Arise! Awake! Approach the Great and Learn

 VisionRoot Success Formula Workshops:  Peaceful Families; Peaceful World 
Peace Kingdom Center, Harpers Ferry WV and Online
March 18th to March 20th, 2022
Registration Deadline March 15th
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WHOSE CHILDREN ARE THEY? is the groundbreaking and powerfully persuasive documentary featuring brave teachers, empowered parents, and front-line experts who pull back the curtain about what is truly happening in our public schools today.
See it in a theatre near you on March 14th.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2248

    The minds and then the bodies of woman and man come together to attain oneness and become God’s external form. When this happens, God is able to reside in the center and settle there eternally. Through the three stages of origin-division-union action, mind and body form the ideal of oneness.The oneness of love brings about the realm of oneness of the ideal world, both vertically and horizontally. Everything is unified within the concept of the mind-body oneness.
    The family that settles as God’s substantial form on earth and multiplies through the oneness of love becomes His family, His offspring, citizens, and world. When this happens, the mind-body conflict caused by the Fall disappears instantaneously.
    Because this family is one with God’s internal nature, His love naturally resides in it and any conflict between man and woman disappears. The members of such a family can love each other naturally without conflict. God resides and becomes a mind-like Being there. The husband and wife will be His bodily beings, and oneness is achieved. (294-313, 1998.8.9)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1058

All Blessed Families, without exception, should arrive before the church service starts and create an atmosphere of grace for the many types of people who will attend, so that they may experience grace. If you create a foundation of heart to support the minister before he comes up to give the sermon, the speaker will be stimulated by the fervent expressions on the members’ faces. The number of such members determines the development of the church. (31-271, 1970.6.4)


A student should seek out a good teacher to receive instruction and submit to discipline. He becomes more than merely a recipient of knowledge; he becomes a disciple. Discipling is a valuable part of education. It recognizes that a good education engages a student’s entire being, to be molded and shaped by a course of training and instruction.
The relationship between teacher and disciple is typical of Eastern religions, which conceive of truth as embodiment more than as words. But we also find it in medicine and any field where learning requires mastering an art through a long apprenticeship.
This section concludes with passages that recognize the variable capacities of students to receive the truth. Again, this is not a matter of intelligence but rather of the heart. God tries to fill us with new wine, but if our wineskins are old they will burst. He wants to plant His seed in our hearts, but if our hearts are rocky soil, it will not take root. Therefore, a major task for the student of any spiritual path is to clear away the debris and make his or her heart ready to receive and respond to spiritual truth.

1. Apprenticing to a Good Teacher

If at any time there is doubt with regard to right conduct, follow the practice of great souls, who are guileless, of good judgment, and devoted to truth.
    Taittiriya Upanishad 1.11.4 (Hinduism)

Let your house be a place of meeting for the wise, and dust yourself with the dust of their feet, and drink their words with thirst.
    Mishnah, Avot 1.4 (Judaism)

One not knowing a land asks of one who knows it,
he goes forward instructed by the knowing one.
Such, indeed, is the blessing of instruction,
one finds a path that leads him straight onward.
    Rig Veda 10.32.7 (Hinduism)

Approach someone who has realized the purpose of life and question him with reverence and devotion; he will instruct you in this wisdom. Once you attain it, you will never be deluded.
    Bhagavad-Gita 4.34-35 (Hinduism)

Should one see a wise man, who, like a revealer of treasure, points out faults and reproves; let one associate with such a wise person; it will be better, not worse, for him who associates with such a one.
Let him advise, instruct, and dissuade one from evil; truly pleasing is he to the good, displeasing is he to the bad.
    Dhammapada 76-77 (Buddhism)

I will follow the examples of the Buddhas from thought to thought. Even though the void of space has end, and the worlds of beings, the karmas of beings, the sorrows of beings all have end, yet my practice and following the examples of the Buddhas will not be ended. Thought succeeds thought without interruption, and in deeds of body, speech, and mind, without weariness.
    Gandavyuha Sutra, Vows of Samantabhadra (Buddhism)

Arise! Awake! Approach the great and learn. Like the sharp edge of a razor is that path— so the wise say—hard to tread and difficult to cross.
    Katha Upanishad 1.3.14 (Hinduism)

One man is much the same as another, and that he is best who is trained in the severest school.
    Thucydides, The Peloponnesian War 1.84 (Hellenism)

Yen Hui said with a deep sigh, “The more I strain my gaze up towards it, the higher it soars. The deeper I bore down into it, the harder it becomes. I see it in front; but suddenly it is behind. Step by step the Master skillfully lures one on. He has broadened me with culture, restrained me with ritual. Even if I wanted to stop, I could not. Just when I feel that I have exhausted every resource, something seems to rise up, standing out sharp and clear. Yetthough I long to pursue it, I can find no way of getting to it at all.”
    Analects 9.10 (Confucianism)

When your view is the same as your teacher’s, you destroy half your teacher’s merit; when your view surpasses your teacher’s, you are worthy to succeed him.
    Mumonkan 17 (Buddhism)

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