The Second Israelites of the World Must Unite

Hebrews 10

19 My friends, the blood of Jesus gives us courage to enter the most holy place 20 by a new way that leads to life! And this way takes us through the curtain that is Christ himself.

21 We have a great high priest who is in charge of God’s house. 22 So let’s come near God with pure hearts and a confidence that comes from having faith. Let’s keep our hearts pure, our consciences free from evil, and our bodies washed with clean water. 23 We must hold tightly to the hope that we say is ours. After all, we can trust the one who made the agreement with us. 24 We should keep on encouraging each other to be thoughtful and to do helpful things. 25 Some people have gotten out of the habit of meeting for worship, but we must not do that. We should keep on encouraging each other, especially since you know that the day of the Lord’s coming is getting closer.

26 No sacrifices can be made for people who decide to sin after they find out about the truth. 27 They are God’s enemies, and all they can look forward to is a terrible judgment and a furious fire. 28 If two or more witnesses accused someone of breaking the Law of Moses, that person could be put to death. 29 But it is much worse to dishonor God’s Son and to disgrace the blood of the promise that made us holy. And it is just as bad to insult the Holy Spirit, who shows us mercy. 30 We know that God has said he will punish and take revenge. We also know that the Scriptures say the Lord will judge his people. 31 It is a terrible thing to fall into the hands of the living God!

32 Don’t forget all the hard times you went through when you first received the light. 33 Sometimes you were abused and mistreated in public, and at other times you shared in the sufferings of others. 34 You were kind to people in jail. And you gladly let your possessions be taken away, because you knew you had something better, something that would last forever.

35 Keep on being brave! It will bring you great rewards. 36 Learn to be patient, so that you will please God and be given what he has promised. 37 As the Scriptures say,

“God is coming soon!
    It won’t be very long.
38 The people God accepts
will live
    of their faith.[b]
But he isn’t pleased
with anyone
    who turns back.”

39 We are not like those people who turn back and get destroyed. We will keep on having faith until we are saved.

Psalm 97

If you obey and do right,
a light will show you the way
    and fill you with happiness.
12 You are the Lord’s people!
    So celebrate and praise
    the only God.

Let Us Fathom the Heart of Heaven
Rev. Sun Myung Moon
September 13, 1959

Matthew 10:24-39

Christians today are the second foundation of Israel. Christians of the world today should awaken. They should awaken to the fact that they are the second Israel. Then, even if they suffer untold tribulations here, when the one day comes, they will be able to take pride in themselves under the power and authority of Heaven. This is the day of the Second Advent, which they long for.

What should the second Israel of the world today do? When the Israelites passed through the wilderness, they were divided into tribes. Which group do you, the second Israelites, belong to? You have to understand this. You have to understand to which group you belong.

There are twelve pearl doors in Heaven, and on each of those twelve doors there is a name plaque of one of the twelve disciples. Hence, you have to understand which denomination you belong to and which tribe your denomination belongs to. The second Israelites lost the tribes. This is much like the time of wandering in the wilderness. This is such a time. You will soon encounter a time when a people like the Amalekites will attack you. You will have to fight a life or death battle. The two great camps are in confrontation, and one camp is attacking and marching forward. Heaven does not strike first. When the day of striking comes, they will strike on the level of ideology, heart, mind and in life. They will invade and strike us from the direction opposite to the origin.

We must wake up and renew our determination. The second Israelites of the world must unite. If we fight among ourselves over our position and group as the twelve disciples of Jesus did, we will be defeated. Such a time will come.

The Israelites formed twelve tribes under the leadership of Moses and cultivated a strong spirit of the people, honoring Moses and God. In the same way, in Jesus’ time there should have been a formation of groups for the purpose of serving the Messiah. If that had been accomplished, Jesus would not have died. They lost their structure and were separated. Taking separate paths and working without coordination and unity will lead to defeat. Isn’t this so?

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