Regard Old Women the Way You Regard Your Mother

Jefferson County WV Candidate Interviews:
WV House of Delegates: District 100: Bill Ridenour
Jefferson County Commissioner-Shepherdstown District: Jennifer Krouse

Peaceful families create a peaceful world.
Join us from November 25th to November 27th at the Peace Kingdom Center in Harpers Ferry, WV or online by Zoom.
November 25- Parent and Presenter Training; Abstaining for Success and Happiness
November 26- Exposition of the Divine Principle Study
November 27- Strengthening Families and Communities Forum FREE

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1190

There are seven horizontal stages you have to pass through from the individual to the family, tribe, people, nation, world, and heaven and earth, before reaching the final position of God. There are also eight vertical levels beginning with the servant of servant’s position. On the foundation of restoring the rights of the firstborn son in the course of seven of these eight levels, you must attain the position of the original, unfallen firstborn son. Adam and Eve were the first son and the first daughter. The first son and daughter have to pass through the realm of dominion based on accomplishments through the Principle. Then, they must be connected to the realm of direct dominion based on love and possess the right of the firstborn son. Such connection is impossible with the love of the younger child. They are not connected with the love of the second child. Therefore, you must return to this position and restore the right of the firstborn son going up stage by stage. This is the battle to be fought. (138-134, 1986.1.19)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1122

The love of heaven is vertical and the love of the earth is horizontal. The love between brothers is a love between front and back. It is all three-dimensional. That is why, when there is unity between parents and children, a foundation is laid that allows God to reside on earth. In this way, God can stand in the position of the ancestor of humankind. He stands in the position of the parent. Human beings have to connect to God as His children and this will result in the creation of a family united with heaven and earth. This can only take place after you have fulfilled the human portion of responsibility. The love of heaven and earth must be connected. It is that simple. (218-124, 1991.7.14)


Family as the Cornerstone of Society

2. Virtues Learned in the Family Are the Basis of Public Virtue

Treat the aged of your own family in a manner befitting their venerable age and extend this treatment to the aged of other families; treat your own young in a manner befitting their tender age and extend this to the young of other families, and you can roll the empire on your palm. The Book of Songs says,
     He set an example for his consort
     And also for his brothers,
     And so ruled over the family and the state.
In other words, all you have to do is take this very heart here and apply it to what is over there. Hence one who extends his bounty can bring peace to the Four Seas; one who does not cannot bring peace even to his own family. There is just one thing in which the Ancients greatly surpassed others, and that is the way they extended what they did.
    Mencius I.A.7 (Confucianism) Continue reading “Regard Old Women the Way You Regard Your Mother”

When Families Break Down, Society Cannot but be in Turmoil

Peaceful families create a peaceful world.
Today is the last day to save up to 50% on registration.
Join us from November 25th to November 27th at the Peace Kingdom Center in Harpers Ferry, WV or online by Zoom.
Save 50% until October 31st.

November 25- Parent and Presenter Training; Abstaining for Success and Happiness
November 26- Exposition of the Divine Principle Study
November 27- Strengthening Families and Communities Forum FREE

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1209

In order to receive the Messiah, there must be the foundation of faith and the foundation of substance. After the foundation of substance is completed, the foundation for the Messiah is inevitably required. If so, who would stand on the foundation for the Messiah after the foundation of substance is established? We were born as the descendants of fallen human beings, inheriting Satan’s lineage, and we are still not able to transcend that lineage. In order to transcend that lineage, we must change our lineage, but we cannot do that on our own. Therefore, we need the Messiah. (47-12, 1971.8.19)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1570

How is it that I was able to proclaim the True Parents? The democratic and communist worlds represent the brothers Abel and Cain. Though these two worlds are like two sons, they are fighting with each other. Since I now stand in a position from which I can make peace between these two hostile sons and be welcomed by both, I could finally come to Korea with the special authority of the Parent and proclaim Mother and myself as the True Parents to the whole nation. (204-187, 1990.7.8)

Chapter 20


Family as the Cornerstone of Society

SOCIETY IS AN ORGANISM WITH FAMILIES as its cells. Let these building-blocks be healthy, and society will be healthy. On the other hand, when families break down, society cannot but be in turmoil. The prevalence of family breakdown in our time is a worrying trend, boding no good for a nation’s future.
Nevertheless, it would be a mistake to construe “family values” as family-centered. The attitude that “my home is my castle” would only be another form of selfishness. The lessons learned in the family “school of love” (See Chapter 19: The Basic Form of Life) are meant to be applied at every level of social organization. Thus, Confucian ethics regards the norm of filial piety as the basis for the ethic of public service: serving parents at home is training to serve the nation. Likewise, the ways of love for siblings, parents, and children are to be extended to caring for one’s neighbors who are our peers, our parents’ age, and our children’s age. In this way, loving relationships in the individual family extend to encompass the universal family of humankind.

Continue reading “When Families Break Down, Society Cannot but be in Turmoil”