Jesus Came as the Master of Freedom

Cheon Seon Gyeong 197

Who should end this battle? Neither
God nor Satan can end it. You must be
hearing this for the first time. Who can
bring to an end the fight between the
evil spirits and good spirits? Neither
God nor Satan can. Then, who can put
an end to it? Only a true person can end
the battle. Without being a central figure
of love who can be followed by all peo-
ple, the true person cannot end the fight
between God and Satan. As long as we
are not liberated from this fight, future
peace will be an impossible dream for
the world, and ideals will be nothing but
abstract, sentimental concepts.
Then, who can resolve this fight? For
this task God has sent a representative.
This is the typical concept of the Messi-
ah. The Savior is the person who liberates
not only people but also God. In addi-
tion, he punishes evil. The one responsi-
ble for the overall task of liberating God
and liquidating evil is the Savior.

Cheon Seon Gyeong 963

3.4. Registration for heaven and
Blessed Families’ spiritual realm
3.4.1 Requirements of registration

To this day, no one has been regis-
tered into the heavenly kingdom. The
kingdom did not have a nation. It did
not have a family or nation. When you
go to the spirit world, your parents, and
– if there are ten people in your family
– all ten of your family members would
be separated. However, from now on it
will not be that way. You should know
that originally, if human beings had not
fallen, heaven would be the place where
you enter with your mother, father and

John 8:31-47

The Freedom, Liberation and Unification God Seeks to Attain

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
October 12, 1958

While achieving freedom, God never used the method of striking others, though He struggled against certain sovereigns to liberate and save the individual. In human history, the quest for freedom involved an individual attacking an individual, a nation attacking a nation, and a country attacking a country. God takes the opposite way. In restoring the individual, before hitting the individual, He allows Himself to be hit first. In restoring the nation, before striking the nation, He personally walked the suffering road to liberate the nation. In restoring the world, before striking the world, He personally walked the arduous path.

What kind of person can be the master of freedom in the future? He is the one who can serve God. To find the ideal of freedom that resonates with God, one must follow God’s strategy. That is, in restoring the family, he must strike himself as hard as the value of liberating the family. In restoring the nation and world, he should be able to hit himself as much as its value. For the sake of Heaven, again he must hit himself the corresponding amount, and he should be able to rejoice while being hit. You need to know that only those who possess such a Shim Jung of freedom will necessarily remain in the last days of history.

Without the master of freedom, liberation and unification appearing on the earth as a substantial being, as God desires, God’s freedom, liberation and unification cannot be connected to humankind. Jesus came as a substantial incarnation of freedom, liberation and unification representing Heaven. Thus, with Jesus, you should feel the valuable Shim Jung which grasped the freedom deep in God’s Shim Jung and realized liberation and unification. Without the Shim Jung with which one can be delighted simply with Jesus even without any worldly things, one cannot reach the realm of freedom, liberation and unification in which God can rejoice with humanity.

The freedom sought in the world today and that which is sought by God have different directions. In the world, nations attack nations, and sovereignties struggle against sovereignties to gain freedom, risking their own lives. Heaven, however, extends to the whole, willingly being smitten, voluntarily taking responsibility, and finding solutions on its own. You should know that this is God’s secret for reclaiming freedom.

Focusing on yourself, if you have the heart of freedom such that you can rejoice even when you have to give up your life, you can be regarded as having the highest freedom. Considering this in light of the providence of restoration, there was a liberation movement in the spirit world at the same time there was such a movement in the physical world. Since God cannot treat a human directly as a child or His representative, the human has to ascend from the position of a servant through the position of a child until he can directly relate to God. Such an historical course has been pursued. In the Old Testament Age, God built the garden of freedom and liberated the Kingdom of Heaven by using angels as servants. To enter the realm of grace in which one is liberated as a son of God from the position of a servant, one should be able to feel joy even when losing one’s life. You should know that only those who have such a Shim Jung of freedom can go beyond the position of a servant and take the position of a son. Thus, the ancestors who have until now served God’s providence had the Shim Jung of freedom to rejoice even in death. They could boldly overcome all trials and even death. With the establishment of such a standard of Shim Jung, there could be hope for transition from the position of a servant to that of a son, and from the age of the servant to that of the son. With such a standard established, God could send His only son. Jesus had to rise from the position of a son to that of a father.

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