Please Make Us Feel That Our Minds Belong to You

Job 33

Job, listen to me!
    Pay close attention.
Everything I will say
    is true and sincere,
just as surely as the Spirit
of God All-Powerful[a]
    gave me the breath of life.
Now line up your arguments
    and prepare to face me.
We each were made from clay,
    and God has no favorites,
so don’t be afraid of me
    or what I might do.

Romans 5

20 The Law came, so that the full power of sin could be seen. Yet where sin was powerful, God’s kindness was even more powerful. 21 Sin ruled by means of death. But God’s kindness now rules, and God has accepted us because of Jesus Christ our Lord. This means that we will have eternal life.

God’s Will Which We Must Untangle

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
June 14, 1959

Matthew 10

Matthew 18


Father, my Father! Please make us feel that our mind belongs to You. Please make us feel during this hour that our body is flawless and untainted, just like the original Adam and Eve. As we realize our responsibility to become the glorious fruits that can be offered to You with our minds and bodies united into one, we ask You to please grant us the heavenly grace of calling You “our Father.”

We know well that the greatest sorrow of humanity is not being able to connect with Your love, losing the original conscience which can communicate with Your heart, and the disunity between our mind and body, which have the role of uniting that conscience and heart. Sensitivity toward Your heart was lost due to the fall. The mind that can love all things by experiencing Your heart disappeared from us. Father, please guide us to regain that heart. Please make our mind and body united and please make everything we have belong to You. Oh, Father! We earnestly hope that You will move us in this hour to possess a broad heart that can proudly spread the wings of love and embrace all things as we bring our all to You.

My Father! We desperately need Your word, which can connect us with that kind of heart. We know that we lost Your word; the next thing we lost was the substance, and the next was the heart. Father, please raise in us the lost original heart through Your word. We sincerely ask that You will grant in this hour the grace to be embraced in Your glorious bosom by our minds bowing to Your original words and our bodies listening diligently.

You were the one who initiated the task; You shall be the one to fulfill it. Everything was started from goodness; thus, the end shall also be goodness. Father, You said that You are the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. However, humankind lost the original heart at the beginning, and we cannot be connected to the heavenly heart even at the end. Now, in the last days, we should hold and connect with the original heart, yet we are still struggling in the grievous pits of the fall. Father, please forgive us.

Please make us understand in this hour that our mind is not ours but Yours; our body is not ours but Yours. Please, Father, make us experience substantially and actually the reality that all of our heart, sensitivity, and everything we have does not belong to us, but to You.

Father, I am about to convey Your words. Please do not allow any gap between the mind of the conveyer and the minds of the receiver. We know that it is easy to block heavenly grace if we assess things from our subjective viewpoint. Therefore, please make us reciprocate and harmonize for Your sake alone. We earnestly pray that we can return to a childlike heart, hear the words, and receive the feelings as they are. Please permit everything to start and end with Your presence.

Father! Please allow us to be connected to the heart and the situation of Jesus at the time of his ministry. Allow us to become the substantiation of his ideology and hope so that we can welcome Jesus, become harmonized with his situation and his heart, and establish the condition of joy by which to attend You. Father, please bless this hour which we received with Your permission to be filled with the grace of Your glory. I ask all this in the name of the Lord. Amen.

Recognize the One Person Who Will Represent the Future Together with History

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2367
You must understand that the Family Pledge
 is the result of extracting
from the Principle all the essential con-
tents needed to establish families. You
must recite the pledge before you pray,
in order to check you and your family’s
internal situation, and you should try
to correct things accordingly. You must
actualize the Family Pledge. In the past,
we had My Pledge. Now what do we
have? We must have the national and the
world pledges in the future. Of course,
the Family Pledge includes all of these.
(260-305, 1994.5.19)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1269

Among Christians, there are a few
who believe that the Lord at his Second
Advent will literally come on the clouds.
If you think you can be saved because
you believe, even if you don’t know any-
thing, your belief cannot be considered
as true faith. There would be no need for
the Unification Church if it were that
easy to be saved. (Blessed Family- 509)

God’s Will Which We Must Untangle

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
June 14, 1959

Matthew 10

Matthew 18

Father, who moves this earth! Please forgive the sorrowful sin of history, which must be indemnified. Although countless people praised You, sad history has passed for six thousand years without fulfilling Your will. When we think who is responsible for all this, we cannot lift our heads. However, we ask You to have sympathy on our poor hearts and please preside over us personally.

We now kneel in Your presence with disheveled minds and bodies. Loving Father, please subjugate this hour, for we know You should be our sole owner. You are the only one who can see through all our situations.

Humankind has struggled to search for You in the course of history, yet none attended and lived with You on the earth. Is there anyone piece of land that belongs to You? Is there any one family that is Yours? Any one people? Any one nation? Nothing on this earth is claimed as Yours.

We dare to understand Your sorrowful heart. We know Your sorrow is that You cannot stand as the owner of this earth even though You are the actual owner, and that You cannot take the authority over this land, even though You should do so.

You worked without being able to take responsibility for humankind on the earth even though You should do so. You were in the position to directly subjugate and command us throughout our hearts, yet You could not do so. You should rejoice over us as the fruits of goodness, yet You could not find any one person, any one day. We did not know in what a sorrowful situation You were involved.

Please permit us to be Your sons and daughters who can be connected to Your sorrowful heart even if we have to lose everything on this earth at this moment. We sincerely desire to feel Your situation and difficulty from the standpoint of Your real children, to shed tears when You shed tears, and to experience hardships when You experience hardships. Father, You toiled for a long time to find and to establish such a person, yet You have not met the central figure who can represent humanity, heaven and the heavenly law.

We know that in the midst of all this, You formed the Israelites through a long historical process and sent the substantial Messiah who represents You and who works centering on Your heart to this earth. The Israelites, however, did not attend the Messiah and did not live together with him; as a result, they have wandered throughout the world. Today, as we face the last days, we are expecting the day of the Lord’s Second Coming. We know that you are searching for one who feels heartache when You feel sadness, one who fights with You, knowing Your situation; one who sings together with You representing Heaven’s joy. Father, there are countless people living on this earth, yet they have not recognized the one person who will represent the future together with history and the age. Please forgive them at this time.

Continue reading “Recognize the One Person Who Will Represent the Future Together with History”

Lose Your Life to Gain Your Life

Matthew 12

Jesus left and went into one of the Jewish meeting places, 10 where there was a man whose hand was crippled. Some Pharisees wanted to accuse Jesus of doing something wrong, and they asked him, “Is it right to heal someone on the Sabbath?”

11 Jesus answered, “If you had a sheep that fell into a ditch on the Sabbath, wouldn’t you lift it out? 12 People are worth much more than sheep, and so it is right to do good on the Sabbath.” 13 Then Jesus told the man, “Hold out your hand.” The man did, and it became as healthy as the other one.

14 The Pharisees left and started making plans to kill Jesus.

Richard: The world will generally oppose you when you move aggressively to do what is right. Notice here that it is the very Jewish leaders that Jesus came to as their Savio whom they had been waiting for that are opposing Jesus.

Jonah 4

But the Lord asked, “Jonah, do you have the right to be angry about the vine?”

“Yes, I do,” he answered, “and I’m angry enough to die.”

10 But the Lord said:

You are concerned about a vine that you did not plant or take care of, a vine that grew up in one night and died the next. 11 In that city of Nineveh there are more than a hundred twenty thousand people who cannot tell right from wrong, and many cattle are also there. Don’t you think I should be concerned about that big city?

Richard: We should rejoice when our lost brothers and sisters return to God, not complain that their destruction did not come about.

God’s Will Which We Must Untangle

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
June 14, 1959

Matthew 10

34 Don’t think that I came to bring peace to the earth! I came to bring trouble, not peace. 35 I came to turn sons against their fathers, daughters against their mothers, and daughters-in-law against their mothers-in-law. 36 Your worst enemies will be in your own family.

37 If you love your father or mother or even your sons and daughters more than me, you are not fit to be my disciples. 38 And unless you are willing to take up your cross and come with me, you are not fit to be my disciples. 39 If you try to save your life, you will lose it. But if you give it up for me, you will surely find it.

Matthew 18

15 If one of my followers[a] sins against you, go and point out what was wrong. But do it in private, just between the two of you. If that person listens, you have won back a follower. 16 But if that one refuses to listen, take along one or two others. The Scriptures teach that every complaint must be proven true by two or more witnesses. 17 If the follower refuses to listen to them, report the matter to the church. Anyone who refuses to listen to the church must be treated like an unbeliever or a tax collector.


Father, we know that Your ideal of creating the original garden and embracing the original true children with the original heart never appeared on this earth. Please forgive humanity. We have not sung to You with our original hearts from the time we were seized by death until today.

Please forgive us, the miserable ones who were unable to call You from the glorious original position. Father, please have compassion on us, for we did not attain the original heart and were unable to call You “My Father” with yearning.

Humanity lost the original garden, fell into the world of death and struggled against the darkness. We have been in the midst of lamentation and hopelessness, entrapped in the hands of the enemy. However, we long for the original homeland in our consciences, the remnant of the original mind. With Your touch, which we felt hour to hour, we have sought the stream of heavenly life. Father, even as You persevered through the historical battles, You helped us. We are so grateful.

Father, You know that being immature and unworthy, we are tired from this course. I ask You to spread Your hands of compassion over us. Please grant the power of re-creation and restore our original hearts. My Father, I sincerely ask that You hold us so that we may approach You with our original selves.

We must go toward the original world for which You long, even if we have to cut away everything of this world. Therefore, Father, please allow us to be totally immersed in desperate longing for the homeland. Please drive us so that we may run to the homeland, even if our bodies and legs become exhausted.

Continue reading “Lose Your Life to Gain Your Life”

We Must Die First if We are to Become a New Self

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1984

Adam’s enemy is Eve and Eve’s ene-
my is Adam. Abel’s enemy is his moth-
er and father, and Cain’s enemy is his
mother and father. These brothers, Abel
and Cain, are mutual enemies. They
are all enemies. The Korean peninsula
is where these enemies fight amongst
themselves to find their positions. The
Korean peninsula is where the final his-
tory is brought to an end. In terms of the
cultural history, it is the final point for
a showdown between communism and
democracy. Isn’t that the case with the
South and the North? Kim Il-sung in
the North is in the position of the father
who has returned representing the com-
munist world. And Rev. Moon, the True
Parent, is in the position of the father
who has returned, representing the
democratic world centering on Christi-
anity. Two parents have emerged.
Until now, the Korean peninsula was
in a position in Asia that could not be left
alone by the United States, China, and
Soviet Union. Japan is like Eve before
marriage and has become a truly beau-
tiful woman dressed in brilliant colors.
That is why the Soviet Union, China,
and the United States all want to snatch
her away. It is exactly the same situation
as when the angel fell. (228-231, 1992.4.3)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1726

The Unification Principle defines
God as the incorporeal absolute Subject,
the Subject with harmonized dual char-
acteristics. As a being with dual char-
acteristics, He created Adam and Eve
with substantial bodies to reflect each
of those characteristics. He intended to
become the center in the vertical posi-
tion when they were fully matured and
connected to each other horizontally
based on love. What this means is that
when Adam and Eve reached full matu-
rity, God’s masculinity was to reside in
Adam’s mind, and His femininity in
Eve’s. This, however, does not mean that
God is divided into two. Since He is the
Subject Being of these dual characteris-
tics, He can dwell in the minds of both
Adam and Eve. (138-245, 1986.1.24)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1241

It is truly significant to receive the
Blessing. Those who receive the Blessing
should be able to think of themselves
as God’s representatives and conduct
themselves as such. They should think,
“If I do not move, then heaven and earth
do not move.” God can establish a liv-
ing ideology for the sake of humankind
only when this position is reached. (13-14,

My New Self and the Heaven Where My New Self Can Dwell

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
June 14, 1959

God’s dispensation is not only looking for new individuals. He must find a new family, a new people, a new world, and ultimately the Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus was unable to leave the value and standard of his heavenly character or personality as a new being on this earth. Therefore, he left behind the term “bridegroom and bride” as he left. God’s will is to establish a heavenly individual to find a family. Having that family as a model, He is to find a people; having that people as a model, He is to find a nation; having that nation as a model, He is to find the world, restore heaven and earth, and ultimately build the Kingdom of Heaven.

What should we do to become a new, resurrected self? We must establish the standard upon which God can say, “I can now defend you, and I will take the responsibility for your life, your ideology, and your love and heart.”

No matter how we are attacked, we can be resurrected if we have the standard upon which God will take responsibility for us. Jesus was able to be resurrected after the attacks of countless satans, for he had such a standard. His authority of life, ideology and love was connected to God’s heart. For that reason, Jesus’ substance was able to be resurrected.

If we have that kind of heart, who can attack the power of my life, my ideology, and my love? As long as God is with us, we have the authority to be resurrected after countless beatings from Satan, even after countless deaths. We should realize that we can be recognized as a new self with a new standard, a citizen of the Kingdom of heaven and a heavenly family, only when we stand on the judgment altar with that authority.

Continue reading “We Must Die First if We are to Become a New Self”

We Should Make the Environment for God and Jesus to Rest

2 Samuel 2

12 One day, Abner and the soldiers of Ishbosheth[e] left Mahanaim and went to Gibeon. 13 Meanwhile, Joab the son of Zeruiah[f] was leading David’s soldiers, and the two groups met at the pool in Gibeon.[g] Abner and his men sat down on one side of the pool, while Joab and his men sat on the other side. 14 Abner yelled to Joab, “Let’s have some of our best soldiers get up and fight each other!”

Richard: We should focus on fulfilling our responsibility by following the teachings of the Eight Great Textbooks of Holy Scripture. We should not fight among ‘relatives’, such as the feuds between Sanctuary Church and Family Federation. Focusing on the Eight Great Textbooks will bring unity.

Isaiah 18

Downstream from Ethiopia[a]
lies the country of Egypt,
    swarming with insects.[b]
Egypt sends messengers
up the Nile River
    on ships made of reeds.[c]
Send them fast to Ethiopia,
whose people are tall
    and have smooth skin.
Their land is divided by rivers;
they are strong and brutal,
    feared all over the world.[d]

Everyone on this earth,
    listen with care!
A signal will be given
on the mountains,
    and you will hear a trumpet.
The Lord said to me,
“I will calmly look down
    from my home above—
as calmly as the sun at noon
or clouds in the heat
    of harvest season.”

Before the blossoms
    can turn into grapes,
God will cut off the sprouts
    and hack off the branches.
Ethiopians will be food
for mountain buzzards
    during the summer
and for wild animals
    during the winter.

Those Ethiopians are tall and their skin is smooth. They are feared all over the world, because they are strong and brutal. But at that time they will come from their land divided by rivers, and they will bring gifts to the Lord All-Powerful, who is worshiped on Mount Zion.

My New Self and the Heaven Where My New Self Can Dwell

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
June 14, 1959

What was it like for Jesus coming to this earth? He was born in a stable; he lived with the persecution and contempt of others; he died miserably, hung on a cross. Therefore, our task today is to feel the heart Jesus felt as he passed through the way of the cross.

If there is any glory, before I can sing of the glory, the Lord should sing to the Father, and the Father should sing to all people. Only after that can I sing of the glory. In order for the Father to sing of glory to all people, first there must be the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. Therefore, we should make the environment for God and Jesus to rest. We should re-establish the dignity of God as the Creator and the dignity of Jesus as the Savior. Heaven and earth, all things, the countless spirits in the spirit world and in hell, even Satan himself, should say, “You are indeed the son of God.”

You know that the sad historical course has not ended yet, and the time of the judgment has not yet arrived. Nevertheless, you felt the heavenly life, embrace the heavenly ideology, and received the shock of the heavenly heart. What is it all for? Of course, it is for God’s hope to be transferred to you. That is the purpose of God.

The people of this nation remain as God and Jesus’ concern. We should be willing to take the responsibility over all such concerns and liberate Jesus and God. Therefore, centering on such a determination, you should bring the victorious results from the war and attain the qualification of being a friend of Jesus. Only then can you substantially elevate to the level of resurrection. Because Jesus lived such a life and resurrected after his death, we also must go beyond the condition of being resurrected after living such a life. Therefore, we must follow the path of Jesus to discover our new selves.