God Is the Power Plant

Happy True God’s Day! (January 1st, 2025, Heavenly Calendar)

For today’s Holiday, we present the special reading below. Enjoy!

The Sound Of The Bell Of The Mind

Reverent Sun Myung Moon
January 28, 1979

How did you know today was the lunar new year? The Oriental custom of celebrating the new year based on the lunar calendar is thousands of years old. Unlike the West, when the new year comes we always add one more year to our age. So today you are really one year older; happy new year to you!

When you climb the mountains at night and look down in all directions you can see many sparkling lights. Colored lights always stand out, but bright lights stand out most of all. That is what spirit world sees when they look down on this world of ours. Your mind is like a light in the darkness, even though you cannot see it as such with your physical eyes. An electric bulb has an external shape, inside of which is the tungsten wire which actually lights up. As you know, the actual source of the light is the electricity generated by the power plant.

Continue reading “God Is the Power Plant”

You Can Become God’s Friend

The latest Richard Urban Show:
#184-Vaccine Choice for West Virginia-Kudos to Governor Patrick Morrisey

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2094

God is the Abel of the universe. The world’s people are in the position of Cain before God. Since God has led the providence of restoration through servants of servants, adopted children, and children, we must inherit that tradition and go to our tribe, present this tradition, and work to win their hearts. This will not take long. Three years at the most. So, I am thinking of ten years inclusive. (159-80, 1968.3.3)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1050

The restoration of the global Kingdom of Heaven cannot come into being unless the foundations for the perfection of Abel on the levels of individual, family, tribe, people, nation, and world can be linked. We who understand this must apply this principle in our daily life, regardless of day or night, and in order to carry on the development of this fundamental principle, we have to be on the run without rest. We can say that this type of person is a person of God. Do you understand? (64-81, 1972.10.24)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 5


Chapter 1

The Existence of Human Beings in the Physical and Spirit Worlds

Section 5. Blessing and Eternal Life

5.3. Love and eternal life

5.3.1. Eternal life is directly connected with love

     We want eternal life. We want eternal life, but what is it that does not change? It is love. All other things change according to their environment. So why does love not change? Love does not change because it is the center of all forces of life and because it occupies the central position of the ideal necessary condition. The center does not disappear before all its surroundings disappear. Since love is the center of the universe, anything that unites with that love can remain as long as God remains. (157-267, 1967.4.10) Continue reading “You Can Become God’s Friend”

My Life Is for the Sake of God and the World

Cheon Seong Gyeong 218

    This is why you are great. You have all of God’s love and True Parents’ love. God’s love and True Parents’ love form the core of their dominion over the universe. They are the eternal standard for the essence of a subject. Everything is governed through love. And thus you can become the representative of everything. You can represent not only God, but also your mother and father, your elder or younger brother, even your elder or younger sister. You can become such a representative. If this happens, your clan will welcome you and all fighting will cease. There will be no opposition; everyone will be embraced. This may be simple to say, but it is the core of the Principle. You must become fully mature. The reason for going through spiritual training is to perfect yourself.
    In order to reach the point of self-perfection, you must eventually become engrafted to God and True Parents. This engrafting is particularly important given that you are already fully- grown and therefore cannot literally be reborn through the womb. It is for this reason that the Messiah comes. The Messiah comes as a man with fully mature, original love – that is, the True Parent’s love. He comes as a representative of the original ideal. Think about this every time you use the word “I.” This is how you can be liberated. If you are liberated from Satan, liberated from Satan’s realm of daily life, and liberated from the realm of Satan’s lineage, everything will be completed.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1232

    A true filial son is the one who obeys. A true loyal subject even when being chased and put to death by traitors never calls his king incapable. A true loyal subject is a person of integrity and loyalty, who sheds tears with a sorrowful heart, and wishes his king a long life even when persecuted by treacherous courtiers to the point of death. This is absolute obedience. The only way to bring about success through absolute obedience is the way of true love. (164-48, 1987.5.3)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 5


Chapter 1

The Existence of Human Beings in the Physical and Spirit Worlds

Section 4. The Nobility of Life on Earth

4.4. The standard of life on earth

    My life is for the sake of God and the world. Do not think of living for yourselves. Live for God, True Parents and humanity. True love is indispensable for you in forming a four-position foundation with God, True Parents and humanity. They all desire true love. You should become people who can inherit this true universe centered on true love. We need to bear this in mind constantly. Continue reading “My Life Is for the Sake of God and the World”

Love Needs No Revolution

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1840

    Twenty million people in this world starve to death each year. For the past twenty years I have taken an interest in the marine products industries in order to solve the food problem for the sake of these people. The key issue is fish powder. This is highly-enriched protein, and contains nutrients not found in any land animal. By making this into powder, it will be convenient for both storage and transportation. If we produce one ton of this fish powder, we can increase it to thirty to fifty times the original amount. Ninety-eight percent of that is protein. The developed nations should have solved the problem of starvation, but they have not done so. (296-228, 1998.11.10)

    We will never truly know how many species of fish there are, including extremely large species of fish. There is such a huge variety. Realizing this, I thought that if there were three or four people competent with nets, it would be no problem to catch a boat-load of fish in a single day – more fish that we ourselves catch in the Alaskan waters. So I had people do research, after thinking that we should hire people to catch fish, make it into fish powder and sell it. (267-18, 1994.12.27)

Richard:  We donate to Kids Against Hunger for hunger relief.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1535

At the time of creation, God stood in the position of having exercised absolute faith, love, and obedience, but because human beings failed to form families that could stand as object partners to Him, they consequently fell into hell. We are now living in the time when everything that was lost in Adam’s family can be restored worldwide through absolute faith, love and obedience on the unified foundation of True Parents’ realm of victory. Unification Church members must therefore inherit and practice absolute faith, love and obedience centering on the True Parents. True Parents inherited these absolute traditions from God, and so you should inherit these traditions in turn. Do you understand? Then God’s blessing will be with you. (1996.11.3)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 4


Chapter 12

Seeking True Families

Section 4. Love Has No Evolution or Revolution

    Love cannot undergo evolution or any type of revolution. The original form of love itself is perfect, unchangeable, eternal and absolute. (Blessed Family – 351) Continue reading “Love Needs No Revolution”

Who Owns the Male and Female Organs?

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1335

    Who are the 36 Couples? The first group within the 36 Couples consists of those who had married as they pleased, who were brought into the presence of God, and connected to Him through the Blessing. Next, the second group of couples consisted of those who were engaged but who did not marry before the Blessing. Matching and blessing people is not something I do casually. Why? Because these couples are for the sake of the salvation of all humankind. The third group is for virgin men and women. All already married couples should absolutely obey the first group of the 36 Blessed Couples. You will understand this more clearly when you go to the spirit world. The second group should absolutely obey the third group of couples.
    When the time comes for God’s will to be accomplished on earth, it will be the third group of the 36 Couples who will become the center. You are hearing this for the first time from me. So for whom would the Lord come first? He is not coming to see the already married couples. He is not coming to see people with failed relationships from the past. He is coming to find virgin men and women. (148-284, 1986.10.25)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1069

Beginning with the very first moment of love, you are one, not two anymore. Once you are a couple, you cannot behave individually but should mutually take responsibility for everything. (253-211, 1994.1.23)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 4


Chapter 12

Seeking True Families

Section 3. Man Owns Woman and Woman Owns Man

    Around what axis do subject and object, or yang and yin, unite? Kissing? Love is abstract rather than concrete. What is the substantial body upon which love can settle? You do not know what makes man, man and woman, woman. It is none other than the sexual organs. Is there anyone who dislikes them? If you like them, how much do you like them? Continue reading “Who Owns the Male and Female Organs?”