We Have to Fulfill Jesus’ Mission on Earth

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2268

The Bible teaches that God is our
Father. It refers to Jesus as God’s only
begotten son and to Jesus’ followers as his
brides as well as his siblings. As it reveals
content in which everything exists with-
in a framework of God’s family centered
on His love, it is a doctrine that builds
His family and teaches the duties of that
family that will allow God’s son to rest
within it. (195-195, 1989.11.15)

Richard:  The ideology and teaching of Rev. Moon, the Exposition of the Divine Principle (https://tparents.org/Library/Unification/Books/DP06/0-Toc.htm) and The Eight Great Textbooks of Holy Scripture:  (http://visionroot.org/resources/the-eight-books-of-holy-scripture/) are the fulfillment of the teaching of Jesus.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1668

Everything in the world was creat-
ed by God as the textbook to help His
beloved children attain the ideal of love.
Thus, it was created with a recipro-
cal structure. Minerals exhibit subject-
object interaction, as do protons and
electrons in the case of the atom. Noth-
ing can continue in existence without
engaging in action and motion. Thus,
with human beings as the center, the
universe is created to reach that central
point. (137-59, 1985.12.18)

My New Self and the Heaven Where My New Self Can Dwell

Sun Myung Moon
June 14, 1959

Jesus was born on this earth as a totally new being in human history. However, he lived a miserable life.

For whom did Jesus live? He did not live for himself. It was not because he did not have pride. Although he was persecuted, he had within himself the power of life and ideology and the power of intense love. We should know that he lived without fully spreading his authority of life, ideology and love. For whom did Jesus live? He lived for his miserable people. The resurrected Jesus has toiled until today to resurrect our dead existence by his living substance. That has been the historical course of the two thousand years since his death. For whom did he live his thirty odd years? It was not for himself but for God and fallen humanity.

For that matter, for who did God toil? God has never lived for Himself. He lived to save the people who had died because of the fall.

What kind of days are the last days? Since Jesus did not live for himself, humanity has to offer a time when Jesus can live for himself. Since God also has not lived for Himself, humanity also has to establish a time when God can live for Himself. The last days are such a time.

God could not live for Himself until today because He had to save the dead people who had inherited the fallen lineage. Jesus could not live for himself during the two-thousand-year history. Holding onto humanity in the realm of death, God has been working six thousand years to save them and to restore a new day.

Continue reading “We Have to Fulfill Jesus’ Mission on Earth”

Jesus Did Not Come to Die

Acts 13

13 Paul and the others left Paphos and sailed to Perga in Pamphylia. But John[d] left them and went back to Jerusalem. 14 The rest of them went on from Perga to Antioch in Pisidia. Then on the Sabbath they went to the Jewish meeting place and sat down.

2nd Chronicles 5

11-13 The priests of every group had gone through the ceremony to make themselves clean and acceptable to the Lord. The Levite musicians, including Asaph, Heman, Jeduthun, and their sons and relatives, were wearing robes of fine linen. They were standing on the east side of the altar, playing cymbals, small harps, and other stringed instruments. One hundred twenty priests were with these musicians, and they were blowing trumpets.

They were praising the Lord by playing music and singing:

“The Lord is good,
    and his love never ends.”

My New Self and the Heaven Where My New Self Can Dwell

Sun Myung Moon
June 14, 1959

Who are sons and daughters of filial piety? In daily life, if someone just feels happy when he sees his parents happy, that is not a filial son. The real filial son or daughter would not only feel the happiness; he or she would also feel the course of past hardships that went before the present happiness. If a son or daughter only rejoices without knowing everything of the process that led to the happiness, this is not a truly filial child. If that is the case in the human world, it would certainly be true in the case of the heavenly dispensation and of God’s will for the future.

Who was Jesus? He was the substantiation of new resurrection, culminating the four-thousand-year history. The people of that time did not know that he was unprecedented, representing Heaven and earth.

Had the high priests and Pharisees known that Jesus came for the followers of Judaism and the Israelites, they would not have opposed the people going to Jesus. However, they opposed and prevented this, and Jesus lived a heartbroken life on this earth and departed in misery. This is certainly the sin of humanity, not of God or Jesus.

How absurd is the fact that the birthplace of the Messiah, whom God promised for four thousand years through the prophets, was a stable. Think about it. In a stable? Many people today celebrate Christmas as a wonderful day but, actually, it is heartbreaking. Many do not know it is a sorrowful day for which no amount of tears would suffice.

Had there been people at that time who truly longed for and prepared for the Messiah such that their sincerity even touched the heart of Heaven, they would not have treated the Messiah in that way. There should have been people who prepared for Jesus, but there were none.

Continue reading “Jesus Did Not Come to Die”

We Should Believe in the Substantial Jesus Who Had the New Ideology

Cheon Seong Gyeong 271
In the final period of history, Amer-
ica has played a leading role based on
its Christian culture, which has laid a
unified foundation. Instead of judging
the other nations of the world, America
allowed the defeated nations to main-
tain their independence.
These things suggest that we have
entered the age of God’s providence
when the abandoned sons and daugh-
ters, the prodigal children, can be
brought back into the fold. This explains
why the age of democracy, as a brother-
hood ideology, came about. As the time
of the brotherhood ideology comes to
an end, the parent-centered ideology
will arrive. Unification can occur only
under such a parent-centered ideol-
ogy. This is providential history. (213-10,

Cheon Seong Gyeong 399

The family is an encapsulation of
history. It is connected to history, with
its origin in God. You inherit the fam-
ily vertically. However, inheritance must
take place in a perfectly vertical manner,
at a ninety degree angle. The grandfa-
ther and grandmother, representing
God, have already inherited this. (216-262,

My New Self and the Heaven Where My New Self Can Dwell

Sun Myung Moon
June 14, 1959

Why did Jesus come to this earth and for whom did he come? Representing God, Jesus came to this earth to make people walk the historical path with hearts that could connect to God’s heart and the heart of history. The Jewish people understood how to follow God’s history, but they were not able to follow God’s heart. They upheld God’s dispensation, yet they failed to uphold God’s heart.

For that reason, Jesus came with the historical heart and God’s heart, moving behind the dispensation. Jesus came with the heart that substantially represented the four thousand years of history. The Israelites and the leaders of Judaism, however, did not know this.

Searching for God means grasping the life that emanates from God’s heart, finding the ideology that comes through God’s heart, and searching for the love that comes from His heart. There cannot be life without going through God’s heart. There cannot be ideology without connecting to God’s heart. There cannot be love that does not come from God’s heart.

For that reason, when Jesus came to this earth, he came as the owner for the four-thousand-year history in the realm of heart. Because his heart represented God’s heart, whatever came out of his heart had the power of life. His heart was the substantiation of the historical life, of the historical hope and ideology, and the historical love.

Therefore, Jesus should have been regarded as more important than the people and nation of Israel and Judaism. The Israelites, however, killed this most significant Jesus. They were ignorant of the fact that they could have gained his heart and ideology for the nation, for God’s dispensation, and for the whole universe through this one person, Jesus. They killed Jesus, for they did not know.

Continue reading “We Should Believe in the Substantial Jesus Who Had the New Ideology”

The Cross Was Absolutely Unnecessary

Acts 3

14 You rejected Jesus, who was holy and good. You asked for a murderer to be set free, 15 and you killed the one who leads people to life. But God raised him from death, and all of us can tell you what he has done. 16 You see this man, and you know him. He put his faith in the name of Jesus and was made strong. Faith in Jesus made this man completely well while everyone was watching.

Daniel 9

A foreign ruler and his army will sweep down like a mighty flood, leaving both the city and the temple in ruins, and war and destruction will continue until the end, just as God has decided. 27 For one week[n]this foreigner[o] will make a firm agreement with many people, and halfway through this week,[p] he will end all sacrifices and offerings. Then the “Horrible Thing” that causes destruction will be put there. And it will stay there until the time God has decided to destroy this one who destroys.

My New Self and the Heaven Where My New Self Can Dwell

Sun Myung Moon
June 14, 1959

What should I, as an individual, do in these last days? To solve this problem, we have to hold onto the Messiah who came for all people. Humanity has progressed until today through numerous historical relationships. God’s dispensational history was brought about through the chosen people God so lovingly chose. This history was for the purpose of embracing His loving sons and daughters.

Therefore, we have to conform with the heavenly content that moved the six thousand years of history to possess the power of life that can push the whole of it away. Jesus drove away the four thousand years of history when he came two thousand years ago by being connected to the historical heart of God. After clarifying everything in the four-thousand-year history, Jesus wanted to build a new garden upon that foundation. Therefore, holding onto that heart of Jesus, we should clarify history and think of the future. We have to think of how much Jesus longed for the emergence of his new ideology at that time.

Jesus told Nicodemus that unless he was reborn, he could not enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Therefore, I must deny the life I have lived until today. No matter how much I think I have accomplished, I must deny my individual self. Because I am a fallen person, I cannot escape from that realm. My life and my lifestyle should be denied.

What we think of as normal is not indeed normal. We live an abnormal life; we have an abnormal lifestyle, and we die abnormally. The natural place for us to enter would be hell. What is heaven? It is the place where the person goes who lives a normal life, has abnormal lifestyle, and dies normally.

If Jesus came to distinguish between hell and heaven, to close the door to hell and open the door to heaven, to build heaven, then he certainly did not come with an ideology, a life, and a love that can be denied. You should understand this.

Who did Jesus come in search of when he came to this earth? Jesus came searching for the Israelites, whom God has established as the chosen people after indescribable hardships. Jesus was absolutely necessary for Judaism, the religion of the chosen. That absolutely necessary one was hung on the cross and departed. You should realize that Jesus was absolutely necessary for the Israelites and Judaism. The cross was absolutely unnecessary. It should not have been.

The Lord Brings the New Truth

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2011
All of your comings and goings
should be for the sake of seeking that
nation, being its founding loyal patri-
ots, and restoring our homeland. Your
mind-set should be to shoulder such
a mission. You should think that you
have received instructions, as the secret
envoys of Heaven, to come to this evil
world today to fulfill this mission. Please
understand that without doing this, you
will not be able to establish your prestige
or dignity as a citizen of the nation we
have been seeking. (50-255, 1971.11.7)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1696

In general, people believe human
beings evolved from the animal world,
but this is a makeshift theory fabricated
from a need for an explanation. In order
to form a logical connection, the theo-
ry was invented as an expedience; there
is no way of knowing if evolution real-
ly took place. Did the basis of our mind
begin from the amoeba? What I am ask-
ing is: is the amoeba our mental ances-
tor? Evolutionary theory claims that
everything began and developed from
the amoeba. (117-68, 1982.2.1)

Sun Myung Moon
June 14, 1959

John 3: 1-15

What will God bring when He comes again? Since we know that God is not going to destroy the world but will come again with a new ideology, what will He bring? He will come with the great power of life and the authority of a new ideology. He will come with the origin of love. Such a person is called “the Lord” in Christianity.

We who have tread and walked the course of fallen history need the touch of life which is stronger and more permanent and eternal than anything we have enjoyed or experienced before. The place where we experience such a touch will be our eternal resting place, a place we would never want to leave.

The three disciples who saw the transfiguration of Elijah, Moses and Jesus wanted to remain in that place. Have you attained and experienced the state of heart where you feel, “This is my eternal resting place, the place of eternal happiness. This is where there is no beginning and no end”? When one appears with the great power of life to which all creation will bow their heads, he will naturally become the master of all things. In his ideological world, all things and even God would want to rest and remain. When his loving emotional heart wells up, all things should want to harmonize with it. Even God should want to rejoice with it. There is such a loving emotional state. If these contents are not fulfilled in the last days of human history, then God’s dispensation will end in destruction. The whole dispensation of God for this world would become a total failure.

God has been toiling until now, for He cannot allow such a conclusion. Therefore, we cannot deny that the garden of new life, new ideology, and new love will certainly come to humankind today.

Richard:  In other words, the Lord brings the New Truth (http://visionroot.org/resources/the-eight-books-of-holy-scripture/) when he comes.