Cheon Seong Gyeong 1603
We have welcomed the era of the conclusion of the completed and perfected providence in the earthly world.
I. The four-position foundation has been established both in the spiritual and physical worlds.
II. Parents and children have restored the four-position foundation and have sown the seed of ideal families
III. The first and second generations have become as one.
IV. The South (Pantanal) and the North (Alaska) have become as one. (Representing the unity of heaven and earth)
V. Satan’s lineage has been rooted out and converted to God’s side.
(1998.9.8, Kodiak, Alaska)
Richard: God’s will has been accomplished on earth, and the victory is won. But do you know about it, and have you educated yourself and received the Blessing?
Cheon Seong Gyeong 1010
We must establish a new tradition that transcends races and nations. We must establish the foundation for that tradition in accordance with God’s desire rather than our own. It means you should not hold yourself to your habits, previous customs, or current trends. You should know that this is totally different. When you observe the world of nature, you will see that everything exists in harmony. Everything is natural, in harmony and has no sign of awkwardness. Everything is made to become attractive and to be a stimulating force. If something is disliked, it will not draw any attention. (66-299, 1973.5.16)
Cheon Seong Gyeong
Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 2
True Parents
Chapter 3
The Need for True Parents
Section 7. The Designation of the True Parents Was Foreseen and Predicted
What will come to pass in the Last Days? Because we inherited the devil’s love, life and lineage, True Parents must appear here in order for us to inherit God’s love, life and lineage. The True Parent is not someone who just passes by. Do you know how much God had toiled and how much blood religions have shed before I declared the name “True Parents”? Continue reading “The Right of the Eldest Son Has Been Restored”