Goodness Must be Shared to Maintain It

A Christmas blog by Andrew Derricutt.

The recordings of the Dividing Line; Ending the Culture that Causes Sexual Abuse workshop are now available.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1691

According to evolutionary theory, amoebae developed into people. How complicated is development? Development is not about a being of a particular class adapting to its environment as it is. In order for a being to upgrade itself to a higher category, it needs to pass through the love process of plus and minus, that is, male and female. However, this reality is completely disregarded in evolutionary theory. Can a being first be a male, then develop into another male, and then develop into a female, and then another female, and so on? We develop and become higher-level beings only by passing through the gates of love, but evolutionists are oblivious to this fact. In order to evolve, one must pass through the gates of love. (208-235, 1990.11.20)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 482

I have heard that nowadays when brides on Cheju Island receive crop fields at the time of their marriage, they register the fields under their own name, so that they can claim their ownership in case they divorce their husband. This is quite a strange couple, isn’t it? These brides distinguish between their own money and their husband’s money, and also when they have money in their hand, they claim crisp bills as their own and the wrinkled up bills as the man’s… This is not love.
    They should open up the money purse and use the money. When one asks, “What happened to the money?” the other says, “I have used it.” Whereupon the one responds, “You have put it to a good use. Use more; that’s good.” This is how it should be. But if you say in anger, with quivering lips, “Oh no, you have spent more money!” then you are in error. You will be happy when you are able to give without limit, and able to give and take at any time as you please, whether in a deep place, in a low place, whether by night or by day. Hence, you will be miserable if you are unable to give even if you want to give, and unable to receive even if you want to receive. (Blessed Family – 880)

Living for Others

2. Serve Others without Demanding Anything in Return

Jesus said, “You know that the rulers of the gentiles lord it over them, and their great men exercise authority over them. It shall not be so among you; but whoever would be great among you must be your servant, and who-ever would be first among you must be your slave.”
    Matthew 20.25-27

Without selfless service are no objectives fulfilled;
In service lies the purest action.
    Adi Granth, Maru, M.1, p. 992 (Sikhism)

One who serves and seeks no recompense Finds union with the Lord.
Such a servant alone takes the Master’s guidance, says Nanak,
As on him is divine grace.
    Adi Granth, Sukhmani 18, M.5, pp. 286f. (Sikhism)

When you are in the service of your fellow beings you are only in the service of your God.
    Book of Mormon, Mosiah 2.17 (Latter-day Saints)

The sage does not accumulate for himself.
The more he uses for others, the more he has
The more he gives to others, the more he possesses of his own.
The Way of Heaven is to benefit others and
not to injure.
The Way of the sage is to act but not to
    Tao Te Ching 81 (Taoism)

Unlike material possessions, goodness is not diminished when it is shared, either momentarily or permanently, with others, but expands and, in fact, the more heartily each of the lovers of goodness enjoys the possession the more does goodness grow. What is more, goodness is not merely a possession that no one can maintain who is unwilling to share it, but it is one that increases the more its possessor loves to share it.”
    Saint Augustine, City of God 15.5 (Christianity)

Do nothing from selfishness or conceit, but in humility count others better than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.
    Philippians 2.3-4

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