We Now Desire to Live the Rest of Our Lives According to Your Will

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1294

God’s ideal, which was to be achieved
through the human ancestors, was to
have a man and woman come together
in union and form an ideal family. In
this regard, the center of an ideal fam-
ily is neither man nor woman. A family
is a group formed by the union between
the husband and wife, the parents and
children. At the center is the love of
God. Therefore, we reach the conclu-
sion that the will of God is to perfect
a family, centering on the love of God.
(Blessed Family – 301)What can we conclude after clearly
understanding the term True Parents?
We can conclude that the Fall of our first
ancestors occurred through an illicit sex-
ual relationship. The Fall has resulted in
a connection of blood that has nothing
to do with God or with the True Parents
who were to be established as the ideal
of creation. In other words, we came to
inherit the wrong bloodline.

Cheon Seong Gyeong  171

What can we conclude after clearly
understanding the term True Parents?
We can conclude that the Fall of our first
ancestors occurred through an illicit sex-
ual relationship. The Fall has resulted in
a connection of blood that has nothing
to do with God or with the True Parents
who were to be established as the ideal
of creation. In other words, we came to
inherit the wrong bloodline.

My New Self and the Heaven Where My New Self Can Dwell

Sun Myung Moon
June 14, 1959

John 3: 1-15

There was a man named Nicodemus who was a Pharisee and a Jewish leader. One night he went to Jesus and said, “Sir, we know that God has sent you to teach us. You could not work these miracles, unless God were with you.”

Jesus replied, “I tell you for certain that you must be born from above[a] before you can see God’s kingdom!”

Nicodemus asked, “How can a grown man ever be born a second time?”

Jesus answered:

I tell you for certain that before you can get into God’s kingdom, you must be born not only by water, but by the Spirit. Humans give life to their children. Yet only God’s Spirit can change you into a child of God. Don’t be surprised when I say that you must be born from above. Only God’s Spirit gives new life. The Spirit is like the wind that blows wherever it wants to. You can hear the wind, but you don’t know where it comes from or where it is going.

“How can this be?” Nicodemus asked.

10 Jesus replied:

How can you be a teacher of Israel and not know these things? 11 I tell you for certain that we know what we are talking about because we have seen it ourselves. But none of you will accept what we say. 12 If you don’t believe when I talk to you about things on earth, how can you possibly believe if I talk to you about things in heaven?

13 No one has gone up to heaven except the Son of Man, who came down from there. 14 And the Son of Man must be lifted up, just as that metal snake was lifted up by Moses in the desert.[b] 15 Then everyone who has faith in the Son of Man will have eternal life.


As we persevere on the difficult path of life, we know well that we are immersed in a sorrowful situation. We know that many painful circumstances lie ahead of us. We know that we have not the heart which can sing in sheer happiness when we face Heavenly Father, this land, and humanity. Father! Please have mercy on us. We have been worn out by sorrow and hardships. We have struggled without even knowing in what direction to go. Please hold onto those of us who have wandered, not knowing on whom to lean. Father, we feel how wonderful and great is Your amazing grace, yet we are unable to return glory to You. Please forgive us.

Father, You have suggested to us the path by which to avoid sorrow in this sorrowful world. However, we ask for Your forgiveness since we were inadequate in upholding Your predestined will. We know that You have prepared a path by which we may avoid hardships, even though we deserve a suffering course. We are so grateful. However, we ask for Your forgiveness since we were unable to walk that path.

We now desire to live the rest of our lives according to Your will, for Your joy and glory only. Nevertheless, the power of death and the influence of sin in this world powerfully encircle us. You know how difficult it is to escape from them. Therefore, benevolent Father, please be present at this time.

Father, please forgive us. We have not yet become people who return glory and joy to You from a liberated position. Please subjugate the power of darkness by spreading new power and Your mighty hand. Father, we sincerely hope that You will raise the history of re-creation in order that we may sing of the glory of resurrection as victorious people.

Since the power of death is sweeping over us, we need to overcome the decision of life and death. We must gain the automatic and spontaneous power that can push this away and march forward. Loving Father, if there are children of Yours who yearn for such power, please personally grant them the ability and allow the authority of resurrection that they may become heavenly soldiers who pioneer their daily life with the hope of the future. Continue reading “We Now Desire to Live the Rest of Our Lives According to Your Will”

Open Your Heart and Be Newly Born

Cheon Seong Gyeong 576

When receiving the Blessing, Uni-
fication Church couples pledge to live
as eternal families. I am the one who
governs eternal families and the eter-
nal nation. I am setting the standard of
families in the eternal nation. Those of
you who keep your promise can inherit
that family, as well as that eternal nation.
(205-359, 1990.10.2)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1190

There are seven horizontal stages you
have to pass through from the individ-
ual to the family, tribe, people, nation,
world, and heaven and earth, before
reaching the final position of God. There
are also eight vertical levels beginning
with the servant of servant’s position. On
the foundation of restoring the rights of
the firstborn son in the course of seven
of these eight levels, you must attain the
position of the original, unfallen first-
born son. Adam and Eve were the first
son and the first daughter. The first son
and daughter have to pass through the
realm of dominion based on accom-
plishments through the Principle. Then,
they must be connected to the realm of
direct dominion based on love and pos-
sess the right of the firstborn son. Such
connection is impossible with the love
of the younger child. They are not con-
nected with the love of the second child.
Therefore, you must return to this posi-
tion and restore the right of the firstborn
son going up stage by stage. This is the
battle to be fought. (138-134, 1986.1.19)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1261

How did the devil bring about the
Fall? Through the fruit of the tree of
knowledge of good and evil? Where did
they cover themselves after eating the
fruit? Did they cover up their mouths
or their hands? Didn’t they cover up
the sexual parts of their bodies? This
became the seed that sowed evil. They
fell before they had fully matured, while
they were still adolescents. As the lin-
eage of humankind in world history
stemmed form this act, in the Last Days
the phenomenon of such relationships
will thrive. The time will come, that,
across the world, young people destroy
the ethics of love. They will hide in the
shadows, just like Adam and Eve, and
have no fear of heaven. That will be the
time when the era of Satan’s worldwide
dominion will come to the earth. That
is when we will be faced with the iron
hammer of God. (200-227, 1990.2.25)

The Person Who Will Serve the Grieving Father

Sun Myung Moon
May 24, 1959

Matthew 23: 1-39

If you want to become heavenly sons and daughters, then you have to rise as the pioneers of the liberation movement to liberate God and humanity from their sorrows, representing all humankind over whom God has wept. You have to arm yourself with a mental and ideological weapon to charge against the enemies as soldiers in the heavenly battle. You have to go forth and arm yourself not with a selfish ideology, but with an ideology that can embrace the cosmos. You have to realize that is the only way for you to become heavenly sons and daughters.

Now Heavenly Father has opened the door of providential restoration, and He is looking for the individual representative, the family representative, the representative of the race, and the national representative among the believers of the last days. Where are such individuals? Such an individual, such a family, such a nation, and such a world as God seeks are nowhere to be found. One should not be self- centered. That is why, even when you do hold onto your life-consciousness, do not forget to possess the life-consciousness of the world and heavenly law. Such awareness is needed. It is foolish to live according to the awareness derived from one’s limited experience as if it were all the value in life. History will laugh at such a person. This age and heavenly law will also laugh. World-consciousness exists, transcending our awareness. Heavenly-consciousness exists, transcending world-awareness. Therefore, you should open your heart and be newly born so that you can transcend world-awareness, go over the hills of pain and suffering felt through heavenly-awareness and finally say, “Heavenly Father, please receive us.” Continue reading “Open Your Heart and Be Newly Born”

Please Forget All Your Old Notions of Faith

Watch the latest Richard Urban Show:  Test the Spirits https://youtu.be/_iM3kr3U4E4.

Psalm 104

You built foundations
for the earth,
    and it
    will never be shaken.
You covered the earth
with the ocean
    that rose
    above the mountains.
Then your voice thundered!
And the water flowed
    down the mountains
    and through the valleys
    to the place you prepared.
Now you have set boundaries,
    so that the water will never
    flood the earth again.

Psalm 115

I pray that the Lord
    will let your family
    and your descendants
    always grow strong.
15 May the Lord who created
the heavens and the earth
    give you his blessing.

16 The Lord has kept the heavens
    for himself,
    but he has given the earth
    to us humans.
17 The dead are silent
    and cannot praise the Lord,
18     but we will praise him
now and forevermore.
    Shout praises to the Lord!

Joshua 19

40-46 Dan was the seventh tribe chosen to receive land, and the region for its clans included the following towns:

Zorah, Eshtaol, Ir-Shemesh,[v] Shaalabbin, Aijalon, Ithlah, Elon, Timnah, Ekron, Eltekeh, Gibbethon, Baalath, Jehud, Azor,[w]Beneberak, Gath-Rimmon, Mejarkon, and Rakkon.

Dan’s tribal land[x] went almost as far as Joppa. 47-48 Its clans received this land and these towns with their surrounding villages.

The Person Who Will Serve the Grieving Father

Sun Myung Moon
May 24, 1959

Matthew 23: 1-39

From what position was Jesus chosen to be the king of kings? He was not chosen to be the king of all kings sitting on the throne of a luxurious palace, proud and happy before all people. On the cross, he held the misery of history and humanity. He was obsessed with wanting to become the instigator of God’s love to humanity. He was obsessed with wanting to have such a heart. That is why he could be the Savior of all humankind and the champion who shines brightly amid the world’s sad course of history. We should understand that he became someone of whom the course of suffering God has gone through can be proud. He became the prince who can stand forth on the sad and painful course of history and the future history of faith. Herein lies the reason numerous spirits who went the sad course of history before him have to serve Jesus as their Savior. For this reason, although Jesus came and went, humankind today serves him as their Savior. It will remain so in the future.

An individual who hopes to fulfill the desire of Jesus and become the bride should not be satisfied with a faith that centers on the self. In bearing the historic burdens and pains of Heavenly Father, in worrying for His sake and in place of Jesus, we should have the heart to offer our joy to Heavenly Father and take on His suffering and sadness as our own. Such a person can dominate heaven, earth, and even hell.

Therefore, please forget all your old notions of faith. Cut yourself off from the concept of going to heaven by faith. Please get rid of this concept of faith. Jesus lived without thinking of himself as the heavenly prince. Why should he have died if he thought of himself as the prince of Heaven? He did not think of such a thing. As someone responsible for this world’s pain and sadness, he left behind words of pleading, saying, “Father, do as You will.” Continue reading “Please Forget All Your Old Notions of Faith”

Jesus Believed that God Should Be Without Sadness

Watch the latest Richard Urban Show:  Test the Spirits https://youtu.be/_iM3kr3U4E4.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1972

The earth that we live on is divid-
ed into land and sea. Geographical-
ly speaking, peninsulas are situated
between these two, in a midway posi-
tion connecting the continents with the
sea. Since early times, peninsulas have
always been significant in the formation
of civilizations. Greece and Rome, where
ancient civilizations flourished, were
also located on peninsulas. The civiliza-
tions of Spain and Portugal developed
on the Iberian Peninsula. However,
today these civilizations must expand
to the world and bring forth a new civi-
lization in the east and west. The Kore-
an peninsula in Asia is the place for this
civilization to emerge. (115-171, 1981.11.10)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1123

“Portion of responsibility” is a term
that is not used much in ordinary soci-
ety. However, especially in the Unifica-
tion Church, it is a term that is more
important than any other. Within our
church, if you do not know these two
terms – “portion of responsibility” and
“restoration through indemnity” – you
will not be able to understand the con-
tent of our historical course or resolve
the mistakes and unknown facts of his-
tory. That is how important these words
are. (169-45, 1987.10.25)

The Person Who Will Serve the Grieving Father

Sun Myung Moon
May 24, 1959

Matthew 23: 1-39

We believe that God is love. Many teachings show that God is love. How much of a life of faith have you lived filled with a heart of love? Have you carried the heart of God and gazed upon history filled with sorrow and worried about the sorrowful will of God and tried to fathom His sorrow-filled heart? Have you realized that greater sadness and pain than joy exist in the heart of Heavenly Father, who wants to invite humankind through His loving heart and who desires to embrace us? We have to experience such a heart.

The loyal heart of Jesus toward Heavenly Father is thus expressed: “Father! Looking at You is truly heartbreaking. The pain is beyond words when I see You and think of Your will and humanity, who will be eternally sad.” Jesus believed that God should be without sadness and pain. He said, “When there is joy, have that as Yours, but please leave sadness and pain to me.” We have to realize that Jesus’ desire to return everything joyous to Heavenly Father is the content of the Gospels.

We have been struggling to receive the blessing of Heaven. Who will pave the way to introduce us to the blessing of Heaven and find this Heavenly blessing for us? Who will pave the path? Who will bear the responsibility of paving this path and foundation? This road cannot be paved by happiness. Continue reading “Jesus Believed that God Should Be Without Sadness”

We Have to Experience the Sad Hearts of God’s Representatives

Watch the latest Richard Urban Show:  Test the Spirits https://youtu.be/_iM3kr3U4E4.

Jeremiah 11

The Lord said to me:

Jeremiah, the people of Judah and Jerusalem are plotting against me. 10 They have sinned in the same way their ancestors did, by turning from me and worshiping other gods. The northern kingdom of Israel broke the agreement I made with your ancestors, and now the southern kingdom of Judah[a] has done the same.

Richard:  The northern kingdom of Israel  can be likened to the Family Federation for World Peace.  The southern Kingdom (Judah) can be likened to the Sanctuary Church and the Rod of Iron Ministry.  Both have veered away from the teachings of the Rev. Sun Myung Moon: http://visionroot.org/resources/the-eight-books-of-holy-scripture/.

Jeremiah 33

25 Jeremiah, I will never break my agreement with the day and the night or let the sky and the earth stop obeying my commands. 26 In the same way, I will never reject the descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob or break my promise that they will always have a descendant of David as their king. I will be kind to my people Israel, and they will be successful again.

Richard:  Yet, there is hope.  We can return to the teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon, centered on our conscience.

The Person Who Will Serve the Grieving Father

Sun Myung Moon
May 24, 1959

Matthew 23: 1-39

It is because of Satan that this world has become so. It is Satan who has led this world. It is Satan who has created the realities of this age. Today’s believers should be able to bear God’s pain and sadness and move forward with the authority of heavenly people to liquidate the relationship with Satan, who has caused this historical han. We should understand that God is wishing for one movement, one race, and one sovereignty to appear in this world which can accomplish that.

What do we have to do to become so? Through the principle of restoration, we Unificationists understand that our life of faith must be based on our experience with God’s heart. God is not our Father in name only; we have to experience Him as our real and living Father. We have to bear the heart of eternal sorrow and cry in Heavenly Father’s stead, as He did when He observed the fall of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.

We then have to experience the eternal sorrow of God as He observed Cain murdering Abel. Every time our ancestors were sent to be responsible for the heavenly mission, Noah, sixteen hundred years after the fall, Abraham, four hundred years after that, Moses, four hundred after that, and Jesus, sixteen hundred years after that, we have to experience God’s sad heart as He watched them fighting it out in sadness and misery. Continue reading “We Have to Experience the Sad Hearts of God’s Representatives”