Democracy is Fundamentally Opposed to Christianity

Cheon Seong Gyeong 73

What would have happened had
John the Baptist believed in Jesus? Also,
what would have happened if Jesus had
received John the Baptist’s younger sis-
ter as his bride? The will of God could
have been fulfilled. When I say things
like this, don’t Christians immediate-
ly oppose me? They make a great hue
and cry over it. Yet, however much they
oppose me, it will be to no avail. Those
opposing me now will realize that I’m
not lying when they pass on to the spirit
world. (Blessed Family – 488)

Richard:  I am very grateful to be Blessed in marriage with my wife, Stacey, and I wish her a very happy Birthday, today, February 2nd!

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1378

Re-creation involves the creation of
an environment with subject and object
partners, followed by corresponding
developments. This is how evolutionary
theory should also develop; it cannot
develop as it is. Subject and object part-
ners must unite, be absorbed into some-
thing greater, and pass through the gates
of love. According to this principle, to
progress from the loveless amoeba to the
human being thousands of levels need
to be passed through, and these gates of
love cannot be crossed just like that. (230-
68, 1992.4.19)

The Freedom, Liberation and Unification God Seeks to Attain

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
October 12, 1958

John 8:31-47

Democracy takes its ideal from Christianity, while it is saturated in science-centered individualism in regard to daily life. Thus, though democracy is based on freedom, it is fundamentally opposed to Christianity. When Christianity calls for freedom, it calls for the freedom of the whole universe. When Christianity pursues liberation, it pursues liberation of the whole. When it demands unification, it demands unification for the sake of God’s Shim Jung, that is, from the standpoint of Heaven’s rejoicing with the world. Since the people of the democratic world understand freedom based upon individualism, when they insist upon freedom, they eventually wind up denying their country, society, organization, and even their families and conjugal relationships. Eventually, they fall into a situation where they even deny the center of their heart. What will remain for them then? Loneliness.

When loneliness reaches its peak, they will become people of distrust, unable to trust either the other or the self. When the self becomes lonely and suspicious, it will be swallowed by cosmic fear and finally will be destroyed. This is the trend of current history.

Therefore, when we proclaim freedom, it should not be the irresponsible freedom advocated in the past and present. It should be true freedom, which is accompanied by God’s love and ideal which connect to Shim Jung. It must lead to the world in which it operates like an unchangeable iron rule along with your power of life. It should follow free law, which must make motion.

Where is the original spring of happiness which all people desire to possess? With this they are assured of being delivered from sin, and they can experience the joy of liberation. At the end of history, we have never possessed the ideal which should surely be possessed. You should know that unless you search hard for the ideal, you will have nothing to do with the world of the ideal and the garden of freedom, liberation and unification to be created at the end of history. Since this is our hope, we believe that God’s hope is also like this. When will God’s and our hope be realized within myself? When will the heartistic foundation to represent God’s Shim Jung be prepared so that I can discover within myself the freedom, liberation and unification that God feels and hopes? You should realize that, unless you discover this, you will generate historical sorrow and become a victim of judgment.

Until now, humankind has been struggling to build the world of freedom. We have been fighting to attain freedom. God, however, did not use the kind of strategy that makes sense to humankind. Though God had to go through strife for the sake of liberation, His method was different from the bloody battles of the nations of the world.


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