Jesus Needed to Establish a Bride

Exodus 1

20-21 God was good to the two women because they truly respected him, and he blessed them with children of their own.

The Hebrews kept increasing 22 until finally, the king gave a command to everyone in the nation, “As soon as a Hebrew boy is born, throw him into the Nile River! But you can let the girls live.”

Eccliastes 8

Life is hard, but there is a time and a place for everything, though no one can tell the future. We cannot control the wind[a] or determine the day of our death. There is no escape in time of war, and no one can hide behind evil. I noticed all this and thought seriously about what goes on in the world. Why does one person have the power to hurt another?

Richard:  We should not take ourselves too serously.  Life should be balanced.

True Parents Day 1966 excerpts
Rev. Sun Myung Moon

Who is Jesus? He is the second Adam who came in place of Adam. So, he needed to establish a bride who would be the second Eve. Wasn’t that necessary for him to reestablish the position of parents? He needed to reestablish that which was lost, so he needed to establish an object partner who would work with him for the sake of God.

A man represents heaven, and a woman represents earth. Jesus came as a groom representing all men, so he needed to establish a bride. The people of Israel at Jesus’ time, however, did not understand Jesus will. The disciples, too, did not understand his will, so they could not help him.

This was supposed to have been accomplished in Joseph’s family. When this was not done, Jesus could not become the True Parent. Joseph’s family needed to understand that God had blessed their family at the climax of His four-thousand-year providence. They needed to bear total responsibility for their era and fulfill their responsibility. Also, it was Jesus’ mission to accomplish God’s will through the family of Joseph. For this reason, Jesus assailed his parents on three occasions. The parents did not know God’s will, however, and finally could not understand Jesus’ will. Continue reading “Jesus Needed to Establish a Bride”

True Parents Set the Standard

Cheon Seong Gyeong 579

Walking the streets of Myungdong
in Seoul, one sees young couples being
affectionate. For whom are they doing
that? They say they do that to enjoy their
youth, which they have but once. That’s
fine, but who is the owner of enjoyment?
This is a serious question. How long
can you enjoy life? You do so from your
twenties, but it will not last after you pass
your sixties, seventies, and eighties.
Yet the way of the Unification Church
is different. For what purpose do we eat?
For the sake of the world and to abolish
this evil world. We see in order to clean
up this evil world – not to become a part
of the evil side but to defeat it. How we
hear, think, walk and act is different
from the secular world. (36-71, 1970.11.15)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1410

Of the 36 Couples, the Adam couples
were already married couples, the Noah
couples were engaged but not married,
and the Jacob couples were virgin men
and women. Noah’s family did not fulfill
the Will. When you look at the people
in the world today you see that there are
already married couples, those who are
in informal relationships or are engaged,
and the completely pure single men and
women. From this time on, the foremost
kind of people that True Parents should
be seeking for are not the Adam couples
but the true sons and daughters, in oth-
er words, pure single men and women.
(242-104, 1993.1.1

Richard:  Keeping sexual purity before marriage is a crucial part of spiritual development and receiving Christ.  In fact, you cannot properly receive Christ if you have not kept your sexual purity.

True Parents Day 1966 excerpts
Rev. Sun Myung Moon

As everyone knows, today is Parents Day. Centering on March 1960, we established a new day that did not exist in history, and this is none other than Parents Day. This day should be greeted with rejoicing in the heavens and the earth.

Had our ancestors Adam and Eve not fallen, we would have been celebrating Parents Day already. Because Adam and Eve fell, it was necessary that True Parents come to the earth before we could celebrate Parents Day. Their coming was essential for us to begin celebrating Parents Day, and it was on the standard of this day, and only after true children appeared through the True Parents, that we could begin celebrating Children’s Day. After this, it also became possible to start celebrating a day where we could exercise dominion over all things.

God promised these days to the human ancestors when they had not fallen. Because of the fall, however, we could not receive the days that were the ideal of God’s creation, that is, Parents Day, Children’s Day and Day of All Things. God, too, could not receive the days when He could be joyous and proud as a God who had completed His purpose of creation.

Of course, the fall was when Adam and Eve fell into a situation where they had lost God, but God also lost Parents Day, Children’s Day and Day of All Things. All the celebration days God had hoped to see were taken from Him. Continue reading “True Parents Set the Standard”

Embrace Humanity in Place of God

Judges 9

The soldier who carried his weapons was nearby, and Abimelech told him, “Take out your sword and kill me. I don’t want people to say that I was killed by a woman!”

So the soldier ran his sword through Abimelech. 55 And when the Israelite soldiers saw that their leader was dead, they went back home.

Ezra 44

If a priest touches a dead body, he is unclean and must go through a ceremony to make himself clean. Then seven days later, 27 he must go to the inner courtyard of the temple and offer a sacrifice for sin. After that, he may once again serve as my priest. I, the Lord God, have spoken.

Humankind Wanders In Search of the Truth

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
December 21, 1958

Matthew 7:1-12

Father, we have come to understand that each of us is a substitute for God, a substitute for husband or wife, a substitute for parents, a substitute for children, and a substitute for brothers and sisters. We also have come to know that an inevitable historical course exists wherein we cannot but establish the resting place of the mind that can determine the great fundamental existence of the universe.

Now we understand that each man and woman among us is looking for true elder and younger siblings, True Parents, and a true reciprocating partner. We are aware that humanity is wandering about seeking the same ideology. Humanity is in the same situation. Humans can never be enemies. Humanity is entangled with the ideology of creation.

However, because of the fall, parental love, conjugal love, and brotherly love have been destroyed. Accordingly, in order for us to proceed forth in seeking these, we must first feel the emotion of love between brothers. Furthermore, we know that only when we meet the reciprocating partner whom we can love, taking the place of God’s sorrow of 6,000 years will the principled standard whereby we can take the place of heaven and earth be restored. Continue reading “Embrace Humanity in Place of God”

Become the Embodied Bridegroom and Bride

Only then, as God established Jesus and the Holy Spirit after working for 4,000 years, will you be established in the position of the embodied bridegroom, and you will come to meet the embodied bride. This is God’s purpose of creation.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2050

Through our tong ban breakthrough
activities, the spies who have infiltrated
into South Korea will automatically be
exposed. Isn’t that right? If you roll over
once, then everything hiding under you
skirt will be shown. (204-321, 1990.7.11)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 863

You have to go to the other world, the
spirit world, and resemble God. You are
returning to God. God’s dual character-
istics, His internal nature and external
form, are completely one. After becom-
ing completely united in the same way, a
man and woman appear to be cocooned
together, and they return to God on the
basis of being one. (230-201, 1992.5.3)

Humankind Wanders In Search of the Truth

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
December 21, 1958

Matthew 7:1-12

The day when we meet as brides and bridegrooms equipped with the substantial forms of united minds and bodies, ready to take the place of parents, children will have to come. Only when that day comes will the tragedy-stricken things of heaven and earth, that is, the created world, blocked in heaven and on earth, be able to move in harmony in the directions of front and rear, left and right, and top and bottom. You must know that this is the day to which all of humanity is looking forward.

Where is the place humanity must seek today? It is this very place. In order for you to seek this one place, you must be able to feel such a mind toward parents, toward brothers and sisters, and toward your objects. You must be able to feel the emotions of everything in the world.

You must be able to step forth in front of heaven and earth, after equipping yourselves with such a heart of love. Only then, as God established Jesus and the Holy Spirit after working for 4,000 years, will you be established in the position of the embodied bridegroom, and you will come to meet the embodied bride. This is God’s purpose of creation. Meeting the embodied reciprocating partner is the objective of humanity. The ideal garden where God can enter into man’s body and mingle as one with Him will then come to pass. You must know that this is the final objective humanity seeks. This is the inevitable fate humankind must attain. Let us pray.

Jesus Seeks His Bride

Watch the latest Richard Urban Show:
Why is President Trump Faltering?

Cheon Seong Gyeong 291

Essentially, what have we been try-
ing to do during the Old Testament,
New Testament, and Completed Tes-
tament Ages? We have been trying to
bring God inside us. Who is the root?
God is. God is the root of humankind.
Originally, True Parents were not the
root. True Parents also came from God,
who is the root. Before Adam and Eve
fell, they were in the position of God’s
son and daughter. But after their Fall, all
things of creation came to be in a high-
er position than Adam and Eve. This
happened because Adam and Eve fell.
Through the Fall, they sunk lower than
all things. Since all things became higher
than people, they have given their lives
for humankind. They have shed blood in
our place and through this, have worked
to reverse the positions. This is why, in
the Old Testament Age, offerings were
sacrificed to pave the pathway for the
sons and daughters to travel on.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1048

Within the church, you should know
how to discern who is Abel and who is
Cain. If there are two people, one is sure-
ly Abel and the other Cain; if there are
three, one can be the Abel figure, one can
be Cain, and the other can be in either
Abel’s or Cain’s position. You should be
able to clearly discern between the most
central Abel and Cain. (3-206, 1957.11.1)

Humankind Wanders In Search of the Truth

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
December 21, 1958

Matthew 7:1-12

Now is the time to break down the parental love, conjugal love, and children’s love that is not centered on Heaven. Christianity is to break down this kind of false love and teach the parental love, children’s love, and conjugal love centered on Heaven. That is why Christianity uses the words “bride and bridegroom,” “father” and “children.”

Fallen human beings have lost love. For the sake of such fallen human beings, Jesus came as the champion of love to restore heavenly love on the earth again. However, Jesus left for the spirit world unable to accomplish that task. That is why, having set up a spiritual standard of love, humankind is walking the course of restoring physical love. You must know this. Continue reading “Jesus Seeks His Bride”