Overturn and Break Down False Love, False Life and False Lineage

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2070

The term, tong ban gyeokpa doesn’t
mean destruction. Some people might
look at that term and ask “Why do we
say gyeokpa? We should call it some-
thing like “tong ban assimilation” or
“tong ban liberation.” Some people may
say so, but still we must overturn things
and break them down. Why? Because
false love, false life, and false lineage
remain and are totally selfish. This is
what we must overturn and break down.
That’s why it is said that those who seek
to lose their life shall gain it, but those
who seek to gain their life shall lose it.
The members of your own family can
become your enemies. This is certain. If
you say you will follow this path, then
your mother and father may call you a
crazy child. (203-252, 1990.6.26)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1598

From this moment on, you stand in
my stead as well as God’s. You should
follow wherever He and I go. On this
day, April 3, 1995, I make the New Hope
Farm Declaration. (268-296, 1995.4.3)

The Religious Person’s Attitude

Sun Myung Moon
March 29, 1959

Hebrews 11:1-32


Beloved Father, please allow us to know that the tear stains of the Father, who toiled to raise us in front of this nation without our knowing, are spread all over. Father, we have been disloyal children who could not make ties with Heaven, having been drawn into the realm of death, sorrow and lamentation. Yet we pray and wish that You will let this be the hour when we can attend You by allowing us to save our own original characters in awe and reverence in sight of the grace You have bestowed.

From the moment we realized there was a path the Father wanted us to go, we realized that the Father is going along the path of tears also; He is traveling the path of the cross with us. He is traveling the path of tribulation, the path of sorrow, and even the path of chains along with us. In addition, we know about the thorny path You have walked, treading the historical course, toiling behind Your beloved sons and daughters.

You have repeated the history of toil of which we have no knowledge to gather us today. We bow respectfully, picturing in our minds the Father who toiled in this manner. At the same time, we are deeply ashamed of ourselves. Father, we pray that You will captivate us with the impulses of Your heart. We were called because Heaven has a purpose and hope in us. Please allow us to know that the path of the cross which lies ahead does not originate with us.

Please allow the posterity of a thousand years from now to know the historical path of forming ties based on their ancestors’ effort. In this hour, we have the mind that can embrace limitless joy, limitless happiness, and limitless hope. The origin of that is not in us, nor in any human being. All has been initiated by and operated by Heaven. Beloved Father, I pray and wish that You allow us to be the sons and daughters who know and deeply treasure, in their minds and bodies, the longing for the grounds upon which Heaven operated and to shed tears clinging to this. Continue reading “Overturn and Break Down False Love, False Life and False Lineage”

The Rooting Out of Satan’s Lineage

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2045

It’s okay if we firmly grab hold of
the family. Aren’t all people bound to a
family? If we catch the family, then the
members of the National Assembly, the
ministers and vice-ministers of the cabi-
net, and even the president in the Blue
House, all will be caught. You should all
become leaders of tong and ban. Don’t
you agree? If the members of the Nation-
al Assembly, the important statesmen of
the country, the cabinet members, and
even the staff members of the military
will all become mobilized through the
leaders of the tong and ban movement,
then everything will be completed. We
can then work without a fight. Do you
understand? (167-21, 1987.6.14)

Richard:  Restoration begins from families and expands out to the society, not the other way around.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 955

What comes after the cosmic expan-
sion of the true Blessing? It is the root-
ing out of Satan’s lineage. It means sev-
ering the root. Since humankind went to
hell by entering into false marriage, True
Parents must marry people and straight-
en this out. In order to restore, through
indemnity, the act of the archangel in
the spirit world loving Eve on earth
and bringing about the Fall, the family
in the archangelic position in the spirit
world comes to the earth to support the
family in the position of Adam and Eve.
Through this, these families will come
to where your families are and initiate
the movement to expel Satan. This is
the Principle viewpoint. Only then can
things be logically placed in neat order.

Let Us Halt in Our Steps and Behold the One Who Is Protecting Us

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
March 8, 1959

Psalm 121

You should open your heart, stop in your footsteps and behold God. Only then can the value of human beings be realized.

Today we believe God to be the center of our feelings and thoughts. God is moving the entire universe and is progressing toward eternity without rest. We have to believe in this God. This God has been protecting us for the long 6,000 years. Though we have had time to rest, God has never had time to rest. Though human beings could sleep, God never had time to sleep. He had to recognize human beings when they did not recognize Him.

In the meantime, God has governed all the laws by which the entire universe functions. He has re-created human beings and has been working to raise them as valuable masters of the entire universe, who can act on His behalf. Have you ever been deeply and sincerely grateful to God for all He has done for us? Continue reading “The Rooting Out of Satan’s Lineage”

Take Pride in the Person God Has Chosen

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2044

This is an important final hurdle. I
have prayed throughout my life that we
would win over the tong and ban cen-
tering on districts and township. Only
by doing so, can we take complete hold
of the satanic world. We are not try-
ing to take over something large, such
as the central government building in
Seoul or any other city. We are trying
to influence the tong and ban, centering
on the districts and then assimilate the
tong and ban centered on the townships.
Then everything else will be included.
From the VIPs down to the most simple
people, transcending class, everyone is
included through the local level activi-
ties. Therefore, the district and regional
church leaders should not focus on the
provinces but in the leaders of the tong
and ban. Centering on the district, the
stage for your activities is the tong and
ban. (167-10, 1987.6.14)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1410

If you already married couples can-
not outperform those who were blessed
while still single, you will not be able
to uphold the dignity of already mar-
ried Blessed Couples. Was there such a
thing as the Blessing of already married
couples in the Garden of Eden or within
God’s will? In order to save you, I have
opened the gates through which every-
thing ragged and false can be patched
up. This became possible through the
inclusion of already married couples in
the 36 Couples Blessing. That is the only
reason you can go on living within the
Will. (101-286, 1978.11.7)

Richard:  Married couples need to recieve the Blessing of marriage inaugurated by Rev Sun Myung Moon:  See http://visionroot.org/resources/marriage/.

Let Us Understand God, Who Wanted to be Proud

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
February 8, 1959

Genesis 1: 24-31

Heaven wanted the Israelites to follow Moses. God wanted them to follow him with the same intensity of desire with which He had established him, but that wish was shattered. Against God’s will, the Israelites became sacrifices to Satan.

The hope that God held in Moses during his forty years in the palace of Pharaoh, his forty years in the Midian wilderness, and the forty years of the wilderness course was completely shattered. As a result, God no longer had a people and a land of which He could be proud. Nevertheless, Moses wanted to be proud of these worthless people. The tragedy is that the Israelites were, in like manner, not proud of the greatness of Moses, whom God had raised.

What kind of nation and people can possess the heavenly authority to influence the world in the last days? You have to understand that it is the nation or people who take pride in the person God has chosen. Wouldn’t that be so? Continue reading “Take Pride in the Person God Has Chosen”