Stand Firmly Against the Flying Arrows and the Cross of Death

Colossians 4

18 I am signing this letter myself: PAUL.

Don’t forget that I am in jail.

I pray that God will be kind to you.

Richard: I think that Rev. Moon (in Spirit World) is in a type of heartistic jail. Unless we understand the Word that he brought, and carry it out, his heart is heavy

Mark 6

Jesus taught in all the neighboring villages. Then he called together his twelve apostles and sent them out two by two with power over evil spirits. He told them, “You may take along a walking stick. But don’t carry food or a traveling bag or any money. It’s all right to wear sandals, but don’t take along a change of clothes. 10 When you are welcomed into a home, stay there until you leave that town. 11 If any place won’t welcome you or listen to your message, leave and shake the dust from your feet[c] as a warning to them.”

Richard: This Rheama supports the previous one about Tong Ban breakthrough. Actual ministry to families in the local area is the core ministry of God and Christ at His Second Coming.

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
July 19, 1959

John 10: 1-18

What kind of person is that self? It is someone who is one with God and true parents all the time. It is someone who is also one with the true children, the true people, and the true loyal subjects. In front of that self, true Heaven and earth, a whole new world, will open up. To bring everything to fruition centered upon such an occasion is God’s way of governing.

Today many thoughts and ideals seem plausible, but they do have any valuable contents. Although mankind has been searching and searching for truth for six thousand long years of history, people who have fought as true individuals all faded away. The true family, the true people, the true nation, and the true ideal also faded away. It is up to us, living in the last days, to receive those things again.

What kind of time is it now, when we face the destiny to receive those things again? When we truly look with clear eyes, we see this is a time when the individual can unite with the family, the family can unite with the society, the society can unite with the nation, the nation can unite with the world, and Heaven can unite with the earth. The final destination that goodness longs for is in the state of being able to call God our father, and not just in name only. Please raise your hand if you think you are confident that you have reached this standard. If you look at the reality, things are serious. The age of the last days of the six thousand years are here, but we are six thousand years behind. We are six thousand years away from such a time. The external form of the providence has been structured, yet as far as content is concerned, it is empty. As time passes, you will feel more and more suffocated. There will come a day when you will lament how lonely and empty you are. Although you may possess wealth and much more, there will be a certain emptiness inside. There will also be a battle within you. That is because your mind strives to run back to six thousand years ago, whereas your body still remains here, entangled in the present.

Because such a reality exists, the Bible says, “Seek and ye shall find, knock and the door shall be opened.” In this time, when the new environment is about to emerge, you should at least have the conviction to push away the suffering arising from this battle buried deep in the human heart, although you may not know how to solve it. If not, then you cannot stand in the new world that will come. We have to realize this.

What kind of time is it now? This is a time to revolutionize the individual, revolutionize the family, revolutionize the society, revolutionize the nation, and revolutionize the world.

What will allow you to stand firmly against the flying arrows and the cross of death? It is the heart with a father and a son relationship with Heavenly Father. When we call out to Heavenly Father as our father with a desperate, deep heart, God and Satan will both bow their heads. If Jesus did not possess such a heart, he would not have been qualified to be the Messiah. You have to possess such a heart if you want to be the bride. To enter into such a state, you have to embark on an adventure.

Now is a busy time. It is time to go on an adventure. Jesus said that those who are willing to die will live, and those who want to live will die. Those who want to rise will go down and those willing to go down will rise. These words will be fulfilled in the last days.

The Original Embodiment Will Establish the Original Family

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2044

Until now, each administrative
authority in the Republic of Korea has
never had the experience of carrying
out its political or educational directives
centered on tong and ban. It has never
carried out education on a national level.
It has been unable to advocate its ideolo-
gy. It has only been able to gather togeth-
er the city mayors or the county officials,
and maybe one or two other people from
the local neighborhoods. The main tar-
get for ideological education has not
been the leaders of tong and ban. There-
fore, there are no roots. It means that
no roots were put down here. That’s the
point; there are no roots. It’s just like a
floating weed. (165-224, 1987.5.27)
The first problem is breaking through
to the leaders of the tong and ban. The
next problem is to breakthrough at the
township level, and even the village lev-
el. When we do that we will be perfectly
organized. (165-19, 1987.5.19)

Richard: Tong is a small neighborhood area of around 100 homes more or less, while ban is an even smaller area of about 12 homes. These are (were) administrative divisions in Korea. . Rev. Moon uses them to refer to the work of physically working door to door in a neighborhood to restore God-centered families. As today is my 44th spiritual birthday, when I made the decision to join the Unification Movement in 1975, it is the perfect and providential message for my family today. Yes, today is the anniversary of my Moon landing, ha-ha!

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1356

The 777 Couples that I blessed in
1970 signify total perfection symbol-
ized by the number twenty-one – the
sum of their three sevens – as well as
the three stages of the growing period.
Rather than trying to break these stages
up, I sought to put them together all at
once and did so in one place. There, ten
nations participated in the Blessing, rep-
resenting the world in order to restore
the number ten. Thus, I could organize a
new global tribe by blessing those fami-
lies. Thereby, a transracial standard was
set for the creation of that tribe. (54-295,

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
July 19, 1959

John 10: 1-18

After the six thousand years of struggle that God has gone through, there is a framework that can usher mankind in toward the realm of one ideology in this age of the last days of history. Yet what are we to do now? Mankind is not in a position to invite God to intervene in our affairs. We have neither the substance nor the content.

This is what I want to shout out to this present age. Where is the historic individual God seeks? Where is the family God is seeking to replace Noah’s family? Where is the race to replace the race which suffered in Egypt, the race God embraced and loved? Where are the people who want to be loved in the bosom of the begotten son, who came as the king of all kings? The standard where all can walk hand in hand and share heart to heart and sing together is lost. There is probably no greater sadness than this.

God will still search. What is it that God will search for? God is a God of truth and He possesses the contents of truth. Therefore, He will search for the embodiment of truth, the true family, the true society, the true nation, and the true world. He will search for the world where Heaven and earth move in unity of heart though true authority. Isn’t that so?

His work is already initiated. He will cut away everything false from an individual, a family, a race, a world. In other words, He will break down the lineage of any race, any national tradition or any ideology of humanity in order to establish the one world of the heart. Looking at things from this perspective, what kind of world is God looking for? He is looking for a world of truth, where there are true parents.

Due to the Fall, mankind has the parents of a fallen lineage. We do not possess the original parents whom God can love eternally. Therefore, no matter how great you might say you are, you are descendants of fallen parents. There is nothing to be proud of. Then where are parents whom God can bless, whom all the created world can sing for? They have disappeared. They disappeared at the beginning of history, not during its course. Who will liberate such sorrow?

What kind of people are the original parents? They can communicate back and forth with the eternal, everlasting God in a relationship of parent and child. Yet such true parents, who can live as the children, attending God as their parent, have disappeared. Therefore, humanity has to search for true parents.

This land in which we live is not the land we have dreamed about. This environment in which we live has nothing to do with God’s ideal. It is the same thing for the Unification Church. Having the name of the Unification Church is not important. We have to possess the heart of unification. The door sign is not important. The contents are important. As you all have a conscience that searches for truth, you have to establish a motto that seeks for truth. You have to think about what contents God wants.

The day when God can be present within true parents, true couples, true children, true loyal subjects, true people, the true creation, the true sovereignty, and the true cosmos and can agree that everything is true will be the final day for the fallen world. As you wait for the coming of the Lord of the Second Coming, do you think there will be a destruction of the world with great changes and that we will rise up into the air at that time? Do not even think of such nonsense and fantasy. I used to think like that in the past. We have to fight against people who think like that.

What is such a moment like when it arrives? It is the moment when a complex web of inexplicable situations gets untangled; when the history of misfortune is indemnified; and everything from the individual, the family, the society, the race, the nation, and the world unites. It is the moment when the individual is established so that things that were carried down vertically get carried out horizontally. Thus, it is the moment when the original embodiment will establish the original family, the original society, the nation, and the world. It is the goal of humanity, who has sought truth, to find the self who can live in the original world.

By the Action of Our Conscience We Can Find Peace of Mind

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2066
We are going to connect professors,
high school and middle school teachers
and elementary school teachers to the
tong ban breakthrough activities. If they
connect, then our work is done. Although
the established churches put up opposi-
tion by trying to advance certain theo-
ries about history, this doesn’t present
an obstacle. We are going over that hill
completely. Even from a sitting position
we can digest everything, including the
communists. (205-297, 1990.10.1)

Richard:  Urban Life Training has developed a practical program to carry this out in local schools; the Urban Life Training Chapter Program:, which utilizes the Urban Family Life Training Web Portal:

Cheon Seong Gyeong 706

What way should you go? First you
are recognized by family members in
the satanic world, then by me. After that,
you go to God in the spirit world. That
is the way to go, by the way of the law.
Going that way is the right direction. If
there are any conditions for accusation,
they will join forces to accuse you in the
flesh. It will be a judgment of substance.
Will lies work in that situation? Doing
something unwillingly is like not doing
it at all. If you do it thinking of God and
Father, their essence will be embedded
inside your shell, like a fully mature
chestnut embedded inside the burr.
When you think of God and me dwell-
ing in your heart, my words and God’s
Word will become your core.

Sun Myung Moon
June 14, 1959

John 3: 1-15

When we consider the course of history, numerous assertions of the past have changed as history progressed. As we face the last days today, democracy and communism are confronting each other and each is looking to dominate the other. Therefore, you should know that the time is coming when a new direction out of this battleground is to be discovered.

God is hoping that humankind will become his new second self. For that reason, our conscience is searching for our new self, which is different from our present self. If we live conscientiously, we cannot deny this. Our conscience constantly feels, “Oh, things should not be like this. We should not live like this.” This shows that we realize this kind of society, this kind of world, must change. Accordingly, by the action of our conscience, we can find peace of mind, where we are moving toward our new selves and the new ideology without being consciously aware of it.

Jesus came to complete God’s four thousand years of restorational history. What did he bring? He brought new life, a new ideology, and new love.

If a certain heavenly fortune were to flow through your heart today, would you feel the vitality of life to join and move with that fortune? Do you feel the heart of the one central ideology which can move all being, all cosmic ideological existence? Do you feel the heart of love which can embrace and melt all existence? We do not.

Continue reading “By the Action of Our Conscience We Can Find Peace of Mind”

The Place Where the Original Human Mind Can Dwell Has Not Appeared Yet

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2050

The Unification Church must now
ready itself to bring about the unification
of North and South Korea from the posi-
tion of Abel. But the Unification Church
is not totally settled yet. What does tong
ban breakthrough mean? It means we
must overturn everything centering on
the families of the land of South Korea.
Why? Because the Fall started from the
family, we must change the thinking
of people on the family level. However,
before God can find the environmental
conditions to accomplish this, the exter-
nal world of Satan’s side uses all of its
energy to oppose God’s efforts. Until
now the political environment, start-
ing from the era of the Liberal Party,
and then moving on to the era of the
Republican Party and the Democrat-
ic and Justice Party, have opposed the
Unification Church’s efforts to organize
itself and spread out into the country-
side. They have opposed the settlement
of our church. (207-330, 1990.11.11)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1743

What is marriage? Through mar-
riage, woman who is only half-complete
is made whole by the fulfillment of love
with a man. The same is true of man, in
that he is perfected through marriage
by becoming one in love with a woman.
Thus, the male and female organs are
absolutely necessary. The male organ
was made for woman and the female
sexual organ for man. Their sexual
organs were not made for themselves.
(265-101, 1994.11.20)

My New Self and the Heaven Where My New Self Can Dwell

Sun Myung Moon
June 14, 1959

John 3: 1-15

My topic is “My New Self and the Heaven Where My New Self Can Dwell.” I will speak briefly upon this topic.

Countless people live on this earth, yet no one can confidently say that he possesses Heaven in his mind. The ideal world which humankind has admired and sought is surely heaven.

In this world, there are many who would wish to live well and be in a blessed position; however, those who can say “I lived well” and “I was blessed” are very few. When we look at this situation, we cannot deny that our life in this world is indeed not life in heaven, but it’s very opposite. I stand on such a border line; I stand in a position to search after Heaven. We cannot deny that we should seek out and live in such a place. Therefore, our mind searches for a better ideology, and our body seeks a better resting place.

However, the place we can confidently say is the best place in the whole of human history, the place where the original human mind can dwell, has not appeared yet. The lifestyle and social organization of such a life have not appeared in human history. Continue reading “The Place Where the Original Human Mind Can Dwell Has Not Appeared Yet”

You Will Be Faced With Difficulties With the Cross and Persecution

The latest Richard Urban Show:
The Confused Gospel of Pastor Hyung Jin Moon; Why He Does Not Preach on the Words of Rev. Moon:

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2076

We started in 1978, so this is now
the fourteenth year. This work has been
going on for fourteen years. If all of you
had only done this work with a desper-
ate heart! How great it would have been!
If that had happened, then everything
would be connected through the tong
ban breakthrough activities, centering
on the Unification Church. Centering
on the Unification Church foundation,
we organized everything down to the
village, so that we could breakthrough at
the tong ban level. Centering on the men,
we held conferences in the dong (dis-
tricts), tong and ban (local communities
and home neighborhoods). We passed
out Divine Principle books and a book
called “The Hope of the World” in my
name, to all the 120,000 neighborhood
leaders. Maybe even some of you that
are here today also received these books.
Despite the fact that all this was done,
the men still all failed their responsibil-
ity. They were relaxed and thought this
was just some kind of game. Therefore,
because the men failed their responsi-
bility, the women must accomplish it.
Whatever happens, they must do this.
The women must not just be worried
about the livelihood of their own homes.
Chapter 3 • Why We Must Do Tong Ban Gyeokpa Activities 2077
Please notice that I’ve mobilized women
centering on the Women’s Federation.
Is this mobilization due to the power of
human beings? In the beginning, when
I first said that I would have an initia-
tion conference for the Asian Women’s
Federation of World Peace (AWFWP),
everyone’s eyes went like this, and our
own Unification Church members put
up opposition saying women can’t do
anything and that AWFWP women
can’t do anything. But then True Moth-
er stepped forward and the opposition
subsided. Seeing the atmosphere, the
members couldn’t oppose it any further.
Therefore, I declared the arrival of the
era of women. I made this declaration
because the time was ripe to do so. Wait
and see if the age of women comes now
or not. (233-111, 1992.7.31)

Richard:  This is the core work that we must do.

CSG 1394

Externally, the Unification Church
may look like it is following in the foot-
steps of Christianity, but people do not
know the history of struggle that we
underwent internally to separate our-
selves from Satan. In order to bring
humanity back to be embraced in God’s
bosom, we have paved the way of salva-
tion through the eight stages, starting
with the individual and the family. The
Blessing of 3.6 Million Couples opens
the path that everyone in the world can
follow in order to achieve this salvation.
Then the expansion of the Blessed Cou-
ples can occur on a global scale.
The next step for us to take is the
Blessing of 36 Million Couples. This
will be easy. The most difficult task for
us was the accomplishment of the Bless-
ing of 3.6 Million Couples. After passing
over the hill that marked the forty-year
course, we need to find and inherit the
lost realms of the Old and New Testa-
ments. Since the rights of the first born,
parents and king were lost, we need to
pass through the process of restoring
them; hence, I must fulfill the responsi-
bility of the first born. (286-70, 1997.8.6)

The Religious Person’s Attitude

Sun Myung Moon
March 29, 1959

Hebrews 11:1-32

What did Jesus mean by saying, “I have accomplished all”? Jesus had accomplished his mission only to a certain limit through his death in the course of indemnifying Heaven’s sorrow. In other words, Jesus knew that if he died, an indescribable sorrow would enter into the heart of God and be connected to it. The miserable path of death would be left behind to the throng of people following him. Because he knew that the foundation of spiritual salvation would be established with his death, he was able to go beyond his death with a manly mien.

If this kind of feeling bubbles up in your mind, you are the person who owns heaven and earth, even if you have nothing. Heaven and earth will appear as your comrades, even if you do not have any other. For that reason, you must feel that the way of true faith is the way on which you proceed linking the history of relations. It exists where you proceed to build the tower of relations with Heaven.

If we feel sorrowful when we part with a friend, how much more so should we feel when the relations we have with Heaven are disconnected? You should be able to feel that is the moment of historic sorrow, the moment of grief for heaven and earth, and the moment of sadness for humanity and the heavens.

If one felt this, he would have to feel his inadequacy, regardless of how much he might try not to, and he would not be able to control the outbreak of tears. In addition, as you have learned through the Divine Principle, the position in which we individuals stand today is one in which we have to dissolve the han of heaven and earth, even that of spirit men in the spirit world, and liberate them. You have been set on the altar of such a cosmic-level fate. You might feel infinitely sad if you let yourselves think about being sacrificial offerings in this manner. However, if you know that the sorrow of the numerous spirit men, the numerous people and beings of heaven and earth who are watching you, is greater than your sorrow, you would not allow yourself to be disappointed in the course of marching toward Heaven. You would not be able to sigh for grief. Continue reading “You Will Be Faced With Difficulties With the Cross and Persecution”