents. There will be no tribal heaven. After we make the tribal foundation, it can connect to the race. If the race centers on the realm of the tribe, the nation will begin to move in a vertical direction. They all connect to each other. (137-178, 1986.1.1)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 699

Originally, if people had not fallen, they would have passed into the spirit world with the qualification of owners or sons centered on love based on the family foundation. That is where the realm of dominion based on accomplishments through the Principle and the realm of direct dominion are unified with that of True Parents’ heart. By the Principle one cannot go to heaven without this foundation.
Since Jesus and Christians went to spirit world without reaching that point, until now they have all remained in the middle realm of the spirit world. With Heung-jin passing, however, a central point was established where they could be engrafted to God. Since Heung-jin received the Blessing and his spouse is still on earth, he can stand in the same position as having a family in his lifetime.
Thus, centering on Heung-jin’s family, the spiritual foundation on which one can visit one’s family on earth has been established. This is precious. The establishment of Heung-jin’s family is precious.
If such work could have been done, despite Jesus’ death, Christianity would not have needed to sacrifice as it did until now. Yet there has been no other way. Why? Jesus had to go to the other world and return because, within the realm of True Parents’ heart, separation from Satan could not be done within the realm of dominion based on accomplishments through the Principle; and because the foundation of love was not established within the realm of direct dominion.
Yet Heung-jin does not need to come again. Heung-jin lives both in the spirit world and on earth. That being so, what will happen? The spiritual and physical worlds have become like twins from the standpoint of the realm of heart. The parents are in the eldest son position. From the viewpoint of generations, vertically the parents are above and Heungjin of the second generation is below

Richard: Rev. Moon Blessed his second son, Heung-jin, who died in an automobile accident at age 17, with his wife Hoon Sook after he had ascended to the spirit world. Their couple adopted Shin Chul, a child offered by another Unification Church family.

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 3


Chapter 2

The Reality of Love

Section 9. Love of the Natural World

9.2. Nature is a textbook teaching the ideal of love

People will enjoy and take delight in anything that belongs to someone they love. Nevertheless, they do not know how to take delight in all things created by God, whom they should love the most. Can such people become God’s sons and daughters? As you have the responsibility to release the sorrow of the creation that is sighing and lamenting, even with one tree or stem of grass you should deeply experience the heart and care God invested into their creation six thousand biblical years ago. You should have such a heart that you are able to shed tears even at the sight of one stem of grass growing along the road. You should be able to weep while holding onto one tree, crying, “How lonely you must be to have lost your master!” I myself have shed many tears. I have wept profusely while clutching a rock; I have wept to see the wind blow. Now, because you have heard my words, you will understand. (9-175, 1960.5.8) Continue reading “We Should Take Delight in All Things Created by God”

Someone Made This Universe for Me

The latest Richard Urban Show:
#173-Kevin “KC” Christian on the Root Cause of Societal Decline

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1835

When Africans go to a restaurant to eat, they look for fish they have eaten sometimes before, fish that they are accustomed to eating. So if a restaurant does not have that particular fish, the customer will leave. Therefore, I am now calling for a movement to supply restaurants with the fish caught in the five great oceans. Since Americans work for eight hours a day, they close their shops at five. But we keep our doors open twenty-four hours a day. So if one of our restaurants runs out of supplies, we can stock them from another affiliated restaurant. That is why we will 1836 Book 12 • The Pacific Rim Providence never be defeated. So you should know that everybody in the marine products industry recognizes my name. (146-253, 1986.7.1)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 922

If you asked God, “What do You want to do with Your life?” I am the very person who asked this and got an answer. He is not a judge. God is neither the defense attorney nor the public prosecutor. He would answer, “What is there to ask? I want to live enraptured in love.” His answer would be simple. What does He want to live enraptured in? God wants to live enraptured in love. When you are enraptured in love, your eyes go towards one location, your nose with the sense of smell would go towards that place, your lips that you use to talk with would go to that place, your ears you use to listen with would go towards that place; all of it would go towards one place. What is that stimulating element that lets us completely unify our five senses? It is love. (199-266, 1990.2.20)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 3


Chapter 2

The Reality of Love

Section 9. Love of the Natural World

9.2. Nature is a textbook teaching the ideal of love

People like butterflies rather than bees. It is because butterflies dance as they fly. Everything that flies does so in rhythm with a beat and with a melody. Fast-flying creatures fly in time with a beat; so do slow-flying ones. There are various styles of flight, but, anyway, everything flies according to a certain rhythm. Also, the way deer run and rabbits play in the mountains is musical. The way they hop around has a certain rhythm, and the way they eat also has a musical quality. It is the same with people; there is a certain rhythm when we eat. These all express something musically. If we think in this way – that someone made this universe for me to last for eternity and put it in place for me – we should feel grateful to Him. We should not think as an onlooker, as if this were something to do with someone in a neighboring village. There are high mountains and low mountains. Do you like there being high mountains with low-lying land, or do you like only plain and flat land? Having high and low is better. Why is this so? It is because these shapes assume a certain form that looks as if it would dance. It is good when these are in forms of all kinds and colors, going up and going down, forming all kinds of curves. Then, this creation is like a dance. In nature, there are splendid dances and beautiful music; there is wonderful artwork. So many such things exist in nature. (87-321, 1976.6.27) Continue reading “Someone Made This Universe for Me”

All Birds and Animals Harmonize with Each Other in Love

The latest Richard Urban Show:
#173-Kevin “KC” Christian on the Root Cause of Societal Decline

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1347

The question is how you can establish the tradition of love, the eternal tradition of the ideal of creation, with your children, tribe, and restored citizens. Once you enter the spirit world, you, along with them, will form a group and restore your eternal dignity and order of life. While you are still on earth, you must deal with your tribe and restore at least 120 families. I think I have explained more than enough for you to understand. I am telling you to be prepared so that you will not be embarrassed. You would not just be embarrassed, but be stripped bare and kicked out. (213-139, 1991.1.16)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1271

Jesus told Nicodemus that unless one is reborn, one cannot enter the Kingdom of God. The “I” who has lived until now must be denied. Even if you have excuses, and even if you have many accomplishments to your name, you must deny yourself. Because you are fallen human beings, you cannot escape from this fate. Your whole life should be denied, your daily life should be denied; you are living a spiritually dead life that should be denied. (6-278, 1959.6.7)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 3


Chapter 2

The Reality of Love

Section 9. Love of the Natural World

9.2. Nature is a textbook teaching the ideal of love

People observe and learn from nature as they grow up. They come to understand, “This is what the insect world is like!” When you listen carefully on an autumn night when the moon is shining and stars are twinkling, the sounds of the insects are like an orchestra. Why do they make such a sound? They are singing of their ideal as they search for their partners. They are whispering love. Birds and all other animals also follow this common denominator of love when they make their sad and happy sounds. They are low on the scale and far away from the axis, and yet they are circling around the axis in parallel. It is the same for all existing beings. (137-59, 1985.12.18) Continue reading “All Birds and Animals Harmonize with Each Other in Love”

Nature Teaches Us About Love

Announcing UnionStation.love, the site for finding your eternal match.
Both Singles looking for a match and married couples who want to receive the Blessing of marriage can join the first Blessing Preparation Class, which begins January 16th, 2024.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1730

Why do we marry? We marry to perfect love. If, horizontally, right and left, east and west are man and woman, then their true ideal will pass through the shortest distance, and so on the face of it, there will be only one point at the center that is at the shortest distance from horizontal love. That could only be at ninety degrees. If that angle increases, the shape formed would be an oval, which would not be proper. No other angle is the same. It is only the ninety-degree angle that allows everything to stand in the same position of equality on the same basis. Therefore, the meeting place of love through the oneness of God and humankind can only be situated at an angle of ninety degrees. (224-167, 1991.11.24)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1202

    The first generation of Israelites all perished in the forty-year wilderness course, but they left a bridge over which the second generation could pass and enter into Canaan. Similarly today, during the forty years of the worldwide wilderness era that followed the Second World War, we in the Unification Church are guiding the young generation so as to establish the standard of the blessed land of Canaan.
    In the Last Days, the sons of the most fervent members of the Soviet communist party will become the most fervent followers of the Unification Church, and in America, the sons and daughters of ministers and officials who most aggressively opposed our church will all stand up for Rev. Moon. Since I know that they will indemnify tenfold the active opposition perpetrated by their parents, I must build a bridge. What kind of bridge? The bridge of love. On the day when the bridge of love is completed, even if we tell them to go away and kick people away, they will hang on with all their might. (138-275, 1986.1.24)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
True God
Chapter 2

God and the Work of Creation

Section 5. God’s Will in Creating All Things
5.3. Nature is a textbook teaching the ideal of love

    There are three kinds of bird songs: first, a song signaling hunger; second, a song sung out of love for its mate; and third, a song sung in time of danger. They are all different. We ordinary people do not know this, but in their own world they know. When they call out of hunger, all their fellow birds understand. But what does their daily life revolve around? Hunger is taken care of simply by eating, and they are not facing danger every day, either. Most of their singing has to do with going back and forth in the give and take relationship with their love partner. (137-211, 1986.1.3) Continue reading “Nature Teaches Us About Love”