He Will Prosper Without His Knowing How He Did It

Merry Christmas to you and yours!

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Watch the latest Richard Urban show: Parents, Not the Government Must Decide Which Medical Interventions Are Best for Their Childrenhttps://youtu.be/SpucPG3Z_sk.

Joshua 22

10-11 The tribes of Reuben, Gad, and East Manasseh reached the western side of the Jordan River valley[a] and built a huge altar there beside the river.

Richard: Our “altar” is Home Church, where we can build the Kingdom of God together with our neighbors.

Micah 5

A few of Jacob’s descendants
survived and are scattered
    among the nations.
But the Lord will let them
cover the earth
like dew and rain
    that refreshes the soil.
At present they are scattered,
    but later they will attack,
as though they were fierce lions
    pouncing on sheep.
Their enemies will be torn
to shreds,
    with no one to save them;
they will be helpless,
    completely destroyed.

Jesus Whom God Wanted To Find

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
October 18, 1959

Matthew 23:29-39

The world of heart transcends the distance of history. It transcends time and space. No matter how great an authority is or how fearful a power, it cannot block that road of love. Even the highest mountain and the whole of Heaven and earth cannot block that love. In traveling that path of heart, there cannot be any obstruction.

The central being of heart is Jesus. Therefore, he said that love will survive to the end. Because Jesus came representing God’s heart and lived in the world of the heart, his influence today is expanding. Only by becoming a group who can say that Jesus’ heart is our heart, that his mind is our mind, that we cannot separate from him for eternity can we go over any condition of the secular world with him. Then we can become his disciples and family. In the early church, Jesus’ disciples could not become members of his family. The most important problem that we must solve in this hour is to ask whether we have become people who can freely go over that boundary line into being of Jesus’ family; who can go over any obstacle and go forward for Jesus’ sake.

Where will Jesus, whom God wanted to establish, go? Where will Jesus, whom God wanted to establish on earth, stand? If this is not solved, Jesus will have nowhere to stand. Jesus, who is supposed to come to earth, will have nowhere to stand. He must come and do the will of God, but he will not have any companion. They will kill him again. They will drive him to the cross again. They will cause him anguish again. That is why we must go through the heart of the family, the heart of children, and the heart of a bride. We must be filled with longing. Since the day of promise has yet to come, we must be filled with longing and possess a desperate heart. If a person can master his feelings, transcend any awareness or any concept and experience a certain force that leads him in one direction with infinite power, he will enter the Kingdom of Heaven without fail.

Jesus came two thousand years ago. He came to this earth. But who met Jesus? A person might have met Jesus centering on Jesus himself. But there was no one who met the Jesus who had crossed over the level of the individual, then the family, then the society, then the nation and the world and who could rule over all of Heaven and earth. In order to solve this kind of problem, you must be filled with a certain heart. You cannot solve this problem without entering the world of the heart. If there were something that could solve that problem, if there were something that could move your heart, you would be pulled into it. If you see a person coming out of a church totally vexed, do not go to that church again.

Our mind seeks the world of the heart. Even radio waves do not just operate anywhere. They operate where there is a receiver. They operate where there is a reciprocal relationship. It is the same with people. If there is a person with a true conscience, a true loving standard, and a foundation of Heaven’s heart, then wherever or whenever he goes and even in an unfair and sorrowful place, he will have a way to survive and prosper without his knowing how he did it. He will prosper even when he is misunderstood. That prosperous way does not come about in a comfortable place. No one achieved an historical revolution, an historical discovery, or an historical success in a comfortable place. They began from a place where they met with death face to face. God comes to you in that place.

Therefore, when someone is about to face God, he will meet an incident. He will collide with a material problem, a problem with other people and a problem of the heart. At that time if he can turn and shout, “This is the path I will go” and goes forward, he will be able to lead people who are agonizing over numerous problems and affairs. Jesus was able to do that. When he was helping with the carpentry work of Joseph, he did not lead a comfortable life. His heart passed through a course of infinite hardship and sorrow. In a course that was historical, connected to the age and connected to the future, he crossed over in his mind all the hills of hardship and pain that mankind had gone through. Because he was able to establish a victorious standard in a showdown against Satan, he could proclaim that he was the Messiah. This is not written in the Bible.

Richard: I have to say that this year Stacey and I collided with adversity. Both of us literally faced life and death situations, and God brought us through. Praise to God, and our thanks to all of our friends and supporters!

When You Think of Jesus, Your Eyes Should be Filled with Tears

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Watch the latest Richard Urban show: Parents, Not the Government Must Decide Which Medical Interventions Are Best for Their Childrenhttps://youtu.be/SpucPG3Z_sk.

Cheong Seong Gyeong 441

What is the universe? It is an expan-
sion of the family. If you look at a fam-
ily that has completely realized the ideal
of family love, it has a top, middle and
bottom (parents, husband and wife, and
children), left and right, and front and
back. This is the principle. So when we
talk about top and bottom we mean the
parents and children, when we talk about
left and right we mean the husband and
wife, and when we talk about front and
back we mean the brothers and sisters.
Through what do they all become one? It
doesn’t happen through power, knowl-
edge or money. Then what can bring
it about? It is love. This is an absolute
truth. Otherwise the sphere cannot be
formed. Then what are the top, middle
and bottom in our family? They are a
textbook of love. They are a textbook of
love through which we can encounter
universal love. Go out into society and
put it into practice. How should we love?
Jesus said, “Love your neighbor as your-
Book 4 • True Family 442
self.” How should we follow this teach-
ing? We are not sure. When you go out
into the world and meet a grandfather,
treat him as your own grandfather. Treat
people like your own mothers, like your
own fathers or like your own sons. When
you go out into the world you should all
live like this. The people of the top, mid-
dle and bottom, front and back, and left
and right are all displayed in the exhibi-
tion hall of the world. You should know
that the world is an exhibition of people.
If you can love everyone with such love,
God will dwell in the midst of that love.
(128-22, 1983.5.29)

Cheong Seong Gyeong 1426

Members of the Unification Church
will be able to register their names in
the not too distant future. The day when
North and South Korea are united as one
nation, in which God can take delight,
will be the day on which you can be reg-
istered. When such a day dawns, even if
you are blind or have an impaired voice
or a deformed arm, if you were blessed
first, you would be considered the elder.
You would be the elder sister-in-law. If
you were blessed later, you would have
to serve a person with an impaired voice
and deformed arm as your elder, even if
you are older and a college graduate.
Such a day is coming. Therefore, when
that time comes, all these special condi-
tions of attendance will become impor-
tant factors that will decide between
success and failure. (58-113, 1972.6.6)

Jesus Whom God Wanted To Find

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
October 18, 1959

Matthew 23:29-39

Jesus wants sons and daughters to appear on this earth whom he can bless and who can receive his blessing as he says, “My beloved! I have worked hard for two thousand years to find sons and daughters like you on earth. My death was for that purpose, and the hardship and pain I suffered were also for that purpose. Now that I’ve found you, I’ll pray to God to give you the blessing of Heaven and earth.”

If there is that kind of person on this earth, he will be filled with longing to see Jesus, who has not appeared yet. He will not be able to look at the world without tears. He will be filled with sorrow, pain and anguish. He will be filled with sorrow when he looks at Heaven and earth. He will think that he has the responsibility to remove the anguish of Heaven and earth. He will call on the Lord, feeling unworthy even after sacrificing everything he has. This kind of person is very close to Heaven.

When Jesus was carrying the cross, his mother was heart-stricken and shed so many tears, following him. In the same way, when you think of Jesus, he who suffers for us even today, your eyes should be filled with tears. You should be filled with pain deep down in your bone marrow and flesh, pain that constricts your chest. You should say in every situation, when seeing something or feeling something, “I am unworthy. I am sorry.” Is there anyone who has this kind of heart on this earth? No. Jesus stood in front of Heaven, saying, “If this race has sinned, forgive them with me as the offering. If the world has sinned, forgive them with me as the offering.” Heaven is longing for a brother of Jesus to appear who can present himself to Jesus in the same way.

Heaven wants to see Jesus rejoice with his family. Jesus longs for the place where he can say, “My beloved bride, my beloved children, my beloved brother, my beloved kin! I have fulfilled my desire; therefore, let us rejoice. Let us rejoice with Heaven and earth, with history and with the age. Let us rejoice for the future. Heavenly Father, bless us.” He must come to earth in order to find that place. But he could not, and so he prays in the spiritual world. We must know this pain that he suffers.

He is not alien to us. He worked for us. He suffered mistreatment for us. He died for us. Even in the secular world, people cry and shed tears for their older or younger brother. Then if the prince of Heaven has come to this earth, died in order to make the most lowly people into his brothers, can anyone not come to him, not cry for him? When will Jesus come and cleanse the great sorrow in his heart, saying, “My beloved bride, my beloved sons and daughters, my beloved brothers”? When he can cleanse that sorrow, the desire of Heaven, the desire of Jesus and the desire of humankind will be fulfilled.

If there is a family member of Heaven, he is probably isolated from the world. If there are sons and daughters of Heaven, they are probably ones who are hated by the secular world. You are responsible for annihilating the enemy’s nation and the city of Satan. Therefore, you will be persecuted in the family when you enter a family. You will be persecuted by the society when you go out to the society. You will experience the sorrow of receiving persecution that the nation and world, Heaven and earth, and spiritual world will mobilize. Jesus received the same persecution. God received that persecution, and people who died for Heaven received that persecution. Therefore, the historical hill of sorrow also waits in front of us. We can attend Jesus after going over that hill. Therefore, Jesus comes to become friends with people in that kind of persecuted place. Troubled by pangs of conscience for rejecting and killing Jesus, one should be able to say, “Lord! I am totally grateful for Your infinite grace.” Jesus is longing for and looking for a group, a church, a nation and a world that can say, “We are grateful that you have granted us the right to participate in the path where generations of our ancestors shed blood, to participate in the path of the future.”

You can sacrifice your bones and flesh in order to find a lost child even in the world of human love. How about the heart of Jesus, who came representing the love of Heaven? Let us compare the most loving relationship that a person has in the human world and the relationship between God, Jesus and I. The relationship between God, Jesus and I must be greater than the most loving relationship between myself and any other person.

It Is Inappropriate to Pray “Please Save Me”

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Watch the latest Richard Urban show: Parents, Not the Government Must Decide Which Medical Interventions Are Best for Their Childrenhttps://youtu.be/SpucPG3Z_sk.

Romans 4

Are these blessings meant for circumcised people or for those who are not circumcised? Well, the Scriptures say that God accepted Abraham because Abraham had faith in him. 10 But when did this happen? Was it before or after Abraham was circumcised? Of course, it was before.

11 Abraham let himself be circumcised to show that he had been accepted because of his faith even before he was circumcised. This makes Abraham the father of all who are acceptable to God because of their faith, even though they are not circumcised. 12 This also makes Abraham the father of everyone who is circumcised and has faith in God, as Abraham did before he was circumcised.

Richard: Paul is saying here that not only Jews (who are circumcised), or existing followers of Rev. Moon, in the current age, will be accepted by God. All those who faithfully adhere to God’s Words and teachings (the Eight Sacred Texts and the teaching of abstinence before marriage and faithfulness in Blessed marriage in the current age) will be blessed and justified.

2 Chronicles 9

15 Solomon made two hundred gold shields that weighed about seven and a half pounds each. 16 He also made three hundred smaller gold shields that weighed almost four pounds, and he put these shields in his palace in Forest Hall.

Jesus Whom God Wanted To Find

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
October 18, 1959

Matthew 23:29-39

The time is coming for us to prepare our minds and bodies. A person should not do this preparation for himself. People who are spiritually experienced pray for themselves only at the end of their prayer. When someone prays in a spiritual state, he should first pray for God. Since it is time to meet the owner, he must pray for the well-being of the owner. Then he must pray for Jesus. When someone prays for God, he will know the historical heart of God. If he prays for Jesus, he will know the historical heart of Jesus. Then he must pray for the numerous people in Christianity who have fought for the will of God until now.

Searching through the footsteps of so many prophets from Adam’s time until now, a person should pray, “Let me become an offering to liberate them.” Then he should be able to shed tears, saying to the prophets, “I know that your sorrow still survives on earth. I want to liberate that sorrow; therefore, please support me.” After that he should pray for his sons and daughters and then for himself. That is the law of Heaven.

Before he prayed for his people, Jesus prayed for the Father. For thirty years of his life, Jesus comforted God and prayed for Him, saying, “Heavenly Father! How sorrowful You must be.” Then he prayed for the numerous prophets. “I was sent as the representative of your longings, your prophecies, your promises. I will do my utmost to live up to the standard that you have desired.”

Jesus prayed for the age with a historical heart. He prayed for Israel, which had departed from the will of God. He prayed for the Jewish faith, which did not know the will of God. He prayed for John the Baptist, who did not follow him even after testifying on his behalf. Jesus never prayed for himself. Jesus prayed, “Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from me. But do as You will, not as I will,” and he passed away without fulfilling his desire.

In the Last Days Jesus can pray for himself. The Last Days are when Jesus can praise himself. The day when Jesus’ sorrow dissolves and he comforts and returns glory to God with his heart full of joy is the Last Day. Jesus has not seen that day. He could not welcome that day because of you, because of humankind, and because of Heaven and earth. This is how miserable he is.

After seeing that our ancestors had this kind of fate, it is inappropriate to pray, “Please save me.” That is not right. I don’t know how you pray, but I do not pray like that. The prophets shed tears for the suffering of their race. Jesus cried for his people. Jesus shed tears for the Jewish faith. Therefore, if there is a person who is living the right course of faith, he should shed tears for the world, shed tears for Heaven and earth, shed tears for his race, shed tears for the church, shed tears for his family members, then at the end pray, “Give me the responsibility.”

No one knows the situation of Heaven, which has not yet welcomed the one day of liberation, the day of fulfillment. Even though many say that they are seeking the will of God, no one knows the heart of Heaven and gives his utmost to uphold that will.

Now even if everything is taken away from us and even if the world rejects us and we are in the most miserable situation, if we can become a brother of Jesus whom he recognizes, a member of his family whom he acknowledges, his bride whom he recognizes, and his children whom he recognizes, then we will have fulfilled our highest desire.

We Must Block and Cleanse This History of Betrayal

Support this ministry:
https://www.paypal.me/visionroot .

Watch the latest Richard Urban show: Parents, Not the Government Must Decide Which Medical Interventions Are Best for Their Children: https://youtu.be/SpucPG3Z_sk.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2025

When Jesus died and ascended into
Heaven, he gave Peter the keys to Heav-
en. Rev. Moon is giving you the keys to
Book 13 • Restoration of the True God’s Homeland 2026
Heaven while he is still alive. I am not
giving them to you so you can save indi-
viduals, but I am giving you the keys
that can save tribes. I am not a person
who saves individuals.
You are becoming Messiahs. Home
Church messiahship is not just some
futile theory. Things are set up on earth
so that they can go straight to the spirit
world, just the way they are. The efforts
each of you make, determines who can
dig up the most diamonds from the
mouth of the diamond mine of the uni-
verse. The members of the Unification
Church are the ones who are excavat-
ing the diamond mine of the universe.
We are doing it through Home Church.
There are difficulties, but the question
is, who can dig up the most diamonds?
(102-217, 1978.12.31)

Richard: Home Church is the way that the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth is established.

Cheong Seong Gyeong 1931

When we look at the stream of devel-
opment of civilization in human history,
the ancient civilizations that emerged in
the river valleys, passed to the Mediter-
ranean Sea, including Greece, Rome,
and the Iberian Peninsula. Then they
developed through the European con-
tinent, including Germany and France,
and bore fruit as a Judeo-Christian cul-
ture in the form of the Atlantic civiliza-
tion centered on Great Britain, an island
nation. Afterwards, civilization passed
westward through the North American
continent, and presently we have the era
of the Pacific Ocean centered on Japan,
an island nation. This represents the
expansion of the Judeo-Christian civi-
lization into Asia.
When we recognize this kind of
movement of civilizations in light of
God’s providence, we can see that the
island nation that has been placed in the
center of heavenly fortune today is none
other than Japan. At the conclusion of
the 20th century, Japan has come to
stand in the limelight of human history
in God’s providence. Therefore, Japan’s
current prosperity cannot be explained
without considering her relationship to
the Judeo-Christian providence of God.
If Japan has a role in God’s plan, atten-
tion should be paid to the providential
mission that Japan bears. It is because
the purpose of God’s providence is the
realization of world peace. World peace
is the very hope for all humankind.
There can be no better hope for
human society than if the island nations
around the world get together here and
commit themselves to a federation of
nations for the creation of world peace.
It is with this expectation and ideal that
I established the Federation of Island
Nations. I cannot but hope that the real-
ization of world peace will come true
as the island nations all over the world
inherit the heavenly fortune which was
given by God to Japan, and form a group
of nations dedicating their collective will
to the pursuit of world peace.

Jesus Whom God Wanted To Find

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
October 18, 1959

Matthew 23:29-39

The apostles who did not know the historic heart of Jesus betrayed him. They betrayed Jesus who moved according to the historical will. They did not know him and betrayed the man who moved with the will of the future in his heart. Therefore, for us to block and cleanse this history of betrayal, we must become younger brothers and sisters of Jesus, and we must become brides whom Jesus can love. We must become Jesus’ family members who are able to live eternally with him. If not, you should at least become a citizen who can fight on Jesus’ side on the battlefield.

God sought members for Jesus’ family. After sending Jesus to humankind, God looked for people who could become Jesus’ younger brothers and sisters and who could become members of Jesus’ family. Heaven wanted this and had worked hard to accomplish it for four thousand years. Joseph’s family should have loved Jesus and lived with him with the will of God through life or death. Joseph and Mary should have reached the level of the bride before Jesus arrived, but they didn’t. Among Jesus’ younger brothers, there were none who said, “Brother, where are you going? I will go with you.” What happened in the Gospel of John? Jesus’ brothers and sisters did not understand or believe in Jesus. (John 7:1-9) Moreover, did John the Baptist, who testified that the Holy Spirit came down as a dove from Heaven and manifested herself upon Jesus, ask, “My Lord! Where do you wish to go?” Did he ask, “My Lord! Where do you wish to live?” Did the chosen people of Israel ask that? Because no one asked Jesus these questions, he went to the spiritual world carrying much sorrow.

The Last Days are the time of removing this sorrow. The day when Jesus resolves this unresolved sorrow is the judgment day. Those who want to survive the Last Days, open your minds, and examine yourself with a composed heart. Have I become someone who can find that Jesus of God’s hope? Am I qualified to become a member of Jesus’ family? Am I qualified to become a citizen of the nation of that ideology? You do not know that Jesus is praying with this kind of an anxious heart.

We who are gathered here are traveling a difficult road. We are pioneering that road. We are doing things that never existed in history. We are saying words that are not in the New Testament. We are experiencing truths that spiritual people have not experienced. Our purpose is to become members of Jesus’ family, members of his tribe and citizens who can dwell in his bosom. We have gathered here to fulfill that purpose.

Who should stand closest to Jesus? His bride, his siblings and children, that is, his family should stand closest to him. This is the family God longs for. This is the family Jesus sought. It is the historical desire of God to set up this family on earth. In order to fulfill that desire, we must become Jesus’ siblings, his children and his brides. At least we should enter his tribe. In that way we can join the 144,000.

God and Jesus were miserable. Our ancestors also were miserable. They passed away one by one, but they could not hail the day of liberation. The day of liberation was lost. Our ancestors followed God’s will, dying without seeing the day of liberation. We must know all the facts of sorrow, and we should be able to attend Jesus whom God sought, whom God wanted to establish, and whom we want to attend.

We are following the providential course. If we look at the history of the Korean people, we know that they were a pitiable people. Despite the fact that they went through so much misery, world attention is centering on these people. Moreover, Christianity today is turning around centering on these people.

Jesus Did Not Come to Die

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Watch the latest Richard Urban show: Parents, Not the Government Must Decide Which Medical Interventions Are Best for Their Children: https://youtu.be/SpucPG3Z_sk.

Judges 3

These are the nations the Lord left to test all those Israelites who had not experienced any of the wars in Canaan (he did this only to teach warfare to the descendants of the Israelites who had not had previous battle experience): the five rulers of the Philistines, all the Canaanites, the Sidonians, and the Hivites living in the Lebanon mountains from Mount Baal Hermon to Lebo Hamath. They were left to test the Israelites to see whether they would obey the Lord’s commands, which he had given their ancestors through Moses.

The Israelites lived among the Canaanites, Hittites, Amorites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites. They took their daughters in marriage and gave their own daughters to their sons, and served their gods.

The Israelites did evil in the eyes of the Lord; they forgot the Lord their God and served the Baals and the Asherahs. The anger of the Lord burned against Israel so that he sold them into the hands of Cushan-Rishathaim king of Aram Naharaim,[a] to whom the Israelites were subject for eight years. But when they cried out to the Lord, he raised up for them a deliverer, Othniel son of Kenaz, Caleb’s younger brother, who saved them. 10 The Spirit of the Lord came on him, so that he became Israel’s judge[b] and went to war. The Lord gave Cushan-Rishathaim king of Aram into the hands of Othniel, who overpowered him. 11 So the land had peace for forty years, until Othniel son of Kenaz died.

Richard: There could be a parallel here. As a nation, we have turned far away from God. So could the troubles we are experienceing as a nation be a way for us to give penance? Could President Trump be someone God has inspired to fight against the corruption of “the swamp”, and help bring the nation back to a closer alignment with God?

1 Chronicle 5

23 The people of the half-tribe of Manasseh were numerous; they settled in the land from Bashan to Baal Hermon, that is, to Senir (Mount Hermon).

24 These were the heads of their families: Epher, Ishi, Eliel, Azriel, Jeremiah, Hodaviah and Jahdiel. They were brave warriors, famous men, and heads of their families. 25 But they were unfaithful to the God of their ancestors and prostituted themselves to the gods of the peoples of the land, whom God had destroyed before them. 26 So the God of Israel stirred up the spirit of Pul king of Assyria (that is, Tiglath-Pileser king of Assyria), who took the Reubenites, the Gadites and the half-tribe of Manasseh into exile. He took them to Halah, Habor, Hara and the river of Gozan, where they are to this day.

Richard: Interestingly, God repeats his warning in the first reading; the nation and the people suffer due to unrighteousness in the eyes of God.

Jesus Whom God Wanted To Find

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
October 18, 1959

Matthew 23:29-39

What is the sorrow of Jesus? Where did the three disciples who were with Jesus in the hills of Gethsemane go? Where did his beloved parents and younger siblings go? Jesus longed for them all. If Jesus’ tribe had attended him centering on Joseph’s family, Jesus would not have died, but he was chased out by his family, by John the Baptist whom God had prepared, by the religious body, by the race, and by his disciples. Thus, he had to die. Without knowing these circumstances, people say that Jesus came to die. If what I say is true, people who have been believing that Jesus came to die are crucifying Jesus a second time.

Jesus is looking for people. He is seeking beloved younger brothers and sisters. Where did my beloved parents go? Where are my brothers? Where are my relatives? Where is my tribe? Where is my church? Where is my religion? In order to dissolve this sorrow, Jesus has been praying for two thousand years, “Heavenly Father, please forgive us again. I did not complete my mission as the representative of the world. I did not complete my mission to lead the Israelites. I did not complete my mission to lead the church. I did not complete my mission to lead the tribe and family. Therefore, please forgive us.” This is the truth.

What is the sadness of God? When God saw that Jesus was being betrayed by his own blood brothers, how much did He grieve? When God saw that even Jesus’ parents, who had brought him up, did not know him but separated themselves from him, how much did God grieve? After preparing for thousands of years, God sent Jesus to Joseph’s tribe. What did He feel when that tribe, which was supposed to rejoice and attend Jesus, betrayed him? What did God feel when the Jewish religion expelled Jesus? What did He feel when the Israelites betrayed Jesus? You should realize that God’s heart burst in pain when Jesus was rejected by individuals, by his brothers and sisters, by his family, by the people He had prepared, by the church, by society and by the nation.

God promised to send Jesus again. He will surely come, and he will take responsibility for this age. You who are facing the Last Days share the common fate of attending the one who comes. If the age of attending him is coming, what frame of mind should you have in order to attend him? You cannot attend him by merely believing in the Bible. When Jesus came the people of his time believed only in the Old Testament and thus failed to attend him. Moreover, you cannot attend him just by blindly believing in God. People failed to attend the prophets in the Old Testament age as well as in the New Testament age. Who is to say that the same thing will not happen in this age? We must reach the position of sons and daughters. We must become a family of Jesus. Without that we cannot attend Jesus.

Thus, we must be sons and daughters of the historical God. We must reach the position of binding a relationship with God’s heart. In this age do you think you will enter the Kingdom of Heaven just by going to Church with a Bible in your hands? Let’s see where you will go. I have often seen this kind of image. Ministers who have been boasting that they will go to the Kingdom of Heaven are in a desolate place spiritually. There are lots of people like that. Do not boast. Even if they are devoted to making their church prosper, it doesn’t mean that they are sons and daughters of God. Even if people respect you, saying that you have a Ph.D., it doesn’t mean that you are a son or daughter of God.

Similarly, if even the apostles could not become Jesus’ sons and daughters or his family members, who among the people on earth would be able to claim that he or she is Jesus’ son or daughter, that he is Jesus’ brother or sister? Why couldn’t the apostles take those positions? It is because they did not recognize the historical Jesus. They did not recognize the Jesus of the age.

Thus, for us to become his sons or daughters today, we must know the God of the six thousand years of history. We must know the historical Jesus. We must believe in the God of the age, who is leading the 2.7 billion people who comprise mankind. We must believe in the Jesus of the age. Moreover, we must believe in the Jesus of the future, the future that is unfolding from this moment into a form that is 180 degrees different from what we now know. Do you think that Jesus will come and lead people just the way they are? No. He will overturn them. At that time the spoken words, the written words, and everything will be different. That is the essential point here. You must become a better disciple than the apostles were, a better bride than the apostles, and a better brother to Jesus than the apostles were.