King Solomon Should Have Upheld the Will of Heaven

Click below to listen to or download a recording of Rev. Sun Myung Moon’s speech “God’s Ideal Family Is the Model for World Peace”, the inaugural message of the Universal Peace Federation on September 23, 2005 at the Marriott Wardman Park hotel in Washington DC. Rev. Moon speaks extensively about the Peace Kingdom Corps.:

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1977

You should all love Korea. God’s pur-
pose in raising Korea should be fulfilled
and Korea should become our home-
land. In the future, the entire Korean
peninsula should become a holy ground.
Shouldn’t we recover the Liaotung penin-
sula in Manchuria that used to be Kore-
an territory? The people of Israel sold
Jesus and then recovered their nation.
Then do you believe that I, who live with
the title of returning Lord, would not be
able to recover our native land? Even if
the Soviet Union were to obstruct my
way, I would push right through it. I
think we should enter negotiations to
recover parts of our native land which
belonged to us during the former Sung
dynasty and which was taken away by
the Soviet Union. (168-49, 1987.8.30)

Richard:  It is possible to regain sovereignty through negotiation, as Rev. Moon points out here.

Thirty thousand couples from 131
nations received the Blessing even
though they had only just been matched
by photograph. This was a historic event.
Could the pope bring this about? Could
the president of the United States do this
kind of thing? It was not I who wished to
do this, but you. You asked me, “Please,
Father, do this for us!” Now that I have
matched you, do you think the couples
suit each other well, or not? The whole
world knows that I carry out the match-
ing using photographs only. The mem-
bers of the Unification Church are intel-
ligent, and that is why they have left the
matching up to me. I do not think I will
do it from next time.

Richard:  It is destiny for all couples to eventually decide to receive the Blessing:

The Heart of Heaven in Relation to Elijah

Sun Myung Moon
March 15, 1959

1 Kings 19: 1-21

After fallen history began, God came forth, holding onto the chosen Israel for a long time, unconcerned about His own great toil. After the lapse of three thousand years, He established King Saul with great hope and expectation. Because Saul could not fulfill his responsibility, however, the original will of God was prolonged through King David to the time of King Solomon. In other words, the will God wanted to realize by establishing Saul was prolonged 120 years.

King Solomon had a heavenly responsibility to build the holy temple by upholding the will of Heaven and to unite his people with it through his leadership. However, we understand that since he too committed sin, he ended up handing the people over to become puppets of Satan.

After King Solomon’s death, the Israelites were divided into the kingdoms of northern Israel and southern Judah by King Jeroboam and King Rehoboam. The Israelites were the chosen people. With one leader centered upon God, they were to act according to his commands. They were the people God had led through a history of toil. We know the sorrowful fact very well that the Israelites were divided into the two kingdoms of north and south, contrary to Heaven’s wish. All twelve tribes of Israel should have united with Heaven centered on one altar, standing on Heaven’s side.

When Jacob set out for Haran, God appeared and blessed him in Bethel. Jacob set up the stone he had placed under his head while sleeping as a pillar and made a vow to God. Before crossing the Jabbok River, he gathered stones and piled them in a heap at Mt. Gilead, hung God’s name over it, and made a promise. The Israelites who descended from Jacob, upon receiving blessing from Heaven, should have upheld the holy temple by being united as one sovereign nation and people over whom God could exercise His authority. Yet, abandoning the heavenly mission, the twelve tribes divided into ten in the northern kingdom and two in the southern kingdom. We should remember this as more than just a historical fact. It was a sorrowful fact.

The Israelites at that time were the survivors of the tears and bloodshed of three thousand years. They were the surviving throng of hounded and mistreated people. They forgot about bearing a grudge against the numerous foreign peoples who had trampled them down and mistreated them and the numerous satans who had betrayed the will of God. Instead, they entered into a bloody civil war. We must think about the heart of God as He watched Israel and Judah cause such sorrow.

The Israelites who entered the blessed land of Canaan under the guidance of Joshua and Caleb should have ministered to God by building a holy temple where God could dwell, centered on King Solomon. Nevertheless, they battled against each other, dividing into two kingdoms. They even worshipped Baal and Asherah. We must know God’s Shim Jung as He looked at such miserable sights.

God came to be deeply penetrated by sorrow. That piercing sorrow has been linked to us through history. Where did that historical sorrow go? Where did that national sorrow go? Where did the heavenly sorrow go? We did not know that conditions such as these surround and revolve around our Shim Jung; conditions such as these surround the environment of those who seek Heaven. Conditions such as these are trying to straighten the direction of the path we are to walk, beyond our consciousness.

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