Wealthy Nations must Not Look with Indifference upon the Hunger, Misery and Poverty of Other Nations

The Richard Urban Show:
#115 – Neighborhood Economics

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Cheon Seong Gyeong 1845

     If Alaska can attract tourists, it will become a world-renowned tourist destination. Wasn’t it hot this year in Korea? At such times, if you had money you could have gone to Alaska. It takes about six hours from here to Alaska. If there is a headwind, the flight may take seven hours, but it is a five or six hour flight. If you sleep on the plane in the evening and get off in the morning, you would be in a one-day sphere of activity.
    If you travel on Friday night, fish on Saturday and Sunday, and then take a plane in the evening, you can be at work again on Monday morning. Wherever you go in Alaska, if you look toward a distant mountain you will see that its summit is covered with snow. The mountains in this vicinity are all covered with snow. Below the snow-covered hill, there is a green field with a flower garden. There is a blue ocean beneath those flowers, an ocean like a beautiful lagoon, where you can go fishing. Imagine how enchanting that place is! The area is surrounded by high mountains that bear resemblance to a folding screen. The trees in Alaska are used to make the keyboards for pianos. They grow straight and densely cover the area. In the forest below, there are many flowers that you have never seen before. They can be found near the lakes.
    There are also many animals there, including deer. Many animals live around the water’s edge. Since there isn’t much to eat, they have to drink water. In the winter all the seaweed dies. There is nothing to eat because of the heavy snows. Since they survive on seaweed, there are many deer, bear, and other animals that live closely linked to the ocean. (264-98, 1994.10.9)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 428

    Individual perfection results from the continuous give and take action between the mind and the body, based on the foundation of love established by God at the beginning. Both the mind and the body should grow, mature, and then unite completely. Perfection can only be achieved when one’s life is rooted in love, when it matures centering on love, and when that love puts out buds and bears fruit on that foundation. When the foundation of love is established in this way, God can then come and reside there, connected through love. Until love fully matures, the foundation to bear its fruits cannot be established.
    All things were created according to the rules of love, and thus they continue to exist. When we look at plants alone, they bear fruit through the give and take action, or the circular action, between the stamen and the pistil in the flower blossom. This is true also for the animal kingdom and the human world; everything and everyone continue to exist through the circular motion of love. In this way, all things become perfected only after passing through the relationship of love. In other words, all beings can be perfected only through love. The human mind and body can unite into one only when they are in a position that conforms to the nucleus of God’s love. Also, human beings can only completely mature when they enter the realm of God’s love united in mind and body. Only then can they begin their journey of individual perfection as human beings originally intended at the time of creation before the Fall. (Blessed Family – 313)
Richard:  My understanding of this passage is that you cannot perfect your individuality until you have entered into a relationship of Blessed marriage.  This is because full unity of mind and body comes on the foundation of perfected love.  You cannot perfect love without your eternal partner, your spouse.


Economic Justice

6. Globalization and the Equalization of Capital

The solidarity which binds all men together as members of a common family makes it impossible for wealthy nations to look with indifference upon the hunger, misery and poverty of other nations whose citizens are unable to enjoy even elementary human rights. The nations of the world are becoming more and more dependent on one another, and it will not be possible to preserve lasting peace so long as glaring economic and social imbalances persist.
    Justice and humanity demand that those countries which produce consumer goods, especially farm products, in excess of their own needs should come to the assistance of those other countries where large sections of the population are suffering from want and hunger. It is nothing less than an outrage to justice and humanity to destroy or to squander goods that other people need for their very lives.
    Of itself, however, emergency aid will not go far in relieving want and famine when these are caused—as they so often are—by the primitive state of a nation’s economy. The only permanent remedy for this is to make use of every possible means of providing these citizens with the scientific, technical, and professional training they need, and to put at their disposal the necessary capital for speeding up their economic development with the help of modern methods…
    The developing nations, obviously, have certain unmistakable characteristics of their own… time-honored traditions and customs. In helping these nations, therefore, the more advanced communities must recognize and respect this individuality. They must beware of making the assistance they give an excuse for forcing these people into their own national mold.
    There is also a further temptation which the economically developed nations must resist: that of giving technical and financial aid with a view to gaining control over the political situation in the poorer countries… a new form of colonialism—cleverly disguised, no doubt, but actually reflecting that older, outdated type from which many nations have recently emerged. Such action would, moreover, have a harmful impact on international relations, and constitute a menace to world peace.
    Necessity, therefore, and justice demand that all such technical and financial aid be given without thought of domination, but rather for the purpose of helping the less developed nations to achieve their own economic and social growth.
    Pope John XXIII, Mater et Magistra (Christianity)

Trade relations can no longer be based solely on the principle of free, unchecked competition, for it very often creates an economic dictatorship. Free trade can be called just only when it conforms to the demands of social justice… competition should not be eliminated from trade transactions; but it must be kept within limits so that it operates justly and fairly, and thus becomes a truly human endeavor.
    Now in trade relations between the developing and highly developed economies there is a great disparity in their overall situation and in their freedom of action. In order that international trade be human and moral, social justice requires that it restore to the participants a certain equality of opportunity… International agreements on a broad scale… could establish general norms for regulating prices, promoting production facilities, and favoring certain infant industries. Isn’t it plain to everyone that such attempts to establish greater justice in international trade would be of great benefit to the developing nations, and that they would produce lasting results?
    Pope Paul VI, Populorum Progressio (Christianity)

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