Cheon Seong Gyeong 515
What was God’s will? It was for
Adam and Eve to establish the standard
of the perfection of man and woman and
establish God’s family based on His love.
Yet, was this done? God’s family was not
established. Jesus understood and also
believed in this aspect of God’s will, but
due to the disbelief of the Jewish people,
Israel’s historical four-thousand-year
foundation for Jesus and Judaism col-
lapsed, and Jesus died miserably on the
cross. Until now, who has understood
this heart-wrenching situation? No one!
You came to understand it through me
today. That being the case, how glad
Jesus must be! As the bridegroom, Jesus
could not perfect God’s family without
establishing his bride as the true mother.
Without Jesus’ family being established,
the will of God would remain unful-
filled. (Blessed Family – 488)
Cheon Seong Gyeong 1729
Who on earth are God, Adam and
Eve? Who are Adam and Eve? If Adam
had not fallen and become perfected,
God would have entered into him, and
if Eve had become perfected, He would
have entered into her. God would have
entered the separate embodiments in
substantial form of His dual charac-
teristics and brought together in union
what was divided. How is God to bring
this union about? It is not through force.
It is through love. From love, stimula-
tion is generated, and reproduction is
brought about, the reproduction of the
ideal world. (148-290, 1986.10.25
Rev. Sun Myung Moon
January 3, 1959
Jesus did not eat for his good; he did not live for his sake. He did not feel sorrow on his behalf or fret for himself. Even during times of sadness, Jesus looked at the Father who grieved and felt rebuked. We must emulate the virtues of Jesus, the son of God, who would then feel his responsibility more strongly, bowing his head, thinking that Heaven’s pain was greater than his, no matter how great was his own.
Jesus appeared with the responsibility to save unbelieving humankind. Therefore, even though there were many paths of tribulation, toil, lamentation and pain during his life, Jesus did not care. We must know the heart of Jesus today, who felt keen regret, even in his dreams, thinking how the Israelites were unable to stand before the Father.
As we become more and more sincere in relation to the Will, we must hold onto Heaven with our minds and the earth with our bodies. Even as he walked the path of Golgotha, even as he shed blood and felt bone- and flesh-melting agony, Jesus held onto God and comforted Him. He held onto all humankind and worried about them. We must know this kind of heart today. Continue reading “Jesus’ True Wish”