The Purpose of Life Is to Occupy the Love of God

Cheon Seong Gyeong 579

    Religious people hope for the end of this fallen world which originated from private desires. Over the millennia, religions have eagerly awaited a public world – a single, unified world of peace.
    How should religious people live? They should shorten this historical path and link it to the world and to the cosmos. The life after this accomplishment is far more interesting than the pleasures of conjugal life. Such a family is a liberated family. It cannot help but become an absolute family.
    Walking the streets of Myungdong in Seoul, one sees young couples being affectionate. For whom are they doing that? They say they do that to enjoy their youth, which they have but once. That’s fine, but who is the owner of enjoyment? This is a serious question. How long can you enjoy life? You do so from your twenties, but it will not last after you pass your sixties, seventies, and eighties.
    Yet the way of the Unification Church is different. For what purpose do we eat? For the sake of the world and to abolish this evil world. We see in order to clean up this evil world – not to become a part of the evil side but to defeat it. How we hear, think, walk and act is different from the secular world. (36-71, 1970.11.15)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1055

    How are we going to maintain the pure lineage inherited from God? How can we preserve the pure lineage rather than the fallen lineage?
    We must sincerely care for the second generation. It is very difficult to become pure in this fallen world. The first human beings fell even though they were in the unstained Garden of Eden. In spite of their suffering, the blessed parents born in the fallen world should make an unstained environment for their blessed children. It is my desire to prepare such an environment as quickly as possible for the second generation, no matter what sacrifices that may entail. We have to hurry. (God’s Will – 550)

Richard:  Urban Life Training promotes sexual abstinence before marriage, and has many great education materials.  Become a member here to access all of our character and abstinence-centered education materials.

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 3

true love

Chapter 1

What Is True Love?

Section 5. Perfection Is Attained through Love

God created the world with the purpose to realize his ideal of absolute love through the oneness of Himself and human beings. He created human beings as His highest and very best object partners of love. Accordingly, of all the forms of creation, only human beings are His object partners uniquely embodying His image. Human beings were born as visible beings in front of the invisible God. When human beings are perfected they become God’s temples, meaning that they are the corporeal beings into whom God can freely and comfortably dwell at any time. God’s ideal of true love is realized and fulfilled through human beings in the form of the vertical parent-child relationship. (277-198, 1996.4.18) Continue reading “The Purpose of Life Is to Occupy the Love of God”

Love Is Mutual Affection

Cheon Seong Gyeong 622

    You must be concerned about the spirit world. Today there are many religions in the world and their path is to search out the world where we can live eternally in relation to the spirit world, a world of eternal life, a world where we can live together with God. That world is the destination of religion. However, what has become of religion nowadays? It is on the decline and we have entered an era in which people are concluding that religion is only for the weak, and unnecessary for everyone else, or that it was created by people as a moral idea.
    Even Christianity, the central religion, has declined. America represents all the Christian nations of the world, yet those who grew up in American Christian homes have lost their faith and are living according to their own ways. Why Chapter 3 • The Spirit World 623 are Christians abandoning their religion which idealizes Heaven, the dwelling place of God, who is the center of the world and all ideals?
    There are three reasons. First, it is because they do not have a clear understanding of the existence of the spirit world. As we have the innate capacity of comparison, we seek to abandon a bad situation in favor of a better one, ever in search of higher-dimensional realms of greater value. That is original human nature. Second, it is because they do not know God. Third, it is because they do not know that love is central and binds us to both God and the spirit world. They do not know these three points. Even though they might know of God and the spirit world, they do not understand that it is a world centering on love.
    In a place of love, you are happy to go up or down, and even to stay in the middle. Does a wife dislike her beloved husband if he has a higher position in society than her, or does a husband dislike his beloved wife for being in a lower position than him? In unity, you can go anywhere, from below to above, and vice versa – you can even stay in the middle. There are no restraints. Thus, many people in the world call for one unified world of peace. (91-140, 1977.2.6)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1098

Heung-jin’s ascension brought down the walls of death. That is why it is called the Seunghwa Ceremony. Death should not bring dejection or despair. It is not a fall from life but a leap into a new world. It is ascending to a new world. For that reason, Unification Church members should not fear death. Death comes in accordance with the natural order of things. It is just a process of moving on to a better world. (196-270, 1990.1.2)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 3

true love

Chapter 1

What Is True Love?

Section 4. The Rights of Equality, Mutual Participation, and Inheritance

How can you rise to the position of becoming the absolute God’s object partner? Can you do it by making effort? By using force? None of these methods will work. However, if you form a bond of love with God, you can immediately ascend to an equal footing with Him. (69-75, 1973.10.20)

When you have command over the nucleus of love, you can control God. If the wife of a very special husband happens to be plain in appearance, she will still be able to control her husband through their bond of love. It does not matter if he is a wonderful person with a doctoral degree, he will have no choice but to be under her command. Such is the power of love. (137-61, 1985.12.18)

If you wish to be on an equal footing with God, to have the right to a position equal to God’s, you must possess the love of God. (145-269, 1986.5.15)

In love, there is the right of equal participation. What that means is that if the father is in a higher position, the son, though he is in a lower position, can immediately rise to the father’s position. Because of the amazing truth that the right of equal participation is inherent in love, love is eternal even though you may be separated from your loved ones. (143-277, 1986.3.20)

The person who has embodied true love attains the ability and the right to immediately possess everything God desires to see in the original, ideal world. Such a qualification, however, must be attained on earth. By loving your fellow countrymen, loving the people of the world, and loving all things of creation, you can feel the true love of God. (112-204, 1981.4.12)

Only the person who possesses the love of God can have the privilege of inheriting the authority of heaven and earth, which were created by God. (149-272, 1986.11.27)

When you form the loving connection with God, you are then given certain special rights: the right of governance, the right of equal status, and the right of inheritance. (143-277, 1986.3.20)

In the domain of love, those with the best character are given the ability to exercise the same capability as God. (126-142, 1983.4.12)

The love of God and the love of human beings are essentially the same. Love is something that strives for unity. Why do men and women yearn for each other? It is because a man can possess God only through a woman, and a woman likewise through a man. Love is mutual affection. (Blessed Family – 334)

Which is more precious, life or love? People cannot exchange their most holy place even for their life. Though a man or a woman may have life, that life is not connected to the most holy place; however, since love is connected to the most holy place, love is more precious than life. (132-112)

Who becomes the owner? It is the person who serves others the most. The person who serves others the most can govern and take command. Also, it is natural law that an inheritance will come to the person who lives for the sake of others. In love can be found the right of mutual participation, which means that both can freely participate in each other’s lives any place, day or night. Do you need permission to go into your sons’ and daughters’ rooms? Do children need permission to enter their parents’ room? Of course not. If, within yourself, you have the mechanism with which to love God, you can be with Him wherever He goes. (170-199, 1987.11.15)

What is the difference between true love and authority? In true love, you give love and then forget that you have given it. What is the line between good and evil? Evil is where something is given with the intention of receiving all the benefit for oneself, and goodness is where, even though you give, you forget that you have done so. Even in a household, those who serve others more stand on the good side, and the one who lives for others most becomes the master of that family in the end. Let us say there are ten friends. Which would be the best among them? The one who cares for all the others. Then the ten friends would make the one who was taking care of them the central figure and serve him. This is how the universe is inherited. (141-252, 1986.2.26)

What should a person leave behind him to be remembered for eternity? The first thing is a legacy of love, and the second is a legacy of true life. You must leave behind your love and your life. Love did not exist before God did; love is there because God exists. That is why, for God, life is first and love is second, but for human beings, love is first and life is second. (105-75, 1979.9.23)

When you ask the whole universe, from the smallest elements to human beings, “What is it that the person who possesses you has to have?” all of them would answer that they would like to belong to a person who has love. This means that all things of creation are seeking an owner of love. (132-158, 1984.5.31)

God wants to bestow all of His authority on human beings. To do so, God and human beings must become one based on love. God’s ideal of creation is the ideal of oneness. That ideal of oneness based on love is the purpose of creation. (39-340, 1971.1.16)

A human being is the body of God, who is assuming physical form. Since we are the physical body of God, we are the external God. God wishes to bestow such a privilege on us. (39-340, 1971.1.16)

Why are we instructed to do good works? When you carry out an act of goodness, you must sacrifice to do that, and sacrifice means investing yourself. Then why is it good to invest yourself? By investing yourself, you can reach the point of connecting with the source of heavenly fortune, with cause and effect, with the essence of power, and with the mainstream. You can then be supplied with infinite power. Since good people are supplied with this infinite power, everything they do will turn out well. (164-323, 1987.5.18)

Love Transcends All Borders and Races

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1683

Evolutionary theory is used to explain today’s world, but in order for amoebae to reproduce species that are greater than themselves in their present state, an extra input of energy must be added. In short, additional energy is necessary. Can the amoeba induce additional energy, all by itself, in order to develop? Does it have such ability? For it to climb a little higher and become something bigger, it needs greater energy within itself. Then, since it does not have the ability to create additional energy by itself, from where would it procure this extra energy? Can such logic be established? Whether it is Mr. Kim or Mr. Park, if a man claims, “I can knock down Muhammad Ali in a heartbeat,” would he really be able to do so? In order for him to do so, he would need to acquire a greater capability compared with the inherent force he currently possesses, as there would be limits as to what he could do as he is. If Mr. Park were to claim, “When I grow stronger through mutation I will knock Ali down,” do you think that is likely to ever happen? Do you? (89-73, 1976.7.11)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 677

    The final problem is opening the blocked spiritual gates of hell and heaven. It is impossible to enter heaven without opening the gates of hell on earth and in the spirit world. Only those who overcome hell can go to heaven. You must overcome not prayer, but God’s love. Otherwise, you cannot enter heaven. This is why I paved the way from earth to heaven by opening the gates of hell on earth and in the spirit world, centered on God’s love. The name of the International Peace Highway came from this. This is to break down the wall, which has been blocking us. Jesus had the authority of the prince of heaven and God’s only begotten son because he was able to love not only the satanic world, but also the spirit world.
    Even the spirit world has been entirely blocked by walls. The Buddhist and Confucian realms are entirely blocked by walls. These must be taken down through a higher standard that comes from God’s heart. From the high throne of heaven, work must progress downward having all the walls broken down. Starting with the walls of our ancestors of ten thousand years ago, a thousand years ago, several hundred years ago and those of the people who passed a few years ago, all must be broken down. Also the walls on earth must be removed as well, and a way to connect this to hell must be paved. Otherwise, the gates of heaven cannot be opened. (140-41, 1986.2.1)

Richard:  Read about Father Moon’s vision for the International Peace Highway, which is a project that is needed right now more than ever.  Imagine if we focus government funding on this, rather than the incredible waste in lives and resources of the war in Ukraine.
Here is one quote from the document linked above:

What is the unifying vision that lies at the root of the International Peace Highway? Rev. Moon has called upon the United States (and other nations) to go beyond its commitment to “One Nation under God,” and to join him in aspiring to what he has described as “One World under God.”

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 3

true love

Chapter 1

What Is True Love?

Section 3. Harmony Arises in the Presence of Love

When the wind of love blows, the whole world seems beautiful. Everyone becomes a poet or a romantic when he or she falls deeply in love. (145-317, 1986.10.26) Continue reading “Love Transcends All Borders and Races”

True Love Is Not Something that Can Be Forced

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1917

The era of the Pacific civilization is coming, because Western Civilization and oriental civilization must recover the lost body of the father. Jesus came as the father, but the body of that father was killed. We must recover this body and make it one with the legacy of spiritual salvation within the sphere of Christianity. That is why the Lord comes to the East. Centering on the coming Lord, the Korean peninsula is like Italy. Until now, Italy has never been destroyed. For over two thousand years, it has survived as a powerful nation. That is because Italy is a counterpart nation for the coming Lord. Based on that standard, the Lord returns to the Pacific era, centering on this Korean peninsula; but it is the Pacific Ocean era rather than the Mediterranean Sea era. He returns to the vast environment of Asia through the connection of the Korean peninsula. If the Korean peninsula is the male sexual organ, then Japan is the female sexual organ. They are bound to become one. The age of a unified world comes when they are united. That is why Korea is called the Adam nation, and Japan the Eve nation. (251-147, 1993.10.17)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 317

All people hope that their partner in love will have thousands of times the value, or infinitely more value, than they have. In the same way, God wishes for human beings, His partners in love, to be beings of infinite value. When someone is perfected, he or she achieves a divine nature, thus becoming as flawless as the Heavenly Father and attaining the same value. (277-196, 1996.4.16)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 3

true love

Chapter 1

What Is True Love?

Section 3. Harmony Arises in the Presence of Love

True love is not something that can be forced; it is willingly expressed. When loving someone, do not just have the intention to receive because ideal love can be realized only through the action of giving and receiving. (66-123, 1973.4.18) Continue reading “True Love Is Not Something that Can Be Forced”

Whom Will God Seek as His Partner in Love?

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1570

    The purpose of the Bible is to seek out the one True Parent. That is the most hopeful gospel. Since Satan was also a created being, he will disappear with the appearance of the True Parents. Since that time is close at hand, communism has collapsed and North Korea is on the verge of collapse. Whichever way they look there is no solution.
    I am fully aware of this. Now God’s kingdom will come to fruition and the liberation of hell on earth and in the spirit world will take place. (202-351, 1990.5.27)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1619

    God’s kingdom in heaven and on earth must be unified through love. The sphere of the royal family of heaven will become the center of everything, both in the spiritual and physical worlds. Thus, unity comes about wherever members of that family may be. My theme here is the unity of God’s kingdom on earth and in heaven through love. For the first time, everyone can become united through love centering on the royal family. All nations in the world will be unified, as will all tribes in heaven. (232-326, 1992.7.10)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 3

true love

Chapter 1

What Is True Love?

Section 2. Love Is Boundless Giving

God had only one dream, which is to realize the ideal of love. However, God cannot accomplish this dream on His own. Neither love, nor happiness, nor joy can be achieved by one entity. They can never be realized without partnership. (Blessed Family – 302)

Where does love come from? It manifests from your partner. If your partner is ugly and you dislike him or her, you want to withdraw your love. And if the partner is beautiful and good, the dynamics of love are set off that much quicker. In other words, the workings of love are determined by the qualities of those in partnership, such as their words, beauty, fragrance and flavor. (Blessed Family – 342) Continue reading “Whom Will God Seek as His Partner in Love?”