I Am the Last Runner in the Heavenly Stadium

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New Richard Urban Show:  #133-Dr. John Money’s Transgender Fraud

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1113

Why was a portion of responsibility given to human beings? God granted us the authority to take part in the work of creation and thereby bestowed upon us the value of becoming His object partners. This is an amazing fact. (109-65, 1980.10.4)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1306

Then, who are the 72 Couples and 120 couples? The 36 Couples are representative couples of history, so they represent all that has happened in the past. Based on these couples, the 72 and 120 couples were set up as the representatives of the present. If the 36 Couples are the couples who can fulfill the conditions of family-level indemnity inherited from the past, the 72 Couples and 120 couples can fulfill this condition in the present. The 72 Couples represent the tribe and people, and the 120 Couples represent the world. That is how it is. (28-60, 1970.1.3)

Original Substance of the Divine Principle

The Principle of Restoration


Since Adam fell, God has been working His providence of restoration to restore fallen human beings.  The essence of this work is to have human beings (i.e. “me”) make conditions to restore themselves back to the level where they can receive the Messiah.  This is the very reason Jesus came on this earth, and why True Father, Rev. Moon came on this earth.
This process can be seen through the lens of human responsibility, resurrection, the word and other aspects of God’s providential work (see slide 16 below). 
The Messiah comes and teaches and shows us this path of restoration. 
It is up to me to as the Fruit of History, Last Runner in the Heavenly Stadium, and Creator of a New History to go this path to build the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.  See slides 17 and 18 below.

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