The World of the Heart is not Restrained in any Way

Watch the latest episode in an eight part series about forced vaccination: The Vaccine Industry is Fraught with Conflicts of Interest:

Cheong Seong Gyeong 2295

We need to return to God the right of
ownership, the realm of heart, and the
realm of substance. The family, nation
and world together need to be returned
to Him. We need to give them back to
Him as an offering through the True
Parents and clear all our debts.
On that basis, the horizontal founda-
tion of the right of ownership of parents,
children, and your family and all things
is connected through the True Parents.
Where that takes place becomes God’s
Book 15 • The Life of an Owner of Cheon Il Guk 2296
Kingdom on earth. From the un-fallen
position, the right of ownership must be
connected to earth, but due to the Fall
this connection must be made through
the path of indemnity. Once established,
we will usher in the era of the sovereignty
of absolute love and the right of owner-
ship of the Kingdom of Heaven. In order
to welcome such a liberated realm, we
declare in Family Pledge number eight,
that we will perfect the realm of liber-
ation in God’s Kingdom on earth and
achieve that goal. (295-243, 1998.8.28)

Family Pledge: .

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1174

If you look at a person whose life was
tough, his feet and hands are big, but if
you look at my hands and feet, you would
say that I was not meant for suffering.
You would say that a person who was
born with such a precious body should
not suffer. You would find it ironic that
a person, who shouldn’t have suffered,
has actually suffered so much. That is
because you don’t know about restora-
tion through indemnity. (140-186, 1986.2.9)

I Am Relating with Two Worlds

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
September 20, 1959

Romans 7: 15-25

Although we have minds, we are unclear about their direction. We are surrounded by the confusing ideas of our environment and have been lost, not knowing where we should go. Our minds have been degraded to the point where they move based on whim. Therefore, we do not know what is true and right. Although the direction of our minds sets out from a single point, it divides in the end. This is how it is. Although the beginning is normal, it divides in the end. To divide is to be destroyed. We have been living our lives in this way.

Although democracy and communism are in conflict today, these ideologies cannot solve the problems of our world. Just as we cannot confirm the direction of our minds, the same is true for the physical world of today. This is the trend of thought. Isn’t this true?

When do you decide the direction of your mind? It is the moment you form a relationship with which your mind can rejoice eternally through the heavenly heart. Why did God give people minds? It is for God and people to become one in heart and rejoice. God created human beings for this purpose. On the foundation of our minds, which are unclear in their direction, we now need the joy which undeniably enters our minds. Only when undeniable joy is fulfilled in our minds will the world experience joy.

The body has an end. However, there is no limit or end to the mind. For this reason in the world of the mind there are no concepts. There is no such thing as a worldview. Greater than the mind is the world of the heart. The world of heart is not restrained in any way. The world of the mind does have some restraints. Based on the conditions of reciprocity, the mind is restrained. Yet nothing can restrain the world of the heart. What can ever restrain parents’ love toward their children? Even a barrier as daunting as a huge mountain cannot block the way. The world of the mind is like the object partner while the world of the heart is the subject partner. Because the mind has four directions, it can be restrained. However, this is not true for the world of the heart.

What might the hope of Heaven be? When Jesus comes in the Last Days, he will say, “The Kingdom of Heaven is in your mind, and the Kingdom of Heaven begins from your heart.” Is this statement adequate? The conclusion which must be arrived at is, “It is realized in your heart.”

Why do you experience misfortune? It is because you cannot harmonize with the center of the mind. No matter how great the external difficulties, if one can rejoice in harmony with the mind, one is a happy person. Why does one feel misfortune, then? It is because one does not have an unchanging center of heart which can move one’s mind. That is the reason.

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