True Parents Must be Restored on the Side of Heaven

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1892

Catching tuna is not fishing. It is
more like hunting at sea. You are hear-
ing the term “hunting at sea” for the first
time, right? Catching one tuna is hard-
er than killing a large cow. One tuna
weighs more than one thousand pounds.
Some tunas can weigh five hundred, six
hundred, or even seven hundred kilo-
grams – that is bigger than a bull. It is
exciting to catch such fish! We take all
the blood out since the fish will spoil if
left for a long time after being caught,
and in an instant the water becomes a
sea of blood. At that moment, I cannot
help but think, “Oh, I am so merciless!”
Whenever I feel that way, I think “God
allows people to suffer because they are
the sacrificial offerings for the libera-
tion of humankind.” Also, I feel better
when I tell myself, “Well, these fish were
caught from nature and I never invested
myself in raising them, but from now on
I will raise fish and offer them as a sacri-
fice.” This is why I carry out the fish farm
and marine product industries. (219-196,

Cheong Seong Gyeong 1284

What is the hope of humankind? It
is to attend True Parents. Six thousand
years ago, Adam and Eve were sup-
posed to be blessed in marriage and all
of humanity was to become the descen-
dants of God. However, due to the Fall
of Adam and Eve, human beings became
the descendants of Satan instead. There-
fore, True Parents, who were lost six
thousand years ago, must be restored
on the side of heaven. You have to be
reborn through the relationship of
love with True Parents. Only then can
you become citizens of the Kingdom of
Heaven. (19-203, 1968.1.7)

Exposition of the Divine Principle
3 Color Edition-The Red part


 To establish the foundation for the Messiah in Isaac’s family, the foundation of substance had to be laid next. For this purpose, Isaac’s sons, Esau and Jacob, had to be placed in the divided positions of Cain and Abel respectively. By making the substantial offering, they were responsible to fulfill the indemnity condition to remove the fallen nature and lay the foundation of substance.

 However, before Esau and Jacob could fulfill the indemnity condition to remove the fallen nature and make the substantial offering, Jacob first had to fulfill the indemnity condition to restore the position of Abel. First, Jacob fulfilled the condition of victory in the fight to restore on the individual level the birthright of the eldest son. Second, Jacob went to Haran, which represented the satanic world. After suffering through twenty-one years of drudgery, he triumphed over Laban in the fight to restore the birthright by gaining family and wealth as his due inheritance. After winning this victory, Jacob returned to Canaan. Third, on his way back to Canaan, the land of the promised blessing, Jacob triumphed in wrestling with an angel at the ford of Jabbok, thereby restoring dominion over the angel in a substantial struggle. Through these three victories, Jacob restored through indemnity the position of Abel. Thereupon, Jacob became the central figure of the substantial offering.

 When Jacob returned to Canaan with his family and wealth after enduring twenty-one years of hardship in Haran, he moved Esau to overcome his former hostility: And Jacob lifted up his eyes and looked, and behold, Esau was coming, and four hundred men with him. So he divided the children among Leah and Rachel and the two maids. And he put the maids with their children in front, then Leah with her children, and Rachel and Joseph last of all. He himself went on before them, bowing himself to the ground seven times, until he came near to his brother. But Esau ran to meet him, and embraced him, and fell on his neck and kissed him, and they wept. —Gen. 33:1-4 When Esau opened his arms and affectionately welcomed Jacob, they fulfilled the indemnity condition to remove the fallen nature. For the first time, the foundation of substance was laid successfully.

 Their victory in the providence centered on Abraham also restored through indemnity, horizontally in one family, the long vertical course of history in which God had been working to restore the foundation of substance.


 God’s work to lay the foundation for the Messiah, which He first tried to establish in Adam’s family, had to be conducted three times because the central figures of the providence of restoration could not fulfill their portion of responsibility. The third attempt was in Abraham’s time, yet even this was prolonged when he failed in the symbolic offering. Isaac and his family inherited the Will and laid the foundation of faith and the foundation of substance. At last, the foundation for the Messiah was established. One would expect that the Messiah would have come on the earth at that time. However, by Abraham’s time, fallen people had already built up satanic nations which could have easily overpowered Abraham’s family. Hence, even though the foundation for the Messiah was laid at that time, it was a limited foundation, on the family level. The Messiah could not have safely come on that foundation. A foundation of a sovereign state was needed to cope with the nations of the satanic world.

 Though the descendants of Isaac had established the family foundation for the Messiah, they would leave their homeland and suffer in a foreign land for four hundred years as the penalty for Abraham’s mistake. Despite their suffering in Egypt, they would flourish and consolidate as a people. They would return to Canaan and build the national foundation for the Messiah as a sovereign nation prepared for the Messiah and his work.

 A course of indemnity had been placed upon the shoulders of Abraham’s descendants due to his mistake in the symbolic offering. Jacob was to begin this course of indemnity, not Isaac. Indeed, the one who shoulders the major burden in walking the course of indemnity is the Abel-type person who serves as the central figure of the substantial offering. Jacob’s family stood upon the foundation for the Messiah which had been completed in Isaac’s family. Inheriting the position of Isaac’s family, they set out to complete the dispensation entrusted to Abraham by taking responsibility for Abraham’s sin and embarking upon the four-hundred-year course of indemnity.

 In Jacob’s family it was Joseph, the son of Rachel—Jacob’s wife on God’s side— who was to secure the position of Abel by entering Egypt and walking the course of indemnity. Jacob, as the central figure who laid the foundation for the Messiah in Isaac’s family, was responsible to shoulder Abraham’s sin. He was also responsible to embark upon an indemnity course to realize on the national level the Will which had been entrusted to Isaac. Therefore, as was the case with Abraham and Isaac, God regarded Abraham, Isaac and Jacob as the same person with respect to His Will, even though they were three different individuals.

 In conclusion, Jacob was victorious in taking responsibility for the indemnity course to pay for Abraham’s mistake. By using his wisdom for the sake of God’s Will, Jacob triumphed as an individual in his struggle with Esau to win the birthright. He entered Haran and, as a family, triumphed in a twenty-one-year struggle with his uncle Laban to win the birthright. On his way back from Haran to Canaan, Jacob was victorious in the fight with the angel. He was the first fallen man to fulfill the indemnity condition to restore dominion over the angel. Thereupon, he received the name “Israel,”75 signifying that he set the pattern and laid the groundwork upon which the chosen people would be established. After returning to Canaan with these victories, Jacob won Esau’s heart, and together they fulfilled the indemnity condition to remove the fallen nature. Jacob thus victoriously completed the model course to bring Satan to submission

View slides 95 to 118 below for an illustrated presentation of the above content:


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