What I Teach Is the Tide of Love

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2010

The homeland we are to find is not one of the existing nations, which already have their established traditions and cultures. The nation we are seeking is of a fundamentally different dimension. To be qualified to inherit such a nation, we have to embrace the ideology that enables us to correctly take on the subject role. The underlying thought of such a subject-based ideology has to be perfectly aligned with the absolute thought of the Creator. God, the Absolute Being, desires a nation whose citizens desire to unite under its sovereignty. Each citizen must have these characteristics and embody the form and shape of that nation. (49-93, 1971.10.9)

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In the realm of the religious path, you must even be recognized by God after going to the spirit world. Why is that so? You will come to know it all when you study the Principle. It is very difficult. Someone had to dig into all of this and create a systematic understanding. Being such an exhaustively thorough person, I made such a system. The spirit world is so vast that it cannot be grasped. If you make a garment by untangling a bag of rags completely, then you should know how to weave it into a kingly garment that a monarch can wear and go about in. By doing so, you should enable God to say, “In all of history, you are better than me.” (203-296, 1990.6.27)

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Those who can become object partners to God, the God who is harmonized through the ideal of love, can instantly materialize all their thoughts in the spirit world. It is the world where you can instantaneously throw a party for a zillion guests. If you want to please God as the object of His love by dressing up gorgeously, it will happen right away. It is a world where everything imaginable is possible. Those who know the spirit world have no zest for living on earth. That is why even being cast into jail did not bother me at all. This momentary life on earth is like taking a single breath in the eternal world. (211-244, 1990.12.30)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 5


Chapter 3

The Spirit World

Section 3. The Content and Situation of the Spirit World

3.5. Clothing, food and shelter in the spirit world

     Would you skip breakfast tomorrow morning because you had breakfast this morning? You will keep crying out, “Oh, food!” until your life ends. Likewise, you have to eat God’s words every day in the spirit world. That is why you have to train yourself on earth. Your hunger for knowledge, even after going to the spirit world, will push you to ask, “What words will God speak to us? What do they mean?” Continue reading “What I Teach Is the Tide of Love”

My Life Is for the Sake of God and the World

Cheon Seong Gyeong 218

    This is why you are great. You have all of God’s love and True Parents’ love. God’s love and True Parents’ love form the core of their dominion over the universe. They are the eternal standard for the essence of a subject. Everything is governed through love. And thus you can become the representative of everything. You can represent not only God, but also your mother and father, your elder or younger brother, even your elder or younger sister. You can become such a representative. If this happens, your clan will welcome you and all fighting will cease. There will be no opposition; everyone will be embraced. This may be simple to say, but it is the core of the Principle. You must become fully mature. The reason for going through spiritual training is to perfect yourself.
    In order to reach the point of self-perfection, you must eventually become engrafted to God and True Parents. This engrafting is particularly important given that you are already fully- grown and therefore cannot literally be reborn through the womb. It is for this reason that the Messiah comes. The Messiah comes as a man with fully mature, original love – that is, the True Parent’s love. He comes as a representative of the original ideal. Think about this every time you use the word “I.” This is how you can be liberated. If you are liberated from Satan, liberated from Satan’s realm of daily life, and liberated from the realm of Satan’s lineage, everything will be completed.

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    A true filial son is the one who obeys. A true loyal subject even when being chased and put to death by traitors never calls his king incapable. A true loyal subject is a person of integrity and loyalty, who sheds tears with a sorrowful heart, and wishes his king a long life even when persecuted by treacherous courtiers to the point of death. This is absolute obedience. The only way to bring about success through absolute obedience is the way of true love. (164-48, 1987.5.3)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 5


Chapter 1

The Existence of Human Beings in the Physical and Spirit Worlds

Section 4. The Nobility of Life on Earth

4.4. The standard of life on earth

    My life is for the sake of God and the world. Do not think of living for yourselves. Live for God, True Parents and humanity. True love is indispensable for you in forming a four-position foundation with God, True Parents and humanity. They all desire true love. You should become people who can inherit this true universe centered on true love. We need to bear this in mind constantly. Continue reading “My Life Is for the Sake of God and the World”